The Boy Next Door (75 page)

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Authors: Staci Parker

BOOK: The Boy Next Door
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Greyson escorted the woman to the passenger side and closed the door firmly behind her.  He took a deep gulp of air before sliding into the driver’s seat.

They headed out at a slightly fast speed and she gripped the sides of her seat.

“I have to keep up appearances,” he grinned at her.

Her cheeks blossomed into a soft pink and he had to resist the urge to toss her into the backseat right then.

He pulled into the parking lot of his apartment.

“This doesn’t look like a coffee shop,” she observed.

“I have coffee in my apartment.”

“Ah, I see,” her eyes flaring darkly as the realization hit her.

He closed and locked the apartment door behind them and stared at her with a predatory hunger and a twitching cock.  She did not look away.


Chapter Seven

Greyson studied her face closely.  Her emerald green eyes flared and sparked at him but none of what he saw resembled fear.  There was curiosity and lust and pleasure, but no hesitation.  Her cheeks looked smooth and creamy and soft.  Her full pink lips were slightly glossy and the lower one looked perfect to fit between his teeth.  The oversized tee shirt and jeans hid anything beyond her neck but he was moments away from finding out what secrets lay behind all of that cotton.

He slowly removed his own tee shirt.  His broad shoulders and firm chest were tanned from the hours by the pool and on the tennis court.  His biceps bulged and his abs quivered under her gaze.

She lifted her chin in defiance and slowly removed her own tee shirt. 
It seems only fair
, she thought with a mental laugh.

She twitched the corner of her mouth into a smirk when his jaw fell open.  Her firm D-cup breasts were outlined in cobalt blue lace and her nipples were trying valiantly to pierce the delicate material.  Her waist was trim and slender, and the loose fitting jeans fell low on the swell of her hips.  He could see the thin cobalt strings against her hips, hinting at what lay beyond the denim.  She did not miss the twitch of his hips as he tried to rearrange his swelling cock without her noticing.

He ran his hand through his thick dark curls and grinned.  His chipped front tooth winked at her and she loved the imperfection of his smile.

She reached back and slowly pulled the band from her bun.  The rich chestnut waves coiled down over her shoulders and tickled her upper back.

“What’s your name?” he whispered hoarsely.

“Char.  What’s yours?  And don’t tell me Charger.”

He paused before answering.  “Greyson.”

“Nice to meet you, Greyson.”

“You too, Char.”

His heart hammered in his chest when he heard his name slip like silk from her tongue.  As he stared at her creamy smooth skin, she slowly unfastened and removed her bra to let her breasts fall free.  He groaned deep in his chest and his long legs overtook the space between them easily.

He ran his fingertips across her collarbone and down the valley between her soft full breasts.  Her skin erupted in tiny goosebumps and she shivered slightly.  He wrapped his arms around her waist and devoured her mouth.  His teeth nipped her bottom lip roughly and his tongue dove inside to control hers.  She met his tongue with her own and surrendered to its plunders.

He could feel her taut nipples brush against his chest and he dug his nails into her lower back to hold her against his chest.  She pulled away from his mouth and raked her teeth across the top of his shoulder, eliciting a groan from his mouth.  It was a groan of pain, but not from her teeth.  The pain was from the intense throbbing under the fly of his jeans.  He thrust himself against her, needing friction to relieve the painful pressure.

Greyson bowed his head towards her chest, and she buried her hand in his hair, urging him closer to her skin.  He lightly flicked one nipple with his tongue, wanting to torment her as much as the memory of her had been tormenting him.  He wanted to make her scream his name before she even reached her first climax.

He cupped the curve of her ass with both hands and lifted her off the ground.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her to the bed behind them.  He tossed her unceremoniously onto the bed and knelt in front of her spread thighs.  His fingers tickled her tummy as he teased at the fly of her jeans.

Char reclined backwards on her elbows and looked down at Greyson through heavily lidded eyes.  Greyson slowly inched the zipper down to reveal the small triangle of cobalt blue lace and left a trail of damp kisses down the outer edges of the fabric.

When he looked up at her face, he could see the desire in those green eyes and he lost the ability to tease her.  In one swift motion, he yanked the jeans and the panties off her body and stood back up to lean over her.

He unfastened his own jeans and whipped them down along with his boxer briefs.  His cock stood at attention and pointed up at an angle between his stomach and her face.  She showed him a sexy half-smile and slowly ran her fingertips up the sensitive underside, making it twitch and making him groan.  His fingers tickled her swollen lips and slid easily through in her wetness.  He found the tiny slippery pearl nestled inside and circled it slowly, watching as her lips fell open in a silent gasp.

He crawled up on the bed as she parted her thighs for him, and he rubbed just the tip of his cock against her, making her hips wriggle underneath him.  He ground himself against her, spreading her wetness around all over both of them before sliding easily inside her warmth.

Greyson felt his balls tighten up and he willed them to take it easy and lower back down.  Char wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her heels just above his ass.  Her body rose to meet his for every thrust, and he could feel her inner muscles tighten against him.  He slid back and forth, watching as her breasts bounced with every motion.  Greyson bent forward and nipped her bottom lip.

Her whole body tensed up and he felt her pussy grip him tightly as she gasped and moaned.  Suddenly, her hips thrust upwards to him roughly and his cock was surrounded by a flood of liquid.  He grunted deep in his chest and thrust inside her hard, feeling every jet of his cum fill her body.  Afterwards, he collapsed on top of her and panted for breath in the darkened room.

She wriggled her hips underneath him, making his hips twitch as she tormented his very sensitive cockhead.  He rolled off and out of her, and exhaled loudly.

