The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt (72 page)

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and Vallie, 35-36, 46

and World War I, 90

Hall, Maude (aunt), 11-12, 13, 16, 24, 33, 36, 46, 55, 245-246

(Mrs. Larry Waterbury)

Hall, Pussie (aunt), 10, 11-12, 13, 16, 18, 24, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42

See also
Morgan, Mrs. W. Forbes, Jr.

Hall, Vallie (uncle), 11-12, 13, 35-36, 38, 46

Hall family, 3-4, 46, 47, 49

Halsey, William, 253, 255, 258

Hamilton, Lord, 243

Hammarskjöld, Dag, 432, 434

Hancock, Comm., 100

Hanna, Mark, 422

Harald, Prince of Norway, 237

Hardin, Dr., 97

Hare, Montgomery, 69

Hare, Mrs. Montgomery, 69

Harriman, Averell, 239, 355

Harriman, Mrs. J. Borden, 87

Harriman, Mary

Rumsey, Mrs. Charles Cary

Hayes, Cardinal, 148

“Hell’s Kitchen,” 13

Helm, Mrs. James M. (Edith), 165, 167, 168

Hempstead, L.I., 5

Hendrick, James Pomeroy, 314, 319

Hendrick, Mrs. James Pomeroy, 319

Herriot, Edouard, 174

Hickok, Lorena, 171, 216, 217, 285

Hirohito, Emperor, 337-338

Hiroshima, 309, 340

Hitch, Mrs., 45

Hitler, Adolf, 211, 212, 310

Hobby, Oveta Culp, 249

Hoffman, Paul, 333

Holmes, Horace, 332

homestead projects, 178-180

Hong Kong, 417

Hooker, Henry (Harry), 93, 286-287

Hoover, Herbert, 81, 156, 163, 164

Hoover, Mrs. Herbert, 156, 164, 167

Hoover, Ike, 163, 164

Hopkins, Harry, 154, 179, 215, 250, 274

and England, 221, 239

and FDR, 186, 196, 218, 226, 229-230, 278

and NYA, 192

as person, 197

in White House, 229

Howe, Hartley, 115, 116

Howe, Louis McHenry, 81, 102, 111, 119, 125, 148, 161, 411

background of, 67

and brain trust, 159

at Campobello, 115

and Christmas, 98, 106

death of, 186

and ER, 109-110, 111, 119, 123, 124, 143, 171, 172

and FDR, 116, 120, 132, 141, 143, 158, 195-196

as invalid, 175, 185-186

and Navy, 73

as newspaperman, 109-110, 172

in NYC house, 118

and 1920 campaign, 108, 109

and 1928 campaign, 150

and state senate campaign, 70-71

Howe, Mrs. Louis, 115, 118

Hughes, Charles Evans, 87

Hull, Cordell, 187, 202, 270, 271

Hull, Mrs. Cordell, 202, 270

Human Rights Commission, 300, 310, 311, 314 ff.

