The Aurora Stone (8 page)

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Authors: G.S Tucker

BOOK: The Aurora Stone
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Finally, they made it back to the shore; Keisha had returned home, but Sapphire was still there, her beautiful snowy head tucked under her wing. Cautiously, Eve made her way to her new friend and reached out a hand to touch her soft feathers to rouse her.

“I don’t think you should be touching a sleeping giant bird Eve, it might not be too happy about it,” cautioned Caleb, from the brave position of behind Jericho. Sapphire must have heard; she was now awake and extending her wings in what looked like a post-nap stretch.

“Dear Sapphire, we need to visit Gloria, could you please take us there?” Eve asked the owl tenderly. Her blue gaze never leaving Eves green-gold one, she nodded. Sapphire then looked at Jericho and Caleb making a move with her talons she scratched two lines in the dirt. Jericho was the first to understand.

“She can only carry two of us; we need another owl, or one of us must stay behind.” Eve knew that she could not leave Caleb behind, and she needed Sapphire to guide them to the border of the realm of the Fae, Gloria.

“I cannot leave Caleb or Sapphire, nor can we involve another protector, it is wrong to demand that of them,” she explained. Jericho knew he was the logical choice to stay but, Maximus had ordered that he accompany them, and never having gone against a direct order, he was not about to start now.

“Then we will have to all walk and allow the protector to lead us from the sky. Maximus ordered that I go with you; at least allow me to follow my orders. I will come as far as the border.” Shaking her head Sapphire let out two long hoots, Keisha reappeared a moment later. Seeing how worried Eve looked, Sapphire leaned her forehead against hers and explained that it had already been decided, but she thanked her for not having ordered another protector to come.

“Thank you,” Eve murmured. “Our travelling obstacle has been resolved; let us make haste, I would like to reach the border before dark.” Walking up the Owls snowy wing, Eve suddenly felt confident; circumstances were changing for the better. Jericho assisted Caleb onto Keisha and then they were flying. The direction was unimportant to Eve, this time; she knew her friend would guide them true.

“I am coming, Eli,” she whispered her promise to the wind.

Chapter Eight

The view was spectacular, Eve was desperate for some paints to capture the russet landscape, The trees ruffled by the wind still reminded her of fire. Every so often Sapphire would bank slightly, drawing Eve’s attention to another beautiful view that the land had to offer. Glancing over at Keisha, Eve waved to Caleb and Jericho. It was a truly surreal method of travel; the Protectors seemed to float. Their massive wings moved fluidly, hardly causing any disturbance to the riders. Eve found the motion so very soothing, combined with the warmth of Sapphire’s back, she found herself drifting off to sleep.

Sapphire let out a gentle hoot; Eve heard someone calling her name as if from far away.

It is time to wake up, Dear one; we are half way to the border
. Eve knew that it was Sapphire she could hear. She thought to herself how extraordinary that even in sleep, she was able to hear the protectors soothing voice. Eve stirred but did not fully awaken.

I know you are tired, once we have made camp you can return to your slumber, however now you must wake up
, Sapphire crooned. Sighing, Eve opened her eyes; she had fallen forward and was lying with her face resting against the soft snowy feathers of Sapphire's neck. Sitting up, she stretched and took in the new vista. A magnificent sunset painted the skies with fiery scarlets, hot pinks, and deep oranges.

“IT IS TRULY A BEAUTIFUL SIGHT TO BEHOLD!” shouted Jericho from a short distance away, Kashia had glided closer now; her bronze plumage, giving it the effect of being molten; as if lit a fire with the warm glow of the sun's last rays. Jericho seemed to puff up with pride at the view, this was his homeland, his heart was here, and it showed. Caleb was too busy clutching handfuls of feathers in his fists. Eve was sure his knuckles must be white with tension. Giggling to herself, she called to her companions.

“Sapphire says it is time to make camp, we should try and find a sheltered spot by the river.” Nodding his agreement, gestured for Eve to go first; Sapphire took her queue and began the gentle descent to the forest floor.

They had found a wonderful spot to make camp for the night. There was a small glade a few hundred feet from the river, where the trees were less dense so they could watch the fiery sky turn into the inky blue of twilight and await the stars. The two owls flew off to collect wood for a small cooking fire, while Jericho disappeared into the water to gather a surprise for their supper. The fact that he had said gather and not catch had Eve intrigued, to say the least. Caleb, on the other hand, was still a rather spectacular shade of green, his hands were stiff from the death grip he had forced on them directly after take-off earlier in the day. Keisha had a rather interesting spiky section of plumage which she had attempted to groom into place before accompanying Sapphire. The look she had given Cal had been one of equal measures of despair and irritation.

