The 10 Year Plan (14 page)

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Authors: JC Calciano

Tags: #contemporary fiction, #contemporary gay romance, #contemporary romance, #gay fiction, #gay romantic comedy, #LBGT, #romance, #romantic comedy

BOOK: The 10 Year Plan
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Chapter 21

Richard and Brody drove up in front of Diane's house. The plan was to drop Richard off and take the squad car to Richard's where his own car was. It had been a long frustrating morning, and Brody just wanted to go home and be alone. This wasn't something Brody often craved, but he was a different man now. He wanted to examine his feelings, to reflect on what he was going to do with his life. He was determined to figure out where he had gone wrong and was resolved that when he found out, he'd fix it.

“Are you sure you don't want to join us for brunch?”

Brody knew Richard was worried and didn't want to leave him alone today. “You know a gay man is tired when he passes up brunch. I had a bad night and a crappy morning.” In fact, he couldn't imagine anything worse than being out with people making light of what he was going through. Brody just wanted to be alone, but Richard wouldn't relent.

“Bottomless drinks. I have a feeling you'll get your money's worth today.”

“I'm not really into being around people right now. Especially those in love.” He had to be honest with Richard in hopes that he'd let him just go sulk at home by himself. It was like he was channeling Myles now.

Richard started to open the car door when Diane came out and stuck her head though the window.

“Where the hell were you two?” she asked. “Oh you brought the squad car. Nice touch!” Her face lit up at the thought that she and Richard were going to enjoy a little role-play this afternoon.

“We drove to Nevada this morning. We were trying to catch up with Myles.”

“Nevada!” She looked puzzled. “Why are you looking for Myles?”

“Brody needs to talk to him. He doesn't want him to leave.”

“Well, you missed him.”

“Obviously,” Brody chimed in, trying not to sound overly obnoxious.

“Talk about detective's instinct. I mean he just left! He was here a minute ago.”

“Hey, we can still catch him!” Brody dialed Myles' number. He was done playing with these two and their silly romantic notions on how love works. Brody was in control now and going to do things his way.

“You can't call him,” Diane said. “That's not the way it works in the movies!”

“That's what I tried to tell him,” Richard said in agreement with her.

Yeah, right,
Brody thought, and look how that turned out. He punched Myles' number. There was no answer. In fact, it went directly to voicemail. Either Myles' phone was off, or he didn't want to talk to Brody. Either way, calling was not an option.

Myles, was actually just down the block in his car contemplating what do to do, and wondering if he, in fact, had had too much to drink. Through the rearview mirror he spied Diane and the two men in front of her house. He looked around for a way to escape. It was a cul-de- sac. He'd have to pass in front of Diane's house in order to get away. Myles had only one choice, to try to casually drive by them in hopes that they won't notice. He started his engine and drove down the block. He turned and attempted to quickly drive by.

Suddenly, Diane spotted him. “He's right there!”

Jumping out of the police cruiser and racing as fast as he could, Brody threw himself in front of Myles' car, forcing him to either stop or run over him. Myles slammed on the brakes.

“Are you crazy!” He yelled. “I could have killed you!”

Brody smiled and nodded, as if to acknowledge that indeed he was crazy. But he also wasn't going to move. He had never been happier about anything in his life before, and he was determined not to let Myles get away. He stood leaning against the hood of the car with a stupid grin on his face.

“Move, Brody! Let me go! I refuse to play any more games with you.”

“Are you kidding me? Stop, Myles.”

“No. Get out of my way!”

Diane and Richard hurried to the front of Myles' car, so the three of them stood there blocking the car so it couldn't reverse or go forward. Myles was trapped inside his BMW mini and had no choice but to get out and face Brody. Diane and Richard both looked at Brody and nodded, giving him permission to go to the side window to lure Myles out.

“Come on. The three of you. I have to leave.”

“Myles,” Brody demanded.

