The Bastard Son (Winds of Change Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: The Bastard Son (Winds of Change Book 2)
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“I trust you,” she said in a voice no louder than a whisper. Her arm wrapped around his chest. She made no utterances of love or the need for him to say so.

They lay together for a long while, but sleep did not come for Sumner. He lay awake contemplating his action. He hadn’t felt this content in a long time or maybe he had never felt this way.

What was happening to him? He had only met this girl. He had much in front of him. She had men chasing after her, dangerous men. Moreover, where was his conscience? He had taken her innocence, and he felt no guilt. Glad she had never been with another.

She moved in her sleep, cuddling closer to him.
Devil be had!
He wanted her again.

Gently pushing her hair back, he began placing small kisses along her neck. Her body instinctively edged closer to his, encouraging him. He let his hand roam freely upon her body. This time he would take her slowly. Give to her the pleasure she had given to him.

Chapter 4


A month had passed since the first night with Sumner. Once more Jane’s life had changed drastically. Against all the old morality of her upbringing, she had taken him as her lover—a momentary escape from the pain that ripped inside of her.

Jane walked back from the stable, her thoughts never far from Sumner. She wondered if he would return this night. The nights were long when he wasn’t beside her. She didn’t know his mission and asked no questions. She feared the answers.

She told herself tomorrow didn’t matter. Today was all she had. What she would do if he never returned, she didn’t know, but she didn’t know what she would do before he had come. Though, now, it was different.

Never would she utter the words that she felt deep within her heart. He had made no promises and made it clear he eventually would leave, but she was undeniably, unquestionably in love with him.

Warren brought all the provisions he had promised. She thought it odd when he brought a set of boy’s clothing, but Sumner said it was only for if the necessity arose that she would have to hide her identity.

Endless hours had been spent in Sumner’s arms. She told him of her life before, simple but happy. He talked of his father, his mother and of his half-sister that lived in England.

“I have a son,” he confessed the last night they shared together.

The whole of her body tensed with the words which meant he had a wife! Her manner eased as he went on.

“Caleb is three. I haven’t seen him in a long time. His mother, my wife, was killed as your family in a raid.”

“I’m sorry for your loss. You must have loved her greatly.”

“Let us say I understand the need for revenge.”

A tinge of pain shot through her upon the utterance, for the hatred within his voice echoed throughout her heart. Could she be jealous of a dead woman?

As a need rose in her to relieve her soul, she began, “Do you know what I feel the guiltiest of? It was I that brought the destruction upon my family. I nursed a wounded man that lay on the side of the road months before the raid. My cousin, Reese found him when he was coming back from Bluffort.

“The man had been shot blindly as he rode. He called for help, and Reese heard him and brought him home. I cared for the man until he was healthy enough to travel. When he was sufficiently well, my grandfather gave him enough money to go to his home outside of Camden. His name was Joseph Williamson. He’s Bloody Benny’s brother. He was there that day. As I was crying over my brother, my family, I looked up and saw him riding up to me. We saved him, and he destroyed us.”

Sumner held her tight and let her tears fall. He whispered and soothed her with talk of his childhood, telling stories that took her mind far away from her own thoughts. They talked most of the night. The other part he made love to her. Never did she feel so alive as she did in his arms, with his touch. She sighed. Oh, she hoped he would return this night.

She climbed the steps to the house with thoughts of Sumner, but only made it as far as the door before she heard a familiar sound of horses galloping up the road. Horses. Oh, Good Lord…horses!

Rushing in the house, she shut the door soundly behind her and leaned against it. She had to get out of here, but before she caught her breath, she saw a dark figure looming in the hallway. He walked straight out of the shadows toward her. He was no stranger. Bloody Benny had found her.

Jane could not feel her heart beating, nor did she know if she was breathing. Frightened beyond measure, she stood frozen to her spot.

“Aye, my pretty little miss, where did we leave off when we were interrupted?”

He showed his teeth in what she assumed he thought was a charming smile. Jane was nauseated. Hurriedly, she rushed back out the door, only to be greeted by the whole of the Williamson gang. Behind her, laughter erupted. She ran.

