The Chalice (27 page)

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Authors: P.L. Parker

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the com m unal cham ber.

“I just wanted to talk,” she groaned. “Why’s that such a big deal?”

Mordaq whispered in Hanna’s ear, adding a blatant French kiss to the organ.

Hanna gasped, slapping at his shoulder.

The two belonged together. At least one good thing had come from  this m ess.

W hat about m e? Am  I doomed to a life of celibacy along with the rest of the

women? Tegan’s the one I want! Vam p fangs and all.

Time to take the initiative.


From  her vantage point in an upper bunk, Ume kept watch on the alien female,a personal duty she’d assum ed from  the m oment Siri’d been thrust upon thehuman women. Her instincts told her the female was the enemy, deceitful. Dislikeand distrust were the only two em otions evoked by the haughty fem ale. She wassneaky. Arrogant. Blatant in her loathing of the hum an females. A real bitch!

Siri sat at the com puter console, idly flipping through the mechanicalconfigurations of the ship, stopping periodically to absorb information. Her lipsmoved as she read, as if memorizing the contents. From  time to time, she’d snarland slap her hand on the desk in frustration. W hatever she was searching forwasn’t readily available in the programs she accessed. She was up to no good, ofthat Ume was certain.

The half-breed jumped to her feet, kicked the stool back and strode from  the

resting cham ber and into the com m unal area.

Ume swung her legs over and dropped soundlessly to the floor, following

behind the half-breed.

Chapter Fifteen [Sixteen]

In his quarters, Tegan accessed the archived files of Kormak, switching to thelast entry. What a sad ending for one who cared so much and tried so hard. Old,alone, facing the void and knowing his tim e was at an end. Would I have been asstrong and determ ined as he if I were I faced with the sam e? He didn’t know, but

he hoped so.

Kormak knew what he was up against when he volunteered to join those sentout in search of the prospective Chalices. He went with a glad heart, honored byopportunity to help his people. At least he had some hope— not like those left onthe surface who’d faced certain death! Those fortunate to be chosen as breederswere determined by lottery. If one drew a blue chip, he survived. Those who drewred did not.

I should have stepped aside and let another take my place! What right had heto live when so many perished in the aftermath? He didn’t know, but it’d beenim possible to save the greater part. Fortune, if it could be nam ed that, shone onhim  when he opened his palm  and a blue chip rested in the center. He’d breatheda sigh of relief when Mordaq drew the same, and then Shagal. But heremembered Arion and Limech’s agonized faces when, after opening their hands,their chips were red.

A lum p formed in his throat, rem em bering those brave souls as they strodeforth to meet their dem ise on the barren surface. Could they have survived in thedesolation wrought by the destroyer? He thought not, praying their deaths arrivedon swift wings. Suffering had been so much a part of their lives until that finalsequence of events, he could not bear believing their agony had persisted formore than a short span of tim e. Life had dealt unfairly to every Chiagan-Se, butsome more so than others.

Too m uch death existed in the past. It was time to focus on the future.

He stretched, feeling every bum p and ache from  his strenuous encounter with Mordaq. The big Warrior had not held back when m eting out the punishing blows. His lips twisted in a slight sm ile. Perhaps Mordaq is suffering som e pain as well! He certainly hoped so. The thought gave him  some sm all m easure of revenge.

He loosened the fastenings of the soiled loincloth, letting it fall to the floor.

Weary to the bone, he looked forward to a prolonged rest. He hesitated,undecided to bathe now or just drop to his pallet and sleep. Bathing won— and afew m oments in the heated cleansing cham ber would do much to ease hisdiscomfort.

Someone activated the call button to his cham bers.

He pressed the control panel. “Come,” he said.

The entryway slid opened and the beautiful Chalice Kara strode purposefully

in, a determ ined look lighting her perfect features.

