The Bastard Son (Winds of Change Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: The Bastard Son (Winds of Change Book 2)
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She was lost in the world he created with his touch. Instinctively, she arched toward him. She felt him reach for the tie of her gown. The voice within her became louder and begged caution…a voice she could no longer ignore. It was too dangerous not to.

“Please,” she pleaded in a quivering voice. “We mustn’t. I have never been with a man.”

He broke from her. “You have never been with a man?”

Staring into his eyes that reflected dark and unresolved emotions, she said meekly, “I have never even been kissed.”

He fell back on the mattress and began to laugh. The laughter subdued, he asked, “Where then did you get such a gown?”

“I found it in a trunk in the back room. I didn’t think anyone would…I wore it only at night for it was cool…”

For a moment, neither moved. Jane sat up and pulled the cover over her chest. “You are vexed and it is my own doing. I should never…”

“No.” Sumner sighed heavily. “It is mine to own. To have held you last night…”

He stopped. She would never understand his frustration of holding her as he had last night. Passion ignited within him. He had been convinced she wanted the same the way she had clung to him, but he would never force himself on a woman.

Even now, looking at her in the morning light, she needed to change into clothes that didn’t make her look so damn desirable. In honesty, he couldn’t deny that her utterance had taken him by surprise. She hadn’t seemed unwilling or adverse to his touch.

“I’m sorry.” Her face flamed. “You have been good to me and I have been such a bother.” She rose and carried the cover with her. “I will change quickly and leave.”

“Where will you go?”

“It doesn’t matter. I have no home.”

By all that was holy! He couldn’t let her leave like this. He shook his head. “This changes nothing except that I will find my manners once more. You aren’t in any condition to leave. You need not worry I will force myself upon you again.”

“You didn’t force yourself upon me, Sumner.” She choked on sobs that welled up. “My behavior has been inexcusable.”

Sumner said nothing, but watched her walk over to the window. Such sadness seemed to overcome her. She stared blankly out the window and began to speak. “I’m Jane Kilmer. My grandfather held land beyond Hanging Rock Creek up to Bluffort. Last spring during the Williamsons’ gang raids, my family…my family was wiped out…everyone I held dear.”

“You were there?”

She nodded. “It is of no matter. I wasn’t the only one to have lost loved ones that horrible day.”

“Why didn’t you find shelter with neighbors? Surly, someone would take you in.”

“You don’t understand…those men…swept through and slaughtered my family…left me holding their shattered bodies.” She turned back to him. “I was bent on revenge. I found them holding up at a tavern near Camden. I got close enough to fire a shot at Bloody Benny. You were right about the gun. The aim was off and I only hit him in the shoulder.

“I failed in my quest for revenge, but in the chaos that ensued I was able to escape…on Bloody Benny’s mount. It is the horse in the stables.”

Stunned at her boldness, he stared at her in disbelief. The nerve she had to attempt such a feat!

“From what I heard, he is searching for me. Not in essence because I tried to kill him, but I have his horse. I wanted to shoot the thing and leave it for Bloody Benny to find on the road, but in that I failed as well. I couldn’t kill an innocent creature.”

His eyebrow rose. “You have no trouble attempting to kill a man, but you can’t shoot a horse?”

“He is no man, but a monster,” she said emphatically. “I wish only to have one more opportunity to rid the world of such as he.”

“Bloody Benny will meet his match one day, Jane. Men like him often do.”

“You don’t know….’

Her words hung in the air. The sound of horses riding up to the farm halted their conversation. Her eyes widened in fear.

“I will see to the visitors. It will be Warren,” he assured her. “Go back to bed. We will deal with this later.”

He gave her no opportunity to object and left the room. Taking no chances, he grabbed his rifle. One thing he knew, Warren would have come alone. From the sounds outside, a group of riders had come calling.

Glancing out the front window, he discovered he wasn’t wrong. From his view, he made out at least four, maybe more. With a finger on the trigger, he opened the door. He hoped to God in heaven she had the good sense to stay in her room.

Chapter 3


Stepping out on the porch, Sumner was greeted, not only by a bright sun, but by a band of armed men. They looked like animals on the prowl, glowering at him as if he was their prey.

“Good morning,” Sumner said. “What might I do you for on this fine and beautiful day?”

“Marty Henley, my good sir, calling upon our new neighbor,” the tall, lanky one said, kneeing his horse forward alongside the porch steps.

“News traveled fast since I only arrived last night.” Every survival instinct in him stirred as Sumner glanced over the faces. Two he recognized from the tavern. His gripped tightened around his rifle. “Wish I could invite you in and offer you refreshments, but don’t have much to offer.”

“There’ll be no need. Only wanted to make your acquaintance.” Henley nodded to his left. “My homestead is a couple of miles down the road along Beaver Creek.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“It would suffice if you let us know where your loyalty lies.” Henley gave Sumner a hollow smile. “What did you say your name was, stranger?”

“Sumner Farley. I come from across the mountains where we hold to ourselves.”