“No.” He stuck his head out the window. He looked toward Richard and Diane, the latter of who had now gone round behind his car so he couldn't back up. “Let me go. Move!”

They both just stood there, arms crossed.

“Don't any of you get it?” Myles said, obviously exasperated and angry. “I can't stay here.” He leaned on the horn, but they held their ground. Myles opened the door and stepped out, face filled with frustration. “Why are all of you doing this? There's nothing you can do to make me stay.”

Suddenly, Brody grabbed him and kissed him hard.

Myles stepped back, surprised and annoyed. “Was that supposed to change my mind?”

“That was the plan.” He was more than a bit confused. Myles didn't react like he had hoped or expected about his revelation.

“Well, it didn't work. I can't do this with you anymore. I have to do what's best for me now, and that's getting away from you.” Myles couldn't believe Brody would try to manipulate him like this to try to get him to stay.

It was like a fist punching Brody in the gut. It hurt that much.

“I thought I needed someone to take care of me,” Myles continued. “But I don't.”

Brody needed to make things right with Myles. He was willing to trust someone again. Open his heart for the first time in a decade. “You may not need someone, but you deserve someone. I want to be that someone.” Myles was angry and hurt, he could clearly see it. He was sorry for all the pain he could see in Myles' eyes.

“You're not capable of having a relationship,” Myles said sadly. He wished things could be different between Brody and himself, but he knew that couldn't happen. Brody was who he was and that was never going to change.

“So what have we been doing for the last ten years?” His face held a pleading look. “I may not be the Prince Charming you've been looking for, but you know I'd slay a dragon for you.” Brody's voice cracked with an honesty that Myles had never heard. His face softened with a glow Myles had never ever seen before. No, actually he did see it once and only once.

It was on Myles' graduation day when he showed Myles the two tickets to Paris he had purchased to Paris to propose to Wayne. He knew then that Brody was being sincere.

Myles' tone became softer. “That's not enough, Brody.”

“What more is there?”

“Trust. Companionship. Love. Respect,” Myles said.

“Don't we have all those things?”

Myles didn't answer. Brody had him. He thought for a minute, that maybe, just maybe, he was right.

“I'll make it easy on you then. Since you really don't have a choice,” Brody asserted, catching Myles off guard once again.

“I'm sorry. What did you just say?”

Brody turned to Diane. “I'm glad you're here because I need a lawyer.” He pulled a paper napkin from his pocket. It was the one he and Myles had signed ten years earlier to Myles' utter disbelief.

“I need to know if this is legally binding.”

“I charge seven hundred dollars an hour. “ She paused. “Fine, I'll do it pro bono. Let me see it.” Brody handed her the napkin.

Myles couldn't believe his eyes. That was the napkin they had signed ten years earlier. He was convinced that it didn't exist. He was sure Brody either had thrown it away, or he'd left it at the table, dismissing it as a joke between friends. Myles had written off its existence ten years earlier. Now he was shaken to the core to think that not only had Brody saved it for a decade, but he had also carried it and was now planning on using it as a legal document to bind him and Myles together.

Diane glanced at it and shook her head. “I'm sorry to tell you this, but it's not legally binding. It states that it becomes effective on Myles' birthday. That's not until tomorrow.”

“I'll have to wait another twelve hours?” Brody asked with a grin.

“We can put him under house arrest until this contract is due,” Richard said. “I can leave this perp in your custody.” He delivered the line as if he was booking a hardened criminal.

“I'm sorry, but the law's the law,” Brody said, eyes filled with pleading.

They all looked at Myles, waiting for a response, which did not come quickly. Myles was frozen in shock. Had Brody finally come around? Was Myles to believe that Brody loved him as he had loved Brody all these years? Was his fairy tale coming true, and was he finally about to be with the man of his dreams? Myles didn't know how to react but one thing for sure, he wasn't going to make it easy on Brody.

“I'm glad you've all made a decision on what I should do,” Myles finally said sternly. “Does anyone want to ask me what I think?'

