The Alpha Dating Game: An Extremely Sensual BBW Shifter Romance (10 page)

Read The Alpha Dating Game: An Extremely Sensual BBW Shifter Romance Online

Authors: Dawn Steele

Tags: #alpha male, #college romance, #paranormal, #erotic romance, #shifter, #bbw, #billionaire romance, #new adult, #contemporary romance

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He was silent for such a long while that she turned to gaze at him. His eyes were closed and he was fast asleep.

So this is what it means to have a boyfriend
, she thought. All the things she had been missing out on . . . and it was every bit as good as the books portrayed it to be.

I love you, Kyle. You don’t know it yet, but I love you.

She fell asleep in his arms that way.



It was late afternoon when Jessica woke up. The smell of sex was still pungent in the air, and she knew she had to take a shower before she went back. Kyle was draped across her body. He snored slightly. The orgasm must have worn him out.

Her stomach rumbled. She was hungry as hell, but she never felt better. She was a smorgasbord of elation and exultation and ‘I feel incredibly powerful’ triumphant.
I’ve had sex with a man!
(Well, kind of.)
I could make him come! He finds me incredibly attractive!

Kyle was so peaceful that she didn’t have the heart to wake him up. But she wanted to be clean and ready for him when he woke.

In fact, she wanted to make him something to eat. Her heart was brimming full of love as she gazed at his beautiful face in repose. She gently and very slowly disentangled herself from him, taking care to move his hand away from her waist.

He stirred and murmured something, and she froze. Then he turned to face the other side. She didn’t dare breathe for fear of waking him. He soon settled into a sonorous rhythm of breathing again. He was so beautiful to look at. So lean and sculptured, like an artist’s model. His cock lay curled between his legs. She remembered what it did earlier, and she blushed, still feeling the stickiness on her chest.

She waited until he was deeper in slumber, and then she padded towards the bathroom. The one adjacent to the living room was a pristine study in checkered black and white. A used towel lay near the sink. She studied herself in the mirror. Her hair was a mess and her skin above her breasts was glistening. But her cheeks were in high color and her eyes were sparkling with light.

She had never been happier.

There was no shower cubicle in this bathroom, and so she went searching for another. His bedroom door was open. She was a little hesitant to breach it. After all, he hadn’t brought her in there yet. But she figured it would only be a matter of time before he was fucking her on his bed.

She stepped in.

The bedroom was a little messier than the lounge, which indicated he probably spent most of his time here. Some books were strewn on his desk, as was a silver-framed photo of him with several people.

Jessica picked the photo frame up. This had to be Kyle and his family. A younger version of Kyle flanked an older man which she presumed to be Kyle’s father. Kyle’s father was a handsome, very imposing figure and Kyle’s brother was an almost twin, except for the crueler twist in his mouth. Kyle looked commanding, and yet gentle, but his brother seemed ruthless. At least, that was just from their looks.

Kyle’s mother was conspicuously absent. But Kyle mentioned she had died of cancer when he was little and so Jessica did not expect her to be in any of the more recent photos.

Other than the photo on the desk, there were no other personal effects. She felt guilty for snooping anyhow. She went to the bathroom, which had far more toiletries than the other one. There was a shower cubicle encased in glass and a bathtub. Thank goodness. His bathroom mug sat on the marble table top, in which a sloping sink was embedded. It was a cute mug with a 3D theatre mask on its surface.

Her mouth felt raw and so she picked it up to rinse. Inscribed at the back of it was:




DRAMA CLUB, 20__ ’


This gave her pause.

Didn’t he say his name was Smith? Lyla’s warning came back like the tolling of a bell.

Kyle Atreides. Caleb Atreides. Yes, they sounded as though they could be brothers. Was that why Lyla couldn’t find anything on him?

She was snooping on him. She shouldn’t be snooping. But why did he lie to her about his name?

She heard him stir outside and hastily put the mug back.


He hadn’t seen her completely naked before, and so she didn’t know if she should shed her clothes and step into the shower. As a result, she froze as he came in, gloriously naked.

He was smiling. His hair was tousled and his cock was dormant between his legs. But not for long. His eyes lit up as he took in her naked breasts and his penis started to harden.

“You’re a sight for sore eyes,” he said as he came to her.

If she had any misgivings, all of them were wiped out as soon as he held out his arms. She went into them gladly, and they started kissing again. His cock pressed against her belly.

“Let’s have a shower together, shall we?” he suggested.

When she hesitated, he quickly added, “I’ve seen you half-naked already and you’re beautiful. Don’t be afraid I won’t find the rest of you just as beautiful, if not more so.”

He kissed her, long and passionately and deeply, and everything in her melted again – all her suspicions, all her doubts, all her fears. After a few glorious kisses, he unbuttoned her pants and slid them off, still kissing her. Then he eased off her panties.

She stood there before him, as naked as he was, and blushed as he gazed with rapture upon her body. He took in her pussy, covered with its thatch of dark fur. Dread crept into her heart until he smiled.

“Beautiful,” he pronounced. “I wouldn’t have you any other way.”



He gave her his hand and they stepped inside his shower cubicle. Everything else was forgotten as he turned on the shower and the warm water pellets started to fall on their heads, draining all her cares away.



Kyle had just dropped Jessica off at her college dorm when he got the call. The display on his cellphone showed the photo of his father at a much younger age, the way Kyle liked to remember him.

Sighing, Kyle picked the call up. “Yes, Dad?”

