The Billionaire's Heart: Billionaire Brothers (Tycoon Billionaires Book 0) (7 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Heart: Billionaire Brothers (Tycoon Billionaires Book 0)
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He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her hard. “Sounds great to me.”

He got comfortable on the bed, as Samira filled up a bowl with warm water in the bathroom, then she came back and dabbed his face, cleaning off the blood and soothing Ivan’s mood like a mother cat licking a youngster. He put his arm around her as she gently tended to his cuts. He couldn’t keep his hands off her anymore. He needed to touch her; to have her nearby.

“You’d better take your shirt off,” she said. “So I can see if there’s any damage on your lovely toned chest...”

He opened his mouth to reply that he didn’t have any cuts on his chest, but then he caught her smile. She reached out and unbuttoned his shirt, rubbing her warm hands over his pecs.

“I guess
should be topless, too,” she said. She stood and removed her dress and bra, so she was just in her panties and garter belt. Ivan’s lust rocketed at the sight of his sexy woman, topless and radiating sensual energy.

Samira crawled onto the bed and knelt at his side. She reached out to unzip his trousers. “I should probably just check everything’s okay with this.” She tugged out his hard-on, then shot him a flirty grin. “Hmm… looks like I might need to lick you here – just to check you’re healing properly.”

He grinned. “You’re so fucking hot, sweetheart.”

Samira lowered her face to suck the tip of his cock, so he reached out and caressed her perfect ass. She groaned with pleasure as he crept his fingers into her panties and circled her wet pussy.

“Ah, yes,” she gasped. “It’s like I’m being spit-roasted. I love it.”

He chuckled. “You want another guy to come up and fuck you?”

“Not when I have you doing it for me.”

She lifted her ass in the air, so Ivan eased his fingers inside her as she continued to suck his cock. She threw him a sultry grin before lowering her face to give his balls a sensuous lick, and the sudden pleasure took Ivan’s breath away, forcing his eyes shut. He quickly opened them again, not wanting to miss the sight of his beautiful Samira bending over him and sucking his balls. His cock was straining for her to take it in her mouth, but she was lingering at his balls – something that not many women had the confidence to do. The tantalising pleasure was incredible; he was torn between wanting her to continue teasing him like this and wanting her to swallow him down hard.

“Ah, yes, sweetheart!”

Samira chuckled smuttily as her tongue delved downwards and massaged the pleasure zone between Ivan’s balls and anus. A rush of ecstasy overwhelmed him; he couldn’t remember ever feeling this good – Samira definitely knew what she was doing. He focused on fingering her from behind, but he was unable to resist touching himself now, so he reached his other hand down and squeezed his erection, willing her to come up and suck him off.

Ivan pushed his cock towards her mouth. “You’re too fucking sexy – so good...”

“I love your cock.” Samira threw him a smouldering glance as she took over the handjob – wrapping her fingers around his hard-on and pumping her wrist up and down, taking her time. Ivan thrust his fingers deeper inside her, distracted by the fact that he couldn’t pleasure her properly in return. But Samira seemed to be enjoying herself as she stuck out her tongue and licked up the pre-cum seeping from the tip of his cock.

Samira grinned. “Allow me to blow your mind.”

She plunged his erection fully into her mouth, filling his body with lustful delight. He reached out and ran his fingers through Samira’s soft hair as she slid her lips up and down his shaft, faster and faster. The feel of her pussy over his fingers and the sight of her head bobbing up and down under his other hand rocketed Ivan’s lust over the edge. The room spun, becoming deliciously dreamlike.

“Yes, Samira!”

Samira groaned in reply and swallowed him deeper, cupping his balls in her hand and grinding her hips against his fingers inside her. Ivan was suddenly struck with an intense flood of pleasure, which surged from his pelvis and exploded in his brain.

“Move!” he gasped, unable to formulate a proper sentence, but Samira sucked even harder as Ivan shot his load deep inside her mouth. He gripped his fists tight as the orgasm embraced him in euphoria. Then, gradually, the overwhelming feeling dissipated, and he slowly drifted back to reality. But everything seemed lighter; blissful. Ivan grinned as he made eye contact with his glorious woman. She was still slowly sliding her lips over his shaft, watching him in awe.

