The Champ: Bad Boys Book 5 (The Bad Boys) (19 page)

BOOK: The Champ: Bad Boys Book 5 (The Bad Boys)
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Chapter 12





I’d barely put myself back together by the time the driver pulled up to the hotel entrance. I don’t think anyone would have to look too hard to guess what we were up to. I could feel his seed running down the inside of my thighs and was afraid to take a glance at his trousers for fear of what I’d see.

There was a sweet ache deep inside from the way he’d just pounded himself into me in the back of the limo. Coming onto the end, he’d lost it completely and I thought he’d kill me or at the very least put my back out when he threw me to the opposite seat, lifted my legs high over his shoulders and pounded his extremely hard cock into me over and over again.

“I’m all sticky I need a quick shower.” Those were my first words as soon as he put me down in our room. Our overnight bags had been sent ahead but I didn’t think I was going to need the sexy little number I’d bought for the occasion, and since I really liked it, I didn’t want it destroyed.

“Why don’t we get in the hot tub instead?” I’d never been in one before but didn’t want to seem green, so instead I nodded my approval. “I’ll go set it up take your time.” He pulled me into his arms for a deep kiss and a tap on my ass, which was something he was very fond of doing, before going out on the balcony where the tub sat under the stars.

When he finally came to get me and take me out there, I saw that he’d had this whole thing planned ahead of time. There was a table with champagne and chocolates waiting, next to a huge vase of roses in differing colors with sprigs of fern throughout and candlelight. I was too choked up for words so just fell into his arms for a much needed hug.

It was good to just stand there in his arms and let the day’s events get settled in our minds. I don’t think I’d had a moment to myself since leaving our bed this morning, now I was his wife, not just his girlfriend or fiancée and he was right, there was a difference.

“Did I tell you how much I love you today baby?”

“Yes but I don’t mind hearing it again.” I lifted my eyes and lips to his as he lowered his head. His arms came around me lovingly as he pulled me in and lifted me by my butt so that I could feel the hardness of his cock between my thighs where it did the most good.

“I want to see you in nothing but your rings and that bracelet. Let’s lose the robe shall we?” Setting me back on my feet, he pushed the robe off my shoulders leaving me in nothing but my jewelry just as he’d wanted. He was already naked and a quick look around assured me that no one could see us way up here.

His hands went right to my wet heat as he bit that place in my neck that I was sure he’d already marked. Again I rode his hand as he used his fingers to pleasure me. Not to be outdone, I let my hand trail down his middle, over his rock hard abs, to that long thick piece of flesh that never ceases to amaze me with the heights it can take me to.

We stroked each other until we were both close to the edge and our breathing became erratic. He sucked on my tongue and teased my clit as I moaned into his mouth. “Wyatt.”

“I want to sip champagne off your pussy lips.” My knees trembled at his words and when he took my hand and helped me into the roiling water I knew I was in for quite a night. He helped me sit in just the right spot, where the jets hit me from behind, and standing directly in front of me, led my head to his cock.

Maybe it was the glasses of champagne I’d already imbibed, maybe it was the joy of the day and what it meant for us, whatever it was, something had erased any remaining inhibitions Wyatt hadn’t already demolished with his take charge attitude when it comes to our love making.

I dug my nails into his hips as I pulled his length into my mouth. I could still taste myself on him from earlier and that inflamed me even more. His hands tugged just hard enough on my hair to hurt a little and I felt the pull between my thighs.

“Touch yourself while you suck my cock.” I was only too happy to oblige, though I wished it were his fingers inside me instead of mine. “Look at me, I wanna see your eyes when I offload in your neck.” He amped up his strokes into my mouth and I coughed and spat around his cock but I knew he wouldn’t stop.

That hand in my hair tightened and I used my free hand, the one I wasn’t using to fuck myself, to play with his balls, which were hard and full. As soon as I held him in my hand I pulled back until just his cockhead remained in my mouth and used my tongue to tease the slit at the end. I felt the jump in his flesh and took him all the way back in until the hair on his groin tickled my nose.

“Merciful fuck baby what the fuck?” I felt him burst onto my tongue and swallowed as fast as I could but some still escaped down the sides of my face. I didn’t stop sucking and stroking until he went limp, then and only then did I let him fall from my lips. All the while our eyes were locked together, so I didn’t miss the look of absolute love and adoration he gave me.

Before I could catch my breath I felt myself being lifted into his strong arms. He held my head in place as his mouth came down on mine hard enough to bruise but I didn’t care. I could feel the fire raging inside him as he growled his satisfaction into my mouth.

“That was fucking amazing babydoll.” He sat me down again before reaching for the chocolate covered strawberries and champagne filled flutes. I let the heat of the water and the streaming pulse of the jets soothe me as we kissed like it was the first time, in between sharing bites of chocolate and sips of champagne.

His hands came down to my nipples, which were still hard and achy. “I love when you play with yourself while I’m touching you.” He didn’t need to say anymore. My fingers found my labia and slipped in while he fondled my tits before he lowered his head and sucked my nipple in hard.

I was ready to beg, plead, anything to get him inside me. “Please Wyatt, now.” His hands never stopped roaming or his lips. I could feel his hardness rising again just as he let my nipple slip from his mouth. My lips were caught again and he nipped me before licking the sting away with his tongue. “Touch me.” I grabbed his cock and stroked until pre-cum coated my fingers under the water.

When he was hard and long in my hand he pulled away and moved out of reach. He dunked his head under the water and when he came up for air the look in his eyes left me breathless. “I’m going to eat you up little Red.” He pushed me back against the rim, lifted my ass out of the water and spread my legs open. “Close your eyes.” Next I felt cold champagne as it ran down my privates before I felt his tongue lapping at me hungrily.