Shaking her head, Eve went over to her friend; taking his left hand, she massaged it to help relieve the tension. Starting at the fingertips, she soothed the stiffness out of the joints, allowing them to relax back into their natural state so they were no longer claw-like and sore. Looking up, she watched as Caleb’s shoulders dropped, as some of the tension left his body. By the time Eve had administered the same care to his right hand, Caleb had lost some of his sickly tinge and was definitely more relaxed.

“Mmm…thank you so much, I thought my hands would remain like that for the rest of my life,” he sighed. Flexing his fingers, he heard the small joints crack, smiling he took Eves hands in his and kissed her palms. “You are a marvel; I am truly honoured to name you amongst my friends.” Blushing slightly, Eve removed her hands and busied herself with arranging sleeping areas for the three of them.

Jericho arrived at the camp a short while later dripping wet, with a huge grin on his face and clutching something black and slimy looking. Dropping to his knees, he began peeling his acquirement, under the black outer layer lay a peach coloured substance that reminded both Eve and Caleb of a milk pudding. Fascinated, they watched as Jericho finished peeling and placed the ‘pudding’ into the cooking pot.

“Excellent, once the girls get back from gathering the wood we shall have a feast indeed!” Jericho beamed. At the thought of food, Caleb seemed to perk up.

“What is that you have brought to eat? I have never seen anything like it that did not require milk from one of the animals,” Eve asked drawing closer to the pot.

“It is custard weed, it can be found in most rivers, though you need to be a strong swimmer and able to hold your breath for a while,” Jericho explained. “The plant grows at the very bottom of the river, only the very tips of the plant can be seen above the sandy floor.” Picking up the black outer cases he showed them the part that they would see, if they ever chose to go looking for it.

A rustling came from the trees; the owls had returned. Sapphire had a beak full of dry twigs while Keisha had a beak of dry leaves and kindling. Once they deposited their burdens, they immediately took flight again. “Off in search of their own supper,” remarked Jericho as he built the fire. Reaching into a pouch at his hip, he removed his flint and within a few moments, a fire crackled merrily, throwing shadows out around them.

“It smells wonderful, like my mother’s vanilla pudding,” sighed Eve. Her stomach rumbling, her mother, would say she was a slave to her sweet tooth, and at that moment, with the appetising smell of the custard weed drifting to her on the breeze, she was inclined to agree with her.

“Mm…hmm this is going to be a treat for you both!” Jericho announced, handing Eve, then Caleb a bowl. Taking a spoon, Caleb tucked in, his eyes widened and then with a groan he savoured his first mouthful.

“It tastes like my Auntie Heather’s raspberry pie,” he mumbled through a creamy mouthful. Smiling, Jericho continued to eat his portion. Confused how it could possibly taste anything like Raspberries, Eve raised her spoon and had her first taste. No, defiantly not raspberry, however, it also didn’t taste anything like vanilla pudding as she had expected, given the tantalizing smell.

“It tastes wonderful, like chocolate with pomegranate and toffee ice-cream!” She exclaimed, spooning more of the weed pulp into her mouth. Grinning at them both Jericho licked his lips and took the kerchief from around his neck to wipe his whiskers.

“Yes, it is rather tasty, though to me it tastes of peaches and cheese fruit, this weed is a chameleon plant; it changes to suit the tastes of the eater. Maybe next time you sample it, it will taste of something different,” Jericho explained. Looking both amazed and incredibly tired, Eve finished the most interesting meal she had ever eaten. Taking her bowl to the river she washed it and then her face, lastly taking a drink of the refreshing waters, before making her way back to camp.

“Right gentlemen, I am rather tired, so I bid you a goodnight.” Yawning, she headed for her sleeping bag. The witch and Miscurt regarded each other across the campfire, even though they had been in close quarters for over a week, they both still sensed the animosity that radiated off the other. The nocturnal creatures were creating a symphony of their own, which was both, eerie and soothing. Despite this, the silence that hung between the two males was deafening. Becoming uncomfortable with Jericho’s piercing black eyes boring into him; Caleb decided to call it a night too.