For a moment there was utter silence as Diane, Richard and Brody awaited the verdict from Myles.

“Of course,” Brody answered softly.

“I think after waiting ten years, I deserve a proper kiss.”

A smile erupted on Brody's face as he reached and grabbed Myles. The two men cemented their new relationship with a long-awaited kiss, a kiss that was ten years in the making. They held each other in their arms and pressed their hearts together. They were finally as one and nothing had ever felt so right as this to either of them. Even Diane and Richard were impressed at this display of affection as they looked at each other.


The soft chirp of crickets indicated another warm summer night. Myles lay in his bed completely satisfied. He was a man who now had everything he ever wanted. A big smile crossed his face.
How lucky I am,
he thought.

Suddenly his iPad sprang to life with the sound off his FaceTime ring. Who could be calling him at this hour? Only one person he could think of. He rolled over to see Brody's toothy grin staring at him on the screen. With a swipe of his finger, he answered. “And you're calling me why?” he asked, knowing full well the reason.

“I always call you after I hook up with a hot guy,” he chuckled coquettishly.

“Well, how was it?”

“Let me put it this way. I'm going to have to call you back. I'm about to do it again.”

“That good?” Myles asked, again knowing full well the answer.

“Oh, yes!” He paused. “And by the way, Myles, happy birthday.”

“It certainly is.” Myles answered as he looked next to him in the bed where Brody smiled back at him, obviously pleased at his own cleverness as he held his phone with Myles Face-Timing on it. They looked at each other in a long loving gaze and hung up their respective devices. They had come full circle and now had what they both always wanted but were too blind to see.

As if the movements were choreographed, the two shirtless men rolled toward each other and kissed. Deeply, passionately. They'd finally consummated their love for each other and were about to do it again.

This was by far Myles' best birthday ever, and the final chapter of their ten-year plan.

On Myles' nightstand near them lay the napkin containing the ten-year plan and next to it stood the framed photo of the two of them on the day they first met.



Food is one of the best ways to show and share love. Myles loves to create wonderful meals for his dates in an attempt win their hearts. Here are some of his favorites for you to enjoy and share with your loved ones.

Eggplant Sorrento (Kodi's Mom's Recipe)

Thanks to Kodi's Mom for sharing this family recipe with Myles so he could prepare it on their special date.

Chocolate-Covered Strawberries Infused with Cognac (Date Night Special)

What man is sexier than a man eating a strawberry covered in chocolate? Just wait till a little trickles down the side of his cheek. There's only one way to clean that up -- with a kiss.

Myles' Homemade Tiramisu Recipe (Guaranteed to Win a Man's Heart) 

The last step before whisking him away to the boudoir. What's better than an authentic Italian dessert? Nothing says amore like Tiramisu.

French Onion Soup (Myles' Guilty Pleasure)

Eat only when feeling blue! This always cheers Myles up after being dumped or stood up! Don't forget the baguettes with lots of butter!

Pan-seared Steak au Poivre (Dad's Favorite)

This always put a smile on Dad's face when Myles was growing up. (Just don't tell Mom Myles is cooking behind her back again!) Myles still credits this meal as the reason his father paid his tuition.

Eggplant Sorrento


2 medium sized eggplant (each eggplant makes approx. 6-8 slices)

1 bag frozen spinach

1 clove garlic

All purpose flour – 1 cup

Marinara or a la Vodka 

Garlic powder

Vegetable oil

Salt and pepper

2 eggs

5 oz Parmesan cheese

8 oz Mozzarella cheese

2 cups Italian flavored breadcrumbs

2 pork sausages skin removed


Serves 2-4


• Using Black Eggplants, cut off both ends, cut eggplants vertically 
, remove ends piece and discard 

• Slice eggplant leaving skin on outer edges – slices should be approximately 1/8 of inch, place in colander 

• Salt between each slice, this helps to remove any bitterness 

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