The Advocate's Ex Parte (The Advocate Series Book 5) (26 page)

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Authors: Teresa Burrell

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Advocate's Ex Parte (The Advocate Series Book 5)
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“It looks like he plans to be back today around four,” she said. “But you can’t always go by the chart. They often get hung up somewhere.”

“Thank you very much.” JP moved a few feet to his right where several business card holders were arranged in a row across the counter. He picked up the card for Scott Le, which displayed his photo. “I’ll give him a call and see if he can answer any more questions. I have a client that I think would be perfect for this house so I want to get a jump on it before it goes into the MLS.”

Chapter 43


The Tran Case

Child: Emma, age 18 mos. (F)

Parents: Father—unknown, Mother—Kim-Ly Tran

Issues: Neglect

Facts: Mother left eighteen-month-old girl in locked room and went to work. Apartment complex caught on fire.


No sooner had JP left the building than he called his friend at the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, Detective Greg Nelson.

“What do you need this time, Torn?”

“An address, a photo, and a criminal check.”

“That’s all? You don’t want me to make an arrest or anything?”

“Not yet.”

“So, who is it and why am I doing this?”

“His name is Scott Le. He works for Lawrence Foster Asset Management Company and I think he may be involved in some illegal activity with minors.”

“You mean like pedophile stuff?”

“No…I mean yes, but bigger. I just have pieces and lots of questions. I think this guy might be the key.”

Greg texted JP the latest address for Scott Le and the photo from his driver’s license. It matched the photo from his business card. “I’ll run the criminal check and get back to you. Be careful.”




JP drove over to see Quang Pham at his apartment.

“I need you to look at a photo and tell me if you recognize this man.”

“Okay,” Quang said, shrugging his shoulders.

JP opened his phone to the photo of Scott Le that Greg had just sent him and handed it to Quang. “Have you ever seen this man?”

Quang shook his head from side to side. “No. I don’t think so.”

“That’s not the man who came to see Kim-Ly?”


“You’re sure?”


JP handed him Scott Le’s business card. “Here’s another picture of him. Does that help?”

“It’s not him. He looks a little like him, but it’s not him. The man I saw is much bigger and has broader shoulders.”

JP was disappointed. He thought he had found his mystery man. JP took the phone back and touched the screen accidentally. Mae Chu’s photo came up.

“I’ve seen that woman.”

JP held up his phone. “This woman?”

“Yes. She was the one who came to the house that night. The man in the black car took her away.”

“You’re certain of that?”

“Yes. I saw her up close. Both of them. They walked right past me.”

“And you said before that you didn’t think she went willingly? Is that correct?”

“She wasn’t fighting or screaming or anything, but she didn’t look like she wanted to get in the car.”

“Of course,” JP said. Mae Chu had started to work on this case. All this time, JP thought that the woman Quang saw was just another one of the “girls.” He should’ve realized it sooner. “Thanks, Quang. You’ve been a big help.”

“Have you found out anything about Jade yet?”

“We’re getting closer. Have you heard from her?”

“No, not a word,” he said. His voice was softly tinged with concern.

“Don’t worry. I’m going to find her.” JP meant what he said, but he was apprehensive about what he would find.

Chapter 44


Tyson Dole Cooper, aka Clint Buchanon


Sabre reached the top of the steps that led directly into the bar of The Brigantine. Clint Buchanon had already arrived and was waiting at a small booth across the room until they could get a table for dinner. A bottle of Budweiser was in front of Clint and a glass of water across from him. He stood up as she approached and waited for her to sit before he sat back down.

“You look beautiful,” he said.

“Thank you.” She nodded at the beer. “No Shiner Bock?”

“Unfortunately, they don’t carry it. I ordered you a water with no ice, no lemon, and a straw.” He tipped his head to the side, “Right?”

“Right. Thanks, you’re very attentive.”

“I didn’t want to make another drink faux pas. I figured the water was safe. Would you like anything else?”

“No, that’s good. I don’t drink at all when I’m driving. Besides, I’m a lightweight. It doesn’t take much to make me tipsy.”

