The Bradbury Chronicles (46 page)

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Derleth, August, 101, 116, 160

Dark Carnival
and, 122–23, 132, 134–36, 143, 145

RB's correspondence with, 116, 119, 122–23, 160

RB's meeting with, 141–42

Who Knocks?
and, 119, 122

Detective Tales,

“Dia De Muerte, El” (Bradbury), 144

Dietrich, Marlene, 76

Dill Brothers Combined Shows, 54–59

Diller, Barry, 306

Dime Detective,

Dimension X
(radio program), 179–80, 237

dinosaurs, 37, 67, 90, 167, 188, 189–90, 210, 212, 216, 217

“Disease, The” (Bradbury), 161

Disney, 59, 214, 264, 304, 306–9

Disney, Roy E., 179

Disney, Walt, 4, 264, 271–72, 296–97, 303

Disney Imagineering, 296–98

Dominguín, 281

Doors of Perception, The
(Huxley), 175

Doubleday, 154–57, 165, 166, 169–72, 176, 182, 188, 203, 252

Fahrenheit 451
and, 205, 208

RB's advances from, 156–57, 160

RB's collections of previously published work for, 263–64

RB's disenchantment with, 255–57, 260

“Downwind from Gettysburg” (Bradbury), 272

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 81, 229

Driving Blind
(Bradbury), 298

“Ducker, The” (Bradbury), 134

Du Maurier, Daphne, 238

“Dwarf, The” (Bradbury), 236


“Earth Men, The” (Bradbury), 158, 161

Eastwood, Clint, 246

Edgar Rice Burroughs
(Porges), 48

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 194

Eisner, Michael, 306

election of 1952, 192, 194, 195

“Electric Grandmother, The” (Bradbury), 302

Eller, Jonathan R., 57–58, 134, 203

“Embroidery” (Bradbury), 188

“Emissary, The” (Bradbury), 116, 144, 187, 236

Encyclopaedia Britannica,

Engel, Joel, 264

“En La Noche” (Bradbury), 112

Entertaining Comics (EC), 153, 186–87, 190

environmental destruction, 155, 203, 254

EPCOT Center, 264, 297–98, 302–3

82–83, 169, 202, 320

Essex, Harry, 192

“Exiles, The” (Bradbury), 199, 200


Fadiman, Clifton, 256

Fahrenheit 451
(Bradbury), 8, 9, 38–39, 77, 198–210, 212, 213, 214, 241, 252, 274, 298, 313, 316, 330–32

as anticensorship book, 17–18, 182, 199, 219, 330

character names in, 73

cover art of, 4, 131, 237

introductions to, 199, 201

magazine serial rights for, 228–29

origins of, 166–67, 198–203, 259

publication of, 208–9, 255, 260

reviews of, 208

sales of, 209, 274

stage version considered for, 269

Fahrenheit 451
(film), 273–75, 330

Fahrenheit 9/11
(film), 330–31

Fairbanks, Douglas, 12, 107

Famous Artists, 177

fantasy, 105, 109, 154, 182

“autobiographical,” 32, 34, 112–14

RB as anthologist for, 176–77

RB's avoidance of, 8, 176–77

RB's writing of, 30, 32, 34, 43, 110, 112–14, 116, 118, 153, 154, 187, 188, 191, 209, 233, 263–64

stigma against, 175

see also
specific works Farewell Summer
(Bradbury), 14, 81, 130, 243

Farrar, Straus, 152

“Fathers, The” (Bradbury), 161

Faulkner, William, 109, 208

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 118, 193, 252–53

Fellini, Federico, 290, 299

Fellini's Films
(book), 298–99

Ferguson, Regina, 214–16, 219, 231

Fields, W. C., 69, 70, 85

Figueroa Street Playhouse, 72, 75–77

film, film industry, 15, 27–28, 43, 109, 190

newsreels before, 198–99

RB's love of, 15, 27–78, 30, 31, 34, 41, 63, 66, 69, 70, 83, 91, 161, 229, 259–60, 261, 267, 271, 290, 306

RB's screenplays for, 37, 162, 178, 189–92, 210–12, 214, 216–17, 218, 220–34, 245, 246, 259–60, 280–82, 286–87, 304–7, 316

see also
animated films;
specific films

“Fire Balloons, The” (Bradbury), 33

“Fireman, The” (formerly “Long After Midnight”) (Bradbury), 166–67, 200–205

“First Night of Lent, The” (Bradbury play), 270

“First Night of Lent, The” (Bradbury story), 239–40

Fishgall, Gary, 227

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 209, 229, 306, 317

Flash Gordon,

“Fog Horn, The” (formerly “The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms”) (Bradbury), 37, 167, 188, 190, 212

