The Billionaires Hired Baby Mother: When the wife and surrogate are two different people (11 page)

BOOK: The Billionaires Hired Baby Mother: When the wife and surrogate are two different people
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We can move this stuff to another room. Why
are you making this into an issue?” Roy asked annoyed.

Fine. I don’t care,” Melissa
said walking out of the room.

I know,” Roy whispered as she left.


On Monday Ettie got a call from Roy asking her if she wanted to go to
lunch. She hesitated for only a second before agreeing. An hour
later, she pulled into the parking lot of a small Italian restaurant
they both liked. Roy was already waiting. When she saw him she
couldn’t help but break into a wide smile.

Wow Ettie you’re glowing,” Roy
said in greeting.

No I’m not,” she said waving
him off. “My belly has grown over the weekend, see?” she
said indicating her growing bump.

Well I think you’re beautiful,”
he said as she sat down.

Ettie blushed. After the waiter took their order Ettie sipped from
her water glass trying to avoid looking at him, unsure why she was
suddenly nervous. They had lunch so many times before. Maybe it was
the way Roy had called her beautiful and the way he looked at her.

Thanks for coming today. I needed to take
the day off,” Roy said suddenly.

Is everything okay?” Ettie asked.

Yeah. No. Not really,” Roy sighed.

What’s wrong?” Ettie asked

It’s nothing really. Melissa and I
got into an argument. Then this morning, things were a little cold. I
don’t mean to burden you with all of this. She was upset about
the furniture,” he explained.

I’m so sorry. I knew we shouldn’t
have…” Ettie trailed off.

No. It’s not about the furniture
exactly. It was more about turning the office into the nursery.”

Oh,” Ettie said surprised.

I know she’s preoccupied with work
but I just... I just want her to be more excited about the changes in
our life. More involved,” he said frowning.

It will be better once the baby is born,”
Ettie said, not sure of what to say.

I really hope so,” Roy said softly.

At that moment their food arrived. The conversation steered away from
Melissa and more to the food, then about the baby. They discussed
names and Ettie told him about almost being Henry Junior. They had an
easy conversation and laughed until Ettie had tears coming out her
eyes. After lunch Roy walked Ettie to her car. As they were saying
goodbye Ettie suddenly felt the baby move.

Roy the baby moved,” she said
absentmindedly grabbing his hand and placing it on her belly.

As soon as she felt his hand on her, she blushed and dropped it. Roy
turned red as well. They said their goodbyes and Ettie left feeling
more confused than ever.

Chapter 6

The next two weeks Roy only texted Ettie, he didn’t call and
she missed his voice. She worried that the awkward moment between
them had ruined something. Then out of the blue he called her.

Hi Ettie,” he said.

Hello. How are you?” she asked.

I’m good. Been busy,” he added.

So have I. Lily is out for the summer and
she’s been bouncing off the walls in excitement.”

That’s actually why I was calling,”
Roy said. “I was wondering if you needed any help with your

My things?” Ettie asked confused.

You know. To move in this weekend,”
Roy replied.

Oh. Oh!” Ettie exclaimed. She had
forgotten all about their agreement.

Roy laughed. “Did you change your mind?” he questioned.

No. I just have been preoccupied.”

So. Do you need any help?” he asked

No. We got it,” Ettie said.

Great. I’ll send you the address,”
he said.

They said their goodbyes and Ettie sighed. This was going to be

Roy hung up the phone and sighed. He had missed her. He wasn’t
busy. He had been avoiding her. He didn’t like the feeling he
got when he had touched her the last time he saw her. It wasn’t
fair to Melissa. In fact it was Melissa who asked when Ettie would be
moving in this morning before work. Roy had to admit the thought of
seeing Ettie everyday was both exciting and scary. He had to get his
feelings in check. But it might be a good thing. Sort of a buffer.
Melissa had been cold towards him these past few weeks and he thought
having Ettie around would get her more involved with the baby. Might
even get her to start acting like herself again.

On Saturday with the car packed, their neighbor and Gina promising to
look after the house Ettie, Andrea and Lily with their suitcases
packed made their way to the Gardner's house. Ettie had to admit she
was extremely nervous to see him. As they pulled up to their
neighborhood they were greeted by a security guard, their community
was gated. Ettie felt like she was being scrutinized. As they pulled
up to the address Roy had sent her Ettie looked around at the house
in wonder. Beside her Andrea let out an audible whistle.

This is their house?” she asked

Ettie rang the doorbell and could hear it echo from inside. An older
lady in a stylish black dress answered the door.

Hello you must be Henrietta, Andrea and
Lily,” she said smiling at Lily who grinned shyly. “I am
Ellen and I am the Gardner's housekeeper. Please come in.”

A young man smiled at them and took their bags. To where, Ettie had
no clue.

That’s my son Kevin. He helps me out
from time to time. He’s on break from school,” she

She showed them into the open foyer which led to a spacious sitting
area on one side and a formal dining area to the other. This was all
framed by a sweeping staircase.

Ettie looked around and already began to feel uncomfortable. They
didn’t belong here. How could she have let them talk her into
it? Uprooting her whole life. Quitting her job and bringing her
mother and Lily here was definitely a bad idea.

Before her flight mode could be activated however, Ettie was stopped
by Roy who had come to greet them. The way he looked at her sent
shivers down her spine.

You’re here,” he said smiling.
“We are so glad to have you. Melissa had to work but let me
show you around. I got it from here Ellen,” he said warmly.

Ettie could only nod. Afraid her voice would
betray her.

