Texas Size Passion (A Cowboy's Heart Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Texas Size Passion (A Cowboy's Heart Book 2)
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“I…I am quite impressed with the ‘surprise’ that you have for me, John.” Emily replied. Her voice shook slightly due to her bashful and embarrassed emotions slipping out into her voice at the same time with one another. “It is certainly something that I wasn’t prepared for at all.”

“Do you like what I have to give to you?”

“Y-Yes…I do like what you have to give to me very much, and feel special that you wish for me to be the one to accept it.”

“And you will be the only one to have what I present to you tonight and other nights to come…No other woman will be able to experience the kind of pleasure that I wish to bring to you.”

For a brief moment, her heart warmed and grew in size due to her excitement and contentment at him announcing to her that she would be the only one that would have the chance to experience his ‘gift’ to its fullest. The fact that he was announcing to her that she was the one he wanted to bring absolute pleasure to made her spirit soar up higher than it had been in a long time.

However, it was her conscience breaking down the statement he had made to her that had warmed her up to them, and started to show its alarm to her with its own statement to her.

I suggest that you get ready, Emily.
The little voice inside of her whispered to her, speaking with a hint of concern in its tone.
He is planning to have sex with you at this very moment, and really show you how wonderful his ‘gift’ truly is.

Emily’s contentment went out the window and was replaced with nervousness about the idea of having sex with him. She had never been intimate with another man before and retained her virginity for all of her life up to that point.

She never let her ex-boyfriend, Johnathon, get that close to her. He had always tried to warm her up to the idea of them having sex, but she wouldn’t have anything to do with him doing it with her since she knew the kind of man he was and what he had in mind to do to her.

“Is something wrong, Emily?”

She managed to snap herself out of the temporary daze that had washed over her body, and focus on his curious on his face. Emily tried to keep herself from showing her inner feelings on her face, but couldn’t keep them out of her voice as she spoke from the heart.

“John…There is something that you need to know about me before we go any farther.”

“Are you pregnant or-“

“N-No!” Her voice nearly jumped out of her mouth in a hurry at the notion of him thinking she was pregnant and that she was nervous about having sex with him due to carrying an unborn child. “I am not pregnant at all, John-“

“It is okay, Emily.” John’s deep voice had a slight chuckle in it for a moment but showed his compassion for her. “Even if you were, it would not be a problem with me.”

“It…It wouldn’t be an issue?”

“Emily…I am not some heartless bastard that would turn away a beautiful and sweet woman like yourself just because she was carrying a child of another man. Trust me when I say this…There is nothing that is going to deter me from remaining here with you.”

Once again, her heart warmed up even more at his answer he gave to her. There seemed to be nothing about John that she didn’t admire. He had all the qualities she had been searching for and even hoping that Johnathon would grow to possess. There was no reason for her to keep looking for someone else when he was right here with her.

“I am glad to hear that…but that is not the problem.”

“Then…What is the problem?”

“I…I am still a virgin, John.”




Chapter Twenty-Four




              It all became quite clear to him about what it was that troubled his southern beauty and kept her from fully giving in. She was still a virgin from never having sex with another man before in her whole entire life, and the way he had spoken to her about the pleasure he wished to give to her was one of the catalysts behind her nervousness and uncertainty about the situation he had brought before her.

With a caring smile dancing across his face, John chose to keep his tone at a very sincere tone even though his desire to possess her found its way creeping out and to the surface.

“There is nothing wrong with you being a virgin, Emily.” He whispered with every word coming out of his mouth dripping with pure sincerity and sensuality.

“R-Really?” Emily asked, softly. Her shock at him being fine with the fact that she was a virgin still at the age she was at the moment surfaced in her southern accent, slowly mixing in with that of the light sensuality that had remained in it. “You…You don’t see any issue with me being ‘inexperienced’ in this particular area?”

“Not at all…” The desire that he had burning deep inside of his physically fit body for the piece of heaven that he had pinned to a wall with the entrance of her vagina within a few inches of his erect and rock hard cock started to pour out into his words. “In fact…It is a great turn on for me.”


“It is. I find great pleasure in knowing that you have been waiting for the right person to be the one to make you a complete woman, and that you are giving me the chance of being the first man to be intimate with you and help you cross the threshold into womanhood.”

“I never thought that you would be the type of guy to find such pleasure in this.”

“I am not like the others who have let you down, Emily, and I am sure as hell not like that punk ass ex-boyfriend of yours”

His eyes maintained their focus on her angelic face while he let his firm stand on the situation he was in at the moment with her come to the surface in his voice. John saw no point in holding back or hiding the emotions he felt inside of him for her or for his stance on the subject he was talking to her about.