She opened her mouth to speak, snapping it shut as she caught sight of him . Her face flamed red, startled gaze dropped, focusing on his lower parts. Shockedeyes rounded in surprise and something akin to…adm iration. Gods help him ! Hismanhood stirred, rising to the occasion as it seemed to do whenever she was


If possible, her eyes grew even rounder. She swallowed, the slender column of

her throat rippling with effort. A chuffing sound escaped her lips.

He reached for a cloth and wrapped it around his hips, damning himself for theblatant display of desire. The soft fabric did little to disguise his growing need,tenting the material em barrassingly. Woe be to the security guard who let herpass unannounced!

“Do you wish something?” he asked in Chiagan-Se.

She jerked as if startled, lids blinking in rapid succession. “W ha…?” shemurmured, the husky whisper fanning the flames of his already burgeoningresponse. Her gaze returned to his face. The sum ptuous rosy lips opened and shutseveral tim es as she struggled to speak.

W hat was the word?

“Talk?” he asked, using the human word.

She nodded slowly. She coughed, clearing her throat. “Talk.”

He m otioned her to sit, positioning himself at a low table across the room,hiding beneath the sturdy cover— safe from  too close proximity. Taking deepbreaths, he willed himself to relax, conscious of her curious perusal.

“Talk,” he said.

She sped across the room , dropping onto a stool across the table. She leaned

forward, resting on her elbows.

He ground his teeth, subtly shifting the uncomfortable position of his pulsing


“ Hanna. Mordaq. Join?” She asked earnestly.

Ahh! So she wanted to discuss the upcom ing ceremony. Som e of hisexcitement waned. He could breathe again though his groin still ached with need.

“How?” Her look was questioning.

This isn’t going to be easy. Keep my m ind off the delectable curves of her

mouth would take greater concentration.

He pointed to him self and then to her. “Tegan. Kara.” He struggled to find the

right words. “Join Mordaq. Hanna.”

Forget Mordaq and Hanna! He wanted to tell her about himself. Tell her whatwas in his heart. All his hopes and dream s—and those secret ones he harbored ofher.

He wanted a life for himself. He wanted Kara. Not because Korm ak chose her

for him, but because everything about her was exquisite and com pelling. Each

mom ent in her presence only served to make that yearning even more deepseated.

Of its own volition, his hand reached across the table and brushed a stray lockof hair from  her face, lingering on the delicate curve of her tem ple. Her skin wasso soft, silky.

She froze, only her eyelids m oved, flaring in response.

He couldn’t bring himself to move his hand. The feel of her heartbeat pumping

beneath his fingers, fast and erratic, was a soothing balm  to his battered soul.

She turned a slight degree, lips caressing his palm . Warm  breath heated hissensitive skin. A trem bling started in the pit of his stomach, spreading outward asshe nuzzled and— did she press a kiss? ‘Twould seem  so. She reached up, cuppinghis hand as she nibbled and tasted. The feelings evoked by her touch were botherotic and disturbing. He forced himself to stillness, breathing held in check,enraptured by the feel of those velvety lips pressed against his skin. If he died atthis m oment, it would be enough.

Okay, big boy, Kara thought. Let’s see if you’re interested!

She pressed one last kiss to his palm, stood up and edged slowly around thetable, like a cat stalking prey, careful to avoid any unexpected m ovement andfrighten the victim  into flight. If she was right— and she suspected she was— Tegan was a virgin and, like most virgins, uncomfortable in sexual encountersuntil they got past that first time. Not that she planned an all out seduction, butbeing ignored by a hot guy—and especially this guy—didn’t set well with her.

I just want him  to notice me! Yeah, right! She wanted him  to do m ore than

notice her, at least not run whenever she was nearby.

She drew in a deep breath, olfactory nerves rewarded with a tantalizing whiff

of his scent, all masculine and heady to the nth degree.

He moved not a m uscle, m erely watched her as she drew near, glistening silvereyes alight with anticipation. He licked his lower lip, lips stretching in a wisp of a

sm ile. The sparkling gaze deepened, the massive chest expanded as he inhaled.

