The Captive Within (A Prairie Heritage, Book 4) (7 page)

BOOK: The Captive Within (A Prairie Heritage, Book 4)
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Rose could scarcely lead devotions nor did anyone at the
breakfast table seem to care. She asked Grant to read to them while they ate
and slowly woke up. He managed a chapter in Matthew and then, with no
objections, closed the Bible she’d handed him and yawned. Breona, herself
looking worn, finally got them moving for the day.

Mid morning, Rose passed by the staircase and heard voices
from the hallway above.

“But washing floors and windows is
my hands,”
Rose heard a girl whine. “Miss Cleary always demanded that we keep our hands
soft and smooth! She never allowed us to put them in hot water.”

Breona’s no-nonsense lilt echoed down the stairwell. “Ach!
Ye poor bairn! And where ist precious Miss Cleary a-settin’ at this ver’
minute? D’ ye think her hands will be stayin’ soft and smooth in th’ jailhouse?
Eh? Loikley ’tis scrubbin’ th’ toilets and washin’ th’ laundry she is this

Rose heard an unintelligible reply from the girl, Flora, she
believed, followed again by the final word from Breona. “Th’ winders all doon
th’ hall air yers t’ be cleanin’. I giv ye 60 minutes, lass.”

Rose could plainly visualize Breona’s thin hands, red and
rough from years of cleaning, although she was not yet 20 years of age. One
more sentence sounded faintly down the stairs. “An’ ’tis no more excuses from
ye, little miss.”

Dear Lord
we need your grace
! Rose pleaded as
she hurried away,


Chapter 9
(Journal Entry, July 13, 1909)

Moving day is upon us. We are all, without exception,
weary. Breona, with the wisdom of Solomon, called a holiday yesterday, although
we have more than enough work to keep us employed for months. She assigned us
to two groups and we set out to walk the neighborhood and picnic at the river.

I admit we are hardening to this work. I have slept well
several nights now although I believe I have grown a permanent callous upon
each hip.

I noticed, too, that we seemed to have energy to play and
enjoy ourselves yesterday. Everyone, excepting perhaps, myself and our Mr.
Wheatley. He and I were content to sit upon a blanket in the cool shade,
nodding off with our backs against a tree, much of the morning.

The dear man has overextended himself, I fear. Grant took
him aside and begged him not to try to keep up with him and Billy. If this
approach fails, we will fall back on a stronger force, and have Breona speak
with him. We simply cannot do without this sweet, gentle man.

In his own quiet way, he seems to impart a stability to
our new home that our youthful, unruly, and sometimes wild girls crave. They
will listen, spellbound, as he tells of his experiences in the war, although I
am sure he frequently embellishes his tales. I only say so as I have heard at
least three differing renderings of a certain Southern Army incursion against
whom his company defended a vital armory.

Every evening he begins a game of checkers with whomever
he can cajole into playing. The girls are quickly learning his moves and are
making his wins a bit more hard-bought. He can also be a great tease with the
girls, which they now receive with laughter and giggles.

It is something to behold, his charming, doting ways with
them, for they know, quite intuitively, that he is a safe and sheltering harbor
in a world where the men they have known have been only selfish and cruel.

The long, arduous process of making the house livable enough
for them to move into was over. They had painted and papered the dining room,
great room, parlor, and three bedrooms. The remaining repairs and
refurbishments would be done a room at a time, shifting furniture from room to
room as they went.

The task had taken longer than any of them had anticipated,
and Rose had never been more exhausted. As she dressed in the dim light of
early morning she realized with a start that the waistband of her skirt was

Oh Jan! I can hear you chiding me right now, and I can
see your blue eyes, so filled with love and strength. You would insist that I
eat more,
wouldn’t you?
thought fondly.
How I wish you were here.

She brushed her hair thoroughly, braided it, and twisted the
braid into the coil she wore pinned at the back of her head. Cleaning the hair
from her brush she sighed. More and more silver strands seemed to find their
way into her hairbrush to mix with dark blonde ones.

The rest of the household was also up early that morning.
They were anxious to receive the furniture that the women from Emily’s Bible
study group had collected for them.

“I have never appreciated a real bed as much as I will this
evening,” Rose confessed at breakfast. Her comments elicited a generous chorus
of agreement.

David, Uli, their children, and Flinty arrived first, coming
down the mountain on the morning train. They brought the household’s remaining
personal belongings and more donations from their Corinth church family.

