The Burning Crown (Stone Blade Book 4) (25 page)

BOOK: The Burning Crown (Stone Blade Book 4)
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Usaag paled when Thompson and Kidwell dragged the man out and dumped him on the floor.

"Polarize, Stone," said a much-subdued Usaag, "That one, he has the look of nobility to him! Duffs like us, we don't meddle with that!"

"He has no such look to me," said Micah, voice cold and even.

Vassey and Pruse looked closer, then Pruse spoke.

"Spike me, boy, he is noble!"

"Then he should talk quite easily given the right... persuasion."

Micah threw the lady's limp body over his shoulder. Again none of the others moved to help.

"Bloody rut," swore Micah, "If you won't flaming help then you might as well leave!" He jerked his head at the hover. "Take that with you, burn you, and lose it somewhere away from here. Don't be seen leaving it, either. We should be done by tomorrow. When you clean the place, use something that will degrade blood."


Micah sat back and sipped tea, comfortable in a room in the house's basement. The guards, only too eager to help now, furnished the tea, food packs and an aid kit for Thompson. The two prisoners now lay across a bed both large and well-equipped with straps, shackles and similar equipment. Micah didn't want to contemplate the guards' use of it but it fit their needs for now.

"Sergeant Stone," said Thompson, "you know I have nothing but the greatest respect for you. There are times, though, when you frighten me. I've seen some ruddy good bluffs in my life but something tells me you were dead serious."

"As serious as necessary," said Micah, "Can you two handle things from here?"

"Six-sigmas," said Kidwell, "I can handle our allies. As for these two... You know I don't like babble when it's used on me. I also do not like being observed; I'm the one who observes!"

Thompson's eyebrow tried to lift at that.

"Polar," said Micah, "I didn't give Sir Beau much of a reason when I left so I'll need a ruddy good one when I get back."

"Do what you must, lover," said Kidwell, "We'll have these whistle-fish singing soon enough."


Micah did indeed find a very displeased Outremin awaiting his return.

"I suppose you have an explanation, Stone."

"Yes sir."

Micah looked at the two guards in the room and kept silent. Finally Outremin motioned to them and they left. When Micah still didn't speak he activated a garble.

"One of our senior house guards here brought me troubling news."

Micah nodded. "Yes, sir. I was busy handling two troublesome miscreants. I saw them at the warehouse when I delivered your datacube. That wasn't the first time, either. I've seen them about more often than I should. I decided to settle the matter."

"You decided. Describe them, Stone."

"A man and a woman, sir."

Micah said no more and Outremin's expression grew more and more impatient. Finally Micah spoke again.

"I'm not telling you more than that, sir. Not until I've extracted everything I can from them."

"Suppose I decide otherwise," said Outremin with a brittle tone.

"You know about the house I used, no secrets there. It's a sport house for the guards. I saw them there and one of them said one of our prisoners looked noble. He was worried about it, sir."

Outremin's expression hardened and Micah saw a spark of uncertainty in his eyes.

"Neither one of them looked noble to me, sir," said Micah, "Besides, the two of them had a lot of company with them. Those should all live."


"Sir? I knew you'd be impatient so I left the questioning to a pair of friends."

Now Outremin's gaze turned suspicious.

"Friends, Stone? Friends of yours who just happened to be here? That does not bode well for your future, no matter what your skills."

"Friends of convenience, sir. I've not hidden my skills or talents or aught of my past from you. I have no doubt you verified them, too."

Outremin nodded.

"My friends are two Brightcrowns of bastard blood. They weren't easy to find, but I looked bloody hard for them. Brightcrown abandoned them and left them with nothing but anger and venom. They hate Brightcrown more than anyone in the Great House of Varl or anywhere else in the Crown. They'll have your answers ere long."

Now Outremin relaxed a little. "Still, Stone, if you have harmed noble blood..."

"Your hands will be unstained, sir. If aught comes of it I will take responsibility. Matters won't come to that, though." Micah shrugged. "My questioners are very useful but... disposable."


Outremin nodded but hid his emotions carefully. The casual ease with which Stone spoke, along with his lack of concern for any consequences, chilled him. His treasure just proved even more dangerous than he thought!

