The Assistant (16 page)

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Authors: Ramona Gray

BOOK: The Assistant
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I released him and stroked his hard shaft
with my hand as I tried to think of a graceful way to stand.  Before I could
formulate a solid plan, Aiden’s hands were hooking into my armpits and he
lifted me to my feet.

“My bed, Lina.  Now,” he rasped.

I smiled seductively and traced one finger
down his chest.  “Whatever you say, Aiden.”

“Fuck,” he muttered.  He turned me around
roughly and quickly unclasped my bra before tugging it free.  He cupped my
large breasts, pinching and tugging on my nipples until they were hard points,
and kissing the back of my shoulder.

He led me to the bed and eased my panties
down my legs.  “You owe me a pair of panties,” I reminded him as I scooted on
to the bed.

He grinned and tossed my panties on the
floor before pushing his way between my thighs.  “I remember.”

His cock was at my wet entrance and pushing
its way in before I knew what was happening.  I moaned, my legs clinging to his
hips as he moved in an easy slide and retreat rhythm. 

“Touch your clit, princess,” he groaned. 
“I want to feel you come.”

I reached between us and rubbed delicately
at my clit as Aiden’s rhythm turned deeper and harder.  I moaned my approval
and cupped my breast, pulling at my nipple until Aiden dipped his head and
sucked it into his mouth.  I clutched at his dark head, my hips rising to meet
each of his thrusts as I circled my clit with the tips of my fingers.

Aiden lifted his head and pressed a kiss
against my mouth.  “I’ve missed you, Lina.”

“I’ve missed fucking you too,” I said.

Those little frown lines reappeared between
his eyes and I smoothed them away with my finger.  “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said. 

I smiled at him and kissed him lightly. 
“You’re slowing down.  Don’t slow down, please.”

He returned my kiss and I groaned into his
mouth as he fucked me roughly.

“Yes, just like that,” I panted.  The
pleasure was building in my body and I rubbed faster, tugging lightly at my
clit as I closed my eyes.

“Lina, look at me,” Aiden demanded.

I ignored him, keeping my eyes shut tightly
as I climaxed wildly.  Above me, Aiden cursed loudly and his thrusting first
slowed then quickened.  My pussy squeezed him rhythmically as my orgasm flowed
through me and I made a cat-like grin of satisfaction when he shouted hoarsely
and I felt warm wetness flood my pussy.  He shuddered above me and I pressed a
kiss against his bare shoulder before opening my eyes.

Aiden, panting harshly, was staring at me
and I stroked my fingers across his cheek.  “You’re getting kind of heavy,

He rolled off of me and I curled up against
him, resting my head against his chest as he stroked my bare back.  I enjoyed
fifteen minutes of cuddling, fifteen minutes of savouring the warmth of Aiden’s
skin and listening to the steady beat of his heart, before I sat up.

“What’s wrong?”  Aiden asked.

“Nothing’s wrong.”

I slid out of the bed and tugged on my
panties before reaching for my bra. 

“Where are you going?”

“Home,” I said.  I put on my bra and
stepped into my jeans as Aiden sat up.

“I thought you would spend the night.”

“I can’t,” I said.  “It’s late and I have work
in the morning and my boss will be pissed if I’m late.”

He ignored my teasing and scowled at me.  “You
don’t have to leave, Lina.”

“I know,” I replied cheerfully before
slipping my shirt over my head.  I leaned over the bed and kissed him briefly.

“I want you to stay,” he said.

“That’s sweet but I really can’t.  I’ll
sleep better in my own bed, and I didn’t bring a change of clothes which means
I’ll have to get up super early if I stay the night.  I’ll see you tomorrow at
the office, okay?”

I pressed another quick kiss against his
mouth and then hurried to the door of his bedroom before he could argue.  “I
had fun tonight.  Thanks, Aiden.”

