The Codex: An Angel's Guide To Seducing A Human (33 page)

BOOK: The Codex: An Angel's Guide To Seducing A Human
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I inched up a little and wiped the stain off the window for a better look. 
Emily? Get back up. It’s cold down there.

She collapsed onto the pavement instead.

I glued myself to the window, my breath fogging it up. 
I should help her. No. I shouldn't. She just slipped because she’s a little tired. She'll get back up. Besides, someone else would help her even if I don't.

Emily didn’t move. Her dark hair spread across the ground as the rain drizzled on her motionless body.

She'll be fine. She’ll be fine, right?
 I asked.

Not if you keep asking me,
 the Codex said. 
Go and—

Don't listen to her,
 Castilia said. 
You must purify her soul for the paradise—

Quiet, bitch! I'm the queen of this angel!
 Codex shouted before resuming the battle.

The rain continued to pour down on Emily, making it difficult for me to see.

I grabbed the bottom of the window, lifted the glass, and poked my head out.

Emily lay on the street, her eyes closed and a pained expression painted on her face. There were no humans in sight. No one to help her.

After crawling through the open window, I flew down and landed on the wet ground. There was still no human in sight. No one who could help her. 
Checking on her wouldn't hurt. This means nothing.

I knelt next to her body and laid my hand on her cheek.

Her skin felt like a fire burning out of control and her uneven breaths wheezed out in foggy swirls.

I couldn't leave her here, alone and helpless. 
I... I'll just carry her back to the guild and leave her there, nothing more.

Linking her staff to my chains next to my two bickering guides, I lifted her in my arms. She was lighter than I remembered. 
Why? Has she been starving? No! I don't care about her.
 I spread my wings and soared through the rainy sky. I held Emily close to my chest, smelling her minty scent, wishing I didn’t have to let go. It just seemed right for me to be there for her when she needed me the most.




I propped Emily upright against the wooden door of the guild, shielded from the rain by an arch over her head. Her breathing was still labored, and she seemed to be getting hotter by the moment. Still, I had done all I could. Gritting my teeth, I turned around. 
She will be fine. I can’t do anything else.

A slender hand tugged at mine, soft and warm. I glanced over my shoulder.

Emily grasped my hand, her blue eyes blurry with tears. “Narius, please… don’t go. Don’t leave me alone... I'm sorry.”

"Emily, I—"

The strength in her hand vanished, and she slid against the wall, her eyes closed again.

Before I could stop myself, I was carrying Emily in my arms again and facing the door. 
I’ll just take her inside. I mean, I am already here. Taking her inside the door wouldn’t be too much work. Yes, it is the duty of every angel to be polite.

I kicked the door open. Inside, a few startled humans stared at me then at Emily. Nathen wasn't here, and I knew no one else I could trust. My steps quickened, and I ignored the questions shouted at me. 
I’ll just carry her to her room. She can’t rest with so many people around, talking. I wouldn't want to be left on the floor when there is a bed so close by.

I climbed the carpeted stairs and rushed through the hall, leaving a trail of water behind. Opening the door to her room, I laid her on the bed and tossed her staff to the floor. 
There. Now I’ve done everything I could.
 Turning around, I walked to the wall that had been hastily repaired with boards and ripped curtains.

But a nagging feeling made me stop, and I glanced back.

Emily's body quivered ever so slightly. Her wet clothes stuck against her skin, revealing her stunning figure.

I stared at her, unable to tear my gaze away. She looked so pretty, her legs so smooth and her moist lips calling out for me to touch them with my own. I wanted nothing more than to hold her hand and never let go.

The Codex coughed and brought me out of my brief madness. 
Well, this is interesting. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

What? I am not thinking anything!

You never do... but you should really take her clothes off. They are only making things worse for her. After that, you should do the same and rub her with your naked warm body to transfer the heat.

Castilia said. 
Do you have no shame, whore? Helping a demonspawn is one thing, but forcing himself on her? I mean, look at her! Helpless! Vulnerable!

I did, and my mind churned even more at the sight. My breathing grew rough, and I wanted to give her a long hug to feel her with my body and help her. 
 I shook my head, clearing it of such dangerous thoughts. 
I... I am just going to take off her clothes and put a blanket over her.

The Codex snorted. 
Please. You want to see her naked. Why not take the extra step and use your body, as well?

With heat rushing to my cheeks, I unbuttoned her blouse and took it off. I then removed her boots, socks, and skirt, leaving her only in her undergarments. Seeing her scantily dressed body, the urge to rub myself against her and kiss her returned. 
Maybe Codex is right. I should just take off my own clothes— No!
 I grabbed my head and squirmed. 
She's a demonspawn... she's a demonspawn! I shouldn't even be here!

Emily sneezed, and brought my mind back to reality.

Trying not to stare, I pulled up the blanket and covered her, leaving only her face visible. 
The only reason I am doing that is because she seems a bit cold. Nothing special. I would do that for anyone. Yes, I would do it for anyone, and Emily is anyone.

Castilia sighed. 
Good for you, Narius. I don't like the fact you are letting a demonspawn live, but this seems like the moral thing to do.

Moral thing to do? It's a sin to miss an opportunity like this. 
Codex grumbled but didn't argue further.

With the voices in my head quieted and Emily tucked into her bed, I smiled, glad to be so close to her. Yet deep inside me, it felt wrong, like I had lost my favorite book and couldn't find it no matter where I looked. Emily was a kind and caring human, and, like an idiot, I had pushed her away, never to get her back. 
Why did I want to hurt her? Why was I so stupid?