Mumbling what sounded like goodnight, he retreated to his sleeping area. Jericho remained by the fireside; he was aware of the witch’s unease around him; no doubt this had a lot to do with the bad blood he believed existed between their two races. Eve clearly had not had a chance to enlighten him on that subject. As he watched the gentle rise and fall of the elf’s sleeping form, Jericho realised he had respect for her. She was so brave and compassionate, a warrior. After all, she had cleanly dispatched several werewolves. The burden she carried was huge and yet; Eve still managed to help others and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

“I will go with them,” Jericho whispered to himself. He also decided to put Caleb out of his misery and reveal the truth about the past. As tensions within a travelling party were always a risk. One that could easily be rectified, with some truth telling and a handshake between men. Stamping on the dying embers of the fire, Jericho walked the camp perimeter, not finding anything out of the ordinary, he returned to the camp. Just as he was climbing into his sleeping bag, he saw the two protector’s land a few meters away. “Goodnight girls,” he whispered. The two owls looked over, the moonlight reflected in their enormous eyes. Smiling, he rolled over and fell asleep knowing they would not be disturbed, not with the protectors so close.

The morning’s journey was eventful, to say the least. Caleb had to be physically put onto Keisha, it seemed his fear of flying was deeply ingrained. Unfortunately, all of Eve and Jericho’s’ reassurances sounded hollow as after twenty miles, they hit a snow storm.

“HOLD ON, THIS COULD GET ROUGH!” Jericho bellowed, his words snatched by the wind. Securing her hands deeper in Sapphire's feathers, Eve leaned into the bird’s neck and prepared to conserves as much body heat as possible. The cold was biting, Eve had never experienced snow before, she had read about it in books and it always seemed such a magical thing, floating down to kiss one’s nose and cheeks. Each flake a unique work of art, individual crystals of dancing lacework. This, however, was not the experience Eve had read about. The wind howled whipping her hair about her. The snow fell in an aggressive deluge, the flakes small, and when they made contact with any exposed part of her, it felt like being pricked by a thousand needles. Her skin both burned and felt numb. It was unclear how long it would take to pass through the storm; she hoped it would be soon. Looking to her left, Eve tried to spot Keisha, Jericho, and Caleb through the swirling white. It was futile, the snow was falling in such quantities. It was a white out.

Do not fret, dear one, they are there, Keisha is keeping them safe, though she wishes Caleb would stop screaming about dying. It’s becoming tiresome.
Sapphire implanted the message into Eve’s head. Knowing that her protector would not lie to her, Eve re-adjusted her seat and hunkered down once again.

“How much further, I am so very cold now,” Eve asked. She was still surprised by her unique connection with Sapphire. A telepathic link was certainly an advantage, especially in this weather.

Not for much longer, I can feel the warmer air currents coming from the west; we shall leave the storm soon
, Sapphire replied in her soothing tone. Feeling glad that they would soon leave this penetrating cold, Eve closed her eyes and weaved tunes with the howling wind.

They landed on a rocky outcrop an hour or so later; Keisha was already there. Sapphire clicked her beak and shook her head, Eve gasped when she saw the build-up of ice on the bird’s wings. She was about to start brushing it away when a bedraggled Jericho appeared from behind the boulders off to the left. His coat was wet making the fur on his head stand up at odd angles. He did not look happy.

“Don’t fret about the ice, they will sort themselves out; I suggest you come and talk to your friend.” Rolling his eyes, Jericho retraced his steps and disappeared. Knowing that Caleb must be trying the Miscurts patience, Eve hurried to follow him. Caleb was red and pacing, his hair a wet mop of blond waves that fell into his eyes. The way he pushed it back off his forehead showed Eve how upset he really was. He was trying to shout though the cold had caused him to lose his voice somewhat, so it sounded more like a rasp.

“I, will not get back on that infernal bird! Never in my life have I been so scared, I swear she was banking like that just to hear me scream and hoping I would fall to my death!” Caleb raged, his strangled vocal cords protesting, his face scarlet.

“Cal, will you please calm down, no one is making you get on Keisha. We are all wet, cold and in need of a warm drink at the very least,” soothed Eve. She began to dig about in her bag, glad that it was water-proofed and its contents were in perfect order. Removing some sage, lemon grass and a small wax sealed jar of honey she turned to Jericho.

“Could you please start a small fire? I will make us some warming tea.” She looked into the Miscurts black eyes and smiled sweetly. Huffing, he nodded and retreated to the far side of the outcrop where a few trees and bushes grew. Walking over to Caleb, Eve gave him a quick hug and then moved on to dig through his backpack in search of the kettle and mugs she knew were in there. Finding the items, she needed, Eve returned to her bag, sat down and began to make the tea.

“Ah, thank you, my poor throat feels raw; this tea is a balm indeed.” Caleb sighed in-between sips of the steaming hot brew. Pouring himself another mug full, Jericho reclined against the boulder and drank in silence.

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