I shut his bedroom door and made my way
through the dark to the elevator.  I hit the button before yanking on my coat
and my boots and grabbing my purse.  I was half-convinced that Aiden would
appear, demanding that I return to his bedroom and I wasn’t sure if I was
relieved or disappointed when the elevator doors slid open and Aiden hadn’t

I rode the elevator down to the lobby,
smoothing my ‘just been fucked’ hair into a ponytail, and nodded to the doorman
before slipping into the night air.  It was freezing out and I thought
longingly of Aiden’s warm body and bed before walking briskly to my car.  I
couldn’t spend the night.  I couldn’t get used to sleeping in his bed or
feeling his warm body against mine.  It would just make things more difficult
when our month was up.


* * *


“You know you don’t always have to come to
my place.  I can go to your house,” Aiden said.

It was Thursday night and I was lying in
Aiden’s bed.  I had just been inwardly congratulating myself on how well I was
doing at keeping things casual.  Aiden had suggested dinner each night and I
had graciously declined before suggesting I stop by later in the evening.  And
even though it had only been three nights, I figured I deserved some inner
fist-bumping at the way I had left Aiden’s bed immediately after we finished
fucking and gone home to my lonely, cold bed.  Especially considering that every
part of me was screaming to stay.

“Did you hear me, Lina?  I can go to your
house,” Aiden repeated.

That was a very bad idea.  I had a feeling
Aiden wouldn’t be so keen on leaving immediately after sex – not because he
wanted to cuddle or spend the night with me but because who the hell wanted to
leave a warm bed late at night when it was that frackin’ cold out – and I
didn’t have a clue how to ask him to leave without hurting his feelings.  And
then he’d end up spending the night and I would start to think it meant
something and my carefully-constructed plan to not let my pesky feelings get in
the way would fall to pieces.

“Now why on earth would I want to stay at
my place when you have all this?”  I grinned at him.  “I have a double bed with
the springs starting to poke through and one bathroom with a leaky shower. 
I’ll take the multiple showerheads, thanks.”

“You don’t stay long enough to even use the
shower,” he muttered.

I ignored his comment and glanced at the
alarm clock.  Speaking of which, I had stayed half an hour – fifteen minutes
longer then I should have.  I needed to leave.

I started to wiggle away from Aiden’s
delightfully warm body and his arm clamped around my waist in a tight grip. 
“Don’t leave yet.”

“I have to,” I said before kissing the tip
of his nose.  “It’s getting late.”

“It’s ten-thirty,” he said grumpily. 
“That’s not late.”

“I’m not really a night owl,” I said before
tugging on his arm.  “Let me up, Aiden.”

He held me more closely and I sighed
loudly.  “Aiden, I need to – “

“Tomorrow is New Years’ Eve,” he
interrupted.  “Why don’t you let me take you for dinner and then we can come
back to my place and celebrate the new year together.”

He nuzzled my neck and I rubbed his
forearm.  “That sounds like a lot of fun but I already have plans.”

He stiffened against me.  “Doing what?”

“Tracy and I are going to that new
nightclub over on Fifth Avenue.”

“That place is nothing but a meat market,”
he snapped.

“Have you been there?”  I asked.

“A few times.  The guys who go there are
only looking for one thing.”

I laughed.  “Then it’s just like every
other nightclub in the city.”

I pulled his arm away and slid out of the
bed before starting to dress.  Aiden was staring at me with something that
almost resembled hurt on his face, and I slipped my shirt over my head before
sitting on the side of the bed.  “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said.  “I guess I just
assumed we would be spending New Years together.”

“Why would we?”  I asked.

He didn’t reply and I stroked his bare
chest.  “I’m really sorry, Aiden.  Honestly, I thought you would be going to
Joe’s and Stephanie’s.  You got the email invite to their party, didn’t you?”

He nodded.  “Yeah, but Susan’s still
there.  I figured it would be best not to go.”

“Ooh, good call,” I laughed. 

“We could go together,” he said suddenly. 
“Susan knows that we’re…”

He trailed off and I winked at him. 
“Fucking like bunnies?”

“What do you say?”  He said.  “We could
still have dinner and then go to Joe’s and Steph’s after.”

“I can’t bail on Tracy,” I said.

“She could go with us.”

I laughed again.  “Yeah, Tracy’s not really
into the whole outdoors scene.  She’ll be miserable and besides, she’s been
looking forward to checking out the nightclub.”