“Ummm, Wyatt so good, don’t stop.” His tongue seemed to go deeper than ever before, reaching new places deep inside me. I was caught in a maelstrom of emotions; my body was on fire inside and out as he used his tongue and teeth to drive me over the edge over and over again.

“You ready to take me again?” He didn’t give me a chance to answer, just switched places with me, sitting where I once had before pulling me over his lap and right down on his hard cock. “Arghh.” His growl always makes me feel all-powerful, like I had him in the palm in my hand, and when he bit into my flesh as if he couldn’t control himself I moved my hips faster, wilder.

“Huh-huh-huh.” I couldn’t help the sounds that escaped me as he pounded himself forcefully into me while slipping a finger into my ass, heightening my arousal. I thought we’d done all there was to do to each other, but it seemed tonight was a night for more firsts. His thrusts were harder, stronger and sent him deeper than he’d ever been before.

“I can’t take it Wyatt.” It felt as though my heart was going to explode in my chest and the feelings in my secret place was almost too much to bear.

“Yes you can, stay with me.” He never stopped pounding up into me over and over while that finger stayed buried in my ass.





I thought it was only women who lost their minds over the ring, thought for men it was just about the pride of ownership, boy was I wrong. Just knowing that she was mine, that the circle of rocks on her finger told the world she belonged to me and only me, seemed to send some kind of signal directly to my dick.

She’s accused me of being a Neanderthal before, she had no idea, not even I was aware that I had this in me. “I’m never letting you go, not ever.” I was suddenly overcome by the need to shield, to protect, to shelter her from any and everything that could bring her harm.

Taking her head between my hands, I pushed her back so I could look into her eyes. “As long as I live, I will never not be in love with you. Kiss me.” She took me over with her tongue in my mouth as I let myself go inside her.


“You have to go champ, we already agreed and made all the arrangements.”

“I’m not fucking leaving her here while that fuck is on the loose.”

“This is your career...”

“And she’s my fucking life, what the fuck?”

“If you pull out now it may affect your endorsements, we’re at a place in your career when we’re calling the shots, we should be pushing forward hard, strike while the iron’s hot. You’re on everyone’s lips, the best thing to happen to the league since the game went pro…”

“You’re fired.” There was nothing but dead air as I headed for the door; fucker was shocked speechless.

“Hunter get back here you thick son of a bitch.”

“Not this time, I always go your way because I didn’t give a fuck about anything else but the ring and you’re the best man for the job. She trumps all that shit you included.”

“Fine, I just thought I should remind you of what’s at stake here. We can face fines and other setbacks if we don’t handle this thing right.”

“Whatever, none of that shit matters, if the asshole is in that much of a hurry to get his ass beat tell him meet me on the street.”

“Let me see what I can do, maybe we can spin this in our favor.”

“No, I don’t want her name mentioned, not in this.”

“Well short of death there isn’t much else we can use to make this thing work.”

The clock was running down. I was on a plane in less than twelve hours and there was still no sign of Carl. How could that little asshole stay one step ahead of the cops in not one, but two states?

I knew it would come to this, knew that I had no intent on leaving her unprotected. As to fines and other repercussions, I give a fuck she comes first. I did everything I could in the days leading up to the wedding to try to find this guy, but he was always just one step ahead. At least I’ve been able to keep her from being aware that he was even still a threat. As far as she knew, he was out of the picture, given up and moved on.

It was my decision to have Jace feed her that lie. I had grown to know her very well in our time together and though my baby likes to play it tough, she worries. If the fucking cops and the PI I’d hired couldn’t find this fuck, how was I supposed to reassure her that she had nothing to fear?

So instead of letting her spend each day under a cloud, I chose to let her enjoy the planning of her one and only wedding. That seminar chick would have a field day with my logic, but again, I don’t give a fuck.

All I care about is Traci and her happiness. I’m glad I’d convinced her that she had nothing to be afraid of because yesterday she’d shone like an angel and not once did I see a hint of fear or worry in her eyes. That’s one more win for us, we didn’t let him interfere with our big day, which is exactly what I wanted for her.

We’d spent the night wrapped around each other like we were starved for each other. By the time she hopped off my dick in the early morning light, we were both well and truly fucked. I’d left her asleep in the hotel room to come take care of this shit.

There were armed guards stationed outside her door with strict rules, no one in no one out; not even my mother. I left him to handle things and went back to her. She was just starting to stir when I walked into the room. I sat on the side of the bed and she flew into my arms and burst into tears.

“What the fuck? What’s wrong?” I looked at the phone wondering if somehow he’d found us. I knew he didn’t know her cell number since I’d changed it and added her to my plan which had about as much security as the queen’s.

“I thought you’d left without saying goodbye.” She could hardly get the words out as she clutched at me. I held the back of her head and rocked her gently while she cried like I’d gut punched her.

“Weren’t you the one who told me it was okay to go?” I knew she was full of shit when she kept telling me it was okay for me to go off and leave her the day after our wedding. “              I don’t care, I change my mind, I don’t want you to go.”

“Look at me. You don’t want me to go then I won’t.” She stopped crying and wiped her face in my shirt. “Really?” My brave girl looked all of twelve with her red swollen eyes and puffy cheeks.

“Yes really, in the future don’t play games with me. If you don’t want me to do something just say so. I may not always be able to give you what you want, but I will always try.”

“I didn’t want to sound like a cry baby. I guess I failed that test huh.”

“There’s no test baby, I didn’t want to leave anymore than you wanted me to. Now let me take a look at you, you were pretty sore after that last round.”

I laid her back against the pillows and spread her legs for a look. She was a damn mess, all red and swollen and a little tender. “Come one, I’ll give you a bath.” I pulled her up and headed for the bathroom.

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