He was superb. A flawless sculpture of perfect manhood. Like a Greek statutecarved from  ivory granite. In that moment, she totally understood Hanna’sreaction to Mordaq. Being near Tegan felt like being plugged into an electricaloutlet and ignited by a shower of burning sparks.

She rounded the table, so close she could feel the pulsating waves of scorchingheat em anating from  every pore of his great body. His height was such, evensitting, they were alm ost at eye level.

She studied him  carefully, exam ining each separate feature, from  the snow

white hair loosened now from  the braids he normally wore, the high, intelligent forehead, the silver-blue eyes, slightly arched nose, sculpted lips and firm  chin. All taken together, there was nothing effem inate about his looks, but he was beautiful all the sam e. And the fangs— well, they were just another part of him, an acceptable one now that she knew better.

Her eyes moved lower, assessing. Strong neck and wide shoulders rippled withmuscle. Biceps and triceps that would m ake Mr. Universe jealous. Brawnytattooed pecs em phasized the six-pack abs of his trim  waistline. A Greek sculptureindeed!

And then—even lower.

She jerked her gaze upwards. This is a catch and release fishing trip. She

wasn’t here for the kill.

But no reason not to m ake him  wonder!

He calm ly returned her gaze. A single brow arched. “You. Like?”

“Oh yeah,” she grinned in appreciation. “I like a lot.”

W ho wouldn’t? Maybe a dam n fool or someone who hated chocolate! But not

this girl! No, sirree!

“Stay?” he asked, his tone wistful.

She heaved a sigh. “No,” she shook her head reluctantly. She’d already movedfaster than she’d expected to and she wasn’t going to ruin it now. One step at atime.

“ Soon,” she said, backing out of reach.

She fled towards the exit, hands gliding over the control panel. The door slid

open. She stepped out, turning to look one last time.

He stood up, the thin cloth falling to the floor. Grinning outright, he posed,

granting her the full benefit of his gloriously nude form .

Dam n him ! The tables had turned. He became the hunter and she the prey.


Chaos raised its ugly head in the females’ quarters. Hanna’s upcoming weddinginfused the women with joyful if undirected purpose. Suggestions and ideas forfabrication flew in riotous disregard for tim e and resources. In an attempt tonegate the confusion, committees were form ed and specific tasks assigned.

Volunteers were enlisted and several skilled seamstresses and a num ber ofdress designers stepped forward. A stealthy foray into the storage com partmentsof the ship revealed a treasure trove of extraordinary fabrics in an array of m ind-blowing colors. The covert operatives purloined several nice lengths and, by trial

and error, the finished white wedding gown was a vision beyond description. The long draping lines accentuated Hanna’s height, drawing attention to her wellshaped shoulders and full bosom, som ewhat dem ure but sexy beyond belief.

The crafters in the group sequestered themselves with the artisan breedersand flowered head circlets and bouquets m agically appeared. The construction ofthe cloth flowers caused som e enthusiastic excitement. Unusual and alienappearing, the delicate blossom s looked to be a cross between a rose and som esort of lily, the burgundy iridescent hues transform ing to a thousand differentcolors when exposed to heat. As the designated bridesmaids, Anne, Dread and Ume were subjected to small spurts of envy and a great am ount of good-naturedribbing.

If everything went as they hoped, it would be beautiful. At least as beautiful as

it could be with the lim ited resources they had to work with.

Kara sighed, chewing on her lip. Giving speeches had never been one of herstrong points but with Leah’s help, they’d com e up with a sim ple cerem onyincorporating the traditional human wedding vows and adding a few weird onesthe breeders might appreciate. For the benefit of Mordaq and the other breeders,his vows were in Chaigan-Se. At least she hoped what they’d come up with wascorrect. Didn’t want to ask Mordaq if he’d take Hanna’s head or som ething!

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