The Art of Seduction (91 page)

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Authors: Robert Greene

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Kierkegaard, Søren.
The Seducer's Diary,
Either/Or, Part 1.
Trans. Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987. Lao, Meri.
Sirens: Symbols of Seduction.
Trans. John Oliphant of Rossie. Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 1998.

Lindholm, Charles.
Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell, Ltd., 1990. Ludwig, Emil.
Trans. Eden & Cedar Paul. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing Co., 1926.

Mandel, Oscar, ed.
The Theatre of Don Juan: A Collection of Plays and Views,
Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1963. Maurois, Andre.
Trans. Hamish Miles. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1930.

Disraeli: A Picture of the Victorian Age.
Trans. Hamish Miles. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1928.

Monroe, Marilyn.
My Story.
New York: Stein and Day, 1974. Morin, Edgar.
The Stars.
Trans. Richard Howard. New York: Evergreen Profile Book, 1960.

Ortiz, Alicia Dujovne.
Eva Perdu.
Trans. Shawn Fields. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.

The Erotic Poems.
Trans. Peter Green. London: Penguin Books, 1982.

Trans. Mary M. Innes. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1955.

Peters, H. F.
My Sister, My Spouse: A Biography of Lou Andreas-Salomé.
New York: W. W. Norton, 1962.

The Symposium.
Trans. Walter Hamilton. London: Penguin Books, 1951. Reik, Theodor.
Of Love and Lust: On the Psychoanalysis of Romantic and Sexual Emo-
New York: Farrar, Strauss and Cudahy, 1957.

Rose, Phyllis.
Jazz Cleopatra: Josephine Baker and Her Time.
New York: Vintage Books, 1991.

Sackville-West, Vita.
Saint Joan of Arc.
London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1936. Shikibu, Murasaki.
The Tale of Genji.
Trans. Edward G. Seidensticker. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979.

Yang Kuei-Fei: The Most Famous Beauty of China.
Shanghai, China: Commercial Press, Ltd., 1923.

Smith, Sally Bedell.
Reflected Glory: The Life of Pamela Churchill Harriman.
New York: Touchstone, 1996.

Trans. Gilbert and Suzanne Sale. London: Penguin Books, 1957. Terrill, Ross.
Madame Mao: The White-Boned Demon.
New York: Touchstone, 1984.

Trouncer, Margaret.
Madame Récamier.
London: Macdonald & Co., 1949. Wadler, Joyce.
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Essays in Sociology.
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Wertheimer, Oskar von.
Cleopatra: A Royal Voluptuary.
Trans. Huntley Patterson. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1931.


