The Assistant (11 page)

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Authors: Ramona Gray

BOOK: The Assistant
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He glared at me at his hand tightened on
mine.  “You’re not terrible in bed, Lina.  I hate it when you say that.  Your
ex-boyfriend is a dick for saying you were.”

I returned his scowl.  “Fucking me twice
doesn’t qualify you to make that statement.”

“But your ex can say whatever he wants,” he

I shrugged.  “Kent was with me for four
years, Aiden.  He knows exactly what – “

“Yeah, I know,” he interrupted.  “Stop
talking about it, would you?  You have no idea how angry it makes me to think
about that asshole touching you.”

He snorted with disgust.  “Kent.  What kind
of fucking name is Kent?  I guarantee you that someone named Kent doesn’t have
a clue what he’s doing in bed.”

I giggled despite myself and the corners of
Aiden’s mouth turned up.  “Did he know you faked your orgasms?”

I blushed and looked away.  “No.”

“See,” he said smugly, “I told you Kent
doesn’t have a fucking clue.  Did you ever have a real orgasm with him?”

“Aiden, this isn’t an appropriate
conversation for an employee to have with her boss.”

“I’ve been inside you, Ms. Jones,” he said
dryly.  “I think we’re past the usual employee/employer chit-chat, don’t you?”

I sighed loudly and he squeezed my hand
again.  “Did you?”

“In the beginning of the relationship, yeah,”
I replied.  “But after about a year, it started to bother Kent that I had to be
touching myself or that he had to touch me while we were having sex, and he
didn’t understand why I couldn’t come from just having sex.  I was tired of
hearing about women who could orgasm from sex alone so I started faking them. 
It was easier that way.”

“So you faked your orgasms for nearly four
years?”  He shook his head.  “Jesus, that sucks.”

I laughed again.  “It wasn’t that bad,
Aiden.  My best friend, Tracy, bought me a vibrator when I confessed to her
that I was faking them.  After that, whenever Kent was working late, I had some,
um, playtime with myself.”

I was blushing and I couldn’t believe what
I was saying to Aiden but I couldn’t seem to stop the words from spilling out
of my mouth.

“Actually,” I continued, “I think good old
Phil was the final straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back.”

“Phil?”  Aiden laughed.  “You named your
vibrator Phil?”

“Well, Phillip actually, but I usually just
call him Phil.”

Aiden laughed again and my heart warmed at
the sound. 

“What happened?”  He prompted.

“Kent was working late so I headed to bed
with Phil.  Only Kent didn’t have to work nearly as late as he usually did, and
he came home to find me naked in the bed with Phil working his magic while I
thought about – “

I clamped my mouth shut in horror.  I had
been about two seconds away from telling Aiden that I had been thinking about
him while I masturbated with my damn vibrator.

“Thought about what?”  He asked curiously.

“Oh, you know, the usual celebrities –
Chris Hemsworth, Ryan Reynolds,” I lied cheerfully.

“Of course.”  He rolled his eyes.  “What
happened when Kent found you with Phil?”

I snickered.  I should have been mortified
that my boss was talking about my vibrator but it was actually pretty damn
funny when you thought about it.

“He was not pleased, as you can imagine.  I
had to listen to a two-hour lecture about how I had humiliated and emasculated
him.  About a week later, he packed his stuff, told me he was leaving until I
lost some weight and figured out what the hell I was doing in bed, and I
haven’t heard from him since.”

We were just outside the front door of
Aiden’s cabin now, and when Aiden stood there silently I reached for the door
handle.  He dropped my suitcase in the snow and pushed me up against the door,
pressing his body against mine.

I stared up at him, my throat going dry at
the look in his eyes, as he leaned down.  “Do you know what I would have done
if I had come home to find you naked with a vibrator, Ms. Jones?”

“No,” I squeaked out.  There was no way I
should have been able to feel his erection through our layers of clothing but
there it was.  Hot and heavy and pushing against my stomach.

