The Auction (17 page)

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Authors: Eve Vaughn

BOOK: The Auction
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“Has he even asked you about your experience at the auction?”

“No. We haven’t talked
about much actually. We
basically stay out of each other’s way and he’s only touched me…”


“A couple times but the last encounter was…I’m not really sure how to explain it. It was different. He seemed to be void of all emotion, kind of like he wasn’t even there. Even as he was inside of me, I feel like I could have been anyone.”

“I doubt that’s true. I’m sure he knew it was you. But, he’s had a rough time lately. Look, Dare thought it would be best if I didn’t tell you this because he didn’t see the merit of you being in the know, but Foster has had a lot of bad things happen to him lately.”

Tori froze. “Like what?”

“Dare wouldn’t tell me everything but for the last several days Foster has been under attack. Dare speculates because he started digging into the auction and all the trafficking. It seems to have pissed some very powerful people
off. They’ve hit his businesses and
hacked his systems. Millions of his personal credits vanished in
thin air and he nearly went to jail for
someone’s mysterious death
. And even going through all this, he still hasn’t given up searching for Macy. And he doesn’t intend to stop until he finds her. The reason why you’re even here is because he wants you out of harm’s way.”

as she tried to figure out the significance of what Aya had just told her. “He’s gone through all this for Macy?”

“Yes. The two of them became very close. But not in the way you’re thinking right now so wipe that frown off your face. There’s no denying that Macy has a bit of a crush on Foster but I always got the impression it was more of a hero worship thing. And he sees her as a kid sister. He was always looking out for her. He took her disappearance the hardest, harder than me even.”

It was the enigma of Foster it seemed. Was he the cold calculating brute or the loving man she once believed him to be? Tori simply couldn’t figure it out. “I still don’t see what I have to do with this.”

“Don’t you?” Aya asked gently.

Tori shook her head. “No I don’t. I mean, wouldn’t it have been easier for him to let me go? I could go home to my family.”

“Except there’s no home for you to go to.”

She froze. “What are you talking about? What’s happened to them?”

Aya smiled. “Nothing. I shouldn’t have worded it like that. What I meant was that Foster had them moved to another safe house when he moved the two of us here. You’re here because he wants to keep his enemies from getting to you. That’s why this place is surrounded by so many armed guards. Do you think a man who didn’t give a damn about you would go to so much trouble to protect you? Tori, whether you believe it or not, and even if he hasn’t said it, that man has feelings for you.”

Part of Tori wanted to believe that but her cynical side simply wouldn’t allow that belief to come to fruition. She’d seen too much, suffered more than most. She shook her head. “Aya, I see the sense in your words b
ut my interactions with him say

ya sighed. “Then I guess there’
s nothing else I can say. But you have to ask yourself, are you going to willingly walk away when this is all over?”
















Chapter Eighteen

Foster had spent the better part of the week trying to learn everything he could about Hemmel Corporation, how it was run, who went in and out of the building and their financial dealings. So far he had nothing.
paths he’d taken had led to dead ends. The actual headquarters for that particular building was an abandoned warehouse, and the supposed CEO Edison Wallace simply didn’t exist, at least not on the grid. From the looks of it, this person was made up for the purpose of giving this ghost business some legitimacy. He should have guessed this was a straw company because he’d never met anyone who actually did business with that place.

Another clue was the fact that Myers had been so quick to give that information up. Perhaps the man had known less than Foster had supposed, but there was nothing he could do about it because Myers, just like the rest of his leads, were dead. What was worse, he’d had the building where the trafficking exchanges took place surveyed by a team of hired mercenaries he’d assembled, only to learn that it was no longer in use. Someone had obviously gotten wind of the fact that he knew of the location. Perhaps Myers
had tipped them off before he
died. It was as if they were one step ahead of him.

He wracked his brain to think of all the people who had been in attendance at the auction. The only person he could
remember was
Winthrop, who was very insignificant. Since their families had dissolved their business ties, the Winthrops no longer had the pull they’d once had in their circles. Barely anyone saw Eli II in public anymore. The other people he re
seemed to be foreigners and
few others he didn’t recognize.

He thought about the woman Zee who seemed to be running the entire operation, but Foster doubted she was the one in charge. It wouldn’t have been good business to be the face of that type of outfit and own it as well. There was too much of a risk of being recognized.

