The Billionaire's Heart: Billionaire Brothers (Tycoon Billionaires Book 0) (4 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Heart: Billionaire Brothers (Tycoon Billionaires Book 0)
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Chapter Five


Ivan pulled on a pair of jeans and relished the sensation of walking through the house bare-chested – Samira had been impressed with his toned body last night, and he was keen to rub his pecs against her glorious breasts again as soon as possible.

With his erection straining in his jeans at the thought of fucking Samira, he padded down the stairs and along the hallway towards the kitchen. The cool marble floor beneath his bare feet did nothing to quash this newly ignited heat in his soul. He allowed his mind to run through what he actually should be doing today and he remembered that he and Tariq had arranged for a couple of reps from a potential client partner to visit this morning. Damn. He’d need to abandon his plan to drag Samira back to bed, which was a pity because suddenly nothing seemed more important than fucking her until noon, and chilling out on the beach with her all afternoon. He shook himself out of it. What the hell was wrong with him? Work always came first.

But maybe it was time to take a break.

As he approached the kitchen, he heard music coming from within, so he halted and listened to Samira’s sweet voice singing along to the radio. Warm affection burst into his heart, and he braced himself to flirt. He pushed open the door and strode inside, opening his mouth to say a smutty good morning. But he closed it as his eyes connected with Samira’s wonderful ass swaying in time to the music. She took his breath away. She was wearing only her satin nightdress – which was short enough to reveal the glorious curve of her ass, with no panties beneath. He prepared himself to come up behind her, fondle her tits, nuzzle her neck, and fuck her strongly.

But as he inhaled to speak, shock silenced him again and he halted inside the doorway. Samira turned from the kitchen counter where she was preparing the breakfast and grinned, but it wasn’t her that Ivan was shocked to see. There was a fit young man, probably about Samira’s age, helping her to chop up fruit at the work surface – also swaying in time to the music. The guy had longish brown hair, a Californian tan, and a demeanour that made him look like he’d just arrived on his surfboard. He was much younger than Ivan, causing Ivan’s insecurity to bubble.

“Morning, hot stuff,” Samira said, still grinning at Ivan. “Just in time for breakfast.”

“So I see.”

Samira followed his line of sight. “Oh, this is Craig.”

Ivan clenched his fists as jealously surged through him.

Craig threw him a causal smile. “Hi, Ivan. Samira was just
filling me in
about you.”

Craig chuckled knowingly and smirked at Samira. She giggled girlishly. Ivan suppressed his desire to punch Craig and wipe that stupid little grin off his face. Who the hell was this guy? Perhaps one of her college friends? But what was he doing here at this time of day? Samira was
, and he wasn’t prepared to share her. But this pretty boy was obviously giving her the goods, too. He suddenly wondered how many other men she had on the go. She’d said that sex was an act of rebellion in Iran – a way for the youth to reclaim their own bodies. Samira was clearly making the most of her stay in the liberal West…

Ivan tried to contain his possessive fury as he watched Samira gaze affectionately at Craig and pop a grape in his mouth.

“Mmm!” Craig said. “Juicy, thanks!”

Ivan opened his mouth to tell Samira that he’d skip breakfast and see her later, when Tariq strolled into the kitchen behind him.

“Oh, morning, Ivan. Samira mentioned you were sleeping late. You feeling okay?”

Ivan buckled down his envy “Uh-huh.”

Tariq wandered over to the kitchen counter where Samira had resumed dancing on the spot and preparing the breakfast. She was so fucking hot. Ivan’s entire being was possessed with a desire to bend her over and fuck her hard in front of these other men – satisfying her fully and claiming her for himself in front of Craig.

Tariq pulled him out of his thoughts. “Oh, I see you’ve met Craig.”

Ivan glared at his friend – obviously
knew all about Samira’s lover-boy, too. But… hang on a minute… Tariq winked at Craig and held out his hand. Craig took it and they grinned smuttily at each other, as if remembering what they’d been up to in bed last night. Oh…

Tariq’s voice dripped with suggestiveness. “Craig’s a student in Samira’s class. We always enjoy each other’s company whenever I pop down to see my cousin.”

