The Boy Next Door (86 page)

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Authors: Staci Parker

BOOK: The Boy Next Door
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“Mmmm!” he said, teeth gritted as he felt the emission approaching.  Just as Lilinda began crying out, he gathered his wits and pulled himself outside, holding his hard, spasming cock in his hands.  He grunted as he kept his eyes open, watching helplessly as his hot load spattered all over Lilinda’s jiggling stomach. 

He released another hard moan as he held his cock firmly, making sure to jerk every last drop down on her beautiful black skin.

“Oh God…oh God…I loved it, baby.”

“Ahhh…” he groaned, drained of his energy and still shaking in afterglow. 

“Stay here…” she said, gripping him and keeping her against him.  Their fluids were slipping and sliding all over each other and dirtying the bed.  But the moment was too eternal, too implosive to forget.




They stayed in bed, chatting and laughing in the hours that followed.  They even showered together, since Lilinda felt vulnerable.  She was the pretend wife, and of course the fantasy of becoming a rich Chinese man’s real life wife was all too real—and painful, considering that it was all a show for him.

However, late into the night, as they continued chatting and lying next to each other, at least one comforting thought was shared.

“Why me?” she asked, swooning over Han’s arms, which covered her bare breasts in a spooning hug.  “Or did you just choose me randomly?”


“Or wait, I know.  You always had a fetish for black women, didn’t you?”

“I had never really thought of black women as sexual beings…until I saw you.  Your body… it made me crazy.”

He smiled and kissed her on the back of the neck.

“Then what?  You’re telling me all this…all this future, the rest of your life was gambled away because of a chance Internet ad?”

“No.  I had a reason.”


Han became stoic and frowned.  “Because, Lilinda.  It was the way you spoke of your parents.  The honor you showed them, taking care of them for their final years.  It is something all too lacking in the women I meet on a regular basis.  From country to country, everywhere I go…men and women both, they seem oblivious to responsibility.  They toss away their family like old potatoes.  They don’t love.  At least not the way we loved, when my parents were still alive.  You reminded me that not all women are like that, and that some women still show honor.  And I knew that if you were telling the truth, you would be the type of woman I would marry, were this a real marriage.  And just as honorable as any Chinese woman.”

“Oh…I see.”  Her eyes became filled with tears and suddenly she went silent.  She smiled wide and patted him on the thigh from behind.

Instantly, he felt her pain.  He frowned and almost spoke…but he stopped himself.  What if this was all just an illusion?  Just an imposter feeling, as it was an imposter marriage?


The day that they were scheduled to meet Mister Adman and seal the deal was indeed a nerve-racking day.  Han wore a suit and scurried around the house making sure everything was on schedule. 

Lilinda, bless her, played the part with enthusiasm.  She made sure she dressed appropriately and rehearsed everything she would say in advance.  All the wonderful things about her husband to be, she knew them by heart.  Because she admitted to herself the truth: of course she loved him.  He was wealthy, kind and open-minded.  The kind of man any woman would love, regardless of race or ethnicity.

Lilinda decided to wear a sexy green blouse with just enough cleavage showing to get attention.  She figured Han deserved to look good today.  Besides, the man was honest and he did assure her, for going through with this charade she would never be poor again.  Her skirt was short and beige colored, accentuating her legs.  She made sure to look at herself in the mirror before going to find Han and ask his opinion.

“What do you think?” she asked with a bittersweet smile as she approached him in the living room.

He looked at her in wide-eyed relief.  “My darling…you really are beautiful.”

“Thanks,” she said with a closed mouth smile, trying to stay giddy and not think too closely about the unhappy ending. 

“Wonderful.  Thank you for going through with this.  Mister Adman is going to be here any minute.  So let’s step into character.”


“You really do…” he said, before a pause, “look very beautiful.”

“Thank you,” she said with a nod.

“Kiss me.”


“Kiss me, let’s get into character.”