“That would be wise.” Henley rubbed his chin with his hand and then gave a little nod, seemingly satisfied with the answer. The over-mountain men had long been known to have no want for this war, having too much to occupy their time such as Indians and surviving the wilderness. Henley went on. “I suppose you heard what happened back in the spring. I would hate for a repeat. It devastated the community.”

“It is what I heard,” Sumner acknowledged, the warning clear in the visitor’s voice. “Know I value what’s mine.”

Henley glanced around the property. The barn door was shut tight, but if anyone went near the barn and horses…

“Did ya work on the place before ya bought it?”

Sumner hesitated, noticing the place looked in pretty good shape for having been abandoned for over six months. Nothing he could do about it now. He answered, “Bought it as is.”

Henley mulled over the news. A pained expression flashed across his face. “Damn. N’ver thought about this place,” he said under his breath and then turned back to Sumner. “Farley, it may well be that your home was used by a fugitive of sorts.”

Sumner shrugged. “If it was, it ain’t now.”

“Shame didn’t think of this sooner. Been scouring the countryside for this girl. Bad sort. Wanted for shooting a man and horse stealing.”

“Why are you worried about some girl?”

“’Cause Benny said so!”

Sumner saw the man’s expression change to anger. Without a doubt, Henley used the name as a warning. “You can be assured you will be the first to know if I see some strange girl wondering around the woods. I want no trouble, girl or otherwise. But if I had someone looking for me, I wouldn’t be staying around in the area.”

“How can ya figure how a woman thinks? She’s from here and don’t know anything else I would imagine. If you see a pretty little thing with dark hair and eyes, let Benny know and he’ll be grateful and that ain’t a bad thing.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Sumner looked up and caught sight of a wagon coming up the road. “Well, it seems my supplies are here.”

“It seems so.” Henley nodded. “I’m certain we will be seeing a lot of each other. Have a good day, neighbor.”

Sumner watched the men ride away, tipping their hats as they passed Warren. Sumner slowly eased his hold on his gun and watched Warren until he pulled the wagon to a stop by the front steps.

“What did they want?” Warren asked, easing his grip on the reins.

“To feel me out, mostly. See which side I hold to. It is no matter. They seemed more concerned about finding a girl than what is going on with the war.”

“I told you, Sumner, everything has changed around here. Remember when life was simple? Rising up for our rights? Now, it’s a bloody mess.”

“What has happened? Why would a mere girl be such a pressing issue to the likes of them?”

Warren jumped down off the buckboard. “Hopefully, she’s long gone from here. Her name is Jane Kilmer. It was her family Graydon spoke of…the one that got wiped out. Bloody Benny killed her family in front of her, but it wasn’t until the last few months that he’s been diligently looking for her. Heard she stole his favorite horse. He loved that horse.”

“But what caused the rampage to begin with?”

“Mainly, the opportunity for revenge,” Warren said. “You remember Frederick Stanton. He served with Benny in the ninety-six at the beginning of the war…before Benny turned. Stanton was Benny’s commanding officer, the one that ordered Benny’s flogging when he fell asleep at his post.”

Sumner remembered the incident. It had cost lives. “So, Benny lashed out at his old commander?”

Warren nodded. “The riders descended like a storm on the horizon. Stanton was in his garden. They cut him down where he stood…into pieces.”

“Open season on any Patriot?”

“Only those whom they held a grudge against. The Kilmers were Loyalists. The old man lost both his sons in Indian attacks, leaving him with four grandchildren to raise, three boys and a girl, Jane.”

“What did Bloody Benny have against them?”

“It’s the way things are now with the British in control. It began I suppose with a skirmish along Mallard Creek. Some of the boys retreated as far back as here, running from Tarleton. I heard it said that the Kilmers gave shelter to a couple of kids from over the mountains, the Boles brothers.”

Sumner’s eyebrows shot up. “Williamson’s gang destroyed a family because they gave shelter?

“Death has come to others for a lot less, but if you ask me, it had more to do with Shelia Massey. The oldest grandson, Troy, was engaged to the girl, a girl Henley had a thing for…Shelia turned Henley down flat. Believe Henley was the cause for the raid against the Kilmers.”

Looking up, Sumner saw Jane in the window, a haunted look in her eyes. He turned back to Warren. “What of the girl? What do you know about her?”

“Not much. She kept to herself mostly, caring for her grandfather. In the last few years, he had become an invalid. After the raid, she was found in the smoldering ashes with what was left of her family. Horrid scene. Hacked up bodies. Blood everywhere.”

“And they just left her there…”

At that point, Warren stopped in his tracks. “Why all the questions? It happened months ago. Does it have to do with our mission?”

Sumner nodded toward the window. “Last night, I discovered I have a houseguest. The question now lies upon what to do with her.”

* * * *

Jane watched the exchange. She had prepared to travel, taken the time to dress appropriately, put back on her white shift which had dulled under wear and washes, over which she wore her faded blue gown. She pulled back her hair the best she could under a white cap and put on her leather tie-up shoes.

At the least, she thought herself prepared until she had seen the visitors. Her hands still trembled from the sight of the men. Now, she wondered what Sumner was doing talking to Warren Parker.
From the looks of things, trying to get rid of me.