I stood and Aiden took my hand.  “What are
your plans for the rest of the weekend?”

“I’m not sure yet,” I said.  “Probably
lying on the couch recovering from my hangover on Saturday and I might check
out the animal shelter on Sunday.”

I refused to ask him if he wanted to get
together.  I had already decided I wouldn’t contact him on the weekend.  Even
though the thought of spending the entire weekend in his bed was incredibly
tempting I couldn’t be too clingy.  Aiden wouldn’t like that and it would
probably make him think I wanted more than what he was willing to give me.

“You’re going to be drinking tomorrow
night?”  He scowled.

“Yes,” I said.  “Don’t worry, I won’t drink
and drive.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about,” he

I gave him a confused look before kissing him
lightly.  “I really have to go.  I’ll see you tomorrow at the office.”

Chapter 12


“I thought you were going to bail on me,
Lina,” Tracy shouted into my ear.

“Why?”  I shouted over the loud music
blaring through the club.

Tracy shrugged.  “I figured you’d be
spending tonight with Mr. Hot and Horny Boss.”

“Why would I?  We’re not dating.”

“How’s that going by the way?”  Tracy
asked.  “Still keeping things casual?”

I nodded.  “Yes.  I don’t even spend the
night at his place.”

“He makes you leave after sex?”  Tracy
frowned at me

“No, of course not.  I leave because I want
to.  He’s just looking for sex so why would I stay after?”  I said.  “I’ve only
got a few weeks with him anyway so there’s no point in getting used to sleeping
in his bed.  Although – he has a massive tub and a huge walk-in shower with
multiple showerheads.  I really need to try those out before we’re done.”

“So now you have a time limit on your
fucking?”  Tracy shouted just as the music ended.

It was very loud in the beat of silence
before the next song began and the two guys sitting at the table next to us
glanced over.  I blushed and the blond one grinned and winked at me as Tracy
poked me in the side.

“Why do you only have a few weeks?”  She

“Because Aiden says his flings only last a
month,” I replied.  “So I’ve got a month to fuck his brains out before he moves
on to his next conquest.”

“Romantic,” Tracy snorted.

“It’s not supposed to be,” I replied. 

“Yeah, although he’s a fool if he dumps you
after a month.  You look fucking hot and the guys in the nightclub have been
drooling over you all night.”

I laughed.  “Thanks, sweetie, but we both
know it’s you they’re drooling over.  You’re looking sexy as hell, tonight.”

“When you’ve got it, you’ve got it,” Tracy
smoothed the front of her bright yellow dress before eyeing me critically. 
“But seriously, Lina, you look amazing.”

“Thanks!  You don’t think the dress is too

She shook her head and studied the black
dress I was wearing.  “Hell, no.  It makes your tits look fucking awesome.”

I blew her a kiss.  “You’re so sweet.  Although,
just between you and me, this bra is killing me.  It does wonders in helping
the girls defy gravity but I’m pretty sure I’ll have permanent bruises from the

“Beauty hurts, baby,” Tracy said.  “It’s
more than just that though.  You seem different now.”

I shrugged.  “I’m still the same old me.”

“I know, but you have a dose of, I don’t
know, confidence I guess.  Like you know exactly how hot you are and what to do
with it.”

“Now that you mention it – I am pretty
confident in my hotness,” I said with a grin.

She flagged down the server carrying a tray
of bright blue shots and took four before handing him some cash.  She passed
two of them to me and we each held one up.

“To casual fucking,” Tracy said.  “The best
kind of fucking there is.”

I laughed and we clinked glasses before I
downed the shot.  It was surprisingly sweet and I licked my lips before
grabbing the second one.  Tonight I would get drunk with my best friend,
celebrate the beginning of a new year, and not think once about my boss.


* * *


“What’s your guy’s name again?”  I had my
mouth pressed against Tracy’s ear and I hoped to God the dark-haired Adonis
standing next to her didn’t hear me.

She whispered something I didn’t understand
and I gave her a ‘what the hell did you just say’ look.

“Dwayne!”  She shouted into my ear.  “As in
– dwain the bathtub, I’m dwowning!”