Foley, Martha, 133, 142, 151–52, 160

Format Films, 264–65

Fourth of July, 32–33, 52

“Fox and the Forrest, The” (Bradbury), 131

France, 139, 215, 216–17, 312, 313

World War One in, 24, 25, 58

see also

Freberg, Stan, 269, 329

Frehley, Ace, 98

From the Dust Returned
(Bradbury), 19–20, 135, 154, 322, 324

Frost, David, 282–83

“Frost and Fire” (Bradbury), 165

Furthman, Jules, 109

Futuria Fantasia,
93, 101, 103–4, 106


“Gabriel's Horn” (Bradbury and Hasse), 106–7

Gaimon, Neil, 122

Gaines, Bill, 186–87


“Garbage Collector, The” (Bradbury), 188

Garland, Judy, 73, 139, 193

Garreau-Dombasle, Francion, 127, 235

Garreau-Dombasle, Madame Man'Ha, 127–28, 131, 235

Gauss, Katherine, 144

Gay, John, 244–45, 250

Germany, 100, 145, 193, 199, 202

Gernsbach, Hugo, 84

Gingrich, Arnold, 82–83, 320

Gioia, Dana, 332

“Girls Walk This Way; the Boys Walk That Way, The” (Bradbury), 291

Gold, Horace, 202

Golden Apples of the Sun, The
(Bradbury), 53, 121, 167, 187–89, 197, 202, 330

mixed fiction in, 187–88, 204

Mugnaini's drawings for, 189, 237

reviews of, 204

Goldwyn, Sam, Jr., 259

Gomberg, Sy, 259, 270, 280

Gordon, Richard, 276

Gorman, Bob, 89

Gottlieb, Bob, 260–61, 283, 287–88, 319

Grapes of Wrath, The
(Steinbeck), 98, 129, 157–58

Graziani, Bettina, 235

Great Britain:

RB's work in, 145, 181–83

see also

Great Depression, 44–46, 51, 55, 60–66, 78, 95, 98, 110, 124, 138, 186, 198, 199, 332

Greene, Graham, 246

Green Shadows, White Whale
(Bradbury), 131–32, 221, 316, 319

Gregory, Paul, 269

Grissom, Virgil (Gus), 276–78

Guggenheim Fellowship, 160

Gumm Sisters, 73


Hahn, James K., 5, 78

Halloween, 7, 13, 30, 136, 142, 153–54, 266–67, 293, 315–16, 327–28

Halloween Tree, The
(animated film), 286–87, 316

Halloween Tree, The
(Bradbury), 81, 128, 285–88, 319

“Halloween Tree, The” (painting), 286

Hamburger, Susan, 319

Hamilton, Edmund, 101, 107, 116, 134

Hamish Hamilton, 145

Hammett, Dashiell, 108

Handleman, Andrew, 315

“Handler, The” (Bradbury), 187

Hardy, Oliver, 71, 219–20, 295

Harkins, Donald, 70, 72, 73–74, 80, 238

Harold Matson Agency, 147

142, 144, 151, 202

Harrison, Joan, 237

Harryhausen, Ray, 51, 90–91, 147–48, 174, 189–90, 210, 217

Hart-Davis, Rupert, 181

Hartrampf's Vocabulary,
93–94, 103

Hasse, Henry, 101, 104, 106–7

Hawks, Howard, 109

Heard, Gerald, 172–75, 207, 232

Hecht, Harold, 246

Hecht-Hill-Lancaster, 244, 246

Hefner, Hugh, 198, 229–30

Heinlein, Leslyn, 98, 99, 101–2

Heinlein, Robert, 98–99, 101–2, 104, 159

RB's falling out with, 114–15

as RB's mentor, 99, 102, 107, 109

Hemingway, Ernest, 108, 209, 220, 317

Hepburn, Katharine, 316

“Here There Be Tygers” (Bradbury), 254–55

“Highway, The” (Bradbury), 19, 131, 166, 174

Hillman, James, 38

Hitchcock, Alfred, 237–38, 261, 287, 311

Hitler, Adolf, 85, 199, 207, 209

Hole, The
(animated film), 266

“Hollerbochen's Dilemma” (Bradbury), 87, 324

Hollywood, Calif., 69–70, 73–77, 139, 151, 177, 231, 270, 294

anti-Communism and, 193–97, 199, 234–35

premieres in, 238–39

Hollywood Hotel
(radio program), 75, 76

Home Box Office, 312, 313

“Homecoming” (Bradbury), 122, 124, 135–36, 142, 144, 154, 236, 322

Hoover, J. Edgar, 193

Hornig, Charlie, 94

horror, 176–77, 180, 182

Hourigan, Kathy, 319

“House Divided” (Bradbury), 55–56

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