Humphrey, John P., 317

Hyde, Louis, 312

Hyde Park, 50, 63, 108, 121, 186-187, 188, 205-207, 212-213, 284-287, 293-294

Ibn Saud, 274-275, 322

India, 295, 329-333

International Congress for Women Workers, 105, 120

Israel, 310, 326-327, 402

Jackson, Robert, 406-407

Jackson, Mrs. Robert, 407

Jackson, Seth, 378

Japan, 362-363

Jardas, Eda, 349

Joffre, Marshal, 88

Johnson, Hugh, 159, 181

Johnson, Lyndon B., 426

Jones, Jesse, 216, 217

Jordan, 326

Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands, 221, 238, 287, 361

Junior League, 39-40

Jusserand, Jules, 83, 84, 94

Jusserand, Mme Jules, 84

Keen, Dr., 115

Kefauver, Estes, 356

Kennedy, Ambassador, 221

Kennedy, John F., 356-357, 422-423, 424, 426, 436, 437

Kent, Duke of, 221

Khrushchev, Nikita S., 369, 391, 393, 436

and agriculture, 374

and Castro, 432

on Communism, 383, 408

on disarmament, 382

and FDR, 381-382

at Hyde Park, 418, 419-420, 435

interview with, 381-383

at UN, 432, 433, 434

Khrushchev, Mrs. Nikita S., 419

Kilgore, Maj., 100

King, Mackenzie, 207, 234, 252, 277

King Ranch, 374

Knox, Frank, 210

Knox, Gen., 243

Koran, 322

Kuhn, Mrs., 67

Kung, Miss, 249, 250

Kung, Mr., 249

Ladies’ Home Journal
, 198

LaGuardia, Fiorello, 205, 225, 226, 228-229, 230-231

Laidlaw, Mrs. James Lees, 120

Lamont, Thomas W., 111

Lamont, Mrs. Thomas W., 111

Landis, Judge, 231

Lane, Franklin K., 73, 80, 92

Lane, Mrs. Franklin K., 73, 80

languages, 51, 404-405

See also

Lannoy, Jehan de, 46

Lannoy, Philippe de, 46

Lansing, Mrs. Robert, 106

Lape, Esther, 112-113, 123, 141

Lascelles, Alan, 201

Lavrova, Anna, 371

Leach, Mrs. Henry Goddard, 123

League of Nations, 101, 104, 107, 191

League of Women Voters, 112, 121, 122, 125, 141

Leavitt, Mrs., 106

Lebanon, 325

lectures, 130-131, 189

Ledyard, Mr., 63

Lee, Lord, 241-242

LeHand, Marguerite, 111-112, 148, 161, 220, 270

Lehman, Herbert H., 163, 262, 422, 424, 436

Lehman, Mrs. Herbert H., 163

Leningrad, 375-377, 393, 395

Leopold, Crown Prince of Belgium, 105

Lewis, John L., 250, 257, 258

Liberia, 248

Lie, Trygve, 304, 305

Lindley, Betty, 229

Lindsay, Lady, 201, 202

Lindsay, Ronald, 202

Lint, Mr., 417

Liquat Ali Khan, Begum, 327, 329

Litvinov, Maxim, 180-181, 311

Livingston, Chancellor, 3

Livingston family, 3

Lodge, Sen., 103

London, 51

Long, Huey, 138

Longworth, Nicholas, 57

Longworth, Mrs. Nicholas, 57, 75, 89, 106, 219

See also
Roosevelt, Alice, “Princess”

Lovett, Dr., 115, 116, 117

Ludlow, Mrs. (great aunt), 7-8, 9, 43

Ludwig, King of Bavaria, 28

, 83

Lyautey, Marshal, 365

Lyman, Catherine

Delano, Mrs. Warren II

Lyman, Judge, 45

Lyman, Mrs., 45

Lynch, Thomas, 64, 109

MacArthur, Douglas, 175

, 198

McCarthy, Charles, 111

McCarthy, Joseph R., 339, 356, 359

McCauley, Capt., 101

MacDonald, Ishbel, 174

MacDonald, Ramsey, 174

McDuffie, Lizzie, 276

McGoldrick, Joseph, 159

McIlhenny, John, 86

McIntire, Ross T., 269, 272, 275, 276

McIntyre, Marvin, 108-109, 193, 227

McNutt, Paul, 216, 217

Macatee, Con. Gen., 344

, 259

Macmillan, Harold, 434

Madeleine, 8, 10, 16-17

Magee, Ralph, 165, 170

Malik, Charles, 317, 322, 324-325

Malik, Begum Husain, 329

Manners, Diana, 99

Maoris, 257

Margaret, Princess of England, 296

Marseilles, 30

Marshall, George C., 227, 301, 320

Marshall, Thomas G., 80, 106

Marshall, Mrs. Thomas G., 106

Marta, Princess of Norway, 199-200, 230, 237, 238, 361

Martin, Mrs. Hershey, 437

Martineau, Muriel, 101

Marvin, Langdon, 111

Marvin, Langdon, Jr., 277

Marx, Karl, 408

Marxism, 392, 393, 403

Mary, Queen of England, 243-244, 296

Masaryk, Jan, 313

Masaryk, Thomas G., 313

Mates, Leo, 307

Maverick, Maury, 193

Mehta, Hansa, 318

Meitner, Lise, 291

Menshikov, Mikhail, 435

Mexico, 251

Meyer, Albert, 332

Michelson, Charles, 216

Miller, Adolph, 73, 80

Miller, Mrs. Adolph, 73, 81

Mills, Harriet May, 121, 124

miners, 177-178, 180

Mohammed V of Morocco, 364, 366, 399

Moley, Raymond, 159, 161

Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 234-235, 311

Moreau, Adm., 98

Morgan, W. Forbes, Jr., 37, 43, 158

Morgan, Mrs. W. Forbes, Jr., 42-43, 44, 46-47, 50, 55

See also
Hall, Pussie (aunt)

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 108, 123, 132, 133, 154, 158, 180, 207, 245, 270, 271

Morgenthau, Mrs. Henry, Jr. (Elinor), 123, 148, 176, 225, 229

Morgenthau, Henry, Sr., 158

Morocco, 364-368, 399-400

Morse, Wayne, 358

Mortimer, Stanley, 37, 47

Mortimer, Mrs. Stanley, 3-4, 20, 24-25, 27, 28, 32, 37, 46, 55

(Elizabeth Aunt Tissie Hall)

