It is of course, not enough to visualize oneself as a passenger riding
on a ray of light; and the ride lasted ten years, even for Einstein. But
. This apparent
about the physical world. In the pre-rational codes of the dream, time
film. Needless to say, the relativity of psychological time has nothing to
do with the relativity of time in physics. I merely wished to point out
which it automatically assumes in verbal thought. The Theory of Relativity
was an affront to conceptualized thinking, but not to visualized thinking.
One morning, exactly at sunrise, a Buddhist monk began to climb a tall
mountain. The narrow path, no more than a foot or two wide, spiralled
around the mountain to a glittering temple at the summit.
The monk ascended the path at varying rates of speed, stopping many
times along the way to rest and to eat the dried fruit he carried with
him. He reached the temple shortly before sunset. After several days of
fasting and meditation he began his journey back along the same path,
starting at sunrise and again walking at variable speeds with many
pauses along the way. His average speed descending was, of course,
greater than his average climbing speed.
Prove that there is a spot along the path that the monk will occupy
on both trips at precisely the same time of day. [4]
I used to amuse myself putting this to various friends -- scientists and
others. Some chose a mathematical approach; others tried to 'reason it
out' -- and came to the conclusion that it would be a most unlikely
coincidence for the monk to find himself at the same time of day,
on the same spot on the two different occasions. But others -- who
evidently belonged to the category of visualizers -- saw the solution
in a manner for which the following description of a young woman without
any scientitic training is typical:
I tried this and that, until I got fed up with the whole thing, but
the image of that monk in his saffron robe walking up the hill kept
persisting in my mind. Then a moment came when, super-imposed on this
image, I saw another, more transparent one, of the monk walking down
the hill, and I realized in a flash that the two figures must meet at
some point some time -- regardless at what speed they walk and how
often each of them stops. Then I reasoned out what I already knew:
whether the monk descends two days or three days later comes to the
same; so I was quite justified in letting him descend on the same day,
in duplicate so to speak.
Now it is, of course, quite impossible for the monk to duplicate himself,
and to be walking up the mountain and down the mountain at one and
the same time. But in the visual image he does; and it is precisely
this indifference to logical contradiction, the irrational, dream-like
telescoping of the two images into one, which leads to the solution.
We could call the double image of the monk, or Einstein's traveller
riding on any of light, a
of abstract problems as it
sometimes occurs in dreams; and we could equally well call Kekulé's
serpent which seizes its own tail 'to whirl mockingly before his eyes',
the symbolization of a nascent, unformulated theory; these categories
overlap. The following example illustrates both; it refers to an incident
which has recently come to my knowledge:
Dr. X, a biologist, dreamed that as he was walking home from his
laboratory he was joined by the wife and two children of his colleague
Dr. Y --, one a boy, the other an enchanting little girl. The
little girl seemed to take an immediate liking to X; she insisted
on his picking her up, and gave him a kiss, or rather a peck, on the
cheek. They all walked on with a feeling of friendly elation, but on
arriving at the house where X lived -- it had, unaccountably, become
a big railway-station hotel -- the girl declared peremptorily that she
would be staying with him; and as he looked at her he discovered that
she was no longer a child but an adolescent, 'almost fully developed',
with a provocative glint in her eye. Dr. Y's wife gave him a glance
which showed irony but no surprise; and the girl said to him mockingly:
'Don't worry, I am all brains.' He felt both tempted and terribly
embarrassed; at which he woke up.
The first thought that flashed through his mind was: 'She is Y's
brain-child'; and immediately the message of the dream was clear to
him. Some time earlier on Y had, in conversation, thrown out an idea,
which had taken root in X's mind, and had eventually set him off on
a line of research. The peck on his cheek had been 'the kiss of the
muse'; but by now the idea was 'almost fully developed' -- in fact,
the day before the dream, he had started drafting a paper on the
preliminary results of his research. But he had postponed telling Y
about it until he had something positive to show; and now he could
neither face owning up to Y that he had taken up his brain-child,
nor could he face stealing it (by omitting to give Y due credit in
the paper). The conversion of X's house into a railway hotel indicated
that this state of mind could not be a lasting one.
The dream solved his dilemma by producing a biological analogy for the
growth of a 'brain-child' from infancy to 'full development'. The seminal
idea had been Y's; but it was X who had done the work and brought it to
maturation; every scientist knows that it is quite a different matter to
throw out a casual suggestion which might or might not lead somewhere --
and to follow it up by months of hard work in the laboratory. The dream
made him see the situation in its proper perspective; now all he had to
do was to tell Y the simple facts of the matter, and to give due credit
in his paper to Y's paternity.
On one level of his mind X had, of course, known all this; discovery in
this case, as in many others, consisted in uncovering what had always
been there. But his knowledge had been buried under the rigid crust
of a conventional matrix, which made his conscious thoughts turn in a
vicious circle.
Punning for Profit
Charles Lamb once remarked in a letter that he wished 'to draw his
last breath through a pipe and exhale it in a pun'.
The benefits which the humorist and the poet derive from two meanings
linked together by one sound are evident; in the natural sciences
they are non-existent, for the simple reason that verbal formulation,
the choice of the particular words in which a theory is expressed,
is to a large extent irrelevant to its content. But in the sciences
concerned with language and meaning, the relations between sense and
sound play an important part. Homonyms and homophones, sound affinities
and transformations, are essential pointers in etymology and comparative
philology, in the study of the structure and development of language. I
have mentioned the 'divine pun' by which adåm, man, was created
out of adamåh, earth. Eve's Hebrew name is Havvåh, life;
while ahavvah is love; esh, a synonym for man, has the same root as ish,
fire; and milkhamåh, war, is derived from lekhêm, bread;
so is the village of Beth-lehem: the House of Bread.
Afffinities of sound provide the threads which lead from contemporary
words and concepts back to the Greek and Sanskrit womb. The deciphering
of the scripts of ancient languages is often aided by clues such as the
frequency with which a certain sign occurs, and other 'links' between
sign, symbol, sound, and sense. Thus the links which, in 1821, enabled
Champollion to break into the secret of hieroglyphics, were the proper
names Ptolemy, Cleopatra, and Alexander, which appeared on the Rosetta
Stone (and on various other documents) bearing parallel inscriptions in
Greek and in two different Egyptian scripts. The three names, inscribed
in conspicuous cartouches, provided Champollion with altogether fourteen
alphabetic signs of ascertained value -- certainly the greatest service
which any Cleopatra has rendered to history.
In the infantile and primitive imagination, the ties between sound
and meaning are still very intimate; name and object form an almost
indivisible unity, shown in the universal practices of word magic,
incantations, and verbal spells. Related to this is the belief that the
letters contained in a word form secret connections according to certain
hermeneutical rules -- a belief, shared by Judaism, several other Oriental
religions, and adopted by the Christian Fathers. It was thought, for
instance, that to extract their hidden meaning, certain texts in Hebrew
Scriptures should be arranged in vertical colunms and read downwards; or
that the first and last letter in each word should be used to form new
words; or that the letters should be reduced to their numerical value,
and the sums so obtained should then be manipulated according to the
rules of mystic numberlore. Here we have the archaic origins of the pun,
the crossword puzzle, the acrostic, anagram, and cryptogram, which have
always exerted such a curious fascination in the most varied cultures --
from Pythagoras and Lao-Tse to Champollion and Freud. The humorist's joke,
the linguist's discovery, the poet's euphony, all derive from that source.
The Benefits of Impersonation