Finally Home

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Authors: Jana Leigh,Rose Colton

BOOK: Finally Home
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Finally Home Taming of a White Wolf
Chosen Wars [3]
Jana Leigh Rose Colton

In book three of the Chosen:
After being hidden in plain sight by her
father, Fredi finally got the opportunity to meet her half-sister, Jo, only to
then find out she was destined to be a part of the Senate in Europe.
As a white wolf, she was told she would have
one mate to be an anchor for all the emotions she would be feeling when she
received her gift.

Marshall, Head Enforcer in Milliken, met his mate
at a party the crazy and outrageous women of the Denver Pack had at Fredi's restaurant.
Both Marshall and Fredi want to take it slow
and get to know each other, putting off their mating until they get to Europe
for Fredi to take her rightful place on the Senate.

Bane, Head of Security for the Senate Compound
heads out to meet the new member.
Instead, he meets a future he really hadn't expected.
Only he gets the feeling they don't want
How will he go through his immortal
life without the mates that were fated for him?
He didn't know but he would deal with it, for the Senate and for them.

The Senate works on plans to find the other
members while Roarke and Diavolo try to take them down before that happens.

In this installment of the Chosen, you will find
laughter, sorrow, and love.
As a few
questions get answered, a few more surface.
Join Fredi, Marshall, and Bane as they learn about each other and what
it will take for them to be together.
what it will cost the New Council and Senate if they don't find in each other
what is needed to be mates.

explicit content.
Ménage M/F/M




Finally Home: Taming of a White Wolf



Book Three


Author: Jana Leigh and Rose Colton

Editor: Caroline Kirby and
ML Hill


© Copyright May 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.

All cover art and logo © Copyright 2013 by JK Publishing, Inc.

All rights reserved.


Artwork by JK Publishing, Inc.

Published by JK Publishing, Inc.




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Dear Readers,


I want to thank my friend Rose Colton for helping me write this book. As you all have noticed, I have a lot of books coming out, and without the help of my peeps, this would never have been able to get done. Running a business as well as being an author has proven to be both demanding and entertaining. I have loved every minute of this. SO please enjoy this book. I am really getting back into the writing, and you will see the Drekinn as well as my new cowboy series coming soon.


Jana Leigh



Table of Contents






Roarke grinned with satisfaction as he heard the scream come from down the hall. Soon, soon he would have the answers he wanted. He turned and studied the vampire before him. "We have discovered how to make her tell us what she knows,” he said and turned toward the office door, practically rubbing his hands with anticipation. “Coming?"

Diavolo rolled his eyes and followed Roarke down the hall to one of Roarke's torture chambers. Why he followed, he had no clue, this stupid shifter would never be able to do what he did, nor would he be able to get the information they needed. Torture was an art, one that Roarke had no clue how to do, he enjoyed it too much. Torture was about inflicting the right amount of pain and getting the information before you took the joy of killing your prey. Roarke was too uncivilized to know the difference.

When he entered the room, he saw a woman hanging by her arms from the ceiling, naked. She was beaten to the point that he couldn't see any part of her face that wasn't swollen or bleeding, and she had various cuts along her body that were designed to not seriously injure, but make her talk. Any other time, Diavolo would have enjoyed this, probably even been the one who delivered the blows, but he was not in the mood. Cat was the only thing on his mind, and getting his bitch of a slave back where she belonged.

Roarke nodded to a woman in the corner who Diavolo knew to be his head witch. The witch walked up to the crying, hanging woman and began to chant. The prisoner screamed and arched her back, begging the pain to stop.

Diavolo knew how much Roarke loved watching this, as he said,
Diavolo was going to kill the son of a bitch before he allowed the asshole to fuck up his plan. He was not in the mood to wait for all of this shit going on. His "partner" was rubbing himself through his pants and getting more excited by the moment. It was disgusting to watch and left a bad taste in his mouth. If Diavolo were in charge, he would have waited to gain any pleasure from this torture.

Diavolo wanted answers and after waiting for so long, they were finally going to get them. Roarke may be getting off on this, but he was not, and as soon as he had the information, he was gone. There were plenty of bitches he could torture for fun, and get off with. At least until he found Cat, then he'd have a lifetime of fun. Roarke may be a sick, murdering bastard, but he was nowhere close to being as twisted as the man standing next to him was.

The witch continued to chant while the woman screamed and pleaded for her life. Suddenly, there was a burst of light and wings sprouted out of the back of the prisoner. The witch turned to Roarke and half bowed, then turned and walked out. Roarke nodded to one of the guards and watched while the guard chose a knife from the table nearby. The guard slowly began to circle the winged prisoner.

Diavolo looked on in disinterest. These were not schooled sadists, they were amateurs, causing too much damage too fast. It made him think more on the matter of killing these assholes and taking over. The Rogues would be run much better with him at the helm.

"Let's try this one more time," Roarke said. "Where are they going?"

"Please," the woman begged. "Please let me go, I know nothing.” Diavolo could barely understand what she was saying and he figured it was due to a broken jaw.

Roarke nodded again to the guard, and his minion slowly began to lower the knife to one of her wings. He made a quick stab in one and then slowly began to slice into the other. The woman began to wail and beg him to stop. She tried to twist and turn away as she screamed in excruciating pain.

Roarke grabbed her chin and turned it to him, "Where?"

The woman moaned and said, "They go to the new compound. The compound of the Senate."

"Senate? What the fuck is that?” he yelled. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath then his eyes popped open and he looked at the woman with a feral grin. "Now, you will tell me everything,” he said as he looked to the guard and nodded for him to begin again. The stupid bitch would tell him everything.


Diavolo handed Roarke a scotch on the rocks, as he poured himself a brandy. "Well, well, this is an interesting turn of events," Diavolo said and swirled the drink in his glass looking at the man. Until just a few moments ago, Diavolo would have sworn he knew how far Roarke would go to find information on the Chosen. However, this, no this, was way beyond what he ever thought. He would have to think about this later. Roarke made too many mistakes, he liked the thrill too much, which was a trap he would never fall into. When you liked torture, you would never get the information you needed.

Diavolo only had one obsession, and that was Cat. He wanted to find her in the worst way, it didn’t matter to him that she had found her mates, or that her blood was now tainted. No, it was more important to him that she pay for the inconvenience of making him chase her all over hell and back.

"Yes, it could be. Do you have enough supporters over there? A place you can set up?” Roarke was holding onto his control by a thread. Diavolo could tell, and he was not going to be the one who pushed him over, he wanted to live to see another day.

According to the prisoner, the Chosen had almost pulled it off. There was another part of the prophesy they were trying to protect and of course, he had been clever enough to figure it out. Now they had to destroy it before it began.

The Chosen was setting up in Europe. This new group was to be called the Senate and would be set up much like the New Council, where the members would all have homes on the property so they could meet. The Senate would have twelve members like the New Council, and from there, they would be able to help the American Council with the Pack, Prides, etc., here in Europe. There was something special about the females of the Senate. Diavolo and the rest of the Rogues unfortunately discovered too late because of Cat. Now they were playing catch up again, and it pissed Roarke off.

This was unacceptable; they had to find a way to end this before it got much farther, they had to think of a way to stop this now. Roarke wasn’t going let anything stand in his way of getting what he wanted—and that was to eliminate the Chosen. Diavolo wanted Cat; the Chosen needed to be put on notice. No, they would not get away with this. This Senate couldn't be allowed to be established, Diavolo would see to that, and then he would have his prize. He would also have to reevaluate his crazy ass “partner” also; the time may be coming for a new head in this organization.
First things first though

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