Tey's White Wolf (7 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: Tey's White Wolf
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“Well then let"s get to it. As long as I do not have a terminal disease or have to run naked through the street's singing show tunes, we are good.” Jo said and picked up another piece of pizza.

“Grace is coming to help explain. She was talking to my father and getting everything we need to know.” Jaden said. “If you want to run naked though, we would not care.” Cami laughed and slapped him on the shoulder and then leaned forward and whispered.

“He really likes the songs from the Broadway show „Rent" too.” They all laughed and started teasing each other, but once again became sober when Grace walked in the room and frowned at them.

“Let"s talk.” She said abruptly.

“First, give me a minute here.” Tey said. He looked at Jo and took her hand and then bent on one knee in front of her and reached for something in his pocket. “I know we have only known each other for a short time. I also know you are going through a lot, but I really need you to hear this before anything else is said. The more I learn about you, my complicated little mate, the more I fall in love with you. It really does not matter to me what happened in the past, only the future, and you are my future.

Therefore, I am formally asking you to be my mate, my wife, and my best friend. I will love and take care of you the days of our lives.”

Jo's eyes had begun to water, and she was sniffing by the time Tey was done. She looked up briefly and saw her best friend grinning and crying too. Looking back to Tey, she smiled and nodded. A lump in her throat prevented her from saying anything.

Tey opened a ring box, pulled out a deep blue sapphire, and held out his hand for her to allow him to put the ring on her finger. “Oh my god, that is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.” Jo whispered, bent, and kissed him. “Thank you, and yes, now that I have my voice back, I will be your mate.”

“Now that the mushy stuff is over, can we get down to business?” Grace said and pushed her way into the room.

“Fine, but you need to snap it up; I have a mate to claim.” Tey growled and gave Jo a smoldering look that made her panties wet.

“What did my father say?” Quin said.

“Plainly, we have been blessed by the spirits once again. There have only been three White Wolves in our known history. Some speculate there are more, but they hide themselves because they are so coveted. The White Wolf is the purest of the wolves.

They are usually royalty and have special powers. Quin"s father did a little research, and a White Wolf cannot be made. They have to be born. Sometimes their abilities remain dormant to protect the wolf. He thinks that when you were bitten that your wolf came to the surface. There has not been a White Wolf in the last two hundred years. The Council is sending the Seer and three members to Denver. They should be arriving tomorrow. They want to see Jo and Tey. They did not know what your powers are because the White Wolf generally keeps it secret from everyone but their Alpha, this I can tell you. Your status in the Pack is equal to the Alphas. Many people will try to take you and use your powers. You need to act now, to prevent the Rogues from getting anywhere near you. In addition, you have to claim her; Jo needs to have an anchor.

That is one thing that the Council did say, she will get her powers soon, and if she is unclaimed, she will be unable to control them. Tey will be her balance and anchor, they must never be separated.” Grace said dramatically.

Tey jumped up, called Devon, and asked him to come to the apartment immediately.

Quin and Jaden huddled and spoke softly to each other, and Cami laughed and clapped her hands. Everyone stopped and looked at her, as if she was crazy.

“Don"t you get it? Jo, you were a wolf before you were attacked.” Cami said.

“Yeah, I got that little tidbit. What the hell is so funny?” Jo growled at her friend, having a hard time thinking and concentrating.

“Grace told me after I became pregnant. A wolf cannot get pregnant, unless she has sex with her mate. Even female humans that have mated are only able to get pregnant with their mates. You were a wolf that means that you can have babies, but only with Tey.” Cami said and clapped.

“I was hurt during the attack though.” Jo said confused why her friend would think this is good.

“You were a wolf, you healed. It would look like you were barren to human doctors, because you were unmated. Even our doctor can explain it.” Grace said frowning.

Tey smiled and gathered a shocked Jo in his arms and whispered in her ear. “I think we may get started with that family, don"t you think?”