"Very well, Stone. I applaud your efforts and your initiative! I hope the prisoners do not prove too bothersome. When next you speak with your friends, urge them to speed. I received important and wonderful news! Fate and fortune and great effort have given the Great House of Varl a chance to mete out justice long overdue! My Laird Fadding's masterwork is ready at long last. We shall be leaving for Barinhall late tomorrow and there is much to be done between now and then."

"Justice, sir," said Micah eagerly.

"Indeed, Stone." Outremin smiled. "Curb your impatience. We must tidy our details here that we may truly savor what is to come. Soon, now. Very soon."

"Yes sir."

As Stone walked away Outremin considered what the coming days would bring. Justice, to be sure, and justice long overdue! Justice and a settling against Brightcrown; an appetizer and main course House Varl would deliver by the hand of the Moot itself! Afterward, though...

Outremin knew his Laird would reward him, yet he'd spent no time considering what to ask. The culmination of Laird Fadding's long-nurtured plan would yield rewards not possible in many lifetimes and Outremin knew he needed to take full advantage.

He also considered how he would reward his own and whether or not Stone would be on that list. He would, Outremin decided. For now. He also made a careful note not to let Stone slip away. The man was deadly dangerous but even more so as an enemy. And, as Stone himself said, even dangerous tools were disposable.

Chapter 15. My Enemy, My Friend


Lacy Blue woke to a horrible, piercing splitting headache. Stunner, thought some rational part of her brain. One that didn't hurt so much. Once she sorted that out a score more pains separated from it and scattered, only to settle at other points in her body. When she finally managed to open her eyes a harsh, bright light stabbed through them and into her brain. That hurt too.

"Awake now? Good."

Something cold and blessedly wet touched her lips. She sipped and then drank as the cool water roused her thirst. Then she choked as the room swam into focus.

"I know you're dehydrated, dear. Go ahead and drink. It's quite safe, I assure you. I'm not planning on poisoning you. Not just yet."

Vera Kittley stood over her. She heard a noise to her side and when she looked she saw Karr beside her. His chest moved up and down so he still lived as well. But for how long?


Of all the McReelys and Karr, Blue alone thought their not-plan ill-conceived and ill-advised. They had Kittley under surveillance along with her companion Thomas, Outremin, Stone, Amal, Zaba and several others. They noted Stone's strange behavior after delivering Outremin's package to the warehouse and the meeting between him and Kittley that soon followed.

Kittley, Stone and Thomas garbled their table. That was difficult to overcome but one McReely there, a courageous young lady, knew how to read lips and she moved in close enough to do it unobserved. Of course, the three at the table did seem distracted but Blue counted that fortunate. When the young McReely returned to them, terrified, she said they spoke of Brightcrown, Varl and the Consortium.

The last part frightened the girl into leaving. She knew little of the Consortium other than it was huge, powerful and full of League-hating killers. It frightened Karr and Blue no less and they knew more about it. At Karr's behest they transferred most of their resources to keeping track of Outremin, Stone, Kittley and Thomas.

Karr decided to act when Kittley and her companion rushed to the Fallstar building with an urgency apparent even through the holocaster. Were circumstances less dire, he said, he'd have waited. Their targets stayed inside Fallstar long enough for Blue to break into their hover, plant a bug and conceal the gas canister.

Karr knew more about interrogation but their captives refused to talk. He tried splitting them, then questioning them together, threatening first one then the other. After he struck Kittley the first time, Thomas tried foolishly to fight.

Though bound, Thomas did land one solid kick. That infuriated Karr more than hurt him so, while the other guards held Thomas down, he administered some drug to Kittley.

Karr assured Blue that, despite the woman's flaccid state, he'd not overdosed her. After a few minutes she roused to a half-conscious state and Karr began questioning her again. She babbled and burbled yet despite his most blatant or subtle effort to extract information she resisted him.

The comm beeped and the detail assigned to watch Stone reported that he might have given them the vanish. Then they heard a noise outside the door, it crashed inward and Stone himself appeared to wreak havoc on them. Blue remembered some of the fight but not very much.