He leaned closer still, until his mouth was
at my ear and his hot breath was sending shivers down my spine.  “I would have
made you fuck yourself with the vibrator while I put you on your hands and
knees and fucked that gorgeous, tight ass.”

I moaned loudly, my knees weakening at the
image that shot through my head, and Aiden gave me a hard grin.  “Did that
idiot of a boyfriend ever fuck you in the ass, Ms. Jones?”

“No.”  My voice was hoarse and I cleared my
throat nervously.  “No, I – he wanted to but I wouldn’t let him.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know.”

“Were you afraid it would hurt?”

“No.  Kent wasn’t very uh – big.”  I licked
my lips.  “You’re much bigger than him.”

He grinned down at me.  “You are seriously
good for my ego, Ms. Jones.”

“You’re welcome.”

His grin widened for a moment before he
gave me a thoughtful look.  “If I wanted to fuck you in the ass, would you let

“We’re – we’re not together,” I replied
breathlessly.  The thought of Kent invading my ass had made my insides roll
with nausea but thinking about Aiden taking me there, imagining how it would
feel to be on my hands and knees and helpless to stop him as he slid his cock
into my ass, was making me embarrassingly wet.

“Yes, I know,” he said with a touch of
irritation as his hand moved to the back of my neck and gripped it firmly. 
“But if we were - if you were mine and in my bed every night - would you let me
fuck your ass?”

I swallowed loudly.  “Yes.”

His nostrils flared and his hand tightened
on my neck.  “You’re making it very difficult to resist you, Ms. Jones.”

His gaze dropped to my mouth and it was all
I could do not to kiss him.  Feeling like I was making the wrong decision, I
pushed lightly on his chest.

“We shouldn’t do this, Aiden.  It will end
badly.  We both know that.”

“Yeah,” he said.

It was only slightly warmer in the cabin
and I kept my jacket and mittens on as Aiden built up the fire.  He carried my
suitcase into the bedroom and I gave him an alarmed look when he returned
dragging the top mattress from the bed.

“I’ll sleep on the couch,” he said
gruffly.  “It’s too cold for either of us to sleep in the bedroom alone.”

“I’ll sleep on the couch,” I said firmly. 
“You’ll be too uncomfortable.”

“It’s fine.  I don’t – “

“No,” I interrupted.  “There isn’t enough
room with the mattress to pull out the couch and I’m shorter than you.  I’ll
take the couch.”

He scowled but didn’t argue as he dropped
the mattress in front of the fire.  King, his tongue lolling from his mouth,
squeezed into the small space between the fireplace and the mattress and rested
his head on his paws with a soft sigh.

“So, what did you want to do now?”  Aiden

I licked my lips again.  What I wanted to
do was strip naked, lie down on the mattress and invite Aiden to do all sorts
of deliciously naughty things to me.  Instead, I gave him a nervous smile. 
“I’m pretty tired.  I think I’ll just change and go to bed.  If that’s okay
with you?”

He nodded and studied a spot on the wall
behind me.  “That’s fine.”

I left the living room and stood in the
cold bedroom, my limbs shaking and my hands turning numb as I contemplated whether
or not to take off my bra. 

For Pete’s sake, you ninny!  He’s seen
you braless before.  Just change and get back out there before you freeze to

Moving quickly, I stripped out of my clothes
and changed into my flannel pajamas.  My feet were freezing and I kept my thick
socks on before throwing my hoodie on and heading back to the living room.

Aiden was already lying on the mattress. 
The covers were pooled around his waist and I looked away quickly from his
broad, naked chest wondering if the rest of him was just as naked.

Climb under the covers and find out,
girl.  You want him and he wants you.  Denying yourself what you want is

I shrugged out of my hoodie, ignoring the
way Aiden’s eyes dropped to my chest under my loose flannel top, and climbed
under the blankets on the couch.  I rested my head on the pillow and stared
blankly at the ceiling. 

