The Awakener (28 page)

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Authors: Amanda Strong

BOOK: The Awakener
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“And how I see things that are going to happen?” Another nod and he continued, “Well, I’ve seen visions of a huge fire coming. It’s going to destroy everything and it’s up to me to keep everyone from dying in it.”

She stared back at him, her mouth gaping open.
“Are you serious?”

Now he nodded.

“That’s why you went to Rome, isn’t it?” she asked.

“Yeah, my host family taught me about a Prophet named Enoch. He lived before Noah. He was actually his great grandfather. Anyways, Enoch built a special city that was lifted up to Heaven before the flood came. Everyone inside the city was saved from drowning. I’ve seen a city in my dreams that’s like Enoch’s city. I need to build it so the people inside will be safe from the fire like they were in the flood. That’s what my mission is. That’s what I’ve spent every minute of every day learning and preparing for.”

“I had no idea.
Micah, you have to save the world.”

“Don’t I know it,” he grunted.

“No wonder you can’t eat or sleep.”

He hesitated and then said, “I’m
fasting, Eden.”


“Yeah, to help solve a little problem I have.”

Oh, you mean the little problem I caused?
Her insides sunk.
What did I do?
Then her mind put the pieces together.

She gasped
. “Oh my gosh!”

he glanced at her. “What?”

“Your life’s in
danger, isn’t it? That’s why you need Andrew so badly. He can heal people… he healed me.” She glanced at him. “You already knew that, didn’t you?” She didn’t wait for him to respond. “That’s why you didn’t want me to break up with him, ‘cause now he won’t come on this trip.”

He was quiet, his blue eyes troubled.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she demanded.

“I didn’t want you to do something you didn’t want to for me.”

She gaped at him. “So you’d rather just die? I’d do anything to keep you safe and alive! And I know you’d do the same thing for me. Micah, I love you!”

She clamped her mouth shut as soon as the words flew out.
What did I just say?

She was terrified to face him now. She couldn’t bear to hear him say that they could never be together or whatever
other excuse he may have.

She opted for bolting off the porch steps instead. She knew she looked ridiculous, but she ran anyway.
It took a minute for Micah to catch up to her.

“Eden, get back here,” he called after.
He grabbed her arm, bringing her to a halt. Her chest was heaving, both with exertion and fear of what would come next.

“You can’t just say that and then run away,” he said, breathing hard too.

They faced each other. She threw her hands on her hips. Now it was her turn to be strong.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. I’m calling Andrew today. I’m going to fix this.”

“Eden, wait, don’t. How you feel matters. I can’t stand the thought of you pretending for me.”

She recognized his argument
. Wasn’t that what she’d said to him only weeks ago? Now it seemed so petty and selfish of her.

“Who cares how I feel!
I don’t! I’d rather be friends with you than never see you again. Why can’t you get that through your head?” Her voice was raising an octave with each sentence.

He grimaced.
“You’re not going to back down are you?”

“No way.”
She tugged his hand free and marched back towards the house.

“Where are you going?”

“To get my phone.”

Micah was in front of
her, grabbing both of her arms, bringing her face inches from his.

She stopped and stared back into his eyes.
She could feel her anger ebbing, replaced by intoxicating excitement. His lips were so near.

“Is there nothing I can do to change your mind?”
His voice was quiet, his tone pleading.

“No,” she mumbled.

He dropped his head and brushed his lips against her jawline, moving from her ear towards her chin, his lips leaving a tingling trail behind them.

“Are you sure?” he asked, his breath warm against her skin.

She closed her eyes, the temptation to forget the whole idea overwhelming. She’d dreamt of this moment, replayed it in her head so many times. Now it was here, and now she was the one to have to say no.

The thought of him injured and helpless flashed through her.

She stepped back. “There’s nothing you can do. I’m not going to let you die if I can do something to stop it.”

He sighed heavily.
“Ok, well, can we at least go swimming together? Can you give me a few more hours before you’re

She stared at him, realizing how he felt about it.
“You’d rather die to have one day with me?”

He grinned.
It reached his eyes, making them crinkle. “Yeah, when you put it like that. You’re right. I’d rather not be around while you’re with him. It kills me.”

She could tell he was teasing, but his words rang true.

“Well, I’m not as noble as you. I’d rather live a lie to keep you safe.”

He frowned at
her, but she wasn’t going to change her mind.
No matter how seducing your lips are.

“Ok, fine.
Just give me the day.” He took her hand in his and squeezed it.

She didn’t budge when he walked forward.
“Just today. I’m calling him tomorrow morning.”

“I never knew you could be so stubborn.”
He grinned at her as she guffawed.

“You’d do the same thing for me.” She jabbed a finger into his chest.