Bloody Benny easily caught her and whirled her around in his grasp. She screamed an uncontrollable, unending scream. He clasped his hand over her mouth to silence her. Desperately trying to free herself, she twisted frantically, but to no avail.

“I don’t mind fight in a woman. Do ya boys?” Bloody Benny declared. A loud roar erupted that made Jane cringe. His hand moved upward and pressed against the fabric over her breast. “Don’t worry we will have our private time before I let the boys enjoy themselves.”

Laughing with his companions, she seized her opportunity. She kneed him in the groin, quick and hard and then ran.

“Little bitch!”

Falling, she scrambled to her feet. He struck her from behind. She crawled to the porch steps. He towered over her and reached down, pulling her up by a fist full of hair. A piercing screamed escaped her.

Suddenly a shot rang out. Immediately, one of her assailants fell off his horse, sprawled dead on the ground, shot in the head. She recognized the lifeless figure. She would never forget his face… the one who struck Troy down with his sword without mercy so many times…so many times.

Horse’s hooves sounded in a slow rhythm upon the gravel. She looked down the road as the horse came into view. He had returned. Sumner was back.

* * * *

Sumner reloaded before he moved ahead. His greatest fear on leaving her alone stood before him. His heart skipped a beat when he saw clearly that Bloody Benny had her in his grasp. He had no time to contemplate a plan, only react.

Only a couple of months ago he was alone, sure of his purpose, until he met her. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. He dreamed of her while he slept, even with her in his arms. He had loved Mary in his own way, more so she had loved him greatly. He mourned her when she died, but this girl…

He didn’t know what she had done to him, but he had a need for her. He certainly wasn’t about to let anything happen to her.

“Let her go. Now!” Sumner demanded.

He felt all eyes upon him, but his lay on Jane. She rose to her feet, but a hand upon her shoulder kept her from moving.

“Afraid she ain’t goin’ nowhere at the moment, Mister,” Bloody Benny said. “I don’t know if you noticed, but you are quite outnumbered.”

“I counted before I shot. If you haven’t noticed, my barrel is aimed at you. The way I have it figured is I can take you out and around five others before one might take me, but at that point you won’t be around. You have five seconds to let go of her.”

Bloody Benny glanced around, but slowly his grip relaxed upon Jane. Writhing away from him, she ducked out of his reach and ran to Sumner’s side. He stayed mounted and didn’t release his aim. Her hand gripped his leg.

“Now,” Sumner said. “I would appreciate if all of you would mount up and take the body with you. Leave.”

“Do you think this will be over once we ride off?” Bloody Benny challenged.

“Perhaps we could make a trade of some sort to make you happy. I want no trouble, but you have come after my woman. I can’t have that.”

“What do you want from me?”

“I want you to stop looking for her. What has she done to you compared to what you have done to her? I will keep her from attempting to take your life again and…”

“Yes. Do tell me what you have that I would commit to such an offer?”

“Your horse.”

“My horse? You still have him?” Bloody Benny’s voice lit up.

“Give your word you will leave Jane alone, and I will guarantee the safe return,” Sumner bargained. “Think of all the time you have wasted chasing her. You have already taken her family from her. What more can you take from her except her life. You destroyed her family when she helped save yours. Didn’t your brother tell you the care she gave him? When everyone left him for dead, her family, the ones you cut down in cold blood, saved him. Where, man, is your honor?”

Bloody Benny’s face tensed, his eyes hardened. “You question my honor? You don’t know what those damn Rebels have done to me…my family…”

“But it wasn’t her or her family.”

Benny grimaced staring down upon Henley’s lifeless body. He pressed his lips together. “It wasn’t me. It was Henley. I didn’t know until my brother and I caught up with them at the end. My brother stopped Henley from cutting her down. It was why she was left alive, but I didn’t recognize her as she came after me. She tried to kill me! Shot me! How do you think I should react? Show weakness?”

“Weakness in leaving a woman alive? Take your horse and leave. It is in the stables—quickly. Leave her alone or I will hunt you down, and you will wish you were dead,” Sumner turned fierce eyes upon Bloody Benny. “You would find me a formidable foe!”

