The Burning Crown (Stone Blade Book 4) (30 page)

BOOK: The Burning Crown (Stone Blade Book 4)
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McHardy snapped an order and a group of Marines left with Blue.

"That's done," said Kidwell, "Piotr. Where will Micah and Charlie be?"

"The Adalstan here," said Karr, "but you cannot burst in without proper ceremony! Especially if there is already an official proceeding in progress!"

"Watch me. Captain McHardy, if you or any of your Marines have friends among the Elder Guard here, I suggest you comm them now. We're going to pizzle on their party and they probably won't be happy about that."

Karr glanced at Thompson, who merely lifted an eyebrow and shrugged.


Coldness now washed through Micah, driving out amusement and all other emotions. He began calculating greatest threats and estimating fields of fire as n'Guirro scuttled away. He didn't have a blade or blaster now but more than enough of each lay within easy reach. He had absolutely no idea how the adjunct could have made such a monumental error but he'd see it rectified or die in the trying.

Ferrel felt the same coldness. He did a decent job of concealing it, but how well did Micah know his best friend? Micah saw Ferrel's wheels start turning but Fadding chose that moment to start speaking again.

"I applaud your efforts, Fyrelm, but as always your foolish Brightcrown incompetence shines through and fuddles your every effort. Now. Unless you wish to bore us with more of your inane mouthings, and since none here," Fadding eyed the crowd and especially the knots of Brightcrowns, McReelys and Edders present, "are of sufficient blood to stand to speak for you, I pronounce this matter settled. Your penalty for returning is death. The sentence is to be carried out immediately."

Fadding's smile turned truly evil as he looked to Outremin.

"Sir Beau. Does the Great House of Varl's newest and brightest guardsman deserve to find honor this day?"

Outremin jumped as though struck, then smiled wickedly back.

"Indeed so, my Laird Fadding! He has served us well so far and I have no doubt he will do so for many years to come." Then to Micah, "Stone, you have been itching in your boots far too long. You have earned honor in your duty and the Great House of Varl never fails to reward such service." He handed Micah his sabre. "
you can kill someone!"


n'Guirro hurried through the outer offices and lobbies of the League building, wasting no attention on his surroundings. The looks the workers gave him meant half a thousand trivial nothings that needed his immediate attention but he had no thought for them now. He'd swear an oath that he passed one of his own hovers on the way back from Adalstan but other things concerned him. None of his vehicles had any reason to be out without him inside them and the only thought he had was that bottomfeeder, Ferrel or Fyrelm or whoever he was, had made prior arrangements.

Burn that fool of a Fadding to hades! He could have continued his plan and he, and his allies, would have continued reaping profits and cold-seven anything but that! Bad enough he'd all but forced n'Guirro to appear, now the League had verifiable records of his misdoings. No amount of diplomatic maneuvering could keep his floppers off the cutting board now, so he elected to create himself some options.

During the frantic trip, n'Guirro did manage to access some of his accounts. He priority-coded as much as he could for a cash pickup at the port. He'd try to transfer the rest later. Later, after he escaped and found safety.

As to where he'd go immediately... Away! Away from Fadding and away from the Crown worlds and away from the League entirely! Tobart should still be on Fallstar, n'Guirro would contact him He'd know what to do, where to go and how to travel there. Tobart would have an exit plan and n'Guirro had no doubt he could find him.

Finally past all distractions, n'Guirro headed into his office here. He still had documents to destroy that required specific access and he absolutely did not want to leave them behind! He made it halfway to his desk before he registered the stranger sitting there. And the Marines with him! His Marines!!

"Going somewhere, n'Guirro?"

"Who the hades are you," demanded n'Guirro, starting a bluster, "and why are you in my office?"

"Neither of those matter, seigneur. What does matter is crimes against the League."

"What?! Get out of my office! Lieutenant Angstrom, arrest this man and the lot of you leave my office. Now!"

"No sir."

n'Guirro started to seriously berate the Marine when he saw movement near the door. When he turned, he lost the power of speech.