He snatched her hand and pressed her fingers against his lips. “You’re right, I would.”

That took the fight right out of her
. She hoped he wouldn’t kiss more than her hand, she was pretty she’d cave if he did, but he just chuckled as they walked hand in hand back to his house to swim.

Micah couldn’t sleep that night and the morning hours dragged.
He tried to keep his mind busy with last-minute preparations for the trip the following week, but all he could think of was Eden calling Andrew and what that meant.

I should be happy.
Now, maybe I’ll live through all this.
But he felt miserable, even feeling bad for his friend, Andrew.
We’re playing him. This can’t be right.

As the hours ticked
by, he realized there had been a plan C to all this after all. He should have told Andrew everything. He was pretty sure his friend would have suffered the trip to save his life.

Trent assured Micah it was the right thing, that now it’d all be fine.
After dinner, Micah escaped to his bedroom and paced the floor. The sound of his phone chiming had him flying across the room to grab it off his nightstand.

He had a text from Eden.

I called him, left a VM. Waited all day, but he didn’t call me back. Sorry.

Micah texted back.
Not your fault, you tried. He’ll call you tomorrow

I guess we’ll wait and see.

But Friday came and went and Eden texted Micah.
Still nothing.

It both relieved
and terrified him. By Sunday night, Trent wasn’t feeling too confident anymore either. Monday, Micah began another fast. When his phone buzzed around lunchtime, he dreaded reading the message. It was from Eden.

So I know why Andrew hasn’t called.
He’s in Florida visiting his cousins. His phone died over the weekend since he lost his charger. He bought a new one today. I told him I want to talk and he said he’d be back Saturday night.

Micah stared at his phone.
They were leaving Thursday for their trip. Andrew wouldn’t be back in time.

The letters on his phone blurred.
He typed back.

Thank you for
trying, Eden. There’s nothing we can do now.

There has to be something we can do!

I think we just need to have faith. It’ll all be fine. Don’t worry.


I’m sorry. I better get some stuff done. Talk later?


He set his phone down wondering if he should tell his parents.
No, they won’t let me leave if I do,
he decided.

“Gabriel, you’ve got to fix this!
I know you can!” she whispered to her empty bedroom after Micah stopped texting her.

She felt nothing, saw nothing.
She blinked back the tears. “This is all my fault. I ruined everything.”

“No you didn’t
; you’ll see.”

Eden whirled around but saw nothing, but she had heard him
. She’d heard Gabriel.

“I didn’t ruin it?” she asked, tears bursting from her eyes, streaking down her cheeks.

She didn’t hear anything else. She waited and then wiped her eyes.
Maybe Andrew will come home early. Or maybe this means Micah won’t get hurt at all.
She liked that idea.

Not sure
if she’d mess things up more, she avoided going over to Micah’s the next few days. On Wednesday, she shot a text off to Andrew.

Still coming back Saturday?

He replied.

Ok, well, I’ll be in Illinois then.
I wish you were coming too.


Micah wants you to go still. I could stay home if that’s why you aren’t coming.

No, don’t do that. That’s not why.

You sure?

Yes. I’m in Florida, remember?

Oh yeah,
guess you’re right.

Her phone went silent.
He seems mad. He’s not going to take me back. Now that he’s not coming back in time, I don’t want to do this anymore anyway.

She glanced at her clock.
It was three o’clock. They were leaving tomorrow morning. She hesitated and then selected a different contact in her cell phone.

On the fourth ring, Jessie answered
. “Hi Eden.”

“Hey, Jessie. How’s it going?”

“Good, want to go shopping or something? I’m totally bored.”

“Um, yeah.
Hey Jessie, I have a favor to ask.”


Eden hesitated.
Maybe I should’ve done this in person
. She dove in, “Do you want to call Trent to see if he wants to go out tonight?”

There was a gasp in the receiver and then, “What? No way! Why on earth would I want to call

This isn’t going to work.
“Because he’s dying to go out with you.”

There was silence and then, “Then why are you calling me and not him?”

“He’s wanted to,” she soothed. “But he and Micah have been preoccupied lately.”

“Humph,” Jessie grunted
. “How do you know?”

“Trust me, I know when Trent’s into someone.
He really likes you.”

It was quiet, a good sign with Jessie.
“Has he actually said he likes me?”

Eden was happy she’d eavesdropped because she could honestly say to her friend, “Yes, he told Micah.
He thinks you’re hot, Jessie. And he wants to take you out once we’re back from Chicago. I think they’re sort of stressed about going, or something.”

“Who stresses about a dumb vacation
?” Jessie muttered, but her tone had definitely changed. There was a long sigh. “Oh, all right. I want you to know I’m only doing this for you, because you’re my best friend. And maybe part of me wants to tell him off too. What’s his number?”

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