Test Drive (Crossroads Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Test Drive (Crossroads Book 3)
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“I wouldn’t think of it.” Drew smiled and leaned over. It was like he was the positive electron and Justin the negative, making the strongest spark of static electricity. Justin couldn’t keep himself from leaning over as well and letting Drew press a quick kiss to…his forehead? Huh. He’d expected the lips. He’d never had a man other than Drew kiss his head.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” Drew added.

“Not so bad? That’s all I get?” he teased.

“For now. I’m not sure this is the right time for all that I want to say.” Drew put the truck into reverse and started to back out.

It was there, the question on his tongue, wanting to know what Drew had to say, but Justin had a feeling the other man was right. He had a feeling it might change everything and he didn’t know if it was the right time to throw more into the mix. But still… “I need to thank you again for being there today. I didn’t realize I needed that and with what’s going on with my dad and my family…I don’t think I have it in me to sort through my thoughts right now. That’s shitty and unfair but—”

“But nothing,” Drew interrupted. “I get it.”

And as much as he hated the words, as much as he didn’t want to say them, Justin knew he needed to repeat what they both knew. “I live in North Carolina. I own a home there. I’m enrolled in school there. My mother is there.” She was his family. Yes, Shanen and Landon were too, but she was the one who had always been there. She was the one who would always have his best interests at heart. “Being in Virginia is temporary.”

He could see Drew’s fingers tighten on the steering wheel. Could see the slow tic in his jaw, and damned if it didn’t make him want to take the words back…but he couldn’t. They had to be realistic.

“I know that.” Drew didn’t look at him. A searing pain ripped through Justin’s chest. He wanted to fix it. Wanted to let go of everything else tonight.

He reached over and squeezed Drew’s muscular thigh. “I’m here now, though, and the only reason things feel remotely okay is because of you. Can we just focus on that? Just let everything else fade to the background and try to live in the moment?”

It took a few seconds, but Drew’s right hand slipped off the steering wheel and gripped Justin’s. “Yeah…yeah we can.”

Because right now was the only thing in this world that was promised.


Drew couldn’t believe he was in a gay bar with his brother. His straight-laced brother who currently had his arm intertwined with Rod’s as they gave each other shots.

What the fuck was this life?

“Next is a blowjob for you, Jacob! Blowjobs loosen everyone up,” Rod told his brother and then looked over at Landon. “For you it’s a real one. We’ll save that for later, though.” Rod winked and Landon rolled his eyes, nothing but love and affection on his face.

“Losing your touch?” Bryce asked. “The Rod I know wouldn’t wait until later. He’d be dragging Landon off to some corner somewhere.”

“Don’t give him any ideas!” Landon playfully hit the other man’s shoulder. Drew liked Nick and Bryce. They were fun men to be around—Bryce loud and sarcastic, Nick a little more subdued, but incredibly kind.

“Why not? It’s a good idea,” Bryce countered. “It’s what I’m planning on doing with Nick in a few minutes. There’s always time for a blowjob.”

“Smart man,” Justin whispered in Drew’s ear as he wrapped his arms around him from behind. When they met in this bar, jerking each other off, not knowing more than first names, he never would have thought they’d end up here. Together. With their families. Drew being in love for the first time in his life, because he was, he realized. There wasn’t a part of him that doubted his feelings.

“Oh! That reminds me of that old Jell-O commercial!” Rod grinned.

“There was a commercial about Jell-O and giving head? How’d I miss that?” Bryce asked.

“No! The
always time for
part. All you had to do was spell blowjob instead. That should have been my joke. I totally would have thought of it. Who’s losing their touch now?”

The group all laughed. Drew felt Justin’s laugh vibrate through him, and it made him smile.

“Don’t you have a business to run or something?” Bryce teased him back.

“Rods-N-Ends is in great hands without me,” Rod replied.

Wait. “Rods and what?” Drew asked. “What’s that?”

Landon leaned closer to Drew to reply. “He owns an adult toy store, called Rods-N-Ends. It’s where we met and where he met Nick and Bryce too.”

Somehow the knowledge that Rod owned a store for sex toys didn’t shock Drew in the least.

“Landon was quite the fan of his hand, when he met me. He used a lot of lube.” Rod nudged Landon, who pulled Rod into his arms.