Ivan’s jealousy skidded and exploded away. He chuckled, feeling lightness seep through him again. “Ah, right, I see. Hi, Craig.”

Samira threw Ivan a knowing smirk. Had she guessed what Ivan had been thinking? He smiled back, trying to stay cool. What the hell was wrong with him? He wasn’t usually like this – he’d only known her one day. But she was perfect;
was the problem.

Ivan stepped over and joined them at the counter. Samira kissed him tenderly on the cheek, as if it was as natural as sunshine.

“Sit down, lover,” she said. “You must’ve worked up an appetite last night. I know I did.”

Ivan grinned and wrapped his arms around Samira, enjoying the feeling of having her back in her rightful place. But now the atmosphere warped from Tariq’s direction – a thunder-storm vibe emanated over. He glanced up and saw that his friend was glaring at him in shocked anger – much like how
just been glaring at Craig.

Tariq stood tall, ready to fight. “What the hell’s going on?”

Samira draped her arm around Ivan’s waist. “While you and Craig have been getting to know each other, so have we.”

Tariq’s face flashed with fury. “You bastard, Ivan. You don’t waste time, do you? Coming into my cousin’s home and taking advantage of her!”

Tariq’s muscles tensed as if he was planning to launch himself at Ivan.

Ivan held out his hands to placate his friend. “Wait a minute – Samira isn’t exactly the innocent victim in all this. She wanted it just as much as I did.”

“How dare you say that about my cousin!”

Samira’s beautiful face flashed with irritation – years of being told what she could and couldn’t do with her own body poured out and she shouted at Tariq in Farsi. Tariq shouted back and they argued loudly and with passion, in a way that only Iranians knew how. But it meant that Ivan and Craig couldn’t understand what was being said.

Ivan shouted louder than them both. “Speak in English, will you?”

“I was just calling my cousin a sexist hypocrite,” Samira said. “I don’t know why he thinks it’s fine for him mess about with Craig, but he doesn’t approve of me doing the same with you.”

“It’s totally different,” Tariq said.

Ivan folded his arms across his chest – he couldn’t understand Tariq’s hypocrisy either. “Craig, how old are you?”

Craig hooked his thumbs through the belt loops of his cut-off jeans.  “Nineteen.”

“Same age as Samira. So what’s the problem? Because she’s a woman?”

Tariq’s face softened slightly. “No, because I know what you’re like Ivan. You don’t treat women right.”

Ivan tried not to allow this insult to hurt too much. “So what you mean is, you don’t want me to treat Samira the way
treating Craig?”

Craig seemed embarrassed about getting dragged into all this. “I don’t mind. I know it’s just fun, Tariq. I don’t see why you’re getting so upset to be honest.”

Samira clung onto Ivan’s waist. “It’s just sex. What do you think I get up to here when you’re in New York? And why shouldn’t I?”

Tariq glared at Ivan. “You’ll break her heart.”

heart? She’s the one who left me in bed!”

“I don’t wanna know!”

Ivan held Samira’s hand. He knew this was just Tariq’s theatrical Persian roots shining through and that he’d calm down soon. Usually, when Tariq got like this, it was best to walk away and come back later to talk about things rationally. A few times as teenagers, they’d been close to coming to blows thanks to Tariq’s dramas and Ivan’s defensive temper. But they’d grown up learning to practise self-restraint. Ivan prided himself on only getting in fights with people who crossed him or his own. He chose his battles wisely.

“Look,” Ivan said. “Let’s just get to the office and we can discuss this another time. I’m out tonight anyway, so let’s put some time between it, and we can all calm down.”

Samira gazed at him with disappointed eyes. “Where are you going tonight?”

“I’m meeting my brothers Adam and Dylan in Santa Barbara for a business award ceremony. I’ve checked-in to a hotel nearby, so I won’t be back ‘til morning.”

Samira ran her finger down his toned chest. “That’s a shame. I was rather hoping to seduce you again later.”

Ivan smiled, glad to know she wanted to spend more time with him. “Well, I’m here for two weeks.”