“That’s smart. I always limit myself to no more than two beers,” he said. “So, how was your day?”

“Good. We’re making some progress on a difficult case.”

“We? You and your friend that I met at the bar?”

“No. That’s Bob Clark. He and I are both sole practitioners, but I have a private investigator that works with me.”

“That’s right, you called him PJ or something like that, right? You mentioned him when we were at Upstart Crows.”


“Like I said before, that sounds like an exciting job to have. Is he good at it?”

“He’s extremely good at it, but most of the time it’s routine…like my job…like most jobs. It’s just been a little stressful lately with this case. There’s a lot we don’t know and I’m afraid it’s taking up a great deal of his time.”

“Time he’d rather be spending with his family?”

“Not his family exactly.”

“Ahh, a girlfriend?” Clint sounded as if he knew what that was like.

“I don’t know. Maybe. Just an old friend, really, who needs his help.”

“Is this friend sick?”

“No,” Sabre said. She didn’t want to be talking about JP. It was time to get to know Clint. “It’s just a tough case. That’s all.”

Before Sabre could change the subject further, Clint asked, “Anything you can tell me about?”

“No, not really. Sorry.” Sabre took a drink of her water. “How about you? What did you do today?”

“I took my sister to the zoo. I thought it would be good to get her out of the house for a while.”

“That was sweet. You’re a good brother.”

“I don’t know about that. Perhaps if I were a better brother she wouldn’t be in this mess.” He took a swig of his beer. “But enough about that. I want to get to know you better. Tell me, what makes Sabre happy?”

They visited for another fifteen minutes or so until their name was called for a dinner table. Throughout dinner they talked about their lives. Sabre told him more stories about her brother Ron, about falling out of the tree house and breaking her arm when she was ten, and her training for a half-marathon that was coming up in the early spring.

He told her about life on a ranch in Texas, raising pigs, his belief in monogamous relationships, his dream to have a family, and the girl who broke his heart. “She was a beauty queen, smart and independent, quite a combination. She’s the one who got away.” He smiled when he said it, making his statement not sound so serious. “But you learn from those mistakes and make the next relationship better, right?”

“Or make better choices in the beginning.”

“It was a long time ago. I was young. I’d like to think I’m a better man now.”

“I’m sure you are,” Sabre said. She found Clint to be an easy man to talk with and realized she was really having a good time.

When dinner was over, Clint paid the bill. He put his arm lightly around her waist as they walked through the restaurant. At the bottom of the steps, he stepped forward and opened the door for her. When they moved out into the evening air, he took a deep breath. “Love the smell of the ocean air.”

“Just another day in paradise,” Sabre said.

When they reached the car Clint said, “I had a great time.”

“Me too,” Sabre said.

“So, does that mean you’ll do the honor of going out with this Texas boy tomorrow evening?”

“I can’t go tomorrow. I promised my mother I would have dinner with her.”

“We could spend the day together.”

“I’m sorry. I would really like to, but I have to prepare for court on Monday. I have some cases right now that are really demanding my time.” Clint looked very disappointed and Sabre did want to see him again. She knew he had limited time here and she didn’t want him to think she wasn’t interested. “Will Monday evening work?”

He smiled. “It’s a date.” He leaned in and kissed her on the lips, a soft kiss with lips slightly parted, lingering for only a few seconds. Then he opened her car door for her. “I’m an excellent cook. If I were at home I’d invite you to my house and cook for you.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Sabre said.

“I could come to your house.” When Sabre didn’t respond right away, he said, “Maybe I’m stepping over the line here, but I make a mean salmon dinner.” He tipped his head slightly to the right and smiled. “I’m not asking for anything except dinner, you know. I promise I’ll be a good boy.”

Sabre thought about how considerate and attentive he had been and decided it would be fun to be pampered. She nodded. “Okay, you can cook for me. What do you need?”

“Just provide me with the kitchen and I’ll do the rest. I’ll bring everything we need. All you have to do is sit back and watch me work my magic.”

