The Broken Road (6 page)

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Authors: Melissa Huie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Literary, #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Romantic Suspense, #Literary Fiction, #Humor, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: The Broken Road
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“Sorry, I think this is yours,” I muttered, stepping back. Super Hunk chuckled.

“No, no. You can have it,” he drawled. Good Lord, a Southern accent. I’m a sucker for accents.

The barista then put a larger drink down. My drink. I quickly apologized to Super Hunk, grabbed my coffee, and headed for the door. I chirped the button to my car and noticed Super Hunk climbing into a sleek Porsche Turbo. I turned green with envy. Puppies, babies, and fast cars are my ultimate weaknesses.

“Nice car,” I called out and, adding under my breath, “Nice Ass

“Thanks. My pride and joy,” he said with another perfect smile. For some strange reason, shyness came over me. I felt so awkward. It had been a long time since I had done any sort of flirting.

I gave Super Hunk a quick smile as I got into my car and let him pull out first. I put the Volvo into reverse and started to back out. Suddenly, a black Lexus coupe came to a complete stop right behind me. I slammed on the brakes so I wouldn’t crash into them. The last thing I needed is my insurance to go up because of some stupid jerk that can’t drive.

I waited a few beats for them to move before I gave the universal sign for “What the fuck?” by throwing my hands in the air. I honked the horn and the Lexus didn’t budge.
What the hell is this?
I threw open my car door and stalked over to the Lexus, “What the hell do you think you’re doing? I’m trying to leave. Did you want me to hit you?”

The darkly tinted windows came down and a familiar laugh billowed out. I peeked inside. Shane was in the driver’s seat, holding his sides and laughing hysterically. Allison was in the passenger seat, trying to hold it in.

“You should have seen your face!” he managed to say, in between breaths. I stomped over to the driver’s side and reached in to smack him. He dodged my hand.

“You stupid jerk! Why are you such an ass? Argh!” I said with exasperation. I looked at Allison, who had started laughing. “And you! How do you put up with this?”

Allison muffled her laughter with a cough. “Sorry Megan. You know you can’t control the man once he’s behind the wheel.”

“Whatever. Can you please move so I can leave? I have a lot to do today and you're not helping,” I said, folding my arms across my chest. I gave the best evil eye I could muster. It failed.

Shane covered his laugh with a cough. “Yeah yeah yeah, keep your clothes on. I’m moving. But I forgot to tell you this morning. I’m running up to Trenton for the next couple of days. I’m helping Adrian with his brother’s bike. I’ve ordered a new mattress and box spring. It should be here either today or tomorrow. If you’re not there, they will leave it on the carport. ”

He was leaving. Good. I don’t need him there, stirring up old feelings. I guess I should be grateful. Part of me didn’t want him to leave, not after what happened last night. I didn’t want to be that girl, the girl who needs someone to protect her. I gave him my evilest Megan stare, just to show that he’s not off the hook yet. Yeah, it didn’t work.

I finally said, “Okay, sure. Thanks for letting me know.”

“No problem.” Shane gave me a wink and set off.

I walked back to my car in a huff. I wanted to say I was mad about that little shenanigan that he just pulled, but deep down
deep down, I was sad that he was leaving so soon. I ignored the little voice in my head that wondered if Allison was going with him to Trenton.
I’m not going to think about him. I’m not going to think about him

When I got home, I quickly put the groceries away. Penny’s vet appointment was in half an hour and she was going to fight me every step of the way. I grabbed some of her favorite treats, her leash, and headed up the stairs. I found her on my bed and when I walked in the room, she looked scared.

“Come on, Penny. Let’s go for a car ride,” I said, with as much sweetness as I could muster. It didn’t fool her. With her tail between her legs, she gave me the saddest look I’d ever seen.

“Oh Penny. Don’t be such a baby. You’ll be fine,” I said, clipping on her leash and leading her down the stairs. She tried to balk at the car door, but realized that resistance was futile. With a minute to spare, we made it to Dr. Collins’s office. Penny didn’t care very much for Dr. Collins, but he was a good vet and within my budget. His bedside manner wasn’t the best, but hey, we can’t have everything, right?

I practically dragged Penny into the office, giving her treats every third step or so. Penny looked so pathetic; it was hard not to laugh. When she was finally called, Penny dug her back paws in. Seeing as how we were on laminate flooring, it didn’t stop her from joining me in the exam room.

“Dr. Collins will be right in,” the nurse said, trying hard not to laugh.