“Dinner tomorrow night.”

It was on the tip of Kyle’s tongue to say, “I have plans”, but he knew what his Dad meant.

It was now or never. He had rehearsed it in the shower when he had been soaping Jessica’s back.

I made a mistake about the girl. She isn’t a virgin.

I’ll find you another virgin, Dad. I know I’ve only got four days, but I’ll do it.

“Dad, I have – ”

“Eight o’ clock. Don’t fail our clan, son.”

The words Kyle was going to say froze on his tongue. Right. He had duty. Responsibility. His clan’s fate to put before his own needs . . . and that of one hapless virgin’s. Surely he could rise to the occasion.

He closed his eyes and channeled his inner steel.
For the greater good

But oh, Jessica, Jessica. He was truly alive whenever he was with her. He felt better, stronger, more powerful and happier when he was with her than he had been for a long, long time. She was good for him.

But it can’t be real
. She was human, and he wasn’t.

It was a passing infatuation, nothing more. One he had to shed himself of rapidly or the consequences would be dire.

When he opened his eyes again, he said, “OK, see you tomorrow, Dad.”

“Both of you.”

“We’ll be there,” he promised, his heart sinking when he realized how unworthy he was to be Jessica’s lover and his father’s successor.




Jessica thanked her lucky stars that Lyla was out with Stuart. She could use the computer in silence without Lyla peering over her neck every few seconds and demanding to know what she was up to. She loved Lyla, but this act she was about to perform now felt deceitful.

Still, she needed to do it, and she was not going to tell Lyla, because her best friend would only say ‘I told you so’.

She typed ‘Kyle Atreides’ in Google Search.

Out came a few items.

One was a photo of Kyle’s father with the mayor. They were both smiling and shaking hands. A younger Kyle was in the background, looking respectful. The caption said:




So he was Kyle Atreides. There were a dozen different possibilities as to why a billionaire’s son would lie about his name, of course. He probably did not want fortune hunters after him until he was very sure of them. He met her on a website and he probably wanted to see how genuine she was until such time he would reveal his true self.

Yes, that had to be it.

And she would prove to him how genuine she was. To be honest, the money was just icing on the cake. She would have loved Kyle even if he were a penniless scholarship student like herself.


She was using the word confidently now. She did love Kyle, honest be to truth.

‘Kyle Atreides’ appeared in more websites and blogs, such as that of his Princeton alumni. His photos were all handsome and smiling – the very picture of a young man who had the world at his feet. Jessica’s heart swelled every time she saw his photo. He was
. He had made love to her.

Then a Google news item from a few years back caught her eye.

It said:




Jessica saw the bolded words JERICHO ATREIDES under the description. Her curiosity piqued, she clicked on the link. A webpage loaded, and the photo inset was that of Jericho Atreides.


‘Emily Watson, 18, went missing on the night of ________ . She had gone to the prom with her best friend, Katie Greer, 18.’


Emily Watson’s photo came next. She was an obese teenager. Pretty, with a chubby face and dimpled cheeks. But huge. Bigger than Jessica ever had been. She wore a lapis lazuli necklace in three colors, which Jessica thought did not fit her well because it emphasized her rather fat neck.


‘Katie said, “She got a call midway into the prom. She had been all excited like about this new guy she met over some website. She wouldn’t tell me about him until they, you know, gelled some more. Then she was gone.

“I didn’t know she was missing until her mother called me the next morning and asked if Emily had gone home with me.”

An anonymous source tipped the police off. Emily Watson had allegedly been seen going into Jericho Atreides’s car, a distinctive black Jaguar.

Upon questioning by the police, Jericho Atreides said, “I have never seen this girl in my entire life. I find it irresponsible of the police to blindly follow any anonymous lead presented to them without any evidence. I have plenty of enemies in the business world who would like to see me toppled and my company’s stock prices to fall. I urge the police to be more responsible in their line of investigation.”


Jessica sank back into her chair. Although there was no investigative trail to suggest Jericho Atreides had been involved, something struck her about the contents of the article.

Emily Watson was a big, beautiful woman. She was meeting a man in connection with a dating website.

Uncanny coincidence?

A pickle of unease slid down her backbone.

Kyle was wonderful, but she hadn’t yet met his father. His father was a billionaire entrepreneur. He couldn’t have been involved in something as horrible as the disappearance of a high school girl, could he?

Her cellphone suddenly came alive.


It vibrated hard enough to make it almost slide off the desk. She had put it on silent mode throughout her date with Kyle. She snatched it up and noticed the display.


Shakily, she picked it up.

“Hello? Kyle?”

“Hi, Jessica.” His voice was warm. “I’m missing you already.”

She could sense the genuineness of his remark. Her heart fluttered and she tried to quell her misgivings about his father.
He’s Kyle Smith, remember
, she admonished herself. You know nothing about his real name until such time he chooses to reveal himself.

“I miss you too,” she said.

“Guess what? My Dad is hosting a dinner at his place tomorrow and he wants to meet you.”

Her heart skipped several beats. “Wh-what?”

“My Dad is inviting us both for dinner at his place tomorrow,” he said patiently. “I’ve been, uh, sort of telling him about you . . . and he really wants to meet you.” He paused, and the silence was pregnant with hope. “Will you please come?”

Meet his father? Meet Jericho Atreides, the billionaire who had been questioned about the disappearance of a girl not much younger than she was?

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