“It’s a deal.”

Chapter 45


The Tran Case

Child: Emma, age 18 mos. (F)

Parents: Father—unknown, Mother—Kim-Ly Tran

Issues: Neglect

Facts: Mother left eighteen-month-old girl in locked room and went to work. Apartment complex caught on fire.


The sun had just begun to rise as JP parked across the street from Scott Le’s house in Golden Hills. A jacaranda tree with its purple flowers peeking out of the blossoms blocked JP’s car just enough so it wasn’t obvious and yet he could still see if someone came to the house or left it. A large cup of black coffee rested snugly in the cup holder. He leaned his seat back just a little to be more comfortable, picked up his coffee cup, and waited.

Nearly an hour and a half passed before Scott Le drove out of his garage in a Gun Metallic Nissan 370Z. JP followed him as he left the neighborhood and drove straight up 30
Street into North Park. He dropped back slightly, keeping several cars between them. Scott Le zigzagged through several residential streets. JP stayed behind him, concerned that Le made so many turns. He hoped he hadn’t been spotted. JP dropped farther back until he saw Le pull into a driveway. Noting the address, JP drove past the house and down the street. Then he turned around and came back, parking before he reached the house. There were enough cars on the street to keep him from being conspicuous. He waited, not exactly sure what he was going to do next.

JP jotted down the address in his notebook while he sat there. He discreetly checked the house every thirty seconds with his binoculars. In less than ten minutes he saw the front door open and an Asian woman in her fifties stepped outside. JP picked up his binoculars and watched as Scott Le stood at the front door yelling at the woman in another language, but JP wasn't close enough to make out the words even if he could have understood them. Through his binoculars, JP caught a glimpse of the woman's face, but most of the time Le blocked his view. When Le stepped away, the woman flung the door open wide before she re-entered. Before she closed it, JP saw what looked like several sewing machines lined up in a row with women sitting behind them. He was momentarily puzzled; he had expected to see a room full of standard living room furniture.

Le got in his car and drove off the same way he came. Again JP followed. This time he stopped at Diamond Dry Cleaners on 30
Street. He wasn’t carrying anything to be cleaned when he approached the door. The sign read Closed. He knocked and a few seconds later someone opened the door. JP couldn't be sure, but it appeared to be a man. Scott Le went inside and about fifteen minutes later he left without any newly-cleaned clothes.

JP followed him back to his home in Golden Hills. He waited for a while and when all the lights in the house went out, he left.




When JP returned home, he immediately researched the property tax records on the house where Scott Le lived in Golden Hills, the house he visited in North Park, and the cleaners. He discovered that Le had owned the Golden Hills home for a little over two years. The Diamond Dry Cleaners property had belonged to David Leland for the past six years, and less than a year ago, Leland had purchased the home in North Park. Further research uncovered two more homes owned by David Leland. He had owned one of them for four years. It was a rental property that was situated in Linda Vista. He had purchased the other property in La Jolla two months ago and it was owner-occupied. Even more interestingly, he had purchased six more dry cleaning businesses in the last twenty-two months as well as one hundred twenty acres of land in Julian, a small town a little over an hour northeast of San Diego.

JP drove to the home in La Jolla, which sat on the side of a hill overlooking the ocean. Like many homes in that area, it had a spectacular view. Meticulous landscaping surrounded a driveway of natural stone. The house appeared to have been recently painted. JP drove past the house a couple of times and then headed to the other home owned by David Leland.

The house in Linda Vista was located in a residential neighborhood not too far from Padre Gold, a well-known local bar. This house was the complete opposite of the La Jolla house. It had no view, the exterior needed paint, and the front yard had a small patch of grass full of weeds. The front windows were covered with dark curtains. A window on the side appeared to be boarded up.

JP parked in front of the house, took a large white envelope out of his trunk, and walked to the front door. A dark-haired Asian woman answered the door. She didn’t open it very wide so JP could see very little inside, but he could hear the whir of sewing machines as they plugged away behind her.

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