The Aurora Stone (9 page)

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Authors: G.S Tucker

BOOK: The Aurora Stone
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“How far are we from the border? It’s already afternoon,” Eve asked, as she packed away the herbs. Though she would never admit it, she was not feeling her best and would give anything for dry, clean clothes. Finishing his tea Jericho motioned for Eve to join him.

“You see the river wind its way towards the hills in the distance? The border is the other side of those hills no more than four hours’ ride, if the protectors are agreeable, we could be there by tea time.” The thought of being back on an owl was too much for Caleb; he choked on his mouthful and began to cough. Running over to his side, Eve began to thump him on the back. Eyes watering Caleb made it extremely clear that nothing was going to get him back on that ‘evil flying spawn.’

“If that is how you feel, then so be it; however, be very sure. The walk is long, and the animals here are fierce,” Jericho informed him. “You see this?” he pointed to a pile of dark brown lumps. “That is the waste products of the fanged tree cat; I would not want to be anywhere near here when the sun goes down,” he concluded, face deadpan. Jericho found it highly amusing to watch the indignant witch ponder over the two choices he had. After a lot of pacing, hand rubbing, and opening and closing his mouth likes a fish out of water, Caleb finally decided that possible death due to plummeting from the sky was preferable to certain death of being ripped apart by a large fanged cat. Chuckling under his breath, Jericho went to check if the protectors felt up to continuing on their journey.

Chapter Nine

Caleb, spent the last leg of the journey thinking; he had always known that an adventure awaited him; he just didn’t realise that it would come with the possible destruction of the entire world. As he gazed out towards the slowly approaching horizon, Caleb came to the conclusion that he would need to tell Eve what he knew of the prophecy. Reaching down, he withdrew his pendant from beneath his shirt. In the afternoon sun, it flashed with electric blue. Rubbing it between his thumb and index finger, Caleb made the decision to begin using his ‘real’ magic; he was no longer within the boundaries of Clear Water Valley, and so was not subjected to the consequences of rule breaking. At least he hoped that was the case.

Jericho too was contemplating the future. The young elf was stronger than she appeared; an iron will be hidden beneath her youth and beauty. Yet, he felt protective of her. It had not gone without notice the way her very presence lit up a room, her smile was infectious, and her compassion seemed to be limitless. Jericho very much wanted to continue with her on this quest. However, he was under orders to return once he had seen the couple to the broader. Though he knew there was no way for him to be brought back to the city, Maximus would make his punishment most severe when he did return.

Deciding not to make any solid plans until they reached their destination, Jericho returned to gazing at the breath-taking views of his homeland. He would never become tired of this view, not if he lived to be one hundred.

We will land soon, dear one, please hold on tight
, crooned Sapphire. She had become quite attached to the elf, which was not very surprising, they were destined to find each other. Sapphire was concerned with how little Eve knew about her destiny, and how significant her part was. She knew Eve was strong-willed and intelligent, but what caused her the most concern was her undiscovered gift, Sapphire knew what it was of course. However, she was unable to reveal it to her companion.
I wonder if it will be too much for her?
She thought, worry clouding her blue eyes. Keeping the telepathic link closed, Sapphire allowed herself a few moments to consider how best to fulfil her role within the prophecy. Even as she pondered this, she knew that whatever she decided, the future was pre-ordained, and there wasn’t anything she could do to change it.

They were enjoying a snack of wild berries, tiger Lilly stems, and pansies. Though they should have arrived at their destination by now, Caleb had practically begged for a break. They were an interesting party to behold, two giant owls, which stood like sentinels, a Miscurt warrior, a witch and an elf maid, all were a little sore from the long hours spent sitting on the backs of the owls. Each also had much on their minds.

“I have decided to stay with you for a while longer if that is acceptable to you, Eve?” Jericho had made his choice; he felt both relief and dread. Not wanting to see her reaction, he continued with his meal. Eve was quite surprised; she had believed that Jericho found his babysitting duties tiresome and beneath his rank. She wondered why he wanted to accompany them into Gloria, was it on Maximus’s orders? Eve didn’t think that was likely. A smile touched her lips at the thought of the cantankerous old rodent.

“I have no reason not to agree to your company Jericho. Indeed, I haven’t the power to prevent you accompanying us even if I disliked the idea,” she replied smoothly. Keeping her eyes on the Miscurt, she did not notice Caleb; he looked like he would very much like to decline the rodent’s request; he did not trust him. Still, he would not be made to look foolish, so held his tongue; Caleb was sure Jericho would prove himself untrustworthy soon enough.

“Well, it’s nice to have an extra pair of hands, are the protectors…err… coming along as well?” hoping the answer to his question was no, Caleb tried to look indifferent as he awaited a reply. Smiling at her aero-phobic friend, Eve approached the two protectors who were busy grooming their lustrous plumage. She waited quietly to be noticed, as she did not wish to interrupt what appeared to be a rather important exercise. After a minute Keisha looked up, she looked rather cute, with her feathers ruffled from her grooming. That is if you could ever call an oversized owl, cute.

Walking up to the beautiful creatures, Eve reached out with her mind and inquired about their status now their task was almost complete. Her eyes sparkling in the sunlight, Keisha replied.

No, I will return home. I have young that I must attend to, as for Sapphire, I believe she will be staying with you; you two have a bond like nothing I have ever witnessed. You are a part of each other that much I can tell.
Keisha clicked her beak and leaned forward, so her head touched Eve’s.
You have much to overcome young one. Remember darkness cannot survive where there is light.