I turned to the door. I had stayed for far too long. It was time for me to leave.

Emily stirred in her sleep, brushing against the blanket. “Narius…”

Instinctively, I took her hand, taking comfort in the softness of it, but then realized what I had done.
What! What am I doing?
 Overcoming the unnatural desires within me to keep holding her hand, I released my grip.

I didn't want to leave her, but I had to. Mother would be furious if she knew Emily was still alive. The two thoughts made my head hurt.

To distract myself, I found a dry piece of cloth on the nightstand. Remembering a passage I once read about how humans healed themselves, I summoned a jug of cold water to soak it in. I placed the cool cloth against Emily's forehead like humans did for their sick.

Brushing her wet hair, I uncovered the rest of her face. She looked too pretty, her raven hair breathtakingly beautiful, laying there catching the light. I wanted nothing more than to feel her soft skin, and before I knew what I was doing, I found myself leaning towards her lips, ready to kiss her and tell her how much I missed her.

No, no, no!
 I jerked back and slipped on the wet floor. I landed with a thud and lay there, unable to believe what I had been about to do. Getting up on my feet, I crept towards the hole on the wall that acted as a window. 
I did everything I could, short of healing her!

Why don't you?
 Codex asked.

Well, she's a demonspawn. We can't just heal her. Mother would find out after her hunt for Heliose, and she would be very angry if I tried to help Emily right now.

And what do you think you were doing up to this point?

Being very polite?

Really? Are you that thick—

Emily's stomach grumbled, the sound ringing throughout the room.

Surprised by the sound, I cupped my chin and thought about my next course of action. 
But... but maybe I should make a soup, so that she won't be hungry. No one should be hungry. She made me one before, so I am merely returning a favor as an honorable angel would.
 I nodded at my flawless logic, and, with my mind made up, I ran to the kitchen, glad I could spend a little more time with her.




After heading down to the kitchen and figuring out the complex human tools used for cooking, I crafted a steamy stew and sneaked back into Emily's room. Though my fingers were scorched by the oven and suffered a few cuts from the cooking knives, the crimson soup was complete. 
Who knew I had such talent? Even the archangels wouldn't be able to create something so wonderful.
 I set the soup on the nightstand. 
There. Now, I've done everything I could. Now I can leave with my head held high.

The soup looked delicious with pieces of decapitated vegetables sunk beneath the waves. 
Emily... I mean this random human would love it.
 I grinned at my work of art, delighted that I could make something Emily could, and settled down onto the chair. 
And since I did a lot of work, I deserve a small rest.
 I bobbed my head at my wisdom. 
Just looking at her won't hurt at all. She's still asleep.

The Codex hummed a cheerful tune and giggled. 
You know there is a good chance she is just waiting for you to throw those heavy blankets off and hump her so she can recover quickly.


Of course, it would be a little awkward at first, but you have the stamina. Just remember to get her excited first then you can put your giant spear in her.

Spear? I am not going to kill her. Not anymore.

The Codex sighed. 
No... you idiot. Okay, how about this. I want the two of you to combine together and share with her how big your feelings can get.

I scratched my head. 
What? How? But, no. I can't share my feelings with her. 
My head drooped at the thought of Emily shouting curses at me. 
She probably hates me.

Really? Are you that stupid? Even after your psychotic episode, she spent all that time looking for you! Would someone who hates you do that? And don't you remember how she was asking you to stay before she passed out?

I... I don't know.
 I laid the side of my head against the nightstand and stared at Emily’s drooling lips, listening to her soft snores. 
I should have been smarter... noticed the signs... tried to help her... tell her not to use her powers. But, all I did was try to kill her.
 I sniffled and pushed back the tears. 
Do you think she’ll ever forgive me for what I tried to do?

Yes... trust me. Once she sees you’re back, she will probably rip off your clothes and drag you into bed to hold your hand.


Love's love. Or at the very least, she is that horny.

Love? You think she loves me?

Of course.

I stretched my wings and smiled at the warm fuzzy feeling inside me. The world seemed a little brighter and happier with that thought. Reaching out, I touched Emily's forehead. It was still too hot. The pain in her face grew with every breath she took. I needed to do something. It was the only thing I could do to ask for her forgiveness. Closing my eyes, I laid my hand on Emily's forehead and channeled my magic into her. I pushed back the sickness.

The fever was hard to break, something inside of her made it difficult for me to finish, and sweat dripped from my brows as I continued my efforts. It took some time, and by the time I finished, my magic was spent. I felt exhausted. I tried to walk away, but could only manage to slump into a nearby chair. My eyelids closed by themselves. 
No. I can’t face her like this. I need to…
 Sleep seeped into my mind, and I fell helplessly under its seductive assault. 
But... a short nap can't hurt. I'll wake up long before she does and get out. Then I will tell her how I feel when I am ready...




I woke to the sound of someone’s breathing. The pain in my head had disappeared, and I felt refreshed, as if I had slept for days. 
Where am I? I was in the rain trying to find Narius.
 I opened my eyes. The light from the morning sun blinded me at first, but when my sight finally adjusted, I realized I was in my room.

I tilted my head, and a dry cloth slid down from my forehead. Confused, I looked towards the sounds of soft breathing. There, Narius sat on a chair, his eyes closed and his head bobbing up and down while his wings swayed with his rising and falling chest. He seemed to be at peace, despite his burnt and blistered fingers.

BOOK: The Codex: An Angel's Guide To Seducing A Human
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