The Billionaires Hired Baby Mother: When the wife and surrogate are two different people

BOOK: The Billionaires Hired Baby Mother: When the wife and surrogate are two different people
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Billionaire's Hired Baby Mother
When the wife and baby mother are two different

This is not your average surrogate romance.

Roy and Melissa Gardner seem to lead the perfect

A perfect home, wealth, a happy marriage, and two
successful companies.

The only thing missing according to Roy is a baby.

Melissa has tried hard to give Roy the family she
know he wants and deserves, but without any success.

Something needs to change, and that something is

Ettie is a beautiful, intelligent single mother
who wants every opportunity for her daughter Lily, no matter the

So when she's accepted into a prestigious program
at a new school, Ettie knows she needs to do something drastic to pay
the tuition.

After considering her options, she decides to
become a surrogate and gets placed with Melissa and Roy.

Things seem to be moving along well, except for
two 'minor' details:

Melissa seems to have changed her mind about
everything, and Ettie has fallen in love with Roy...

How will things work out with the three?

Find out in this heart tugging new romance by well
respected author Tyra Small of BWWM Club.

Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so
hot, you'll wish you had your own billionaire hunk.

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Books By Tyra Small

Chapter 1

Henrietta Fraser, or Ettie as her close friends called her, yawned.
It had been a long and tiring day and she was ready for it to be
over. Days like these she hated, she was only twenty-eight but she
felt much older. Not that she looked it. She was one of those women
who were beautiful without really trying and yet completely oblivious
to it. Most men would call her a knockout but she wouldn’t
agree. She was the perfect mix of both her parent’s best
features. Like her mother, Ettie was considered tall, standing at
five seven. She also had her father’s build. Instead of being
slim like her mother she was curvy which made her appear shorter. A
tiny waist, wide hips, an ample bottom and small breasts. She
sometimes envied her mother’s full breasts and figure but that
was usually before a good old fashioned Texas heat wave hit them. Her
hair was a natural light honey brown, naturally wavy and although she
liked to wear it straight down her back the majority of the time, she
usually didn’t have the time it took to blow-dry it into
behaving. One of the things she had inherited from her mother was her
nose. Straight and slightly upturned with what her mother called
jelly bean nostrils. Her daughter Lily had the same nose as well. She
had a habit of tapping it to calm her nerves, which she was currently
doing at the moment. Ettie had freckles that were casually scattered
around her cheeks and shoulders, they grew darker in the summer,
another thing she had passed down to Lily. But perhaps the strongest
and best feature of Henrietta Fraser was her deep amber brown eyes,
the exact shade as her father’s, many had claimed to get lost
in. There was just something about her features that made her
extremely attractive. It was something she tried to downplay as much
as possible. She wanted to be liked for her intelligence and humor
rather than her beauty. Her strong nature and natural ease
intimidated weaker men, which was just fine to her because as her
mother often reminded her, she wasn’t raised to be a beauty
queen or damsel in distress type. Ettie wasn’t raised to be
meek. She was raised to be a warrior.

She heard her mother coughing from the next room
and worry creased her brow. It was hard to come to terms with the
woman lying in bed and the woman that she knew her mother to be.
Andrea Alexander-Fraser was the strongest woman Ettie knew and as
cliche as it sounded, her role model. Back in the early seventies,
she worked as a social worker, primarily focused on helping at risk
youth. She was beautiful, five eight, slim but with full breasts and
long dirty blonde hair that she wore in a thick braid down her back.
Sometimes her youth and her beauty caused people to not take her that
seriously. Truth be told, Andrea Fraser would look more comfortable
on a Hollywood movie set than she would on the neighborhood streets
of Austin, Texas. She liked to surprise them. When she started
speaking, her intellect commanded attention. She also worked in
troubled South Park, one of the few Caucasian women at the time to do
so. Once the residents knew that Andrea Alexander meant business, she
not only earned their attention but she also earned their respect.
She was known to pull up on street corners and drag some of her wards
to school. She wasn’t afraid of the gang members that
frequented those corners. If it was bravery or stupidity, luck or a
mixture of all three no one knew. Perhaps it was because they
couldn’t believe she had the nerve. It wasn’t just a job
to Andrea. She genuinely cared about the children whose files came
across her desk. But no matter what she did to help, the problems
started long before the children became her cases and so she was also
very outspoken at community meetings. She wasn’t always very
welcomed. The nosy white lady telling them how to live, but she held
her ground and was a permanent fixture at the meetings. It was at one
of these gatherings that she had first butt heads with Henry Fraser,
Ettie’s father.