Aiden thinks I’m good in bed.  If I keep
sleeping with him, he’ll realize the truth sooner or later and if you think it
was humiliating that Kent believed you sucked in bed, how do you think it will
feel when Aiden believes that?

Aiden could teach you to be better. 
He’s obviously more experienced then Kent.  Maybe all you need is the right
person to show you what to do.  Plus, you’ve been doing yoga.  You’re way bendier

Not bendy enough for what he’ll
undoubtedly want.

Arguing with myself was beginning to feel
like something a crazy person would do and I cut off the voice in my head with
an abruptness that surprised me.  It was pointless to keep sleeping with him. 
Even if I managed to keep his interest between the sheets, where exactly would
this lead?  Nowhere, that’s where.  Aiden wasn’t interested in a relationship
and he especially wasn’t interested in having one with an employee.

Are you sure?  He certainly can’t seem
to keep his hands off of you.

That was true but lust had a way of making
people do crazy things.

So be crazy for once.  Do something that
doesn’t make sense, that you know is wrong.  Stop being a scared little mouse
and just let yourself have some fun.  Sleep with Aiden.  You’re alone in a
cabin with your super-hot, super-sexy boss and he’s most likely naked under
those sheets.  Do you really want to waste that opportunity?  Put on your big
girl panties and let yourself have a casual, no-commitment-required fling for
the first time in your life.  You deserve it.  It’s Christmas for God’s sake!

I sat up straight and stared at the
flames.  “You’re right,” I announced.  “Merry fucking Christmas to me.”

Aiden twisted his head to stare at me
curiously.  “Lina, are you okay?”

“It’s Christmas,” I replied.

“Uh, yes.  I know.”  He gave me an odd look
as I snickered loudly.

“What’s wrong?  Are you too cold?”  He

I nodded.  “Definitely too cold.”  I threw
back the blankets, slid off the couch and tried, unsuccessfully, to crawl
sexily onto the mattress.

“What are you doing, Lina?”  Aiden asked

“I’m cold, Aiden.  I want you to warm me
up.”  I wiggled under the blankets as he sat up and inched away.

“This isn’t a good idea, remember?  You
said it yourself – it will only end badly.”

I shrugged as I eased my hand under the
covers.  I was itching to find out if he was naked.

“Only if we allow it to.  I want you, you
want me – we’re all alone in the cabin.  Why shouldn’t we take advantage of

“Lina – “

“Be quiet, Aiden,” I interrupted.  “I don’t
want anything from you after this.  Okay?  I know exactly what you want from me
and for tonight, hell for the rest of the holidays, that’s what I want too.”

“And after?”  He asked quietly.

I shrugged.  “After, we go back to the way
it was.”

“This is a very bad idea,” he muttered as
my hand bridged the gap between us and rested on his fabric-covered cock.

“Why aren’t you naked?”  I pouted.

“Why aren’t you?”  He countered.  His breath
hissed out between his teeth when I stroked him firmly.

“Good point.”  It was time to ditch the
seriously unsexy flannel look I was sporting.

I reached for the buttons on my shirt and
Aiden covered my hand with his. 

“Are you sure, Lina?  Absolutely sure that
this is what you want?”  He gave me a searching look.

“Yes,” I said firmly.  “Make your decision,
Aiden.  I’m not going to beg.”

He gave me a dark look of desire.  “Oh
you’ll beg, princess.  I guarantee it.”

I shuddered with need as he unbuttoned my
shirt.  “Someone’s awfully full of himself.”

He grinned and tugged off my shirt before
tossing it on the floor.  “You like my confidence.”

“It’s mildly attractive,” I admitted

He was staring at the bruise on my shoulder
and I touched his face lightly. “Hey?  I bruise easily, remember?  It’s no big

He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss
against my bruised flesh.  I moaned lightly, my hands tightening on his biceps
as he licked it with his warm tongue.

“I hate that I hurt you,” he whispered.

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