Jo wanted a family, when the doctor told her she would never have children she had gone into a depression. She felt like half a woman. Now they were telling her she could have children. The information was slowly making its way into her brain, and she grinned. “Everybody out, Cami, I will call you later.” Devon knocked on the door, but was pushed back into the hallway by his Alphas which were laughing. “We will take care of bringing the Enforcers up to date. Guards will be posted for the remainder of the night.”

Tey smiled and slammed the door behind his friends. He only had one thing on his mind, and that was claiming his mate.

Jo laughed as she watched him. Tey turned and prowled toward her. Her eyes widened, and thought this was what it felt like to be prey. She stood up instinctively wanting to run.

“I don"t think so.” Tey growled, suggesting he saw the look in her eyes that she was about to take flight. “We have some business to take care of.”

“Business? That"s what you call it?” She said frowning.

“Okay, how about, some fucking to take care of?” Tey said grinning.

Jo laughed and smiled at her mate. How had she gotten so lucky? “May I at least suggest we move into the bedroom?”

Tey grabbed her, hoisted her over his shoulder, and walked quickly to the master bedroom. When he got there, he threw her on the bed. Jo bounced a few times and laughed.

Tey began undressing and said, “If you aren"t naked in the next thirty seconds, your clothes will be shredded.”

Quickly getting on her knees, she threw the sweats off as fast as she could, all the while watching him strip his clothes. My Gods, he had the best body she had ever seen. His trimmed and beautiful body had muscles in all the right places. She slowly looked at him, starting from his head and moved down slowly. When she came to his cock, her eyes widened. Holy hell, it would never fit.

“Oh it will fit just fine.” He drawled and crawled on the bed toward her.

Tey captured her mouth in a searing kiss that left her breathless. She placed her hands on his chest and began to explore his chiseled body. His skin was soft and it felt like small electrical currents were running through her fingertips. When she touched him, she could feel the power flowing through them.

He left her mouth and slowly kissed down to her neck. Running his teeth across her neck several times, causing her to shake from the need for him to bite her.

Reaching his stomach, she teased him by running her hand gently over his groin, never actually, touching where he wanted her. Growling he flipped her on her back and pulled her hands over her head, holding them with one hand while positioning her so her chest was pushed out offering her breasts to feast on.

Slowly circling one nipple with his tongue, and then moving to the other, teasing them until they were beaded and straining toward him wanting to have his full treatment.

After making sure she was writhing under him from the teasing, Tey looked up at her and grinned before lowering his head and taking one nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. He rolled the nipple between his tongue and the roof of his mouth until she cried out in ecstasy. Then he moved to the other side and did the same thing. Jo panted and wondered if she could come from just having her nipples sucked.

Moving back up to her mouth he slowly kissed her, swallowing her moans. “Do not move your hands, grip the head board.” He ordered, and she complied so he would not stop.

Satisfied that she was going to do what he said, he let her wrists go, and then used both hands to tenderly take both breasts. Kneading them and alternately sucking and biting, she soon was on the edge again.

Then he released her breasts and moved lower. Kissing her stomach and running his tongue around her bellybutton, making sure every inch of her was touched and caressed, and soon he was moving between her legs. She could feel the wetness on her thighs and wondered what he thought of her being so wet.

“I love how your pussy is already weeping for me. It is asking for me to kiss it.” Tey muttered and Jo sighed at the first touch.

Licking her from the front to back, he groaned in approval of her taste. “Like cotton candy. Did I ever tell you that was my favorite sweet? Now I can have it anytime I want.

It even looks like spun sugar.”

Jo screamed when she felt him suck her clit in his mouth. The sudden touch made a small orgasm seep through her. “Please.” She cried wanting more.

“Not yet, I have not had my fill.” He grumbled and began licking her again. Slowly, lapping at her pussy, licking it as you would a sucker. Circling her clit at each pass but never actually touching her throbbing button again. She felt him insert one finger into her opening, and once again cried out pleading with him to give her a release.

Then he moved and put another finger in her, and held her in place as she tried to fuck herself on his fingers. In and out, he moved his fingers as he licked her juices that were seeping from her cunt.