“Damn,” he whispered hoarsely.

“Ditto,” she grinned.

She slowly dragged herself off the bed and fished around for her clothes.  Once she was dressed, she ambled over to him and ran her fingertips over his lower belly.

“Catch you later,” she whispered as he was drifting off to sleep.


Chapter Eight

Greyson woke up the next morning trying to remember if it had all been a dream or had it really happened.  He was still naked so something happened, and then he saw the little blue G-string sitting on the pillow next to him and he grinned.

As sexy as he had imagined her to be, she had been more.  Her body had been beautiful under those oversized clothes and her playful taunting had ramped up his cock like none of those stupid bleached bimbos.  Sometimes their eagerness made it easy, but sometimes it made things way too boring.  He liked the challenge and the chase.

He eventually dragged himself out of bed, dressed in his race attire, and pointed the Charger towards the estate.  A hot shower and a huge breakfast were the only things on his mind.

Mr. Anders met him with a cup of coffee and he drank it on his way to his master suite.  He could still smell her on his skin and he groaned softly as he remembered how tight and wet she had been around his cock.  He regretted not feeling her lips and tongue on him, but there was always next time.

After his shower, he headed back downstairs in his bathrobe for breakfast.  The sweet chef had a large wedge of frittata waiting for him, along with fruit and toast and more coffee.  She made the best frittata he had ever eaten, with sharp cheddar cheese, mushrooms, spinach, diced tomatoes and plenty of white onions.  He slathered on the salsa for a kick and dug into the mess.  After breakfast, he filled his coffee mug one more time and returned to the sanctuary of his master suite.

Before he knew what happened, the weekend slipped away from him and it was Monday again.  Back to the boardroom and away from the Charger.  He tried not to resent the job since it was what afforded him his luxurious lifestyle, but it was sometimes hard to enjoy the best things money can buy when you had no time to enjoy them.

The business side of his life was picking up rapidly and his assistant was making the necessary travel plans.  He was annoyed that the Charger was in dry dock for an extended period of time, but he had to mind the suit part of his world as much as the denim part.

One week became two and then became a month.  A month became two and then several.  He spent his time at the office or on the corporate jet, in the boardroom, in his office, and occasionally in his own bed.  Greyson became increasingly annoyed with his schedule and irritated with his staff, both at the office and at the estate.  He hardly had time for a good game of tennis, let alone a Friday night to go race the Charger.  Every so often he would stop by and tell her hello when his driver was picking him up for work, but that was as close as he got.  The image of Char’s green eyes and full pink lips never floated far from his memory, but there just had not been an opportunity.

Suddenly, there was a Friday night that he was in town and without any place to be.  He almost jumped up and down in his penthouse office when his assistant told him.  At five o’clock on the dot, he tore out of the office and practically forced his driver to speed all the way home.

Greyson did not even acknowledge Mister Anders at the door, and tossed his suit in the corner of his room as he fished around for his jeans and tee shirt.  He was back out the door within minutes, and the Charger roared down the driveway and around the corner.

He pulled into the burger joint, and strolled in with a smile on his face.  He ordered up the bacon double cheeseburger, a large order of fries, and a bucket of Coke.  The meal was one of his favorites, but he could not remember when it had ever tasted so good.  After he inhaled the entire meal, he refilled the soda cup and headed over to the racing area.

His brunette, Char, was waiting with her brother.  She wore the same oversized jeans and tee shirt, with her shimmering chestnut waves pulled into the same simple bun.  He pulled up and parked next to them, and climbed out of the car.

His cock twitched when he caught the powdery fresh scent of her skin, but he tried to remain smooth and aloof as he approached them.  The younger brother, who was probably never smooth and aloof one day in his entire life, came bouncing up to him.

“Dude, I haven’t seen you in like forever!  Where the hell you been?”

“Been busy, man.  Good to see you,” Greyson tried to be polite but he never took his eyes off Char.

Char gave him half a nod but made no real motions towards him.  Greyson just assumed that she was trying to stay distant with her brother around.

Eventually the little pipsqueak wandered off to look at some of the other cars, and Greyson approached her in what he hoped was a casual manner.

“Hey there,” he started.

“Can we go somewhere?” Char responded.

“Sure thing.  Now or, uh…” his voice drifted off into the unspoken question.

“I think now.”

He ushered her into the Charger and sped off, leaving everyone at the racing site baffled and curious.  Once they arrived at his dinky little apartment, he showed her inside and closed the door behind them.

Greyson had a hunger in his eye and a stiffening in his crotch, but the way she perched on the edge of the bed made him stop and reconsider his approach.

“You okay?”

“Not really.  But I didn’t know how to find you.”

Greyson dropped into the recliner and rested his arms against his knees.  “Go on.”

“I’m pregnant.”


Chapter Nine

The breath whooshed out of Greyson in a long slow deep exhale.

“I see.  Is it mine?”

“I have to assume it’s either yours or immaculate conception.  I haven’t been with anyone else in about a year.”

“I see.

“Look, I’m not expecting anything.  I mean, I can see you don’t have much to spare.”  She gestured around the small sparsely-furnished apartment.

Greyson sat back in the recliner and tried to keep his face impassive even as the thoughts raced through his brain.

“I can help,” he offered vaguely.  “What do you plan to do?”

“Well…”  Char’s voice trailed off and she stared at her fingers twisted together.

“I know, it’s not really my decision, but I

“I know, it’s just… I think I’ll be keeping the baby.”

Greyson nodded slowly, absorbing everything as quickly as he could.  He looked at her face hard, and suddenly became aware that she was crying.  He flung himself to kneel in front of her.

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