"I don't think he'll be taking your orders, Signor Adjunct." Roger Parl's jack-fool of a pilot stepped out, smug superiority oozing out his pores. "I never should have." He spoke to the stranger at the desk. "That's him, sir. That's the man who ordered me to stand down and surrender. He's the one who ordered me to take on boarders and he's the reason Roger Sir Parl is dead!"

n'Guirro acted! He elbowed the Marine closest to him and bolted for the door! The pilot moved and suddenly his foot slammed hard into n'Guirro's gut, driving the breath out of him and knocking him back a few steps and down. Before he could regain his feet the Marines swarmed him, pinned him and shackled him.


Ted Ionoski sat back after starting to rise. Ambith recovered from his kick and assumed an unarmed combat stance directed at n'Guirro.

"Nice kick, sir," said one of the Marines, eliciting a smile from Ambith.

The Marine sergeant, now recovered from n'Guirro's elbow, held the man firmly.

"As I was saying," said Ionoski, "We'll start with dereliction of duty. Sauce it with abuse of power and willful misuse of position and serve it with a main course of treason. Add embezzlement of League funds and accepting bribes for a salad and, since I didn't get any nice presents last League day, serve it with causal accessory to murder for dessert. The question you should have asked is 'What can I do to save my duff?' Unfortunately, the answer to that one is 'Nothing.'

"Sergeant, secure the prisoner, please. Search him thoroughly and make certain he does not have the means to escape or to commit suicide. We want him alive for his trial and subsequent... results. Ahh, yes. Do be careful with those stairs. I wouldn't want him to... hurt himself."

"Yes SIR," The Marine holding n'Guirro, the same one he struck, sprouted a smile fiercer than a sandwolf fighting for a mate. "We'll see to him, sir!"

n'Guirro paled and made a small mewling sound. Several other Marines burst out laughing as a large, wet stain appeared and spread down his legs.

"Now," said Ionoski, "Lieutenant Angstrom, please take Seigneur Ambith somewhere he can relax. Find him something to eat and drink too, if you will. Somewhere nice, mind, since he was instrumental in uncovering the sewer of a mess we have here."

"Yes sir," said Angstrom. Then, to Ambith, "Come along, signor. We'll feed you the fancy rats!"

As soon as everyone left, Ionoski powered up his terminal and began working. He desperately wanted to race reinforcements to the Adalstan, led by himself, but right now he didn't have that luxury. From what Angstrom reported, Kidwell and a group were en route there and would handle things. He hoped. So far he'd heard no reports of large-scale mayhem, so good news there. Heaven send that Kidwell would arrive before Micah went suborbital; Ionoski had no desire in the universe to try and clean up that mess! More than just the Crown would suffer great and tragic loss should that happen.

Chapter 19. Dedication, Duty and Dessert


Thoughts and hasty plans raced themselves through Micah's brain as he walked slowly toward Ferrel. He would not kill his friend. Period! Nor would he kill or disable a great many others from that position. Perhaps... No. Just when he needed the stupid ceremony to give him time, he had none. Ferrel looked at Micah, his face blank but his eyes still speaking. Flames! He was the expert here, not Micah. Why couldn't he...

Realization and inspiration struck at the same time! Micah clamped his jaw to keep from smiling but Ferrel read it. He lifted one eyebrow microscopically as Micah raised the sabre high, but Micah hurried to put the last pieces on his almost-plan.

The sabre clanged loudly as Micah dropped it on the floor. He wished desperately for Kidwell's advice on what he planned, but he'd have to improvise.

"No, Fadding," said Micah, "I will not kill this man!"

As one the crowd gasped. Then the whisperings began.

"What? What?! Stone..."

"I said I will not kill this man! You told me this day I might earn great honor. There is no honor in this! Any festering coward can kill a man unable to fight, or unwilling. After all the time I have worked for you, protected your House or at least a small part of it... No! I thought Varl blood held honor and integrity but it seems I was wrong."

"Stone!! You jack-fool of a..."

"Shut your mouth, Fadding!" Micah cut him off and his face suffused red. He drew breath to speak but again Micah cut him off. "Yes, I said be silent! I do not know what cowardice drives you to slay this man without honor or reason but I will not be your coward's dagger!"

He looked at Outremin. "You told me to stay my hand, Outremin, when I thought to protect you. Now I understand! One of them might have had someone who would actually fight back! That is cowardice and worse, it is cowardice covered by your precious Peerage!"