“That was amazing,” he whispered. “You’re fucking amazing.”

She removed his cock from her mouth and chuckled. “Thank you!”

Ivan reached out and caressed her face, feeling himself unwind into warm contentment. “Did you orgasm, sweetheart?”

She shuffled up to snuggle into his arms. “We’ve got all night. I wanted to do that for you. Now that I’m nice and warmed-up, we’ll just wait for you to get hard again.”

“It shouldn’t take long,” he said. “You’re so fucking sexy.”

Samira laughed. She kissed him tenderly on the lips. “You feeling better now?”

“I was alright. Just… I hate disrespectful men, you know.”

“Well, I was glad you were there, thank you. Again.”

He held her tight. “I never want anything to happen to you. I won’t let anyone hurt you. Suddenly nothing in my life seems as important as you. Sounds stupid, I know. We’ve only known each other a few days.”

“I feel like I’ve known you all my life,” she said. “You’ve been with me this whole time – that’s how it feels.” She rested her head down on his shoulder. “Ivan?”


this secret project you and my cousin are working on?”

His muscles tensed. He wanted to tell her everything. But…

“Tariq and I swore to each other we’d never tell a soul. Not until it was unleashed.”

“Unleashed? Sounds shady!”

“Nah, it’s just… life-changing.”

She propped herself up on her elbows. “I’m just interested – I’m not trying to get you in trouble with Tariq. I was thinking, maybe I could help?”

He caressed her face. “I think you might be made of magic.”

She chuckled. “I won’t tell anyone. You can trust me.”

“I trust you.”

The truth was, Ivan had been dying to tell someone. He hated all this secrecy, and his brothers had been asking a lot of questions. He knew he couldn’t tell them. But Samira was Tariq’s cousin and
lover. What harm could it do?  “Okay… It’s a perpetual motion machine. It runs on nanotechnology and it doesn’t require an input energy source. It’ll mean the end of oil and fossil fuel. This could liberate our species.”

Samira stared blankly at him. “You must think I’m an idiot, Ivan. I don’t believe that for a minute.”

“I don’t think you’re an idiot. It’s the truth.”

She frowned. “Wow… if it’s true, that means you’re a genius.”

He chuckled. “Not really. It’s just something me and Tariq figured out. You can’t tell anyone, please? It’s important.”

“I won’t, I swear.” Her beautiful face lit up. “But knowing how smart you are makes me like you even more than I did before.”

“I don’t know if I could possibly like you any more than I do. Now come here and ride me. I need to feel your tight little pussy around me. I want to give you all the pleasure that exists in the universe. Just for you.”

Chapter Eleven


The sun always shone in California, and this morning it was shining in Samira’s heart. Sh
felt proud and excited as she climbed out of the taxi with Ivan. She hoped all her neighbours could see them arriving home together. She was still dressed in her clothes from last night, so it was obvious what she and Ivan had been up to, but no one here would be calling the police. She loved America’s liberal attitudes towards sex – it was unbelievable to think that she’d actually been arrested in Iran for being alone with a boy so recently. She hated that place.

But here she had her own home, the chance of a good education… her independence. She adored this house that Tariq was so generously funding. From the outside it looked like a doll’s house that she’d played with as a child – and she often felt as if she
a child playing ‘grown-ups’ whenever she arrived home. It was a two-storey dream – clean, cream, and modern. Not like some of the grubby places back in Iran. And the grounds were lovely – a lush green lawn dotted with palm trees. The garage – where her hunk-of-love truck was currently sulking – was attached to the side of the house and blended in perfectly. She held Ivan’s hand and they strolled up the driveway together, feeling ready to take on the world.

Last night, Ivan had taken a change of clothes with him to the hotel, so now he was dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt and looking incredible. Samira glowed with pride. Was this
her new man? She was loving America more and more each day.

“I’ll take a look at your car now, sweetheart. Then I guess I’d better shower and get to the office – we’ve got a lot to discuss. Much as I’d love to spend the day with you.”

He pulled her close and they kissed in a sunbeam.

“I’d like to spend the day with you, too,” she said. “But I guess I should go to my lecture this afternoon – I can’t waste this opportunity to get a good education – me and Tariq fought hard for this chance.”