“Nope. The first time I needed lube. All the other times I just went because of the sexy-ass man who ran the store.” He pressed a kiss to Rod’s forehead much like Drew had done to Justin in the truck.

He looked around at the three couples—Jacob and Shanen, Landon and Rod, and Nick and Bryce, and wondered if this would be their lives if Justin lived here. If he and Justin would be committed like the six people here with them. If they’d meet up for drinks on the weekends and have cookouts together.

As if Justin could read his mind, he squeezed Drew tighter.

“Feel free to stop by the store sometime. I’ll give you guys the family and friends discount.”

“I think we have it under control,” Justin replied to Rod. “But thanks.”

From there they continued to talk and hang out. He liked these people a lot, he realized. Rod liked to make people laugh. Drew could tell it was his way to try and make people feel better. Landon was strength and love. Nick was the definition of kindness. He reached out to catch someone when they almost fell and he spoke about a food drive he was doing for a homeless shelter in town. Bryce looked at him like he was the most important person in the world, and also with respect. He could see a streak of loyalty in Bryce a mile long. Shanen was sweet and caring and kept his brother steady.

They were a good group of people and Drew was honored to know them all.

Jesus, he didn’t know why he was getting so emotional lately—why the world suddenly looked different to him—but he had a feeling it was because of the man behind him.

“Dance with me, Cinderella,” Justin whispered in his ear, and Drew nodded.

Justin hooked one of his fingers through one of Drew’s and led the way through the crowded bar. People danced and talked and drank around them. They weaved their way through bodies as Justin headed for the same corner they’d made out in the first night they met.

The music was fast, but they moved slow. They kept their arms wrapped around each other, grinding their dicks together as they swayed.

“This has been a good night,” Justin said against his ear. “Spending time with Shanen and Landon. Getting to know their significant others. I’m happy for them. I know your brother—”

“It isn’t an issue.” Drew cut him off. He didn’t want Justin to feel as though liking Jacob was a betrayal. “We came to an agreement together. We’re working on our relationship, partly because of you.”

“Yeah?” There was awe in Justin’s voice. “I’m not sure what I did but I’m glad. You’re too good a person for anyone not to see that.”

Drew’s pulse quickened. “You trying to get in my pants?”

“No. I thought that was already promised.”

Drew smiled as he let his hands run up and down Justin’s back, loving the feel of the muscles there. Being with him felt as natural as breathing. “Yes, it is.”

“I’m scared,” Justin said softly. “I’m scared of losing my father. I’m scared of not having a place with my siblings when he’s gone.”

“I know,” Drew whispered, his heart breaking. He wrapped his arms around Justin tighter, greedy for him. To comfort him, to fix whatever it was that hurt him. “You will, though. They love you. I see it. And even outside of Shanen and Landon, you have friends here. People who care about you—Nick, Bryce, Rod…”

“You,” Justin added.

“Nah, I’m pretty much over you.” Drew tried to keep the mood light, when really he wanted to tell Justin he was all fucking in. Maybe it was soon and maybe he was somehow just wrapped up in his first relationship with a man, but this didn’t feel like a test drive to Drew. It felt like the real deal.

“Then I guess I better take advantage of you while I have the chance. Can we go home and get to the fucking now?” Justin asked. Drew was all on board with that idea as well.


Neither Justin or Drew drank much and they’d stopped quite a while before they danced, so he felt comfortable with Drew driving them home.

They were both quiet as they drove, and Justin wondered if Drew was thinking about them the way he was. About their surprising spiral into what would likely be a very real relationship if they didn’t have completely separate lives in separate states. What was it about the man that ensnared him so completely?

Before he knew it, they were pulling into the driveway of Drew’s home and just like every time he saw it, Justin was struck by how beautiful it was. He had never felt like the little house he’d shared with his father was home, but there was something incredibly comforting about being at Drew’s.

They got out of the truck, and as they approached the porch, the sensors made the light click on. It reminded Justin of the first time he’d come home with Drew. When he was drunk and being ridiculous, and how far they’d come since then.

When Drew went to put the key in the lock, Justin nestled his body against Drew’s back. “You were right. Your ass does look fucking sexy in these jeans.” He rubbed his dick against Drew’s jean-covered ass, just as Drew hissed and the keys went clattering to the porch.