"If you're going to use babble," said Kittley, rudely snapping Blue back to the present, "You really should learn how to use it properly."

She filled a hypo with an all-too-familiar liquid.

"The dosage has to be exact," she continued, "Not just close, dear. Exact."

Kittley eyed the hypo and decreased the dose slightly.

"Too little, you see, and all you get is a warm, hazy feeling that's easy to fight. If you know how. Do you?"

Kittley approached and Blue tried hard to move. Impossible, she discovered, thanks to the straps and manacles anchored around the bed and holding her in place.

"Too much," continued Kittley, baring Blue's arm, "and you still get that warm happy feeling, but plus-plus more intense. From there it only gets stronger, right up to the place where your heart goes suborbital. That's when the pain starts. Or so I'm told. Still, it does allow at least a short window of... opportunity. I've heard you can survive it, though, if you get to a medic quickly enough."

Terror welled up in Blue. She bit down hard to avoid screaming but a muffled mewling still leaked out.

"Oh, don't worry, dear," said Kittley, "I'm very good at asking questions quickly, should the need arise. I'm guessing you really don't know much about babble. It can be very dangerous." She grasped Blue's arm and cleaned the injection site. "One last thing you should know about it. I absolutely
having it used on me."

Blue felt an icy prick and heard a hiss. Kittley leaned close over her.

"Think about that, dear. I'll have you some questions soon."

Blue's vision blurred momentarily but snapped back into focus.

"Now, Lacy Blue," said Kittley, "We shall discuss why you thought it wise to accost my friend and me."

What, thought Blue. How did she know?! What else did she know? The terror within her multiplied and a ragged scream of it finally tore out of her throat.

"No! Noooo...."

The sound mushed and distorted as a warm, tingly feeling enfolded her.


Kidwell sighed and lit a much-needed drugstick. Blue whimpered and twitched as she lived what dreams Kidwell knew not. The drug she administered, a mixture of NiGhTmArE and a mild sedative, would not reach full potency for a few minutes more. She had another cocktail ready for when it did. She glanced at Thompson, who looked back with eyes wide and face pale.

"What's wrong, Cap'n John?"

"Lady, right now you're six-sigmas off the beam scarier than Sergeant Stone, House Varl and the Consortium combined!"

"I know, lover, and don't think it feels good. We need information and answers, though, and we don't have a lot of time to get either. Don't forget, these bastards are working against the League! I promise you she'll survive this and so will Seigneur..." She examined his ID. "Karr. They will survive to face League justice and feel every second of it!"

Thompson shuddered. "I know, Vera, but right now I'm absolutely and totally not interested in finding out any more about Protocol!"

At that moment Blue's eyes snapped open and forestalled Kidwell's reply.


After half the morning running about taking care of details Outremin suddenly started rushing Micah even harder. Even stranger, he spoke of active-linking to Astraboria.

"Pardon, sir," said Micah, "I thought we were going to Barinhall."

"We shall, Stone, not to worry. All in due time. I've just received critical information, though. My Laird Fadding will meet us on Astraboria and the Great House of Varl will see its justice sauced with sweet revenge! Now hurry! We must find those fools Simmons and McConney before they go haring off on some fool's journey!"

"Will I meet him? Laird Fadding, I mean."

"Of course, Stone! I am his hand of action just as you are mine. You'd best polish your Peerage and Precedence, as well as your Conduct, else someone's hand may be chopped off."

They found McConney just finishing a long breakfast and totally absorbed in financial reports and similar House business. He showed Outremin courtesy due but only that. He steadfastly refused to hear Outremin's news before lunch or absent Simmons.

When the two of them reached Simmons' manor the servants flatly refused them entrance. After Outremin fussed, fumed, intimidated and finally bullied his way in, those same servants used every trick of courtesy they could to delay him. They offered wine, nibblers, breakfast, early lunch and even a quick trip to the manor's pool or spa. Only when Micah caught Outremin's ear and whispered, just loud enough for a few to overhear, about killing a few of them to expedite matters did they finally behave.

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