I chuckled. The big baby whined and immediately tried to climb into my lap

“Isn’t she a bit big to be a lap dog?” asked a voice behind me. I turned around and was taken aback to see Super Hunk from this morning. Embarrassed, I tried to put her down. The stubborn dog whimpered and strained to stay on the bench. I struggled with her weight on me, when this new Dr. Collins gently lifted her down to the ground.  I sighed with exasperation. What a great first impression.

“Yeah, she’s not fond of the vet. I’m Megan Connors. This is Penny,” I said, reaching out my hand to him.

“Dr. Collins. Alex Collins. Nice to meet you,” he said, flashing those perfect teeth as he shook my hand. He started to read Penny’s file. I felt like I had to say something. Anything.

“You’re not the Dr. Collins I was expecting,” I said, as I tried to get Penny to calm down. My heart jumped nervously. He squatted down to Penny’s level, right next to me. Dr. Collins took her face in his hands and started rubbing her ears. Penny immediately became at ease.

“Yeah, this is my grandfather’s practice. I just moved here from North Carolina to help him out. He’s retiring at the end of the summer. You can call me Alex,” he said, checking Penny’s teeth. Amazingly, there wasn’t a growl or snarl to be heard.

“That’s really nice of you, Alex, ” I said lamely. I couldn’t think of what else to say. The man had me dumbfounded.

Mr. Super Hunk smiled while he checked Penny’s hips and limbs. “She seems to be in good health. Not overly big, but she could stand to lose a few pounds. Maybe cutting back on the treats will help,” he said with a grin. I sheepishly grinned back and put the rest of her treats back into my purse.
This guy is cute.
I discretely checked for a ring on the left hand. Nope, no ring. Jen’s voice rang in my head. Talk to him you fool, she urged.

“Penny seems to like you. This is the most relaxed I’ve seen her at the vet’s,” I said shyly.

“Yeah, lucky for me, dogs like me. I don’t have any dogs of my own right now, but the place where I’m staying has some,” he said, listening to Penny’s heart. Penny was cool as a cucumber.

“Oh really? Your girlfriend’s dog or something?” I inquired nonchalantly. I had to ask.

Alex chuckled and gave me a crooked grin. “No. I’m renting the guest house at Copper Ridge Farm, over in Davidsonville. They have a bunch of dogs over there, along with every other farm animal.”

Good. No girlfriend. Obviously likes animals. Sexy as sin. Seems like he has a good head on his shoulders. Time to put on my big girl undies and go for it.

“Copper Ridge? I used to ride there when I was younger,” I said, in hopes of prolonging the conversation.

“It’s a nice place. Bill and Mary Patterson are great people. Aside from the discount in rent, I’m able to take out some of the horses for exercise. That’s a major plus since I had to leave my old gelding back in North Carolina. Do you still ride?” he .asked.  Do I ride? Of course, my sex-deprived mind went straight for the gutter.

“Not lately, it’s been awhile. Eventually, when I have the time, I’d like to get back into it,” I said lightly.

“You should come up to the farm. I’m sure Mary and Bill would love to see you,” he said absentmindedly jotting down notes on Penny’s chart. “Well, her shots are up-to-date and she seems to be in perfect health,” Alex stated, handing me the appointment summary sheet. Now’s my chance;
Do it!
I cheered myself on. Good Lord. I sucked in my breath and said, “Thanks Dr. Collins. It was nice meeting you.”

The daredevil in me was calling out horrible names, such as chicken shit, fucking coward, wimp, and some other expletives. I can’t do it. I really can’t do it. As I left the clinic, I started kicking myself in the ass when I heard, “Ms. Connors, wait.” Oh! It’s him! I quickly turned around, with a big smile on my face.

“You forgot this,” he said, handing me my cell phone. Thoroughly embarrassed, I smiled tightly and thanked him. I tend to lose my phone quite frequently.

“Thanks,” I said, gathering up my courage before I lost my nerve again. “If you’re not busy tomorrow morning, would you like to get together for coffee? Say around nine?” I blurted out. I almost clamped my hand over my mouth in utter shock. I can’t believe I did it. How humiliating.

Alex looked taken aback as well. “Wow. Um. Nine? I think that will work. Same Starbucks?” he said, a gleam in his eye. He remembers!

“Yeah, same one,” I said, trying to hide my shock at him saying yes.