Foster placed his hand in his palms. The more time that elapsed the harder it would
to get Macy back. And then there was Victoria. He couldn’t image what she was what she must think of him. He thought that maybe after all this was over and Macy was safely back home he might be able to convince Victoria to stay with him but after what he’d done to her he doubted they could reconcile. He just kept hurting her over and over again and for that he didn’t deserve her. The first time he’d done it
for altruistic reasons but the last time… Foster shuddered as he remembered the image of her scrunched in a ball on his library floor like a wounded animal. He would never forget the way she’d looked at him. He saw the hurt, disbelief and the confusion
on her face
as if she were simply trying to make sense of what had just happened to her.

Foster couldn’t figure out why he’d done it either. He’d felt so empty and then she touched him. He wanted to consume every bit of her to feel whole again, but all that incident had
done was make him feel like an
even bigger piece of shit.

The very last thing he wanted her to do was to relive any painful memories but he needed to know this information or else. With a heavy sigh, he dialed the coordinates the holophone he’d left for her to use in case he needed to contact her. She didn’t answer and it didn’t surprise him. His number was the only one programmed in that phone so she had to know it
was him
. Foster didn’t blame her for ignoring him, he’d put her through a lot of shit.

Foster then tried Aya. She answered quickly. Her holographic image popped up. “Foster. I wasn’t expecting you to call. I just finished talking to Dare, he said the two of you haven’t had much luck yet.” She seemed a bit wary instead of her usual upbeat self. It was almost as if she wasn’t happy to talk to him.

“No, we keep hitting brick walls.” He paused for a moment to study her stiff demeanor. “Is everything all right, Aya?”

“As fine as they can be expected. Why are you calling?”

He raised a brow. “You kind of sound as if I’m the last person you want to speak with. Have I done something to upset you?” Having Aya mad at him was another problem he didn’t want to deal with. He had to resolve whatever issue she had with him right away.

She sighed. “It’s nothing you’ve done to me per se, but I think you and Tori are going to have to talk when this is all over.”

“Victoria? That’s actually who I was trying to contact but she’s didn’t answer the call I just sent her.”

“Because she’s taking a nap. She’s exhausted from crying most of the morning.”

“Crying? What the hell is going on?”

“Maybe she’s crying because she’s been through a lot these last couple of years,
and on
top of that you don’t have the balls to tell her what the hell is going on. Don’t you think she has the right to know why she’s being held in a safe house? Not only that, she deserves to know how you feel.”

“So you’re upset with me on Victoria’s behalf?” Aya had always been a little spitfire who was fiercely loyal and protective of those she cared about. Foster never imagined he’d be on the end of her ire. As sweet and generous as Aya Smith was, she was never one to hold her tongue.

“What did Victoria say about me?”

“What she told me was in confidence. You’ll have to ask her. And no, I’m not upset with you but I am disappointed. I just don’t understand you. I can think of no other reason why you bought her at the auction or put her up in this place other than the fact that you care about her. But Tori doesn’t seem to know that. She thinks you’re playing some cruel game with her feelings. Are you?”

“Of course not. You know why the two of you are there. I need to keep her safe in case someone tries to hurt her to get to me. And since Dare has become involved, he insisted you be there with her.”

Aya crossed her arms over her chest. “But the only way someone could possibly hurt you by hurting her is if you had feelings for her. Why doesn’t Tori know this?”

For such a petite woman, Aya had a way of looking at a person that made them feel an inch tall. At the moment Foster felt half an inch. He released another heavy sigh. “Because I don’t want her to know.”


“Because when this is all over she’ll go back to her life. It’s for the best.”

“Really? The best for whom? Because the way I see it, the two of you have feelings for each other and neither one of you are willing to act on it. I get why Tori won’t. She’s in a lot of pain, pain that you’ve caused, and it’s going to take a lot for you to earn her trust back. So all the power rests in your hands. Why if you care about her would you let her go?”

“Aya, some things are better left alone.”




“Because I don’t deserve her!” He yelled, his chest burning with the pain and anger of having to admit out loud what he’d known all along. “That’s why. So there’s the truth. Are you happy?”

Aya placed her hand on her chest. Her eyebrows rose in her apparent surprise at his outburst. Then gradually her features soften
to an expression of compassion. She reached out her hand as if to touch him even though she couldn’t. “Oh, Foster, I’m so sorry.”

“What for? You’re only looking out for your friend. That’s what you do.”

“I guess… I just didn’t realize that maybe you’re hurting too. I should have recognized that.”