Abrantès, Duchess d', 14

brutes, 134, 137-38

vulgarians, 135—36

calculated absences

bumblers, 135, 138-40

windbags, 135, 145

Adams, Cindy, 221-23

complaining by, 135, 293, 378,

Antony and Cleopatra

Adams, John Quincy, 446-48

418, 421

267-68, 418

advertisements, xx, 444

crab as symbol of, 144

anxiety and discontent, inducement

Aesthetic Rakes, 423

defensiveness in, 57

of, 203-10, 236, 255, 376-77,

Aga Khan III, 313

as deliberate disenchantment, 415,

378, 418

aggressive attention, 257


Cupid's arrow as symbol of, 210

Aging Babies, 156-57

disengagement from, 145

deceptive appearances and, 207

Agnelli, Gianni, 273

doormats, 134

exotic stranger as, 208-9

Alberoni, Francesco, 205

examples of, 136-44

lost ideals in, 203, 209-10

Albert, Prince of Monaco, 396, 397

excessive pride in, 142

missing qualities in, 207, 208-9

Alcibiades, 46-47, 48, 74-76,

greed in, 142-43

personal criticism in, 205-7, 208,

191-92, 243-44

impatience in, 134, 137—38

209, 210, 423, 424

Alexander I, Czar of Russia, 216-17

inattentiveness of, 136—37, 145

by politicians, 209-10

Aly Khan, Prince, 313-15, 317

insecurity of, 131, 133, 138, 142

reversal of, 210

American Tobacco Company,

judgmentalism in, 133, 134

strategic withdrawal in, 388-89,


moralizers, 134, 143-44

390, 391

Amores, The
(Ovid), 253-54, 331,

neediness in, 59, 74, 75, 134, 293

Aphrodite (Venus), 8, 9-11, 14, 43,


perfectionistic dissatisfaction in,

122-23, 206-7, 256-57, 259,

Andreas Capellanus, 134-35, 324,


269, 283, 403


reactors, 135

Apollo, 55-58

Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 45-47, 50, 52,

self-absorption in, 75, 131, 133,

Ardent Rakes, 19-21

76, 154, 197-99, 227, 357, 390,

137, 138, 140

arguing, 257, 260, 445


self-awareness lacked by, 131

Aristophanes, 47, 207

anger, 8, 9, 69, 76, 374

self-consciousness of, 135, 138—40

armed prophets, 118

Anger, Kenneth, 50

suffocators, 134

Arthur, King, 329

Anne of Austria, 355

tightwads, 134—35

Art of Love, The
(Ovid), xx, xxii,

Anti-Seducers, xxiv, 3-4, 49, 65,

types of, 133-36

xxiv, 81-82, 135-36, 179, 221,

131-45, 155

ulterior motives in, 142-43

255, 279-80, 323, 371-72, 397,

aggressive attention of, 257

ungenerosity of, 133, 134-35

408-9, 418-19, 423-44

arguing by, 260

uses of, 145

As You Like It
(Shakespeare), 50




Athene, 9-11

breakups, 369, 378

victims chosen by, 40, 172

attention, aggressive, 257

see also

Castiglione, Baldassare, 133-34,

attention, focused, 33, 273, 417

Brent, Harrison, 297-99

197-99, 272

of Charmers, 79, 81-82, 86, 87

Bride of Abydos, The
(Byron), 353

Castro, Fidel, 102

in mirroring, 226

Brummel, George "Beau," 48-49,

Catherine de Médicis, Queen of

physical lures and, 401-2

52, 192, 434

France, 15

Auguste, Prince of Prussia, 187-88

brutes, anti-seductive, 134, 137—38

Catherine II "the Great," Empress of

authentic animals, charismatic, 104-5

Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke

Russia, 90-92, 93

of, 66, 235, 346-48, 355

contrast provided by, 201

Bacall, Lauren, 14

Bulliet, C.J., 47-48

Potemkin and, 274, 300-303

Baker, Josephine, 50, 61-63, 66

bumblers, anti-seductive, 135, 138-40

Saltykov and, 37-38, 225-26

calculated surprise by, 248

Buñuel, Luis, 373

Chalon, Jean, 361-62

French mirrored by, 225

Buruma, Ian, 336

Chambers, Jessie, 205-6, 208

banal conversation, 183

Bussy-Rabutin, Count, 324-25

Chaplin, Charlie, 58-59

Bank, The,

Butler, Samuel, 81

charisma, xx, xxi, 95, 97-98, 329

Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules-Amédée, 49

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 26, 70,

Charismatics, 3, 95-118, 317

Barney, Natalie, xxiv, xxv, 154, 317,

153, 304

adventurousness of, 101-2


disarming weaknesses of, 290, 291

as armed prophets, 118

spiritual lures of, 361-63, 364,

"honest" confessions of, 284

authentic animals, 104-5

365-66, 404

reputation of, 27, 193, 379

counterreactions to, 116-18

Barrymore, John, 109

taboos transgressed by, 351-54,

dangers to, 116-18

Bataille, Georges, 374-75

355, 357

deliverers, 112—14

Bathsheba, xix, 237

"undertook" of, 217, 290, 403

demonic performers, 106-7

Baudelaire, Charles Pierre, 14, 46,