Henry Fraser was a Houston police officer who was no nonsense and
commanded respect. He was fair but firm and did his best to uphold
the law. The thing that set Henry Fraser apart from other police
officers was his commitment to the job. He not only worked the
streets of South Park but he also grew up there and still maintained
a residence nearby in Southgate. He didn’t live his job as a
nine to five. His duties extended way beyond quitting time. Although
he admired Andrea for her courage and commitment, he often thought
that she overstepped her boundaries. These, after all, were not her
children and should not be making decisions for them. He wasn’t
afraid to hold his tongue and let her know whenever he opposed her.
It was a little joke to him and his friends, what he could do this
time to anger Ms. Anderson.

It was a surprise to everyone, most of all Henry, when they started
showing up to the community events together. And an even bigger shock
when they announced their engagement less than eight months later.
How could two people who seemingly didn’t like one another end
up together? The answer was pretty simple. If you ever wanted to know
the story of Andrea Alexander and Henry Fraser the best person to ask
would probably be Terrance Pittman, after all he started the whole
thing. Terrence had witnessed their relationship from the very
beginning. Terrance Pittman was eleven years old when his case landed
on Andrea’s desk. His mother was a former addict and his father
was absent from his life. He could have easily been written off as
one of the kids who fell through the cracks. Lost and forgotten. But
Andrea saw something in Terrence that his other caseworkers and
teachers did not see. The young man had an amazing eye for beauty.
She saw it in the drawings he made. In the picture collages he
constructed using old fashion magazines and in his comments about
things like light quality. The problem was Terrence was bad at every
other subject besides art. Math confused him and he had trouble
reading, Andrea suspected a learning disability. And unfortunately
Terrence did not have much support at home. His mother had refused to
pay for a tutor. But Andrea didn’t want Terrence to be one of
the forgotten. So she purchased a used Canon camera for him on his
twelfth birthday and he blossomed before her eyes. Although his
mother Nora didn’t object she also pursed her lips when
Terrence brought the present home. She was even more upset when he
focused all his attention on the camera, although his mother worked
two jobs she couldn’t afford to keep up with the cost of
purchasing and developing film. When Terrence started slipping and
getting in trouble again, against her supervisor’s
recommendation, Andrea took on the cost herself. Another problem was
his sheer size. At twelve years old Terrence already five eleven,
towering over the other boys his own age and attracted the attention
of older guys. Terrence had never had a father figure and the older
boys took him under their wing. He seemed to be doing better but then
his mother had a relapse and Terrence was placed in the care of his
ailing grandmother. At thirteen years old, he was arrested for
dealing crack cocaine on the streets of Houston. The arresting
officer was Henry Fraser. When Andrea was notified she immediately
went down to the precinct. She recognized Henry Frazier immediately
and was relieved. She was sure there was something they could work
out. Henry Fraser however, insisted that his hands were tied. He
could allow Andrea to speak to Terrence. She wanted him to name his
associates so that the police could arrest the boys selling drugs at
the schools so he could be released. Terrance refused and Henry
Fraser told her that he didn’t expect him to. She didn’t
know how, as much as he wish it weren’t so, the code of the
streets worked. When Henry told Andrea to go home and forget about
it, Andrea went on the defensive.

As she sat in court she gave Henry the once over. Henry Fraser was an
impressive specimen, standing at six one and a hundred and twenty
pounds. He was handsome and well spoken. When he brought Terrence in
he treated the boy with respect as he showed him to his seat. Andrea
then felt blindsided when he told the judge that Terrence should
remain in juvenile detention until the age of eighteen. Andrea lost
it. Andrea was livid and when she took the stand, argued that
Terrence was not a lost cause although he had been arrested several
times, and rather was a victim of circumstance. The judge did not
agree and he remanded him back into the custody of the system until
his eighteenth birthday.

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