“I have the means to make you the most happiest woman on this planet that we both call our home, and I will show you all that I can give to you…if you will give me the chance and let me demonstrate how strongly I feel for you both inside…and out.”

The sound in his voice had become softer and more shaky out of nervousness of her possibly turning him away even after he had put all his cards on the table for her to see and realize for herself how much he truly cared for her and wanted to be the only man in her life for her.

The feelings of uncertainty that had been ravaging his system for a few brief moments only lasted for just a second or two longer before the warmth of Emily’s tender palm sliding against a side of his face sent the emotions running for higher ground. His eyes glanced to where her hand was placed against the soft skin of his cheek before they moved in the direction of her face just as she was proceeding to end the momentary silence that had fallen between the two of them.




*                            *                            *




              “I want you to be the one that helps me over the very last threshold that is keeping me on the other side of becoming a full woman.”

Emily decided to discard the fear that she possessed inside for the initial pain of him thrusting his dick inside, and breaking past her hymen that had remained intact all of her life. She didn’t want it to hold her back from experiencing something that not only her body but she sincerely needed with such a strong need that it could not be ignored.

“John…” Emily whispered, “You are the only man that I want to be the one to be my first sexual experience, and for the others to come.”

“Are you sure about this, Emily?” John asked, matching the soft tone she was speaking with in his own deep voice. “I don’t want to rush you into something that you are not ready for.”

“There is not a shadow of a doubt about it, John. This is something that I not only want…but need with such a strong fire that it can’t be ignored.”

“Very well, darling. I won’t keep you waiting anymore.”

The moment she caught what he said to her, her body instantly tried to prepare itself for what was fixing to happen. She knew very well that the pain of her hymen breaking by the head of his large shaft thrusting itself deep inside of her tight vagina would send a shockwave through her entire body, and leave her gasping for air.

Nodding her head to him, Emily kept her eyes on his, gazing upon him with a loving expression pouring out of them. She discovered his own stare to be looking back at her with one that was just as caring as the one that she had been showing him.

“Emily…I promise that the pain will only last a few seconds, and that it will be nothing but pure and absolute pleasure afterwards.”

“I believe you, John…and I am ready.”

No sooner had she finished her sentence to him, Emily discovered an intense pain unlike anything she had ever felt before rush through her entire body with the starting point being deep inside of her pussy where her hymen had been. She tightly closed her eyes, and let out a soft yet high pitched cry that sounded like a gasp for air.

Oh my god! This hurts so much!
Emily struggled to keep her tears from rolling down her cheeks due to the amount of discomfort spreading out to every fiber of her being and leaving her almost frozen with the stabbing sensation keeping her company.
I didn’t think it would hurt THIS much!

What were you thinking it would feel like, Emily?
Her conscience slipped its own thoughts about the situation inside of her mind, letting it come from the recess of it to the front.
Did you honestly believe that it wasn’t going to hurt you like it is right now?

To be quite honest…Yes. That is exactly what I thought. I didn’t think that it would be hurting me as much as it is right now.

Well…It is a little late for you to be backing out of the pain now. You are in the heart of it now, and it is going to take a little time before-

Her conscience’s point of view on the situation fell silent the second that Emily registered a warm sensation against her face where several tears had started to trail down from her clenched eyes. She fluttered her eyes open, and managed to focus on him looking to her with a remorseful expression matching the growing tone in his voice.

“I am so sorry, Emily.” John said, whispering, with an apologetic tone pouring out of his Texan accent. “I promise though that the pain will start to pass by quickly, and you will be able to enjoy the unadulterated pleasure that comes with it.”

No sooner had she caught what he had said to her, Emily started to find the pain gradually leaving her, and having an intense sensual bliss take its place with such a vengeance that it nearly caused a soft moan to slip out of her mouth.

She struggled to keep her composure as she focused on his face despite her own arousal coming out of her eyes towards him, and in her soft, shaky tone making its way out of her mouth in his direction with all of the desire she possessed inside of her for him pouring out with it.

“I…I believe you on that, John.”












Chapter Twenty-Five




              It didn’t take a brain surgeon to know what was going on with Emily at that moment. She was under the intense pleasure that was next to following suit for someone that had been a virgin all their life, and never had an intimate moment with the opposite sex in all of their lives.

Being the one to be the source of the very emotion that had begun ravaging her body from head to foot, it brought a sensual yet wicked grin dancing across the strong features of his face. The level of confidence and arousal intensified much higher and hotter than they had been.

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