“Sounds great. I’ll see you there.” Alex chuckled and headed back into the  office. I quickly walked to the car and as soon as I was out of earshot, I squealed in excitement. I can’t believe it. I did it! I actually did it! Penny looked at me like I lost my mind. This is AWESOME! I tried desperately not to look like an idiot, but I couldn’t help myself and did a happy dance next to the car. Was this considered a date? God, it had been so long since I’ve been on one, I couldn’t tell. Once home, I quickly let Penny inside and dialed Sarah’s number.

“Hey Sarah! How are things going?” I asked as she answered the phone.

“Hey Megan. It’s going great. I was just talking to your brother. He can’t wait for his break next week,” Sarah said excitedly. Kyle and she have been trading weekends here and there, but with him on the force, there was so little time that they could see each other.

“You mean he can’t wait to see you?” I teased. I’m so glad I introduced them. They are such a great couple. We chatted for a few minutes, before I told her about Shane. Sarah knew all the Shane stories. After Jen, Sarah is my closest friend.

“I can’t believe that he said that you were like his sister,” Sarah said quietly, “That must have hurt.”

“I have to say that it did. But you know what? It was needed. It’s been almost a year since Tommy and I split. And obviously I need to get over Shane too. Hearing that this morning reaffirmed what Jen said. We were talking last night and she said that I needed to get back out there. I’m twenty-six years old; I should be having the time of my life, not depressed and sitting in my pajamas all day.”

“So do you have anyone in mind? ” she asked.

“Well…” I hedged a bit. “I met a guy today. He’s Penny’s new vet. He’s sexy as sin, single, gray eyes. Sarah, he’s beautiful. And he’s really nice too. We’re meeting for coffee tomorrow.”

“That’s a start. Coffee is always a great start. That’s how I got your brother hooked.” She giggled.

“Right. And here I always thought it’s your good looks,” I laughed. Sarah modeled for a couple of campus calendars while we were in school. She is so gorgeous, with long black hair, her father’s Asian brown eyes, and her mother’s French nose. I was totally intimidated when I met her

Sarah had to get off the phone just then; apparently class is more important than our phone call. But she threatened to not bring down my favorite Boston potato chips if I didn’t give her all the details of my date tomorrow. I did a few loads of laundry before the doorbell rang. It was the mattress that Shane had ordered. I directed the delivery men upstairs and they hauled away his old one. Being the good friend, I made his bed. I put on some white cotton sheets and a new comforter. His cologne still lingered in the air and I paused as I walked out the door.

“No. No more of this,” I said to myself, pushing out the old feelings. We’re purely platonic. Or even family. No romantic feelings whatsoever.

My calendar tone rang on my phone, reminding me that mom was cooking me dinner.  I whistled for Penny and hustled down the stairs. Penny gazed forlornly as I clipped her leash to her collar, as if to say no more doctor’s visits.

“Oh shush. We’re going to Grandmas,” I said, pushing her into the back seat. My mother demanded an audience of her children once a month at the very minimum. We always followed Kyle’s schedule and today just happened to be the day.

Mom still lives in my childhood home in Davidsonville just twenty minutes away. When I looked for a home,, I looked for one close to my mom. I was so glad when I found one so close to her. When we arrived, I let myself into her house, with Penny running ahead of me into the kitchen. The aromas of mom’s baked chicken and sweet potato fries greeted me.

“Hi baby doll,” she said, coming around the corner. Dressed in jeans and a sweat shirt, she is the older version of me. Long dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a slightly heavier frame, we look exactly alike. I gave her a huge hug. I missed living with my mom. The house always smells like apple turnovers, vanilla, and chicken.

“Hi Mom. Dinner smells good,” I said, hanging my jacket on the hook. I wandered into the kitchen, and Penny was already there, sniffing for scraps.

“Penny! Here you go!” my mom called, putting a bowl of chopped chicken and rice down for her.

“Mom, Dr. Collins said that Penny needs to lose some weight. So no more table scraps,” I admonished.

My mom waved me away. Her fourteen-year-old Bichon came hobbling down the hall, sniffing for food. Micki is nearly blind, partially deaf (although my mom calls it selective hearing), and just very elderly. Penny let Micki get into the food bowl and backed off. She knows who rules this house.

I sat at the old oak table, the same one my father got for Mom on their ten year anniversary. “What time is Kyle coming over?” I asked, watching her take the fries out of the oven.

She checked the country clock on the wall. “He should be here shortly. He can smell dinner from a mile away, so I doubt we’ll have to wait very long for him.”

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