He turned back to Fadding. "I will not be your instrument of disgrace, Fadding. If you be a man of mettle and honor, if you are worthy to lead your House, then face steel this day and prove yourself!"

Now Outremin shot to his feet, his face dark red and his muscles shaking with rage.

"Sir Outremin," Fadding finally found his voice, "Take my blade and slay me this fool! Elder Guards, stand down! This is a matter of Varl honor and none of yours!"

"For truth," said Micah contemptuously, "Are you so craven, so bereft of courage that you must hide behind such pathetic tools as this? Face me yourself or abdicate yourself!"

"Oh, silence yourself, imbecile," said Fadding, "You speak the words properly, fool, but you lack aught of the blood to enforce them! I am the Laird of the Great House of Varl and I have no need nor honor to dirty my hands with the likes of you! Sir Beau!"

Outremin strode to Fadding and took his sabre. "You should have known better, Stone! Whatever idiocy drove you to..."

"Go rut yourself, Outremin." Micah carefully reached down and retrieved the sabre he dropped. "You are not even smart enough to realize the depth of your own stupidity! Strength and power? Pah! You lack even the wit to realize that you're nothing more than a convenient puppet! And loyal? Loyal like a mange-spotted cur whose only
is to lick his master's boots! Weakling! You haven't the..."

With a wild, feral and guttural roar Outremin swung his blade in line and charged! Micah waited until the last instant, parried hard and flicked his blade carefully.

Outremin's body thudded to the floor and skidded to a stop. A few feet beyond it his head landed, its face still contorted with rage and disbelief, and bounced flaccidly to a stop.

Micah locked eyes with Fadding, then spoke to the Elder Guards.

"Guardsmen. I am a Marine serving honorably and in good standing with the League military. I am currently on detached duty here. You can check my record if you wish. Your Laird Fadding is guilty of treason against the League, which includes the Crown worlds, and of dealing with the Consortium. On behalf of the League, I formally request that you arrest him here and now."

"Oh, that is indeed rich, Stone," said Fadding, "Even if you could prove that, you will never have the chance. It is all well and good to cast words but I can say more of you and support it!"

Beside Fadding, though, Simmons and McConney took on fearful, nervous looks.

"Shut your mouth, you sewage-feeding maggot," said Micah with contempt, "You had your chance to prove your courage and you failed! Coward! Coward and weakling! At least the Traitor du'Varl had the wit and the mettle to stand behind his convictions. You lack even that!"

"Do not think to goad me, Stone." Fadding rose slowly and stepped down. "Do you truly think to cross blades with me? Outremin was a fool, but a useful one until you ended that. Do you truly wish to face my wrath now?"

In response Micah hooked Fadding's sabre with his own and tossed it from Outremin's dead hand toward its owner.

"Micah," hissed Ferrel urgently.

"Not now, Charlie! Don't distract me!"

"How delightfully droll," said Fadding, "The two of you are acquainted. Perhaps this night you'll both knock on hell's door together."

With that, Fadding swept his blade into a proper formal salute, which Micah returned.

Fadding was a master of the blade, Micah gave him that, and fast! Still, even with all his skill he fell far short of equal to Micah. After a particularly vicious spate of bladework Fadding took a small slice out of Micah's shoulder, but Micah lowered his guard deliberately! When Fadding committed to the attack and drew blood, Micah swept his blade on the withdrawal, flicked it out of his hand and ended up with the point of his sabre digging into Fadding's throat.

Many people in the crowd cried out and the Elder Guards reached for their blasters.

"Stop!" Micah put a command snap into his voice. "Guardsmen, remove your hands NOW! If one of you clears the draw, this man dies for it!"

Ferrel made a small, choked sound and Fadding actually laughed.

"Ignorance, Stone, is your downfall. You cannot win this day. My blood is noble! Spill it and your life is forfeit! Your only hope now is to drop your blade and beg my forgiveness."

Micah smiled as he twisted his blade slightly. It took a nick out of Fadding's flesh and a small trickle of blood dripped down his chest.

"Oops," said Micah with no conviction whatsoever.


As one the Elder Guardsmen drew their weapons.

"You utter idiot!" Shock now suffused Fadding's expression. "Stone, you fool, I would have spared your life. Now I cannot! You have spilled noble blood!"

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