She knew who Warren Parker was. Most did in these parts with him owning the only general store for miles. She knew his wife Melissa more as an acquaintance. Not a friend. Jane hadn’t any close friends growing up. Her life had been her family, consumed by her grandfather, brother and cousins’ needs.

Jane was painfully shy and lacking in confidence and social skills needed to make friends. The last few years, her grandfather rarely got out of bed, and Jane had taken on the responsibilities of running the household.

More than once, Troy had prodded her to become more social. “You need to create a life for yourself, Jane. Shelia says she knows you would have beaus a-plenty if you made an effort and didn’t hide every time a suitor came to visit.”

What Troy hadn’t realized—she had long dreamed of love and having a family of her own. She fantasized that her love would ride up to the farm, stare into her eyes with a dashing smile that would set her heart aflutter. He would love her at first sight without saying a word…but that was all it was—a fantasy.

Instead of her dream man riding up to sweep her off her feet, a nightmare descended of which she had yet to wake. Seeing those men had brought back her fear all so clearly…too clearly. The screams and cries echoed around her; she could feel the warm, life blood oozing out of those she loved while she cradled their bodies to her bosom. The soulless creatures had so cruelly destroyed life as she had known it.

She often wondered why they had left her alive. She had pleaded for mercy, but for her grandfather, Troy, and her cousins. Why? What had they done to deserve such a fate?

Her grandfather cared for any who had need. Only weeks before, had she not cared for one of the Williamson brothers who had been injured and left to die alongside of the road?

Her grandfather taught her to have mercy to all living things. “God created us all. It is not within our rights to take from the Almighty, but to preserve life.”

Now, she questioned all she once believed. She had no desire for human contact again until
had come. She had never met one like him before…so confident, so alive…so handsome. She didn’t know what was wrong with her, but she kept remembering his lips on hers.

From the walkway, Sumner caught her eye. She was under no illusion about the way he felt about her. Troy had warned her not to be alone with a man, but he wasn’t here now to protect her.

The realization that she was alone, so totally alone in the world, swept through her with such sadness. She didn’t know what she was going to do, where she was going to go. Her heart sank…Sumner gestured for her to join him.

Jane stood motionless and stared at the backdoor. The thought of running out that way occurred to her. She didn’t want to be handed off in this manner, as if she was one of the boxes they were unloading.


Sumner’s voice resonated. She hesitated and the door opened. He stood in the doorway with his arm pressing back the door for her to exit.

“Jane,” he repeated. “Can you come outside? It is safe. The men are gone. I want you to meet Warren.”

She looked at Sumner questionably, but then complied. She hadn’t a choice. Walking out on the porch, she immediately felt Warren’s eyes upon her, looking at her as if he couldn’t believe she was alive.

“It is good to see you, Jane. We had feared the worst,” Warren said, stepping towards her.

She recoiled back and felt Sumner’s hand on her waist, guiding her forward. Suddenly, she felt nervous…the way Warren looked at her. Her gaze flickered back to Warren, then Sumner. Panic set in. She had to get away.

Scurrying down the steps, she passed Warren and hurried toward the barn. She didn’t get far before a strong arm gripped hers, whirling her around.

“What is the matter with you?” Sumner asked. “Warren can help you. I promised you I would settle you in a safe place.”

Lowering her gaze, she said, “I can’t. I can’t go with him. Can you not understand it is best if I just ride out of here?”

“Don’t make me throw you over my shoulder and drag you back into the house. Warren, help me here. Tell this stubborn woman if she leaves now, those men will without a doubt find her.”

“I would not be so stupid as to ride on the open road. Do you not think I know these woods…the back paths?” She glared at him.

“Why would you attempt to go without money, supplies or a place to go?”

“For it’s my fate!” she declared hotly, her long suppressed ire expelled. “Now, release me.”

Sumner refused. Instead, he pressed his friend, “Warren, tell her that you will take her back with you and send her somewhere safe. You must have family somewhere that she could go to.”

Warren hesitated before answering. “Sumner, she would not be safe anywhere in the region, nor would any family that took her in. You don’t realize the fear the mere mention of the Williamson gang inflicts. They have stayed in the vicinity without worry of repercussions. Moreover, they have made it clear even to you that they want this girl.”

“Are you a coward?” Sumner asked, stiffly.

“A coward? For myself, never, but I have a family, a wife and two small children. Give me time. I will try to see what I can do, but, Sumner, you have a far longer reach than I. Surely, you must know of someone that could help.”

Confused, Jane stared at the man that held her. Who could a mountain man possibly know that could help her? She shook her head adamantly. “I won’t put anyone in harm’s way. I will leave by a back trial to my home or what is left of it. There, I will follow along the creek until I come to Columbia.”

Warren shook his head. “I’m afraid that might not be the wisest move. Your land has already been claimed by a Loyalist family, the Calhouns. Their home was burnt to the ground a couple of years ago by Patriot raiders. It is a sad fact that there are those on both sides that have used this war for their own advantage.”

Her home was gone…someone had stolen the land. All that had been known to her was lost, the slim hope of returning to her home, rebuilding in some manner, was gone.

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