“That’s true,” she said. “Plenty of time. Now come on, guys, let’s sit down and have breakfast. You need to get to work, and I’ve got a lecture on systems of polynomial equations. I’ll try not to have too much fun if you don’t!”

Chapter Six


The business park was a sterile labyrinth of chrome-and-glass buildings – designed with the sole purpose of looking pretentious and making money. Even in the warm Los Angeles sunshine, it felt cold – Ivan had never really noticed before how emotionless these places could be.

But it would have to do. At least he and Tariq had their own self-contained suite, which was corporate enough, with bland office furniture, industrial carpet tiles, and freezing air-conditioning. Ivan tried to ignore the icy chill that was streaming down his collar as he typed. He always wore a suit to work, and he felt overdressed compared to Tariq’s more casual attire of linen trousers and a polo shirt. Tariq was even wearing sandals. Ivan reached up and loosened his tie, wondering whether he’d ever acclimatise to California’s laidback dress code. He sighed and glanced away from his laptop, unable to concentrate. But it wasn’t the dress code or air-con that was bothering him. He was finding it impossible to concentrate on anything other than Samira’s wonderful body. He could be making love to her right now…

Ivan wasn’t sure what was happening to him. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. Samira was a woman who clearly wanted to make the world a better place – and Ivan was certain she’d probably succeed. Ivan and Tariq now had their own way of changing the world for the better, and Ivan wondered whether Samira might want to be part of it. He’d never wanted to include anyone else in the project; it was just him and Tariq. But she was intelligent and passionate. Maybe she could help. Or maybe he just wanted an excuse to have her around permanently. How would that suggestion go down with Tariq?

Ivan transferred his gaze to where his friend was engrossed in his laptop – typing frantically behind the plywood desk opposite Ivan’s. Tariq sensed Ivan watching him, so he glanced up and they made genial eye contact; this morning’s fight apparently forgotten.

“Hey,” Tariq said. “Something bothering you?”

Ivan sighed. “Nah, it’s actually nice being away from New York. I know we’re not here for a vacation, but it’s good to get a change of scene.”

“I know. It’s good to let off steam. It was great to spend some time with Craig last night; I do understand.”

They shared a smile. Ivan wondered whether that was Tariq’s blessing. Somehow he doubted it.

Ivan rubbed his eyes. “It’s just that this project’s so top-secret. I was beginning to feel like no one else understood me or what we were doing. But Samira… She’s awesome.”

“She is. I’m sorry I flew off the handle, buddy. It’s not my business what she does, but I guess it’s just my desire to protect her. All those other women I’ve seen you with… you never seem to be able to just pick one and settle down.”

Ivan scoffed. “Oh yeah, and when’s the last time
had a meaningful relationship, huh, Mr Commitment?”

“I know… I’m a hypocrite – exactly as my cousin says.”

“Look, Tariq, it’s true that the shallow women who move in our circles mean nothing to me, but
mean nothing to them either. They want me for my money; my status. My… I dunno…”

Tariq raised a playful eyebrow. “Your reputation as an amazing lover.”

Ivan laughed. “Yeah, whatever. But those women, they have no interest in
. Not in any human way. It’s purely physical – and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“No, I know.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with me and Samira wanting
either. But… I do like her. And I wanna get to know her better. Even just while I’m here.”

Tariq nodded. “I can see she likes you. Maybe that’s why I reacted as I did. But, okay, I trust you to treat her the same as you’d expect your little sister to be treated.”

“Is that your blessing?”

Tariq shrugged. “You two are gonna do what you want anyway. This is America; you’re both adults.”

Ivan picked up a pen and fiddled with it. “But you’re not happy with it.”

“No, I guess not.”

“I just don’t get your hypocrisy, Tariq. It’s not like you’re some sexist moron. Why are you so against me and Samira enjoying each other’s company?”

Tariq severed eye contact and resumed typing. “She needs to concentrate on her studies. You’re too old for her.”

