The Amulet (9 page)

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Authors: Lisa Phillips

BOOK: The Amulet
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"I would have felt worse if I had been the cause of your death. Given my options, I took the lesser sin of turning you. I feel badly that I lost control of myself. I know what I have put you through already, and your road has barely begun. Having you with me is a pleasure, one I feel guilty for, but a pleasure nonetheless. Each accomplishment of yours sends a thrill through me like I have never felt before. I have been alone for so long, I had forgotten the simple pleasure of conversation."

She was flattered by his words. Who was this man, this vampire? So charismatic, and eloquent that he made her knees weak, even in this new, stronger body. She opened her mouth to say something when she heard her cell phone ringing. It was on her bedside table, where she had left it on the charger. She walked over to check the caller ID. It read "Jessie T Foxx", her agent. With a nervous look at Nevar, she touched the screen to answer the call. "Hello?"

"Alyssa! Oh thank God! I've been calling all day! Where have you been? I was about to file a missing persons report on you! I've been out of my mind all day!"

"Jessie, calm down. I didn't want the press to know where I was. I spent the night in the country with a friend of mine. Now, what's going on that you were calling me for?"

"A night in the country? A friend of yours? You know I don't believe that. I don't care who you're sleeping with, but I'd better not see it on the front page of the tabloids!"

"It's not like that, Jessie. Now please, tell me why you called?"

"Oh! You are not going to believe this! You've heard that Penelope is expecting, haven't you?"

She hadn't, of course. It must have been announced while she was at Nevar's. "No, I must have missed that."

"Well, she was supposed to star in Harris' new movie in a couple of months, but now she won't be able to because there's no way she can hide her growing belly. She decided to back out of the cast and now they want you to take her place!"

Excitement shot through her but before she opened her mouth to let out a squeal of joy, a wave of shock rolled over her like a dark cloud. How the hell was she going to be able to star in a movie when she couldn't even stand to look at the sun without sunglasses on? They would certainly understand or explain away never seeing her eat, although possibly giving her a reputation as having an eating disorder, but the sunlight was more problematic. Harris' movie was supposed to be set in the Bahamas, which would explain why a pregnancy was impossible to hide. There just wasn't enough wardrobe.

"He wants me? As the lead?"

"You got it! Just say the word and I'll get right on it. You'll be on set by the end of the month. He wants you to do a screen test first, as a formality, you know, but it's just so they have something to use in the DVD/Blu-Ray bonus features."

She was awe-struck, but also terrified. Had she gotten this call yesterday, there would not have been even the slightest hesitation. As things stood now, however, she had to pause for thought. "I'd like to think it over, Jess. I had thought maybe I would prefer to play the antagonist role in my next film, but I'm very tempted. Just give me until tomorrow evening. I'll let you know then what I decide."

"Okay, but don't sit on this too long," she warned. "It's a good gig and you know it. Do this movie, and your career is set. Do it well, and there are no limits to what you could do."

"I know. Thanks, Jessie. I'll call you tomorrow?"

"By 8 o'clock, if you don't mind. My show comes on tomorrow night and I'm not missing the season finale for a phone call, not even from you."

Alyssa laughed. Jessie was not just her agent, but a long-time friend. The two of them went way back, and Alyssa was sure that even if the president called her at 8, she'd let it go to voicemail. "Of course. Goodnight, Jess."

"'Night, Lyss."


Alyssa took the phone from her ear and turned towards Nevar, who had been patiently quiet. The worry must have shown on her face because his eyes were soft against the hard planes of his face. He came the short distance to her side and brushed the flesh of his thumb across her cheek, drying the tear she hadn't realized had rolled from her eye. She closed her eyes, embarrassed that she was so weak in front of him. No, she told herself. You are a strong, beautiful soul. Her grandmother's words echoed in her mind, making her want to cry some more.


Her name rolled from his lips like a praise, sending a chill of pleasure through her. The man held too much power over her for comfort, but she had never wanted to be overpowered by a man more than she did now. Instead, she buried her face into his chest, hiding the tears that started to flow, hiding the desire that was burning inside her.


He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair, offering comfort. He had never been there to comfort his wife. The army had kept him away most of the time while she was alive. A hundred years of war had been unkind in his days, but he had been there at the end.

He had seen his son born, ripping his mother apart inside. His blood alright, barely alive and already a killer. But he hadn't resented the child, in fact, he had treasured him. He had a beauty about him that could only have come from his mother, but then he had fallen ill. He had been able to comfort neither of them. But he was here for Alyssa, and he would comfort her.



Her voice was heavy with tears, but she was trying desperately to hide it. He pretended not to hear it, but silently offered her his strength. "Yes, milady?"

"I don't want to stay here," she said.

Of course. The whole place was a monument to what he had taken from her. He felt a knot of disgust gnawing in his gut. He felt like an idiot. "Is there anything you want before we go?"

She gave a gentle nod, then backed slowly away from the shelter of his chest, careful to hide her face as she did. He looked at the two damp spots on his shirt and felt a pang of regret. She made him feel protective and vulnerable. It seemed an odd combination of emotions to him. He also felt like a complete ass.

She packed in a determined silence. There were so many thoughts running through her head, and she refused to think about any of them. Just pack and go. A few outfits, food for Snickers and Zukko, who still needed such things, her laptop, which she figured would be useful, and then her cell phone, which she currently wanted to throw off the balcony high-rise. She jammed it to the bottom of her carry-on bag and closed it with a flourish.

She sighed thoughtfully. With Nevar in the other room, she had a moment to school herself into some semblance of composure. It had been unbearable to lose control of herself like that in front of him. And yet, she had wanted to seek comfort in his arms, wanted him to be her rock. He was shelter and safety in a raging storm, and she wanted him. He was dangerous.