They embraced and kissed.  Her skin was so soft and so warm, inviting to the touch.  He put his arms around her and couldn’t let go.  He could no longer fight his thoughts.  This was really the best wife he could hope for, imaginary or not.  She wasn’t just beautiful…she was pure in heart.  She was the only woman he ever truly needed to feel his best.

“What…what are you doing?” she said, noticing he was unbuttoning her blouse. 

“I’m sorry…I can’t help myself.”

She laughed and became slightly nervous.  “That’s sweet…but…”

She giggled as he continued unbuttoning her blouse and finding her white bra.  He pulled down the sides of her blouse and kissed her chest in fervor.

“Ahahhhh…” she said halfway between a giggle and a passionate cry.  “Baby…do you even know what you’re doing?”

“No…I don’t know…”

He continued necking her and kissing her in between her buxom breasts.  “Darling, I like it too…but your client…boss…whatever…aaahh!”

She couldn’t help but feel the same passion.  His lips were crazed with mad energy and he couldn’t help but taste her black skin, working his way to her thick black nipples, which tempted him beyond all reason.  Who gave a shit about money?  He had money.  The only thought that struck him at this moment was that he was going to lose HER.  Her… the first black woman he ever loved, and perhaps the last.  Was it worth losing someone beautiful to acquire one more developmental deal?

“Make love to me,” he whispered, pulling her panties down from under her skirt.

“Ohh baby…what if we get caught?  What if the guy comes by and…”

“I don’t care.  I need to feel myself inside you.”


She grunted and obeyed his wishes, letting her matching white panties drop to the floor.  She spread her legs and waited for him to unzip his pants.

“Mmmmm…” he grunted, pushing her against the wall opposite the door and holding on tightly to her shoulders.  “Take my cock…”

“Oh baby…” she cried, feeling his hard erection penetrate her.  Such a lovely, intense feeling, but one that seemed to become more dangerous as each throbbing minute went by.  “He’s going to come any minute…”

“I am going to come any minute.  I’m not even trying to hold it in.  Fuck staying power…I just want you.  I want you…”

“Oh baby…oh Han…but what about…what about…”

“I know.”

“Baby, no.  You don’t understand…I’m not on birth control.  If you come inside me, I’m going to become…”

“I know,” he said, meeting her eyes as his cock pounded her in the standing position.  “If it’s the only way to keep you here, with me, then that is what I will do.  We will make a baby together…”

“Ohhh God!  You’re really going to do it!  Ugnnhh!”

She screamed in passion, so excited she pounded on the walls as he thunder fucked her with all his might.

“Let me come…”

“Ohhh yes!” she screamed, hollering up at the ceiling as she felt his cock twitch and fire a canon of hot sperm into her tight pussy.  She exhaled shallow breaths and held onto his face as he finished coming inside her, doing God knows what—fucking their futures up once and for all.

“Ahhhh…” she cooed in amazement, as Han put her hand on her quivering belly, just praying that indeed they made the mistake he wanted most.  He wanted to be involved with her, to keep her forever, to produce life and to start really living for a change. 

Outside the front door, a Mister Skand Adman watched in curiosity as Han violently made love to his beautiful black wife, who may as well have been chanting African Gullah chants. 

Han himself had lost all interest in the deal.  He got what he wanted the most and so did Lilinda for that matter.  Meanwhile, Mister Skand Adman learned firsthand through the front door window that Han Cheung Weisheng was truly a man of his word…and that his heart was definitely invested in Africa.



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Had to change this. English IS one of the national language of South Africa. She wouldn’t have to go to college to learn it.  Plus, South Africa has a very high rate of education.  Going to college wouldn’t be that out of the norm.

The author now has two grown people on a horse, AND a young girl thrown over one of their shoulders. This image is comical at best, ridiculous at worst. To suggest a horse took this kind of weight and still went out at a gallop….I deleted the next paragraph to make the imagery not so obvious.

I’ve read this story twice, and it’s hard to follow what’s going on.  I’m lost by the third page and I think your readers will be, too, which will take away any enjoyment from the erotic scenes.

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