Unsure what all that meant, Eve lifted her hand and stroked the great bronze bird’s cheek. Thanking her for her help and her patience with Caleb, Eve stepped away from her and turned towards her snow-white friend. Taking a moment to admire the powerful beauty and grace that emanated from Sapphire, Eve felt truly blessed to have met this magnificent creature and honoured to call her a friend. Walking over to her, she was about to ask whether she was to stay with the group when she felt their connection flare.

I will be with you, we are bound together dear one, there is much more I have to share with you,
Sapphire held her gaze as they shared a silent conversation. Eve felt as though they were on the edge of a discovery. So many things were falling into place; looking up into Sapphire’s eyes, it suddenly hit her. The owl’s eyes, her name, the prophecy!

Three companions, you will know them by their gems.

There was, of course, the possibility that she was wrong, however, it gave Eve some comfort to believe she was correct, it meant that the path was set. The elements of the prophecy were coming together. Eve wholeheartedly believed she was another step closer to finding her brother.

The Fae, or the enlightened ones as they liked to be called, were a flamboyant race. The King and Queen were famed for their outrageous attire and themed balls. Nothing seemed to be taken very seriously in Gloria, with its rainbow waterfalls and lush forests, it was as if a story-book had come to life.

The sentinel guarding the mirror that was the passage into Gloria was bored; Jerry was cloaked in invisibility and sat on the fallen tree that was positioned to the right of the mirror. Unless a creature was aware of its existence, the mirror was hard to find. It was an oval suspended a foot off the ground, nine feet high and four feet wide; one could walk past it and not see it. It had been three months since anyone had discovered this entrance.

“Yet another boring day, here I am sitting alone,” Jerry grumbled to himself. He was still sore from the disciplinary action he had received for being found asleep at his post, last Tuesday. Sliding off the trunk so he could rest his back against it, Jerry closed his eyes for a nap. Hoping that if he were caught asleep again, they would give him a job on the Gloria side of the portal, with that thought bringing a smile to his lips, Jerry fell asleep to dream of Sarah.

Evangeline and her strange company landed in a glade full of bluebells and daisies. Keisha and Sapphire had a short conversation in their unique way and then after bowing to Jericho and Caleb, the bronze owl came and rested her forehead against Eve’s.

It is time for me to return young one, remember what I told you, darkness cannot survive in the light
. Keisha projected. Eve promised to remember; taking one last look at the group and clicking her beak at Caleb just to see him flinch, the great protector gracefully ascended into the cloudy sky and was gone.

Jericho took in his surroundings and admitted that he had no idea of the exact location of the border. However, he pointed off to the left, explaining that, that direction ‘felt right’. Not sure how he could not know where the border of his own realm lay, Eve and Caleb exchanged a look.

“Right, so we walk blindly around the Forrest until we find the wall?” Caleb challenged. Ignoring him, Jericho continued towards the tree line. “Unbelievable!” Exclaimed Caleb, turning to look at Eve, who in turn shrugged and followed the Miscurts’ retreating back. Though reluctant to get lost, Caleb didn’t follow right away. After a second he felt a jab to his back, jumping forward he looked over his shoulder to see Sapphire apprising him, Caleb rolled his eyes, he made his way after Eve.

“Are you coming then, Sapphire?” he asked as he reached the tree line. She shook her head and took off to soar over the trees. Picking up his pace Caleb soon caught up with Jericho and Eve. The forest was teaming with life, and even though the trees were tall, they were not heavy with branches, so plenty of daylight reached them. Brown rabbits with fluffy white cotton tails, scampered through the mulch and wild flowers. Their feet kicking up clumps of the loam as they played chase.

“It is a wondrous place that you call home Jericho; I would love to come back and visit some more, once my quest is complete,” Eve proposed, eyes bright with joy and cheeks flushed with colour. Smiling at her enthusiasm for his homeland, Jericho nodded.

“You will be most welcome, Eve; there are many beautiful areas to explore.”

They continued in companionable silence, Sapphires’ shadow kissing the ground occasionally, so they knew she was close by. As beautiful as the forest was, there didn’t appear to be a wall, which is what Eve and Caleb had expected as that had been what they had found on entering Olia. Caleb was about to ask how much further when Eve stopped.

“Jericho, there is a mirror just off to the left of where I am standing, it’s a few feet away,” Eve whispered, knowing he would hear her and not wanting to draw too much attention to the anomaly in case it was a trap. Walking over to her, Jericho looked in the direction Eve had indicated and saw absolutely nothing. Looking puzzled, he was about to say that maybe they should take a break and eat if she was now seeing things that were not there. Before he got the chance, Eve boldly took his paw and walked to the left, until they were in front of the mirror.

“I am not seeing things, which I know you were about to say, just look if that is not a mirror then how am I both here and there?” she asked pointing to her reflection.

“Ah…” Jericho replied. Looking up to see where sapphire was, he was pleased to see she was already coming into land. “Eve has found a portal, he explained to Caleb and Sapphire once they had reached them, Caleb was a bit put out he had not been next to Eve when she saw it, but nature had called, and he had dashed into the trees to the to relieve himself.

Sapphire would not fit through the portal. She would have to fly further and hope the connection she shared with Evangeline would be enough to allow them to meet up at another gate, once her business in Gloria was completed. She explained this to Eve and though her face clouded with sadness that Sapphire could not come with her, she understood, and they agreed to test their link every few hours to make sure it held.

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