Andrea nice to see you again. And you must
be Lily. I have heard so much about you,” Roy said beaming at

Lily smiled back and shook his hand he offered.

So I thought you guys would be more
comfortable in the guest house. For privacy. Kevin has taken your
bags there,” he said leading them through the kitchen and
through two wide french doors.

Mom. Mom,” Lily said jumping up and
down, “look at the pool.”

The pool was huge. Ettie had only seen pools that big at hotels.
There was a large barbecue area and a covered gazebo. Behind that was
a small house, the same style as the main house.

There are two bedrooms, but if you want
your own there are three bedrooms in the house,” he continued.
“I didn’t actually think about it. I’m sorry.”

No, this will be perfect,” Ettie

As they entered the guest house, Ettie was impressed. It was like a
tiny condo, complete with living room, flat screen TV and a full
kitchen. There was a hallway which Ettie was sure led to the bedrooms
and bathroom.

I stocked the kitchen,” Roy said. “I
made sure there is plenty of chocolate milk,” he said smiling.

Ettie blushed. She had been craving chocolate milk for the past few

Well, I’ll leave you guys to get
settled. Was there anything in particular you wanted for dinner?”
Roy asked.

Whatever you planned is fine,” Ettie
said. “Please don’t go to too much trouble.”

I want pizza,” Lily piped up.

Lily,” Ettie admonished.

Pizza? I love pizza,” Roy said
laughing. “What do you like on it?” he asked Lily.

She looked at Ettie who nodded before answering “pepperoni”

Then pizza it is,” Roy smiled. “Lily
I’m going swimming. Did you want to come with me?” he

Mom can I go?” Lily begged.

Sure,” Ettie said, grateful for Roy
making them feel comfortable.

I don’t know how to swim,” Lily
said suddenly frowning.

Well then I guess I have to teach you,”
Roy replied. “Why don’t you get settled and I’ll
meet you ladies out there in a half an hour.”

Okay,” Ettie replied quickly.

Roy left and immediately Lily ran to the bedroom.

Where are you going?” Ettie called
after her.

I have to get my bathing suit,” she
called back.

Ettie. What’s going on here?”
Andrea asked unexpectedly.

What do you mean?” Ettie asked.

I saw the way you looked at him. You’re
not falling for this man are you?” Andrea asked with a frown.

Of course not mother. He’s a good
friend,” Ettie said blushing again.

I knew this was a bad idea,” Andrea
said folding her arms.

Mom stop it. Not this again. I’m
tired I don’t want to talk about this. Nothing is going on.
He’s married.”

I hope not. I’m going to go get my
bathing suit,” Andrea said walking towards the bedroom.

Ettie sank to the couch. What was going on between them? The truth
was she was falling for Roy. She thought about him all the time. If
her mother saw it, did that mean that she was transparent? Did that
mean that Roy also saw it? And what about Melissa. Would she be able
to tell when they were all together? Suddenly Ettie wanted nothing
more then to be back in the safety of her own house. Away from Roy.
She was stupid. She was letting her emotions get the better of her.
She decided she would avoid him as much as possible.

Roy knocked on the door about forty five minutes later. They had
unpacked and Andrea and Lily was already wearing their suits. Ettie
had changed into a sundress, not wanting to swim. Roy was even more
stunning in his swim trunks. His chiseled chest was exactly as Ettie
had imagined. Oh boy, Ettie thought. This was bad.

Roy spent the afternoon teaching Lily how to swim. Ettie enjoyed
watching them together. He was patient and by the time they were done
for the day Lily had made progress. She was able to doggie paddle and
float on her back. Ettie felt a small pang, she had regretted Lily
growing up without a father. She touched her belly. At least this
child would be spared that fate. Andrea had gotten tired and went to
sleep early, the swim and the Texas heat wearing her out. Lily had
showered and changed and was enjoying delivery pizza in the kitchen
with Roy and Ettie when Melissa finally came home.

Hi,” she said walking into the

Hello,” everyone said in unison.

So are you settled in?” she asked

Yes. Thank you,” Ettie responded.

And you must be Lily. Hello,” she
said smiling at Lily.

Hi,” Lily responded. “Nice to
meet you. I like your pool.”

Great. I’m glad. No one really uses
it,” Melissa laughed.

Really?” Lily asked astounded. “I’m
going to swim every day,” she declared.

She’s beautiful,” Melissa said.

Thank you,” Ettie said.

Roy kissed Melissa and Ettie concentrated on her plate.

Want some pizza?” Roy asked.

Melissa wrinkled her nose.

No I ate at my meeting. I’m going to
go take a shower. Welcome Ettie. I hope you make yourself at home,”
she said. “Roy can I talk to you alone for a moment,” she

Roy followed Melissa out of the kitchen.

He was gone for a few minutes and when he returned he seemed upset.

Is everything okay?” Ettie asked.

Yes,” he replied but Ettie could tell
he was lying. She silently wondered what was bothering him.

After pizza Lily asked if she could watch television and Ettie gave
her permission.

I’ll clean up before I go back to the
guesthouse,” she said.

You don’t have to do that,” Roy

I don’t mind,” Ettie said. “I
do this all the time at home,” she insisted.

Melissa came into the kitchen at that moment. She looked stunning in
a red cocktail gown. Ettie suddenly felt very plain.

I just came to say goodbye,” she

Melissa has a work function,” Roy
said tight lipped.

Yes, Roy was supposed to come with me but
he didn’t want to leave you alone on your first night,”
Melissa said sharply.

Oh no. I’m fine,” she said to
Roy. “If you have a previous engagement, please don’t
miss it for me. Us staying here is not meant to disrupt your life.”

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