The Awakener (26 page)

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Authors: Amanda Strong

BOOK: The Awakener
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Poor dude, lying to make her feel better
, Micah thought.

Caitlyn glanced over at him.
It was quiet for a moment. “Are you going to go still, to Chicago, I mean?” she asked, breaking the silence.

Took the words right out of my
mouth, Caitlyn.

“No, I don’t think so.”

The words hung in the air, Micah cringing at their implications.

Caitlyn gazed at Andrew and then said, “I should probably go back in. I didn’t tell my parents I left
, and they might freak when they discover I’m not in my room.”

“Yeah, they will.
Hey, thanks, Caitlyn.” He leaned over to hug her.

Micah didn’t miss her hesitation.
The hug was quick, and then she grabbed the door handle. Not facing Andrew, she mumbled, “I think you should come still.”


She turned around. “I just have this feeling that it’ll all work out if you do.”

There was tension and then Andrew snorted.
“It’ll all work out, huh? I think you’re trying to use your Jedi mind tricks on me.”

Caitlyn’s face flushed.
“This means I’m crazy, doesn’t it?” She wrinkled her nose.

“Welcome to the super hero club,” Andrew said sarcastically.

“Awesome, when do I get my cape?”

“I don’t know, but I’d love to see you in spandex.”

She slugged his shoulder. “If I have to wear it, so do you. So be prepared to look like your underwear’s on the outside of your pants.”

Andrew laughed loudly. “No way, that only looks good on girls.”

Undeterred, Caitlyn continued, “I can see it now—a big D on the front for Doctor Drew, the Healer.”

“Oh yeah, you think that’s
funny, don’t you? You’d have a Y then, for Yoda.” He paused, “You sort of look like him, you know.”

Caitlyn giggled. “Nice, I like it.”

Micah folded his arms across his chest, wondering why he still remained in this vision.
Not only did he not care to watch two people flirt, he felt like he’d learned what he was supposed to, and he wasn’t really in the mood to watch playful banter.

I only have a death sentence hanging over my head.

Then it dawned on him.
They don’t even realize they’re flirting. They think they’re just friends. Man, is it this obvious to everyone else with Eden and me?

Caitlyn sighed
. “I better get back.” She opened the door and gave him one last, questioning glance. “So, Chicago?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry, probably not.”

Micah returned to his bed; Sage was gone now. He knew sleep was out of the question. He had too much to sort through. He debated waking Trent but decided against it. Trent would want to drive straight over to Eden’s and demand she get back with Andrew.

Micah sat at the edge of his bed.
That’s an idea.
As much as he hated it, he had to consider it might work.

He wanted someone to talk to but
, for some reason, he didn’t call Sage back. This felt like something he had to work through.
Or Caitlyn said it’d all work out, so maybe it’s meant to be. Maybe I just have to accept it. It’s my fate.
Something tugged at him, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

Sadness overwhelmed him.
He needed to distract himself. Pacing the floor, he let his mind wander. His thoughts lead him to Eden.
Well, she broke up with him, so I guess I know she likes me now. Never could be sure since she seemed to really like Andrew too. Wonder how she feels about all this.

Now Micah wasn’t in his room, but in Eden’s.
It was dimly lit by a night light in the corner. He could see she was in bed, and he drew closer. Kleenex’s sprawled across her floor and littered her bedspread.
She’s been crying.
Her eyes were shut, her breathing even.
She’s asleep at least.

Then it was like a layer peeled back and he saw Gabriel, sitting next to her, leaning against the headrest.
He was running his hand from the top of her head, down her hair, which covered most of his lap.

Micah cocked his head to the side.
There was a low, deep, lulling sound.
He’s humming to her
. Micah watched the rise and fall of Eden’s chest. She’d obviously spent the night sobbing.

Returning to his bedroom, Micah understood the meaning.
She still cares for Andrew too. And,
he groaned,
I need to convince her to get back with him.

Micah waited for Eden to come over again, but she didn’t.
For some reason, he’d assumed she’d pounce on the chance to be with him. He was surprised and relieved by her absence. It sort of gave him hope that maybe she’d worked things out with Andrew after all, as much as it pained him.

It’d been almost two
weeks, and Trent’s patience was wearing thin.

“Micah, just call her or go see her.
You’re avoiding it, aren’t you?” Trent snapped. His mood had been foul since he’d learned about the break up. He put it together pretty fast that it meant his cousin would die.

Micah glanced up from the Bible in his hands.
He spent most of his time reading now.

“I don’t care what Eden wants.
You tell her what’s at stake! She’ll do it for you. You know she will. So why haven’t you told her? You’re stalling.”

You’re right, I am.
As much as he wanted to live, the thought of forcing Eden to be with someone she may not want to be, for him, felt selfish. The more he read and prayed, the more he avoided having
talk with her.

He sighed and closed the book.
“Trent, Caitlyn said it’d work as it
. Maybe it is.”