A warm shiver of desire ran through her. She imagined her hands running across his iron chest and his fingers caressing her tender flesh. No. She pulled herself back out of the fantasy. There was a time and a place and this was neither. She turned around to find Nevar standing behind her. Instinctively, she checked that her thoughts were still shielded but her privacy was still intact. She silently cursed the heat that rose to her cheeks.

The smile playing at the corners of his mouth was mischievous and sultry. She could smell pheromones rolling off of him in waves. It was then she realized what had given her away. He could smell her desire. She steadied herself, the knowledge seeming to bring strength back to her uncooperative limbs. His smoldering eyes studied her for a moment before making some decision and his expression changed.

"Are you ready, Alyssa?" His voice gave nothing away, not without emotion, but nothing that told her of where his thoughts were.

She nodded her head. Words seemed beyond her at the moment. Her once beloved penthouse now choking the air from her. It's a good thing I don't need to breathe, she thought. It was too bad she missed it so much. At least suffocation reminded you that you were alive.

She wanted so much to escape the reminders of her old life. She wanted to keep it all, but knew she would have to let it go. Maybe she could keep up a nice charade for a time, but after a few years... Eventually time would tell on her little secret. She shoved the thoughts aside to worry about later, turning her back on the life she loved so much. She was facing Nevar, and in so many ways, she was facing her future. The life he offered her and had chosen for her, what she had now become, and what new path lay ahead of her, all reflected in him. She went to him and never looked back. She disappeared into the night with him, leaving a single fallen tear in her wake.


He closed his eyes, feeling the flow of blood through his veins. The gentle pulsing was heightened by the pull of the moon. It would rise soon. He could feel it. Still only at three quarters full, but he felt the wolf stirring. It had been too long since he let the beast roam free, and it was growing impatient. He had to let it stretch its legs regularly or it would consume him.

He hated it. He walked a razor-thin line between humanity and the animal and it would only take a gentle push to send him over the brink. The wind shifted and carried a scent to his keen nostrils. He shivered with anticipation. The thrill of the hunt bringing every neuron firing at capacity.

His mind reached out, preparing for the shift, but he never did. There was something else there that shouldn't have been. He tried to find it, but it was gone again. It knew. Somehow, he doubted whatever it was had the good sense to leave for good. It would be back. But next time, it would be aware of him. It would be ready, and so would he. Xander knew he had to warn Nevar.


They arrived back at Nevar's estate with plenty of time before sunrise. Alyssa had been silent since leaving her penthouse. Nevar longed to hear her sweet voice again, to hear her laughter. He did not take them inside the manor, landing instead outside on the southern face of the estate.

It overlooked the entire property, all twenty-five acres. In the center was a small lake with an enormous fountain in the middle of it. To the right was his vineyard and a building beyond that where the grapes were processed and the wine was set to mature. Off to the left, there was another building surrounded by a large field and forest beyond that.

He watched her as she gazed over the expanse of property and saw her eyes grow wide. He said nothing, but waited for her. She looked as though she were about to speak when a sound pierced the stillness. A look of sheer joy dawned on her face as she heard the whinny and Nevar saw heaven in her eyes.

"Would you care to go for a ride?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Finally her voice broke through, still an edge of sadness to it, but almost imperceptible, even to his ears. "I'd love to!"

They walked through wet grass towards the barn, the scents of hay and horseflesh already filling their nostrils. Nevar entered a code into the keypad to unlock the door, then swung the door wide and bowed to allow Alyssa to enter before him. He saw the corner of her mouth curve for a second at him, then she gasped when she looked into the barn.

He had a total of seven horses. Two big black Friesians, two Clydesdales, an Andalusian, a chocolate-colored Tennessee Walker, and a roan-colored Arabian. He stepped beside her to make formal introductions. "Allow me to introduce you. The Friesians and the Clydesdales I use mainly for field work. Call me old-fashioned, but I much prefer them over heavy equipment. Midnight and Twilight are the Friesians, I didn't name them, but it suits me just fine. Midnight is the slightly smaller mare and the stallion is Twilight. The Clydesdales are Captain and Cheyenne. The Arabian, I named Brush Fire. I raised him from a colt.

"This one," he said, patting the Tennessee Walker's muscular neck, "is Infinity. She is an amazing horse with the smoothest gait I've had the pleasure of riding, but I've saved my favorite for last. Aegis is an accomplished show horse, both in dressage and show jumping. I have a feeling you'll love her as well."

Alyssa was enthralled by all of the horses, but Aegis did catch her attention in particular. Andalusian were known for their high stepping gait and grace along with their athleticism. She was the whitest horse she'd ever seen and she seemed to glow despite the darkness of the stable. There were lights, of course, but why bother turning them on when you have vampiric vision?

"Take your pick," he offered.

He might as well have offered her the keys to heaven. In the end though, it came down to Infinity or Aegis. She had been horseback riding a few times before and had some experience, but she was far from being an accomplished rider. "I'd like to ride Aegis, but I've only been on a couple of pleasure and trail rides."

He smiled at her, his teeth gleaming in the low light. "Trust me, Aegis won't give you any trouble. Ride her. I have only one rule," he said.

"What's that?"

"You must either saddle your own horse or ride bareback," he cocked his head towards the tack room, still smiling.

She returned his smile, sweetly. Granted, it had been a while since she had been riding, but she had learned how to saddle a horse and even how to groom them. Well, she never had to clean their feet, but she had seen it done and knew how at least. She walked into the tack room to find it well-stocked. Different bits and bridle styles, hackamores, Western and English saddles, bareback pads, blankets and hoods to keep away the insects, and harnesses hung neatly arranged from the walls or stands.

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