I burst into loud peals of laughter as
Tracy grinned at me and accepted the shot of liquor from Dwayne.  His
blond-haired friend handed me a shot and I smiled at him.

“Thank you, Cody.”

“You’re welcome, Tina,” he said.

“Lina,” I said.  “It’s Lina, not Tina.”

“What?”  He cupped his hand to his ear.

“LINA!  My name is Lina, not Tina!”  I

“Oh, sorry!”  He shouted back and I waved
my hand at him in a ‘don’t worry’ gesture before raising my glass. 

The four of us drank our shots and Tracy,
weaving slightly, giggled before setting her empty glass on the table.

“You are so drunk,” I said.

“I’m not!  I’m only a little drunk,” she
giggled to Dwayne before wrapping her arm around his thick waist.

He nuzzled her neck and I rolled my eyes
when she cupped his face and kissed him firmly on the mouth.  They made out
enthusiastically and I gave Cody an embarrassed grin.  He winked at me before
poking Dwayne in the back.

“Hey, get a room, why don’t you?”

“Sorry!”  Tracy was breathless and her
cheeks were flushed from more than just the alcohol.

“What time is it?”  She asked suddenly.

I squinted at my cell phone.  “Almost

“An hour to midnight!”  Tracy shouted in
delight.  “Hey, what are you two handsome boys doing after midnight?”

Dwayne stroked the small of her back. 
“What do you want us to do, baby?”

“Go to Marv’s Diner with us,” Tracy said
promptly.  “They have an all night buffet on New Years and I’m starving.”

Dwayne grinned at her.  “We can do that.”

Cody stepped toward me and I took a nervous
step back.  He was handsome enough with his blond hair and blue eyes but I
wasn’t the least bit interested in him.  Not because I cared for Aiden, I told
myself, but because I had promised I wouldn’t date anyone else while I was
sleeping with him.

Doesn’t mean you can’t do a little
flirting.  C’mon, Lina, have a little fun tonight.  You can count on one hand
the number of men who have been interested in you.  Live a little and flirt
with the guy!

Part of me wanted to but I found myself
taking another step back when Cody leaned toward me and his gaze dropped to my
cleavage.  I shuffled backward again, wincing when I stepped on someone’s foot,
and swung around to apologize.

“I’m so sorry, I – “

I blinked at the man standing in front of
me.  “Aiden?  What are you doing here?”

“Celebrating New Years with a few friends,”
he said.

I glanced around.  “Friends?  Where?”

He shrugged.  “I lost them in the crowd
about half an hour ago.”

“Oh.”  I stared dumbly at him.  He was
wearing a leather jacket, a form fitting white t-shirt and a snug pair of
jeans.  He looked amazing and smelled fucking delicious.  I wanted to rub my
fingers against his stubble, I wanted to press a kiss against his mouth.  Hell,
I wanted to hook my legs around him and climb him like a damn tree.

Aiden was staring at my exposed cleavage
and when he lifted his head and stared at me with his hot gaze, I could feel my
nipples hardening and my pussy dampening.  Fuck, what that man could do to me
with one look.

“You look beautiful tonight, Lina,” he

“Thank you.  You look very handsome,” I

I had forgotten completely about Cody still
standing behind me and I jerked when he tapped me on the back. 

“Everything okay, Tina?”

I turned to face him and forced myself to
smile.  “It’s Lina and yes, everything’s fine,” I replied.

He studied Aiden over my shoulder and I
jerked again when I felt Aiden’s arm slide around my waist.  He pulled me
tightly against him and dipped his head to press a warm kiss against my mouth.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your
new friend?”  He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Uh, right, of course.  Aiden, this is
Cody.  Cody this is my, uh…”

“Boss,” Aiden said smoothly.  “Aiden

He held his hand out and Cody shook it
briefly.  “Yeah, nice to meetcha.”

Aiden held his hand out to Tracy.  “You
must be Tracy.  I’m Aiden Wright.  It’s nice to meet you.”

Tracy looked him up and down before
grinning widely.  “Oh, it’s really nice to meet you, Aiden.  Lina didn’t tell
me you would be here tonight.”

“Happy coincidence,” Aiden said.