“I love how you don’t take things for granted. You really appreciate the simple things in life, huh.”

“I know how lucky I am.”

They shared a smile. Samira sensed that Ivan genuinely respected her, which made her feel secure and content. She glanced down at her creased dress. “I’ll go change into something a little more comfortable and come back and help with the truck, okay.”

“Sure. And we can always shower together before we part company. Save time.”

He winked, making Samira laugh. She felt delighted to be with such a gorgeous man. And she was thrilled that he liked her, too.

“Car’s in the garage,” she said, gesturing towards the white metal doors. She handed him the keys, then watched as Ivan stepped over and opened them wide. The scent of chemicals from within wafted over and stabbed Samira’s nostrils. “I’ll leave you to it,” she said, walking away.

“Hey, hot stuff, if you see your cousin inside, ask him to come out here. I’m gonna tell him we’re dating.”

“Are you?”

“Yeah, you’re mine now, and Tariq needs to know what’s going on. And all those jocks on your college campus need to know, too. I won’t share you with any other guys. I get kinda possessive.”

She chuckled. “I noticed.”

They held eye contact for a few glorious seconds, then Samira strode off towards the house, feeling his eyes all over her ass. She jogged upstairs and quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a sleeveless top, then she stuck her head into the living room and told Tariq that Ivan wanted to talk to him outside. Tariq frowned and opened his mouth, but – without waiting for his response – Samira strode back out to find her wonderful man bent over her truck’s engine in the echoey garage.

He stood and kissed her. There was an oil stain on his forehead, making him look like a sexy mechanic. This guy was masculine perfection on legs.

“Hey, sweetheart,” he said. “I see what problem is – your starter motor’s corroded. Is there a scrap merchant nearby?”

“I’ve no idea. But you being all oily makes me want us to grab that shower together right away.”

“Me too!” He hugged her, being careful not to get his oily hands on her white top. “I’d gladly rub soapsuds into every inch of your tight little body.”

She laughed and opened her mouth to flirt, but she fell serious as she saw Tariq strolling over. Samira braced herself for another fight about dating Ivan, but actually he smiled kindly as he joined them inside the cavernous space.

He halted and folded his arms across his chest. “Morning. Did you both have fun last night?”

Ivan ran his fingers through his curls.  “Uh, yeah.”

“It’s okay,” Tariq said. “I’m warming to the idea of you two being together. You don’t need to go sneaking off, you know, Samira.”

“Well, I knew you wouldn’t approve.”

“I’m sorry for being so possessive. It’s your life; your body. You can date whoever you like, of course.”

“Do you really mean that?”

“Yeah, sure. Or else I’m no different to the men back home, right?”

Samira hugged her cousin. “Thank you for understanding.”

He laughed affectionately. “No problem.”

Samira stood back, sensing that Tariq wanted to say something to Ivan. She expected a lecture about him treating her right, but actually he said, “I need to talk to you about the project.”

Samira grinned excitedly. “Tariq, this project is so cool – Ivan’s told me everything about it! I’d love to help in any way I can. You know how much I love nano-stuff.”

The atmosphere in the garage turned bleak – like a storm-cloud obscuring the sunshine. Tariq’s jaw dropped. “Ivan, you fucking idiot – you told her?”

He bristled at being chastised. “She won’t say anything to anyone. You saying you don’t trust your own cousin?”

“I’m saying I don’t want her coming to any harm. Listen, I was at the new office last night, working alone, and I think there was someone out there, sneaking around. I don’t know if it’s anything to do with our visitors yesterday, but still… I think we might need to cool things down for a while. Or at least move somewhere completely different.”

Ivan frowned. “You really think someone knows where the new office is already?”

“Yeah, I do. And I dread to think if it’s the Russians, Saudis, Chinese… or even our own government. Ivan, we can’t let this fall into the wrong hands.”

“I know. We’ve worked so hard.”

“Not just that. But imagine what harm could come to our loved ones if they decide to blackmail us. Your siblings; my cousin. Maybe even my Craig. This project is dangerous. I never really realised it before because we were so busy
it. But now I see that we might not only need to protect our device, but to also protect our loved ones. Or better still, we might need to think about abandoning the whole thing. We might need to destroy it completely, Ivan, before someone gets hurt. Or worse.”

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