They also brought young Will back to his mama and Blackie to
Joy. Once in Marit’s arms, Will refused to let her set him down or anyone else
to take him. He clung to her neck refusing even Billy’s outstretched arms,
although he peeped at Billy long enough to exchange happy grins.

Blackie ran ecstatic circles about Joy. Although not puppy
sized any longer, Grant picked Blackie up and held him between himself and Joy
while Joy rubbed Blackie’s ears and under his chin. Rose greeted them all with
heartfelt embraces, and Mr. Wheatley grinned unabashedly when he saw his old
checkers partner.

Flinty, too was delighted to see them all and kept
repeating, “Yep. Sight fer sore eyes, fer certain!” and “Jest what th’ doctor
ordered, I’m thinkin’!”

Breona, however, looked him over, her sharp eyes missing
nothing. She sidled up to Uli and, out of the side of her mouth, asked, “Whist?
’Tis off his feed he’s lookin’ t’ me eyes!”

Uli, still smiling and watching everyone hugging and
talking, whispered back, “We’re a little concerned. I don’t think he’s taking
very good care of himself. He misses all of you terribly.”

David and Uli walked over every inch of the house, praising
God for the space and the progress they had made. Flinty, eyes bright, slowly
followed Mr. Wheatley around, commenting and grinning the entire time.

Before the real work of the day began, the household and
their guests, still chattering happily, gathered in the great room.

Grant smiled at their swelled ranks and asked for their
attention. “Before we truly make this house our home, and while we have many
more family and friends gathered here with us, let us take time to thank God
for his provision and ask him to bless this house and all we will do here in
his name.”

He turned to David Kalbørg. “Pastor, will you lead us in

“What will you name this house?” David asked first.

Rose, Joy, and Grant looked at each other and then at the
others. “We have been so busy cleaning and repairing, I don’t believe we even
considered giving the house a name,” Joy confessed. “Does anyone have a

All were quiet, thinking on Joy’s question. Finally Marit
offered softly, “Mrs. Palmer gave us this vonderful house. Could ve not call it
Palmer House?”

Her suggestion drew several thoughtful nods. Finally Breona
replied, “Aye. ’Tis fittin’, I’m thinkin’.”

As simply as that, the name Palmer House was adopted.

Every head bowed as David prayed, “Lord, we consecrate this
house, Palmer House, to your service. Every room, every hall, every nook and
cranny, we dedicate to your purposes. We ask your Holy Spirit to be present and
active in this place. We ask that you lead in every decision made here. And
especially, Mighty God, we purpose to glorify you with every word spoken and
deed accomplished within these walls. We pledge these things in Jesus’ name.”

Amens sounded across the circle, and then the work began.

The women from Emily’s Bible study group, true to their
word, had arranged for two wagons and a few strong young men to haul the
donated furnishings to the house. The first loads arrived mid-day, and chaos
reigned as everyone from the house swarmed out to the street, chattering and
laughing, to unload the bounty.

“Mama, don’t look now,” Joy said quietly, “But we have an

Rose, of course, looked around immediately. Several
neighbors stared askance from their front gates or the upper windows of nearby

“Oh dear,” she murmured. “Perhaps we should ask everyone to
talk softly.”

“They are only enjoying themselves, Mama,” Joy pointed out.

Joy stepped to the edge of the street and, with a wide smile
plastered on her face, waved in a friendly manner to each person she saw
watching. Reluctantly, several returned her neighborly greeting.

One woman, though, frowned and appeared to stomp back down
the walkway to her front door. Joy gazed after her, hand still upraised.

With everyone helping to bring the furnishings into the
house, the wagons emptied quickly. As the men offloaded the cargo, they placed
the heavy pieces to the side but handed boxes and lighter items to the women to
carry in.

Breona stood on the front porch and directed where the
things would go. Blackie raced in and out of the house, following Joy or Grant
and generally getting underfoot.

As soon as they emptied the two wagons, the drivers left to
refill them. Inside the house, the great room was cluttered with bedroom
furniture. Breona was sorting out the different bedsteads and chest of drawers.

“If ye be wishin’ t’ hev a certain bed, will ye be lettin’
me know?” she asked.

Immediately the girls were examining the headboards and
dressers and calling their preferences. Some beds and dressers were obvious
matching sets, well worn but serviceable; others pieces were one-of-a-kind, and
the girls were compelled to mix and match.