Justin grabbed his hips. Let one hand slide down to cup Drew’s erection as he continued to thrust his prick against him. “Butter fingers.”

“How in the fuck am I supposed to concentrate when you do that?”

Justin pulled Drew’s hat off and put it on his own head. “I didn’t do this the first time we stood on your porch together and I seem to remember the same thing happening.”

Drew dropped his head backward to rest on Justin’s shoulder. “Yeah, but I was wishing you would. Jesus, what do you do to me?”

“I don’t know, but whatever it is, you do the same thing to me,” Justin answered honestly. He pulled back and kneeled behind Drew. He rubbed Drew’s firm ass with one hand while he found the keys with the other. Then he was back on his feet, arms on either side of Drew’s body while Drew fumbled with the lock, and thrust his dick against Drew again.

Drew had one hand flat on the door, his forehead pressed against it. His breath came out in heavy, quick gasps as Justin grinded against him.

“Please…” Drew whispered and Justin’s dick hardened even more.

“Your ass is hungry for me, isn’t it? You want my cock deep inside you. Christ, I want that too, baby, but not tonight. You promised to fuck me the second we walked through the door. The first time I take you will be in your bed where I can do you right. Worship your tight, little hole with my fingers and my mouth before I take it, before I show you how fucking amazing it feels to have a dick buried deep inside you. My dick.” He nipped at Drew’s ear.

“Yes…God, yes.”

Justin finally managed to get the lock and pushed the door open. Drew stumbled inside, pulling Justin with him. The second they were closed in the house, they were on each other—kissing and tearing at each other’s clothes.

“Jesus, I can’t get enough of you. You’re on my fucking mind all the time. I want my dick inside you every goddamned second,” Drew said as he pulled Justin’s shirt over his head, taking the hat with it.

Justin fell back against the door. His hand knotted in the longer hair on the top of Drew’s head. His tongue flicked over Justin’s nipple. “The way you taste,” he said before licking again. “The way you smell.” He nuzzled his face in the crease of Justin’s arm. If he went just a little bit more, he would have his face right in Justin’s armpit. “The way you feel.” Drew palmed Justin’s dick and he knew the damn thing was leaking all over behind his fly. “You drive me fucking wild.”

“Christ.” Justin closed his eyes as Drew delivered torturous pleasure. “How in the hell did you get control of this?”

“Because I’m good,” Drew whispered against Justin’s collarbone.

“So am I.” Justin turned them, made Drew’s back slam against the door as their lips crashed together. He expertly worked Drew’s pants as his tongue plunged deep into his mouth.

He was a predator, devouring his prey. He wanted to eat the man alive.

Justin dropped to his knees and shoved Drew’s pants down, before he stepped out of them. The second his thick, veiny cock sprung free, Justin sucked the motherfucker to the back of his throat, tasting salty skin and pre-come.

“You don’t play fair,” Drew gasped out as he guided Justin, pushed him closer until Justin had no choice but to breathe in Drew’s pubes.

And he fucking loved it. Loved the wild, hungry side of this man.

When Drew’s hand eased off, Justin pulled back. Drew’s cock popped out of his mouth, glistening with saliva. “So you want me to stop?” Justin teased.

“Fuck, no.”

“That’s what I thought,” Justin told him before he went after him again. He alternated between deep-throating Drew’s prick, sucking his balls, and nuzzling his face in the crease of Drew’s leg and breathing him in. “Spread your legs,” he told Drew before sucking a finger into his mouth. When Drew did as he was told, Justin let that finger find Drew’s pucker, and pushed it inside.

“Oh fuck. Jesus, that feels so damned good.”

“I can’t wait until it’s my cock pushing into your virgin hole. Gonna treat you right, baby. Gonna love you good.”

“Do it now,” Drew rushed out.

With the tip of Drew’s cock in his mouth, Justin looked up, trying to read Drew, to see if he really meant what he said.

“Jesus, you are so fucking beautiful. That’s where you belong, looking up at me with my dick in your mouth. I belong there for you too, Justin. But right now, I really need you to take me. I really need to know what it feels like to have you fill my ass. To make it yours.”

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