“I don’t wanna marry her, I just wanna –”

Tariq glared at him. “Don’t finish that sentence. Look, Ivan, this thing we’re sitting on here, it’s potentially dangerous. I don’t want Samira in danger.”

“I don’t either. In fact, I’ve never wanted to protect anyone this much in my life. You’ve gotta believe me.”

Tariq nodded slowly. “Let’s talk about this later – the three of us. We shouldn’t be deciding things over her head like this.”

“You’re right. Okay.” Ivan shook himself out of it and tried to get his head back into work mode. “Anyway, we still haven’t decided whether to launch the device ourselves or to get the government involved.”

Tariq chewed his lip. “I’m worried about the implications if it gets into the wrong hands. But I guess we’ll just have to deal with that if and when troubles arise.”

“Yeah, I know.” Ivan glanced at his Rolex. “Oh shit, is that the time? We’ve got the Redruth reps coming in a minute. We need to finalise our points before they arrive.”

Tariq opened his mouth to reply, but the door buzzer sounded, so Ivan stood up to get it, because his desk was nearer the door. He braced himself to be welcoming. They’d been having hushed meetings and secret phone calls with these people for the last three months and Ivan hoped he could rely on their discretion. These potential manufacturers were the only people who knew exactly what their invention was – and what it meant for the future of humanity. They’d been sworn to secrecy and Ivan sensed they could be trusted. But what if they couldn’t?

He grabbed the metal handle and pulled opened the door, then he rested his gaze on the visitors outside. The bright sunlight streamed harshly into Ivan’s eyes, blurring their outlines, but still, he frowned in confusion. He’d Skyped on numerous occasions with the people he was expecting – a black man and white woman. But the two men who were currently standing on the doorstep looked as if they’d just stepped out of a Middle Eastern desert kingdom. They were immaculately dressed in designer suits, and they both sported trimmed facial hair and severe expressions. They clearly weren’t here for a social call.

“Yes?” Ivan said.

“Who is it, Ivan?” Tariq asked, detecting his surprise.

Ivan didn’t take his eyes off the guys on the doorstep. “Who are

“Are you Ivan Quinlan?” one of the men asked in a thick accent.

Ivan folded his arms across his chest. “Who wants to know?”

The man who’d spoken leaned in. He smelled of expensive cologne. “We know what you’re doing. And you need to stop now, before someone gets hurt. Like you, for example.”

Ivan bristled. “Are you threatening me?”

“Yes, Mr Quinlan. Hand over your research or you’re dead.”

Ivan’s fury rushed up. He’d never enjoyed witty negotiations like his silver-tongued brother Adam. Instead, he preferred to get his message across in a more physical way. He reached out and grabbed the man who’d been doing all the talking. “Look, whoever you are, I don’t care what you think you know, but you need to get off our property right now, before I pummel your face into next year, you hear me?”

The man didn’t flinch. “This is a friendly warning to you and Tariq Shard. We will return to collect your blueprints later with some of our more
friends. If you don’t do as we say, you will bring the consequences upon yourselves.”

The man pulled away from Ivan’s grip, dusted himself down, and spoke to his colleague in a language Ivan didn’t understand.

The two men nodded, then turned to leave. Ivan refrained from chasing after them and getting violent. And besides, he was glued to the doorstep in shock – someone bad knew about the project.
. But they’d been so careful.

A few feet away, the man who’d so far been silent turned back to Ivan. “By the way, Mr Quinlan, the people you were expecting to visit you today; they won’t be coming. Don’t try to contact them.”

The men walked away, leaving Ivan reeling. He slammed the door, then kicked it a few times. “Shit!”

Tariq stood by his desk. “What happened? Who were they?”

“I’m not sure,” Ivan said. “But someone knows about the project, and we need to move everything out of here before they come back.” He studied Tariq’s worried face. “They said someone might get hurt if we don’t give up our research. We need to be careful…”

Tariq’s expression surged to fearful. “Samira…”

“Jesus, yeah, I’ll go check on her. You start looking for a new office – you know this area better than I do. But one thing’s for sure – no one’s stealing our research or stopping us from finishing this goddamn project. No one.”

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