The Amistad Rebellion (52 page)

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Authors: Marcus Rediker

BOOK: The Amistad Rebellion
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Page 7
. “Joseph Cinquez, Leader of the Gang of Negroes, who killed Captain Ramon Ferrers and the Cook, on board the Spanish Schooner Amistad, Captured by Lieutenant Gedney of the U.S. Brig Washington at Culloden Point, Long Island, August 24th 1839,” detail, courtesy of the Stanley-Whitman House, Farmington, Connecticut.

Page 8
: “Little Kale,”
: “Grabo” (Grabeau),
: “Kimbo,” all by William H. Townsend (1822–1851), Sketches of the Amistad captives, [ca. 1839–1840]. GEN MSS 335, courtesy of the Beneicke Rare Book and Manuscript Collection, Yale University.

Page 9
. Playbill, “The Black Schooner or the Pirate Slaver Armistad!” Bowery Theatre, New York, 1839, courtesy of Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard University.

Page 10
. “African Chief Jingua,” from
A True History of the African Chief Jingua and his Comrades
, courtesy of the Beneicke Rare Book and Manuscript Collection, Yale University.

Page 11
: Cinqué, detail from “Death of Capt. Ferrer, the Captain of the Amistad, July, 1839” and portrait, both by John Warner Barber,
A History of the Amistad Captives
(New Haven: E.L. and J.W. Barber, 1839), courtesy of Marietta College Library.
: Konoma, silhouette and detail from “Death of Capt. Ferrer, the Captain of the Amistad, July, 1839,” both by John Warner Barber,
A History of the Amistad Captives
, courtesy of Marietta College Library.

Page 12
. “The Murder of Jane McCrea” by John Vanderlyn, 1804, courtesy of Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut/Art Resource, New York.

Page 13
. “Horrid Massacre in Virginia,” from Samuel Warner [compiler],
Authentic and impartial narrative of the tragical scene which was witnessed in Southampton County (Virginia) on Monday the 22d of August last when
five of its inhabitants (mostly women and children) were inhumanly massacred by the blacks! Communicated by those who were eye witnesses of the bloody scene, and confirmed by the confessions of several of the blacks while under Sentence of Death
(New York: Warner & West, 1831), courtesy of the Library of Virginia.

Page 14
: Lewis Tappan, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, courtesy of the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations.
: John Quincy Adams, courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Page 15
: Roger S. Baldwin, Print Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallace Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, courtesy of the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations.
: Robert Purvis, daguerreotype, 1839, Rare Books Collection, courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Print Department.

Page 16
. “Joseph Cinque” by Nathaniel Jocelyn, courtesy of the New Haven Museum & Historical Society, New Haven.

Title Page

Lower Deck, by John Warner Barber,
A History of the Amistad Captives
, courtesy of Marietta College Library.

In Chapter One

Page 14
. “Fuli,” Townsend Sketches, courtesy of the Beneicke Rare Book and Manuscript Collection, Yale University.

Page 15
. “Marqu” (Margru), Townsend Sketches, courtesy of the Beneicke Rare Book and Manuscript Collection, Yale University.

Page 16
. “Malhue” (Moru), Townsend Sketches, courtesy of the Beneicke Rare Book and Manuscript Collection, Yale University.

Page 50
. “Slave Barracoon,” Gallinas Coast, 1849,
The Illustrated London News
, April 14, 1849, 237, collection of the author.

Page 53
. Views of a Slave Ship,
Thompson in Africa
, 19, collection of the author.

Page 54
. Lower Deck,
Thompson in Africa
, 19, collection of the author.

In Chapter Three

Page 100
. “Joseph Cinquez, Leader of the Piratical Gang of Negroes,” by J. Sketchley for the
New York Sun
, 1839, lithograph by John Childs, detail, courtesy of the New Haven Museum & Historical Society, New Haven.

Page 101
. “Joseph Cinquez, the brave Congolese Chief,” for the
New York Sun
, 1839, detail, courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Page 102
. “Joseph Cinquez Cinquez Addressing his Compatriots on board the Spanish Schooner AMISTAD 26th Augt 1839,” lithograph by John Childs (likely after James Sketchley) for the
New York Sun
, detail, courtesy of the Chicago History Museum.

In Chapter Four

Page 131
. “The Captured Africans of the Amistad: Teaching Philosophy to Lewis Tappen & Co. in the Prison at Hartford,”
New York Morning Herald
, October 4, 1839, courtesy of the New York Historical Society.

In Chapter Five

Page 162
. “Death of Capt. Ferrer, the Captain of the Amistad, July, 1839” by John Warner Barber,
A History of the Amistad Captives
, detail, courtesy of Marietta College Library.

Page 163
. Details, “Death of Capt. Ferrer, the Captain of the Amistad, July, 1839” by John Warner Barber,
A History of the Amistad Captives
, courtesy of Marietta College Library.

Page 173
. “Cinque: The Chief of the Amistad Captives,” mezzotint by John Sartain, after a painting by Nathaniel Jocelyn, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1840, courtesy of the Yale University Art Gallery.

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