“How fun!”  Tracy said brightly.  “Why
don’t you have a few drinks with us?”

“Thanks but I’m driving tonight,” Aiden

“Bummer for you,” Tracy said gravely.  “Would
you like to hang out with us for a while?”

“Tracy, he’s here with friends and he
doesn’t want to – “

“I’d love to,” Aiden interrupted me.
“Thanks, Tracy.”

“You’re welcome,” she said with a small

“Aiden, it was really great to see you,” I
tried to pry myself free of his tight grip and gave up after only a few
seconds.  “But I’m sure you want to find your friends.”

He shook his head and his arm tightened
around my waist as he gave Cody a cool look.  “No, I’m good right here.”


* * *


“How much have you had to drink, Lina?” 
Aiden’s low voice spoke in my ear and I shivered all over as I smiled at the
bartender and handed him a few bills.  It was close to midnight and when Aiden
had excused himself to use the restroom, I had slipped away to the bar.  I needed
a drink and a moment alone.  Aiden showing up at the nightclub had rattled me

“Why are you here, Aiden?”  I asked before
taking a sip of the whiskey I had ordered.

It was quieter at the bar, the music not
quite so loud and jarring, and I forced a smile on my lips as I turned to face
my boss.

“I was worried you would do something you’d

“Like what?”

“Like that asshole Cody.”

I rolled my eyes.  “I wasn’t going to
anyone tonight.  And Cody seemed perfectly nice until you scared him away.”

“I didn’t scare him away,” Aiden said
before crowding me against the bar.  We were surrounded by people but I forgot
about them as I stared into Aiden’s dark gaze. 

He pressed his mouth against my ear.  “I
don’t want you forgetting that your pussy belongs to me, princess.”

“I haven’t,” I breathed.

“Good.  Because it’s mine and only mine. 
You’re not going to let that idiot Cody or anyone else in this bar near your
tight pussy.  Are you?”

I shook my head and he grinned tightly at

“Why is that?”

“Because it’s yours,” I whispered.

“Good girl,” he said softly before rubbing
my lower back with his hard hand.  “How are you getting home tonight?”

“I – what?”  I blinked in surprise at the
sudden change in topic.

“How are you getting home tonight?”  He

“We’re taking a cab.”

“No,” he shook his head.  “I’m going to
drive Tracy home and then I’m driving you home.  Do you know what will happen

I swallowed thickly and shook my head.

“I’m going to take you into your bedroom,
strip off this amazing dress and fuck the pussy that belongs to me.”

“Aiden,” I whispered.  “I don’t think – “

“I’m going to fuck you until you’re
screaming my name and begging me not to stop, kitten,” Aiden said.  “I’ve been
thinking about fucking you since the moment you left my bed last night.”

I blew my breath out in a shaky sigh.  I
was turned on – fuck, I was soaking wet and ready for Aiden to take me right
here in the damn bar – but I was also oddly relieved.  Aiden had shown up
because he wanted sex, no other reason.  I wouldn’t have to spend the rest of
the night wondering if it was because of something else and that was a good
thing.  I wasn’t feeling a trickle of disappointment, I wasn’t. 

I took another deep breath and pasted a
smile on my face.  “That sounds like fun.”

“Fun?”  He growled.  “Fucking me is fun for

“Yes?”  I said slowly. 

He was giving me an angry look that I
didn’t understand but before I could question him about it, the crowds of
people started to count down from ten.  I held Aiden’s gaze as his arm slipped
around my waist and he pulled me flush against his hard body.  I could feel the
bulge of his erection and, despite the people around us, I rubbed against him.

His nostrils flared and his hand briefly
squeezed my ass before his gaze dropped to my mouth.  As the clock struck
midnight and people screamed and cheered loudly, Aiden said, “Happy New Year,
Lina,” before taking my mouth in a hard and punishing kiss.

I returned his kiss eagerly, sliding my
tongue into his mouth and pressing my body against his in a shameless display
of need.  He squeezed my ass again before reaching up and cupping my breast. 
His thumb worried my nipple into a hard point and he kissed me roughly as I
moaned happily into his mouth.

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