drama saints, 110-12

170, 314-15, 354, 401-2

Caesar, Julius, xix, 7-8, 12, 13, 208,

erotic fatigue and, 117-18

strategic withdrawal by, 385-88


fervency of, 101

Baudrillard, Jean, xxiii, 9, 126-27,

assassination of, 258-61

gurus, 109-10


calculated absences, 288, 390, 392,

lamp as symbol of, 11 6

Beauties, 156

415, 418

magnetism of, 98, 102

Beauty Ideal, 33-35

in pain mixed with pleasure, 372,

miraculous prophets, 102-4

Belleroche, Maud de, 243-44


mysteriousness of, 95, 99

Bernays, Edward, 449—50

in poeticizing oneself, 277, 283-84

Olympian actors, 114-16

Bjerre, Poul, 47

calculated effects, 188, 190, 289

piercing gaze of, 95, 100-101, 102,

Blue Angel, The

calculated surprises, 34-35, 241-50,


Blue Angel, The
(Mann), 340-43

420-21, 429

prophetic gifts in, 99, 104

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 214-17,

improvisation vs., 248

purposefulness of, 98-99

233-37, 362-67

mood changes as, 249

saintliness of, 99

bold moves, 405-13

personal character revealed by,

saviors, 107-9

bracing effect of, 410


seductive language of, 99-100,

feminine, 412

in re-seduction, 420-21

108, 111, 114, 115-16

humility vs., 409-10

reversal of, 249

self-awareness of, 100

indirect approach preceding, 407-9

roller coaster as symbol of, 248

successors of, 118

infecting with emotions in, 412

sudden encounters in, 247-48

on television, 114, 115-16

opportune moment for, 410—1 1

Caligula, Emperor of Rome, 136

theatricality of, 100

as pleasant surprise, 411

Camus, Albert, 83

types of, 102-16

reversal of, 413

Canouville, Jules de, 326-27

uninhibitedness of, 100, 107

signs of readiness for, 408, 409,

Capote, Truman, 71

vulnerability of, 101

411, 412

Carter, Angela, 281

Charles I, King of England, 355

summer storm as symbol of, 413

Carter, Jimmy, 202

Charles II, King of England, 201,

theatricality of, 411-12

Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo, xx,


vanity and, 408-9

xxii, xxiv, 31-33, 36, 128, 373

Charmers, 3, 79-93, 153, 210, 376

Bonaparte, Lucien, 187

anti-seducer encountered by,

antagonism harmonized by, 82

Bonaparte, Napoleon,


art of, 81-83

I, Emperor of France

calculated surprise of, 243-46, 247

dangers to, 93

Bonaparte, Pauline, 14, 200, 297-99,

direct approach of, 184, 218

deceptive appearances and, 85

304-5, 326-27

indirect approach of, 182

derivation of term, 81

Book of Laughter and Forgetting, The

mirroring by, 224

ease and comfort created by, 79,

(Kundera), 66

mixed signals and, 194

82, 86-87

Bourdon, David, 33-34

role playing of, 305

examples of, 83-92

Bouriscout, Bernard, 173-74,

seductive environment and time

focused attention of, 79, 81-82,

297-300, 304

created by, 435, 438-39

86, 87

Brantôme, Seigneur de, 139-41,

spiritual lures used by, 367

indulgent attitude of, 79, 85, 418

268-69, 290-92, 409-10

temptation of, 236-37

mirror as symbol of, 92



mirroring by, 82

Conquerors, 153—54

physical image of, 41, 43, 44, 45,

pleasure provided by, 82, 85

Conrad, Earl, 398-99

48-49, 50-51

politicians as, 81, 82, 83-85, 87,

Constant, Benjamin, 188, 344

politicians as, 51

88-92, 93

contrasts, 201-2, 270-71, 274, 427,

social seduction by, 48-50

self-possession in adversity shown

428, 447

visual style of, 48-49

by, 83

Cooper, Gary, 125

Dandy, The
(Baudelaire), 46

sexuality and, 81, 87

Coquettes, 3, 67-68, 156, 172, 237,

Dangerous Liaisons
(Laclos), xxiv, 25,

subtlety of, 81

291, 412

127, 169-71, 287-89, 407-9,

timing of, 90-91, 92, 93

Cold, 71-73, 77, 78


understanding attitude of, 81

confusion engendered by, 75

dangerousness, 354

as useful to others, 83, 87

dangers to, 78

of Dandies, 43, 44

Chateaubriand, François René, Viexcitement engendered by, 75

of Rakes, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27

comte de, 188, 226, 284, 337

hatred engendered by, 78

of Sirens, 5, 11, 12-13

ego ideal regression of, 343-46

Hot and Cold, 67, 69-71, 76, 78,

D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 21-24, 192,

Chekhov, Michael, 10



Chevalier, Maurice, 395-96, 397

jealousy incited by, 76-77

death risked by, 327-29

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