Moscicki, President of Poland, 211-212

Moscow, 370-371

Moskowitz, Belle, 147, 151, 152

Mountbatten, Lady, 221

Mountbatten, Lord, 221

Mount Vernon, 203

Mulholland, Inez, 68

Munro-Ferguson, Robert

Ferguson, Robert

Munro-Ferguson, Ronald

Ferguson, Ronald

Muravyeva, Mme, 393

Murphy, Frank, 174

Mussolini, Benito, 211, 213, 350

Nagako, Empress, 337-338

Nathan, Maud, 40

National Council of Women, 379, 396

National Recovery Act, 181-182

National Youth Administration, 204

Natsunoto, Shigeharu, 334

Near East, 400-402, 417

Negro Youth Congress, 208

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 295, 324, 329

Nesbitt, Henry, 166

Nesbitt, Mrs. Henry, 166, 167, 177, 203

Neutrality Pact, 212

Newbold, Thomas, family, 32

New Deal, 278-279

New York
, 370

New York Times
, 395

New Zealand, 256, 257

Nixon, Richard M., 358, 424-425

Norris, George, 182

Norton, Mary, 148

Novar, Lord

Ferguson, Ronald

Nuclear Commission on Human Rights, 310

Oberammergau, 28

O’Connor, D. Basil, 141

O’Day, Caroline, 121, 123

Office of Civilian Defense, 226, 227, 229, 230-231

Oka, Mrs. Bagoes, 363

Olaf, Prince of Norway, 199-200

O’Mahoney, Mrs. James, 148

Orthopedic Hospital, 12

Overhalse, Mrs., 15-16

Pakistan, 295, 327-329

Pandit, Mme, 329

Paris, 51, 52, 99

Parish, Henry, Jr., 37, 39, 59

Parish, Mrs. Henry, Jr. (Cousin Susie), 9, 13, 33, 37, 39, 41, 47, 49, 50, 59

Parran, Thomas, 154

Passion Play, 28

Paul, King of Greece, 344-345

Pavlov, Alexei P., 311, 312, 317, 320

Pavlov, interpreter, 235

Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, 311, 375-377

Pavlov Institute, 396

Peabody, Endicott, 50, 108

Peabody, Mrs. Endicott, 108

Peace Corps, 407

Pearl Harbor day, 226-227, 340

Pearson, Drew, 188

Pendar, Kenneth, 365

Percy, Eustace, 83

Perkins, Frances, 132, 154, 215-216, 217

Pershing, John J., 89

Peter, King of Yugoslavia, 237

Peters, Andrew J., 75, 102

Peters, Mrs. Andrew J. (Martha), 75, 102

Phillips, William, 73, 75, 80

Phillips, Mrs. William (Caroline), 73

Pioneer Youth Movement, 392-393

Platt, Charles A., 60-61

Platt, Thomas C., 422

Poland, 428-431

Polier, Justine, 229

Polk, Lily, 105

Post-Graduate Hospital, 12

, 203

Potsdam Agreement, 271

Prasad, President, 332

Prendergast, Mr., 424

Prenosil, Stanley, 109

Presbyterian Hospital, 117

press conferences, 171-172, 223

Prettyman, Mr., 276

Public Works Administration, 182

Puerto Rico, 184-185, 264

Quakers, 177, 178, 254

Queen Elizabeth
, 300

Quezon, Manuel, 174, 234

Quezon, Señora, 234

Raskob, John J., 148, 149, 150

Read, Elizabeth, 112-113, 123, 141

Reading, Lord, 94

Reading, Lady Stella, 94, 239, 244, 289

Red Cross, 242-243, 254-255, 256, 272

Reeves, William, 73

Reid, Jean, 40

Reid, Whitelaw, 40

Reid, Mrs. Whitelaw, 40

Resettlement Administration, 178

Rhode, Ruth Bryan, 305

Ribot family, 35

Richardson, Margaret

Roosevelt, Mrs. Hall

Rivington Street Settlement House, 40

Robbins, Warren, 88

Robinson, Douglas, 5, 8, 24, 34, 95

Robinson, Mrs. Douglas, 5, 19, 20, 34, 42, 44, 93

(Corinne Roosevelt)

Robinson, Monroe, 93, 232

Robinson, Theodore Douglas, 14, 67-68

Robinson, Mrs. Theodore Douglas (Helen), 67-68

Robinson family, 29

Rockey, Miss, 116, 117

Rogers, Will, 125

Rome, 34-35

Roosevelt, Alice, “Princess,” 5, 8, 14, 18

See also
Longworth, Mrs. Nicholas

Roosevelt, Anna Auntie Bye, 6, 8, 20, 21-22, 34, 43-44, 72, 73, 84

(Mrs. William Sheffield Cowles)

Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor (daughter), 57, 58, 64, 66, 73, 77, 90, 108, 111, 118-120, 122, 137, 194, 263-264, 268, 401

Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor Hall

Roosevelt, Mrs. Elliott (mother)

Roosevelt, Archie, 364

Roosevelt, Corinne (aunt)

Robinson, Mrs. Douglas

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