The Betrayal (5 page)

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Authors: R.L. Stine

BOOK: The Betrayal
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The prison loomed ahead, a low clapboard building behind the meetinghouse.

“Why are you doing this to us?” Susannah cried, the words bursting from her throat. “Why are you dragging us from our home?”

Benjamin Fier stopped on the path. His voice was low and steady. His eyes locked onto Susannah's.

“You two witches will burn before the week is out,” he said.

Chapter 6

Torches were hung on the meetinghouse walls. Their flames flickered and threatened to go out every time the door was pulled open, allowing a gust of wind into the hot room.

In the prisoners' box at the front of the court, Susannah gripped her mother's hand and stared at the flames. Her mother's hand felt so small, like that of a cold, frightened animal.

Without realizing it, Susannah had nervously started chewing her lower lip. Now she felt the bitter taste of blood in her mouth.

They burn witches,
she thought, staring at the torchlight.

They've burned three already.

Her entire body convulsed in a shudder of fear. She squeezed her mother's hand tighter. Even though
witches in other parts of Massachusetts Colony were hanged, Benjamin Fier believed that burning was the only way to punish a witch.

But I am not a witch!

Surely if there is justice in Wickham, I will not be found guilty.

The long, low-ceilinged room was filled with shadows. Solemn faces flickered in the orange torchlight. Eyes, dozens of eyes, peered at Susannah and her mother.

The rows of wooden benches stretched to the back of the long room. People crowded quietly into them, the frightened citizens of the town, whispering their fears, staring at Susannah and her mother with curiosity and surprise and pity.

The whispers and hushed voices grew louder, until Susannah wanted to cover her ears. “Mother, why do they stare at us like that?” she uttered in a frightened voice, leaning so close she could feel her mother's trembling. “They know us. They know who we are.”

“Some believe they are staring into the faces of evil,” Martha Goode replied, squeezing her daughter's hand.

“But they
us!” Susannah repeated shrilly, her heart thudding in her chest.

“Our innocence will soon free us,” her mother replied softly. Her words were brave, but her entire body shook with fear.

Edward, where are you?
Susannah wondered.

Have you spoken to your father? Have you told him about us?

“Edward will not let us burn,” Susannah said out loud without realizing it.

Her mother stared at her in surprise. “What did you say?”

Susannah started to reply, but someone in a front bench cried out loudly.

Susannah heard a flapping sound and felt a cold ripple of wind close to her ear.

Startled voices called out.

Susannah heard the flapping again, like the beating of wings. A shadowy form darted overhead.

“A bat!” a man shouted from the back of the room.

The creature swooped low toward the flickering light of a torch, then flew over the prisoners' box again, its wings beating like a frightened heart.

Matthew Fier appeared at the front of the room. “Open the doors! Let it out!” he ordered.

The bat swung low over the spectators, and Susannah saw several heads duck. She felt a cool ripple of air as the bat flew past her face.

“Hold open the doors. It will fly out,” Matthew Fier said in his high-pitched voice.

The doors were obediently pulled open. The torches flickered and bent in the invading breeze. A moment later the bat swooped out, disappearing into the starless sky. The doors were closed.

Matthew Fier shouted over the buzz of voices, calling for silence. He served as trial warden, keeping order during his brother's trial proceedings.

He did not have Benjamin's booming deep voice. He was not as large or imposing as his brother, but he had the same fire of ambition in his dark eyes.

The room grew silent. The shuffling of feet made the floorboards creak. Someone near the doors coughed loudly.

Matthew turned to the prisoners, adjusting the white stock he wore over his robe. “You may summon as many evil creatures as you wish,” he told Susannah and her mother, his eyes glowing like dark coals. “You may summon bats or snakes—or the Evil One himself. But it will only serve to prove your guilt.”

“We did not summon that bat!” Susannah cried.

“Silence!” Matthew ordered. “Silence! A dark creature like that would not enter our court unless summoned!”

Loud murmurs burst forth from the rows of benches. Accusing eyes, reflecting the torchlight, glared at Susannah and her mother.

“Silence! Silence!” Matthew shouted, gesturing with both hands.

As the room grew quiet, Susannah saw a man at the end of a row rise to his feet. “Release my wife and daughter!” he demanded.

“It is Father!” Susannah cried to her mother, leaning forward to see him better.

“Release them, Matthew Fier! You know they are not witches!” Mr. Goode cried passionately.

A tall man in dark robes strode to the front of the room and stood beside Matthew Fier. “Be seated, William Goode,” Benjamin Fier ordered. “We do not place innocent women on trial here.”

are innocent!” William declared. “I swear it by all that is holy!”

“Be seated!” Benjamin commanded in his booming voice. “Be seated, William, or I will remove you from this court.”

Susannah saw her father open his mouth to protest. But he uttered only a helpless groan before slumping onto his seat.

Benjamin Fier turned to face the accused. His straight black hair and dark eyes glowed almost red in the torchlight.

“Martha Goode, do you wish to confess your guilt?” he asked, leaning close to the prisoners' box.

Susannah's mother cleared her throat. Her voice came out in a choked whisper: “I have no guilt to confess.”

Sneering, Benjamin turned his harsh gaze on Susannah. “Susannah Goode, do you wish to confess your guilt?”

Susannah clasped her trembling hands tightly in her lap and lowered her head, a couple of blond ringlets falling loose from her cap, over her face. “I am not a witch,” she managed to mutter.

Edward, where are you?

Edward, aren't you going to save us?

Isn't anyone going to save us?