“It’s nothing,” he dismissed it, in no mood to explore his feelings.

“You know if you ever want to talk about it, I’m always willing to listen. I know Dare isn’t huge on discussing feelings, just know you have a friend who is.”

“While I appreciate the offer, Aya, there’s really nothing to talk about. I’ve made up my mind as far as Victoria is concerned. I’m doing what’s best for her.”

“Is it really for th
e best or just what you
is the best
? Like you pointed out before, you’re going through a lot right now. Don’t make any rash decisions until everything is settled because when you do that, you end up making mistakes.”

Foster chose not to reply to that statement because deep down, he knew she was right. “Is it possible you can get Victoria? I know I’m the last person she wants to speak with right now but it’s extremely important that I
talk to her
. I need some information I think
only she has access to.”

“I finally convinced her to take a nap so that could be why she didn’t answer. That was over two hours ago. I can check on her and see if she’s awake. She might be up. How about I
check on her and call you back either way

“Sounds like a plan.” Foster signed off without waiting for Aya to respond. That woman was far too astute for her own good.




Tori had only pretended to sleep to get Aya to leave her side. Even if she wanted to rest, all the thoughts buzzing in her mind wouldn’t allow her
any rest
. Was Aya really right about Foster actually caring for her?

There was a knock on her door, breaking into Tori’s thoughts. “Tori are you awake?”
Aya called out

Though Tori was tempted to feign sleep, she was tired of lying down. She was getting restless and needed to stretch her legs. She let out a loud, exaggerated yawn. “Yes. I’m up. Come in.”

Aya entered the room with a smile. “Are you feeling better?”

“Tons. I’m almost completely refreshed.” Tori felt bad about lying but she didn’t want the other woman to continue worrying.

“That’s great.” Aya took a seat on the edge of the bed, a slight frown drooped the corners of her lips. “Look, I just received a call from Foster. He said he tried to call you earlier but you didn’t answer.”

’s heartbeat sped up. “Oh I, left my phone
downstairs. Did
say why he called?”

said he needed to ask you some important questions about the auction. He and Dare are having trouble tracking down any solid leads and he thinks that whatever information you can give him might provide them with some clues.”

Tori moistened her lips that had suddenly gone dry. “I don’t know what I can tell him. I didn’t see any of the other girls and I don’t know how that place was run. I basically lived in isolation for the few weeks that I was there.”

“I don’t see the harm in talking to him, especially if it
helps to get
Macy back. Who knows, you might actually have seen or heard something that could be helpful to them.”

“You have a point. I need to go downstairs and get my holophone. I didn’t have it on me because I didn’t think I’d have to use it.”

“Don’t worry about it. You can use mine.” Aya handed her the four inch rectangular disk. “Foster’s coordinates are already programmed in. Just say last call and it will automatically contact him.”


Aya nodded. “I’ll give you some privacy.” When she turned to leave, Tori scrambled to the side of the bed and grabbed her hand.

“No. Please stay with me. For moral support.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes please.” Tori felt that with Aya at her side, she might not completely crumble into a big ball of quivering emotions from talking to Foster. He was so unpredictable she didn’t know what the conversation would lead to.

Aya took a seat next to her and gave Tori an encouraging pat on the knee. Tori took a deep breath and followed Aya’s instructions to contact Foster.

When his holographic image popped up, Tori had to bit
her bottom lip to keep herself from gasping. Though he was shaved and cleaned up from the last time she’d seen him, there was no doubt that the stress had taken a toll on him. There were large bags, under his eyes and he looked as if he hadn’t slept in months. He seemed thinner and she wondered if he was eating.

“Victoria,” he said simply.

“Uh, yeah, Aya said you wanted to speak to me? She’s next to me by the way.”

“Yes, I know. I see her sitting there.”

“Oh.” Holophones were a luxury that she had yet to get used to. Growing up, her family had never been able to afford one. She like the rest of the people in her neighborhood had to rely on old technology from the twenty-first century to contact each other and that was only in cases of absolute necessity. “So what did you want
to talk to me about

He ra
d his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t want it to come down to this but I need to know what happened while you were
the auction.”

She gulped. Tori had tried to forget about that horrible place. She didn’t want to relive those memories and how scared she felt not knowing what her fate would be. But she realized she’d have to tell him what she knew, especially if it helped to get Macy back. “What do you want to know specifically?”

“Anything you think would be of importance. Give me names that you heard.” Foster pulled up a holographic keyboard.

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