“Okay baby, now come.” He ordered and sucked in her clit again and Jo screamed as her orgasm crashed over her.

“FUCKIN" A, baby, you are gorgeous when you come.” He said and kissed his way back up her body, as she tried to control the tingles she felt pulsing through her.

He kissed her. She tasted herself on his tongue, and she almost came again from the overwhelming feeling the taste of them combined gave her.

Tey spread her legs wide and situated himself between them. Slowly, he pushed into her entrance, and Jo groaned at the invasion. He was the largest man she had ever had sex with, not that she had a lot of comparison, but Tim had been quite a bit smaller than Tey.

“I am gonna fuck you until you can"t walk tomorrow.” He growled and thrust into her with one stroke.

Jo screamed with passion, and threw her arms around his neck trying to keep from being pushed through the wall from the power of his thrusts.

“Come on baby, come all over my cock.” He whispered in her ear, and she pushed up against him with her thrust. They set a fast a furious pace and Jo could feel the tingling of a new orgasm building.

“Harder.” She cried and Tey grunted as he slammed into her changing his movement slightly so with every thrust, he brushed her clit.

“Almost there.” He cried and raised his head and showed her his fangs that had descended from his mouth. Turning her head and offering him her neck, Tey smiled in approval and then thrust one last time hard and bit into her neck claiming her as his mate. When her flavor burst over his tongue, he came so hard he thought he was going to pass out. When he felt Jo sink her teeth into his shoulder and draw on his blood, he came again and thrust into her until she milked him dry.

Jo and Tey collapsed and panted. “Fuckalious.” Jo said breathlessly.

“Where the hell do you come up with this shit?” Tey laughed.

“Author.” She said and laughed.

Rolling on to his side, he pulled her to him and buried his face in her neck licking where he bit her. Slowly, the exhaustion of the last few days pulled them both under.

Just before dropping off Jo whispered, “I love you too.” Tey smiled and pulled her closer, this was how it should be he thought, well except for the threats and attempted murder that is. Tey frowned then and thought about how they were going to keep Jo safe. The Alphas said they were not going to be able to be separated, what exactly did that mean?

Chapter 7

More pounding woke the pair of lovers up. Jo stretched and groaned when she felt the soreness from the loving that Tey had given her. It was amazing to wake in his arms and feel safe. The future was looking so bright.

Tey got up, slapped her ass, and said. “Shower, obviously we have company.”

“Yes, oh master of my universe.” She said smartly.

“I like that title.” He grinned and pulled on his pants from the floor. “I will be back to help you wash.”

Tey walked down the corridor and opened the door. Devon was standing there with Levi and Trent.

“Sorry to disturb you but we were just notified the Seer, and the Council members have just landed. We also have to go over security again. TJ saw a Rogue approach that Tim guy when he left here. Quin called his father and they are sending two of his brothers to join us. We need to have a special detail for you and Jo. Levi and Trent will be the lead guards.” Devon said.

Tey looked at the two younger wolves and smiled. They may be young, but Tey had trained both, and knew what they could do. Levi was one of the best trainees he had ever had. He knew the young wolf was more than capable of taking on this detail.

“How long?” Tey asked

“I would say about an hour and a half before you actually have to make an appearance.” Devon snickered.

Tey laughed and shut the door again and then walked quickly back to where his mate was. They could have little more fun before the seriousness of having to meet the Council would set in.

Jo had already started the shower and was under the warm water. Tey grinned and took off his clothes quickly and opened the door. Jo squealed and turned around.

“Who did you think it was?” He laughed.

“A random, tall, dark, and handsome wolf who wants to have his way with me.” She said.

“You just want a spanking don"t you?” He said and laughed when she turned around and shook her ass at him. Grabbing her waist, he pulled her back against him.

He reached around and cupped her breasts, teasing the nipples by plucking them until they were standing at attention.

Jo groaned and pushed her chest out, begging him to take her aching breasts into his hands. Grabbing one breast with one hand and then letting the other trail down her body and play with the curls that were hiding her pussy. She moaned and pushed against him.

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