It didn’t take long before a squabble broke out. Nancy asked for a small cherry bedstead with a tiny matching nightstand and chest of
drawers. Tabitha, setting her jaw, insisted she had already asked for it.

“Why, of course you didn’t,” Nancy exclaimed. “Billy and Mr.
Wheatley only just now brought it in!”

In a matter of seconds, their quarrel turned ugly and their
jabs became personal and hurtful. Rose walked into the great room just as
Tabitha loosed a string of colorful curse words at Nancy and Nancy, in
response, slapped Tabitha in the face. Tabitha clenched her fist and raised it.

“Nancy! Tabitha!” Rose’s tone was sharp, and both girls drew
themselves up abruptly. Nancy had a guilty look on her face, but Tabitha was
seething. Most of the household was standing about gawking and amazed at how
quickly the confrontation had escalated.

Rose had not yet had to deal with an all-out fight, and she
was not about to permit one now. “Nancy and Tabitha, the two of you will be the
to select beds,” she decreed. “In fact, I am inclined to say you
should both continue to sleep on the floor until such time as I say otherwise.”

Eyes around the room widened. None of them had seen Rose in
a righteous anger before. She looked around gravely and reminded all of them,
“Was it only a few hours ago we committed our actions
and our words
the glory of God? Therefore, rudeness, quarreling, and cursing are
under this roof. Nancy and Tabitha, you will apologize to each other and to
everyone here, immediately.”

Nancy, already sorry for her part, quickly responded. “I am
sorry, Tabitha. And I apologize for my bad behavior, everyone.”

Tabitha scowled and fixed her mouth in a straight line. Rose
raised an eyebrow and said firmly, “You had best get it over quickly, Tabitha.
I will not tolerate strife in this house.”

Tabitha stared at her, weighing her options. Finally she
shrugged. “I apologize.”

“You will please apologize first to Nancy and then to the
rest of the house,” Rose insisted.

Tabitha gave a short laugh under her breath. “All right.”
She turned to Nancy. “I apologize,
. And I apologize to everyone

“Thank you,” Rose said watching her closely. Tabitha nodded,
then turned to Breona. “Where would you like this bedding?” She held up a stack
of blankets tied together with twine.

“Second bedroom on th’ left will do foine,” Breona replied
evenly. Tabitha nodded and headed upstairs. With that the rest of the household
shook themselves and picked up where they’d left off.

Rose watched Tabitha go thoughtfully. The woman’s heart was
harder than the rest of the girls’ in the house. Rose wondered again if Tabitha
was going to develop into a serious problem.

By that evening many of the rooms in the house were
comfortably furnished. The great room held an eclectic collection of
overstuffed chairs, ottomans, and sofas. The dining room had a real table, long
enough to seat them all, and a variety of dining chairs. Joy counted chairs
from four different dining sets but, arranged artfully, they did not seem to
clash too terribly.

Billy, with Grant’s assistance, moved a bed, a large chest
of drawers, and Will’s baby bed into the tower room they had been using on the
third floor; Joy and Grant added furniture, a few personal items, and a basket
for Blackie to another room on that floor. Both couples would eventually be
moving to what were now the carriage house and the caretaker’s cottage, but
that day seemed a long ways off today.

Mr. Wheatley settled into the butler’s quarters with a small
bed and lamp stand, sighing as he settled his old bones into the mattress. They
had made up a bed for Flinty in the Butler’s pantry close by.

David, Uli, and their children departed for a nearby hotel.
They would come by in the morning to collect Flinty and catch the train back up
the mountain.

Esther had known Cal for little more than four weeks, but
she had found him to be smart, kind, and a terrific lover. As the house’s
madam, she didn’t service clients herself, but Cal was no longer a client in
her eyes.

She only saw him once or twice a week and, lately, it hadn’t
been enough for her. He looked at her with such admiration and spoke such sweet
praise into her ears. She found herself longing to hear his voice and to feel
his hands, more and more often.

When she asked him what he did for a living, though, he
simply replied that he was in business for himself. The details he provided
were vague, except that the demands of his work kept him too busy to see her as
often as she would like.

One evening he offered a few suggestions regarding her
house, and Esther, to her surprise, found them constructive.
Here is a man I
could depend on
, she thought one late night after the customers had gone.


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