Trent growled
. “This is ridiculous. I’m going to tell your parents. You talk to Eden today, or I’m marching upstairs and announcing to your mom what’s really happening here.”

Micah knew Trent loved him. They were like brothers.
And he doesn’t love Eden like I do.

Micah begun to
protest, but they both heard the doorbell ring. Trent was off the couch and to the front door before he’d even stood up.

Micah slowly left the great
room, coming into the front entry. His heart dropped. Eden stood in the open doorway. Trent turned around and glared at Micah, his expression obvious.

She seemed unsure what to do since Trent hadn’t really invited her in.

“Hey Eden,” Micah recovered. “Come on in.”

Trent stormed past Micah and muttered, “Well as
has it, she’s here. So you better do it.” He paused and studied Micah’s face, adding, “Don’t do anything stupid. Say what needs to be said.”

Micah hoped Eden hadn’t overheard as he grinned at her. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”

She nodded, rubbing her arms like she was cold. “Had to finish school and well, summer’s been…”

Her words trailed and he offered, “Busy?”

“Yeah.” Her voice sounded heavy.

“Want to swim?” he asked.

“I don’t have my suit. I just wanted to say hi.”

He grinned again.
“Good, I’m glad you did. Should we sit outside?”

She smiled.

They opted for the deck.
Micah cranked the umbrella up for one of the tables, and they sat across from each other.

, what’ve been up to?” he asked, noting how withdrawn her eyes seemed.

She licked her lips.
“Not much. How about you?”

“Oh you know
, the same—lots of visions.”

She arched an
eyebrow at him but said nothing.

“What’s wrong?
You seem upset.” He had to say it.
I really don’t want to have this talk.

Her eyes were moist and she looked away.
“I guess there’s no point in not telling you. Andrew and I broke up.”

Ugh, no avoiding it now.

“Really? What happened?”

She glanced at him.
“I’m the one who did it.”


Her eyes pleaded with him.
She doesn’t want to be the one to say it.

She sighed.
“I like him a lot, but when he says he loves me, I can’t—”

“Say it back?”


He hated the fact
that he loved hearing her say that. “I’m sorry. When did it happen?”

“A few weeks ago.”

“And you’re just coming to see me? Man, what are best friends for?”

She stared at him.
“I didn’t want to interrupt with Damon.”

Oh, the Honda in the driveway, of course!
She would’ve come sooner.
Some measure of his pride felt better, even though he knew he shouldn’t.

“You should have come over anyway!”
His grinned and then sobered. “I’m sorry you went through that on your own. Are you ok?”

Pain flickered across her face. “No, I feel awful.”

Well, here it goes.
Micah forced the words out, hating the taste they left behind. “Really? Maybe you should call him, get back with him.”

Eden’s expression made his chest ache, her blue eyes confused and dejected.
But the alternative’s not an option,
he reminded himself.

He swallowed.
The words were like bile coming out. “Are you sure you did the right thing?”

Her gaze shifted to the pool and
she whispered, “I don’t know anymore.”

Micah knew Trent wasn’t bluffing about telling his parents
. He knew he needed to sink it in with Eden.
But how?
He hardly thought it fair to her to say,
If you don’t take him back, I die, ok?

he’d waited too long to respond, Eden pushed her chair back and stood. Jumping to his feet, he stammered as her eyes swept his face.

“Eden, I’m sorry about you and Andrew.
But you need to know that you and I… we can’t… we can’t ever be,” he said at last.

“Why?” she whispered.
“I don’t understand, Micah. How can you know who I’m supposed to be with? Don’t I get a say in it? Doesn’t how I feel matter?”

Micah was stumped.
She’s right.

“Yes, you should.
You did what you had to. It’ll all work out as it should.” His words sounded hollow, empty to him.

She stared at him,
and then her eyes dropped to the ground. “I’m sorry I didn’t do what you wanted me to.”

He knew he should say something
. He should tell the why behind it all. He knew she’d run back to Andrew; she’d do anything to save him. But he clenched his jaw shut. Forcing someone to live a lie couldn’t be what Caitlyn meant.

He glanced over at her
downcast eyes.

“I better go,” she mumbled.

“Eden wait—” He stepped toward her.

She glanced up, her eyes filled with tears.
He reached for her, his heart torn up by her anguish.

“I’m sorry. I just need some time to figure this out.” His hand landed on her arm.

Her blue eyes met his. “I don’t know why you won’t tell me anything. Why I’m in the dark all the time. Don’t you trust me anymore?”

He was taken
Is that what she thought?
“No, I do. I… it’s just, I thought it was going to work one way and now…”

“I’m sorry,” she cut in
. “Sorry I messed it all up.”

He tried to protest, realizing his words probably made her feel personally responsible, but she slipped through the sliding glass door, escaping him.

He hadn’t missed the tears falling from her eyes as she’d left. He sighed heavily, resigning to defeat.

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