“Confess now,” Benjamin demanded. “There are witnesses. Witnesses in this hall tonight. Witnesses who saw you both dancing with the Evil One in the moonlit woods.”

“That is not true!” Susannah shrieked, on her feet now.

“Susannah—!” She could hear her mother's warning, feel her mother's touch on her sleeve.

“That is not true!” Susannah repeated. “We have never—”

“Be silent, witch!” Matthew Fier commanded, stepping up beside his brother, a fierce scowl on his slender face. “You have already tried to bedevil us by summoning that creature of the night into our meeting hall. Do not disrupt the trial again!”

“Confess now,” Benjamin urged. “Your hollow protests only serve to demonstrate your guilt.”

“But we are
Susannah shrieked.

“Release them! Release them now!” Susannah heard her father cry.

Low murmurs spread through the long rows of benches, growing to a roar.

“Release my innocent wife and child!” William Goode cried desperately. “My son needs his mother!”

Matthew turned to point to Susannah's father, who stood with his hat gripped tightly in one hand. “Remove him from the hall!” he shouted angrily.

Suddenly John Halsey, Mary Halsey's husband, stood in the back of the meeting house.

“Let him speak, Matthew. You've known the Goode family for years,” he cried.

“Release my family!” William insisted. “This trial is a mistake! A mockery!”

“Remove him!” Matthew ordered, silencing John Halsey.

From out of the shadows two militia officers moved quickly, pushing their way into William's row, grabbing him by the shoulders.

Staring over the startled, silent faces of the onlookers, Susannah saw her father struggle. She heard angry
shouts. Scuffling. A hard blow, followed by her father's cry of pain.

A few moments later she could see her father's limp body being dragged up the aisle. The doors at the back were flung open.

The sudden breeze threatened to extinguish the torches against the walls. The flames dipped low. The darkness deepened. Then the flames rose up again.

The room returned to heavy silence.

Her father had been taken out.

You cannot save us, Father, Susannah thought, cold dread tightening her throat.

You cannot save us. So who will?

Will it be you, Edward?

Are you here? Will you speak to your father? Will you rescue us from the fire?

Or will you betray me again?

“We have all witnessed their dark powers,” Benjamin Fier announced to the rows of onlookers. “We have seen them try to darken this hall just now. The torches nearly went out. But our goodness prevailed over their evil power!”

He turned to Susannah and her mother. “Your evil could not douse our torches. Your evil could not put out the light of truth in this room!”

“It was the wind that nearly doused the torches!” Susannah cried.

“Silence, witch!” Benjamin screamed, his booming voice ringing off the dark wood walls.

He raised one hand high above his head. Susannah saw that his hand was gripping the purple bag, bulging with its odd assortment of items.

“I found the proof of your blasphemy!” Benjamin declared. “I myself found the tools of your witchcraft. I found this near your hearth, a hearth made cold by the presence of the Evil One!”

“It does not belong to us!” Susannah screamed, feeling her mother's restraining hand on her sleeve once again.

“Silence!” Benjamin warned, his dark eyes narrowing at Susannah.

“We have the proof of your evil practices,” Benjamin continued. “We have witnesses who have seen your moonlight dance with the Evil One and his servants. And we have seen your attempts to frighten us tonight by bringing a bat into our meeting hall and trying to douse our light.”

“No!” Susannah shrieked, tugging at the sides of her hair with both hands. “No! No!”

“Good shall always triumph,” Benjamin continued, ignoring Susannah's shrill cries of protest. “Good shall always triumph over the Evil One. Those of us with pure hearts shall always triumph over your kind, Martha and Susannah Goode.”

Susannah's mother lowered her head, but Susannah could see her shoulders trembling and knew her mother was crying.

Susannah wanted to scream out her protest, to declare her innocence until Benjamin Fier would listen to her. But she could see that her shouts were of no use.

Her heart pounding, her head spinning, Susannah slumped over and leaned her head against her mother's trembling shoulder.

“A dark evil has descended on Wickham,” Benjamin Fier was saying. “As magistrate, it is my duty to battle it wherever it may appear.”

He faced the onlookers and lowered his voice as he spoke to them. “It is not my desire to put on trial the wives and daughters of our village. But it is my
sacred duty
to protect all who are innocent from those possessed by the Evil One, such as these.” He pointed to Susannah and her mother.

“There is nothing left but for you to confess!” he demanded, stepping up before the prisoners' box. “Do you confess, Mistress Goode? Do you confess to your evil practices?”

Susannah's mother was crying too hard to reply, her shoulders heaving, her face turned away into the shadows.

“Do you confess to practicing the dark arts, Susannah Goode?” Benjamin demanded.

“I am innocent,” Susannah uttered in a choked whisper.

“Your refusal to confess,” Benjamin shouted, “your unwillingness to confess to the truth
your guilt!”

He stood over Susannah and her mother, leaning close, so close that Susannah could smell his sour breath. “We have found you, Martha Goode, and you, Susannah Goode, guilty of witchcraft. It is my duty as magistrate to sentence you both.”

“No—please!” Susannah shrieked, reaching out to him.

He backed away, eyeing her coldly, his face half hidden in shadow. “You both shall burn tomorrow
night,” Benjamin announced without any emotion at all.

A pale half moon, poking through wisps of dark cloud, cast a faint rectangle of light through the tiny window of the prison cell. Susannah leaned against the cold wall and stared down at the patch of light on the dirt floor. Her hands were tied behind her, so she could do no witchery, the warden at the jail had told her.

Martha Goode lay in darkness against the opposite wall. Breathing hard, uttering low moans, calling out for her baby, she slept fitfully.

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