“Do I know you?” Bloody Benny asked tilting his head slightly trying to get a better view; Sumner didn’t answer, but stared at him without emotion. Then Benny laughed. “Fine. I will take the deal. Martin, go see if Squire is in the stables. Ward, pick up Henley.”

Sumner didn’t relax, nor did he take his gaze from Bloody Benny. Bloody Benny’s manner changed upon the sight of his horse when his man led him from the stables.

“In that wasn’t how I wanted to ease my frustration this night,” Benny’s eyes fell back upon Jane. “But I have to say my temper has eased with finding my horse alive. I had thought for sure she would have sold my horse or shot him dead.”

Bloody Benny walked slowly off the porch and down to where his horse was led. He patted his side. “Well kept. I appreciate that.” He shrugged in an offhand manner. “I will hold to my word for I am a man of honor. I won’t come for the girl again. Sleep well.”

Sumner didn’t flinch. Turning, he watched the whole lot of them ride down the road away from the house. He looked down at Jane. “Run quickly and grab the clothes that Warren brought and any food that we can carry easily. Quick now.”

Jane ran back in the house. Sumner’s eyes focused on the road for any sign of movement. He turned only when he heard Jane’s feet run across the porch. He slung his rifle down in the sheath that hung on the back of the saddle.

Extending his arm, he lifted her easily beside him. He pulled her tight against him, so close he could feel her heart pounding rapidly.

“You said you knew a back way to your land. Do you know it in the dark?”

“Go behind the barn. There is a path that leads into the woods.” Her voice quivered. The poor thing was shivering. “You saved me.”

“I have you now and won’t let anyone hurt you.”

He kissed her head. Her body trembled, but he could do no more than hold to her. They had to put as much time and distance away from Bloody Benny as they could before Bloody Benny realized that they had met before…then Sumner knew, without question, Bloody Benny would return…for him.

* * * *

Jane shivered in the cool night’s air. Tears she hadn’t been able to cry earlier flowed silently down her cheeks. She reprimanded herself harshly. She had no time for such behavior. He had come…he had saved her. She wouldn’t let him see this weakness.

When they emerged from the woods, the vision in front of her caused a momentary gasp. A new house stood on the land which had been her home, her land, her family’s land. All that was left of her home was the ruins of the old foundation.

There had been no time to reminisce. They had to press on. She felt his need to leave and quickly. Deep into the woods, he reined in his mount. Slipping from the horse’s back, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her with a ferocity that left little doubt of the danger they had escaped.

“Did they hurt you?”

She couldn’t find her voice, but managed to shake her head. Leaning back, he stared deep into her eyes. Could he see into her soul…see how her heart beat for him?

“We have much to do, and I’m afraid I have need of you to do an errand.”

“I’ll do whatever you ask of me, Sumner.”

“Warren is set to meet me at the house in the morning. We need to stop him. If Bloody Benny has a man there, he could well put it together that Warren is helping us. He needs to be warned.”

“I know the back way into town, but, Sumner, if we are seen…”

“We won’t be, not if you dress as a lad. I have my misgivings for it is dangerous, but I will ride with you until we reach town. You, though, will need to go to the General Store alone.”

She said simply, “I will do so.”

* * * *

Jane tensed at the sight of the Hanging Rock Creek General Store. Glancing around, she looked to see if she was being followed. There was no one in sight.

The Parkers lived above the store. Everything seemed quiet when she reined in her mount, but it did little to squelch her nerves. She had not been honest with Sumner. She was petrified and wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and hide, but that wasn’t an option. If Warren wasn’t warned, more could die and that she couldn’t accept.

Riding to the back of the store, a breeze caught her hat. Quickly, she held it in place. She couldn’t afford for anyone to see she was a woman. She pushed her errant hair back under her hat and dismounted.

Knocking soundly on the back door, she waited impatiently for an answer. She knocked again. This time, she heard footsteps running down the stairs. She glimpsed Warren glancing out the window, hesitant at first, but she motioned to him to open the door. A moment later he did, and quickly drew her inside, but not before he looked side to side for any movement.

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