Terror in the Balkans (61 page)

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Authors: Ben Shepherd

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38. Edward B. Westermann,
Hitler’s Police Battalions: Enforcing Racial War in the

(Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2005), 1–19.

39. See Appendix A.

40. The 1931 census returns of four eastern Bosnian districts in 1931 record 79,738 Mus-

lims as opposed to 59,939 Orthodox Serbs. By contrast, the 1931 census records of

four districts in the vicinity of Mount Kozara record 32,665 Muslims as opposed to

119,850 Orthodox Serbs. Dulic´,
Utopias of Nation: Local Mass Killing in Bosnia and

Herzegovina, 1941–42
, 177, 216.

41. In addition, two movements might temporarily coalesce to fi ght another that they considered a greater mutual threat at the time. See Hoare,
Genocide and Resistance in Hitler’s Bosnia: The Partisans and the Chetniks 1941–1943
, 208–212 (Partisans and Ustasha against Chetniks), 233–234, 262, 274 (Chetniks and Ustasha against Partisans).

42. Geoffrey Swain,
Tito: A Biography
(London: I. B. Tauris, 2011), 46–48.

43. Hoare,
Genocide and Resistance in Hitler’s Bosnia: The Partisans and the Chetniks
, 239–246.

44. Ibid., 278, 283–284.

45. Schmider,
Partisanenkrieg in Jugoslawien 1941–1944
, 190–192.

46. Tomasevich,
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and Collabo-

, 279.

47. MFB4/17201, 28328/10, 241–247. KG Serbien Ia, 10/1/42. Betr.: Lagebericht, 9/21–

9/30/42, p. 5.

48. MFB4/17201, 28328/10, 426–431. KG Serbien Ia 10/31/42, Lagebericht, 10/21–10/31/42, p. 5.

49. Stevan K. Pavlowitch,
(London: Ernest Bevin, 1971), 136.

Notes to Pages 199–203

50. Hoare,
Genocide and Resistance in Hitler’s Bosnia: The Partisans and the Chetniks
, 320–325; Stevan K. Pavlowitch,
Hitler’s New Disorder: The Second World
War in Yugoslavia
(London: Hurst, 2008), 128–131; Swain,
Tito: A Biography
, 49–55.

51. Tomasevich,
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: The Chetniks
, 229.

52. Tomasevich,
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and Collabo-

, 274–279.

53. Tomislav Dulic´,
Utopias of Nation: Local Mass Killing in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
(Uppsala: Uppsala University Library, 2005), 288–292.

54. Schmider,
Partisanenkrieg in Jugoslawien 1941–1944
, 176.

55. Tomasevich,
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and Collabo-

, 277–278.

56. Schmider,
Partisanenkrieg in Jugoslawien 1941–1944
, 176.

57. Tomasevich,
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and Collabo-


58. Timothy P. Mulligan
, The Politics of Illusion and Empire: German Occupation

Policy in the Soviet Union, 1942–1943
(New York: Praeger, 1988), 139. On the Commando Order, see also Philip W. Blood,
Hitler’s Bandit Hunters: The SS and the

Nazi Occupation of Europe
(Washington, DC: Potomac, 2006), 81–83.

59. Schmider,
Partisanenkrieg in Jugoslawien 1941–1944
, 165–166.

60. See, for example, Löhr’s orders of October 18 and December 7, 1942 (ibid., 174, 182).

61. MFB4/17201, 28328/11, 466–467. Der Wehrmachtbefehlshaber im Südosten zugl.

mit der Führung der 12. Armee beauftragt, 10/28/42; Schmider,
Partisanenkrieg in

Jugoslawien 1941–1944,

62. IWM, NHT Document 1722 (translation). War Diary of the Commanding General

and Commander in Serbia Ia, 10/2/42. Captured German documents used at the

Nuremberg Trials were translated into English; sometimes, as is the case here, the

translations were not of the highest quality.

63. IWM, NHT Document 1722 (translation). Commanding General and Commander

in Serbia Ia, 10/10/42. Subject: Precautionary measures against enemy attacks.

64. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 509–510. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 9/26/42. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 29 für Versammlung der Kampfgruppe Suschnig zur Entsetzung von Jajce, p. 1.

65. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 569–570. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 10/5/42. Betr.: Bericht über

Zustände in Jajce nach Einnahme durch deutsche Truppen, p. 2.

66. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 538. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 9/30/42. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 31 für Vor-stoß auf Jajce.

67. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 529–531. 718. Inf.-Div. Ic, 9/30/42. Feindnachrichtenblatt

Nr. 7 für das Unternehmen “Jajce,” pp. 1–2.

68. Ibid.

69. Ibid., p. 1.

70. Ibid.

71. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 524. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 9/28/42. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 30 zur Bildung der Kampfgruppe Suschnig und Wüst und Versammlung für Unternehmen Jajce.

72. Schmider,
Partisanenkrieg in Jugoslawien 1941–1944
, 170.

73. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 660–661. 718. Inf.-Div., 10/18/42. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 34 für

Zerschlagung der Partisanengruppen im Raum Jajce.

Notes to Pages 203–208

74. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 669–670, 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 10/18/42. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 34, p. 1.

75. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 676. KG Serbien O. Qu., 10/14/42.

76. RW40/34. KG Serbien Ia. KTB, 10/23/42, 10/29/42, 10/31/42.

77. MFB4/17201, 28328/10, 312–321. KG Serbien Ia, 10/11/42. Betr.: Lagebericht,


78. MFB4/56159, 28326/18, 938–948. Kampfgruppe Wüst, 12/23/42. Abschlußbericht

über Unternehmen Jajce III, p. 1.

79. MFB4/56159, 28326/18, 897. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 11/30/42. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 49 für Unternehmen Jajce III. From this order of battle, it is clear that the 668th Artillery

Section had now been re-designated as a regiment.

80. MFB4/18730, 28328/3, 929–932. KG Serbien Ia, 3/1/42. Betr.: Zehn-Tagesmeldung,

pp. 2–3.

81. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 692–695. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 11/14/42. Beurteilung der Lage im

Sicherungsbereich der 718. Inf.-Div., p. 1.

82. Ibid.

83. Ibid.

84. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 633. 718. Inf.-Div. Kommandeur, 10/10/42. Kameraden der

Ustasa und des kroatishen Heeres!

85. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 692. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 11/14/42. Beurteilung der Lage im

Sicherungsbereich der 718. Inf.-Div., p. 2.

86. MFB4/56159, 28326/18, 1102–1104. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 12/31/42. Betr.: Bemerkungen zur Ausbildung und Betreuung der Truppe.

87. MFB4/56159, 28326/18, 991–993. Anlage Nr. 1 zu GR 750 Br. B. Nr. 1102/42 geh. .

Erfahrungsbericht über Einsatz Jajce vom 11/23–12/11/42, p. 3.

88. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 585–595. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 10/12/42. Abschluß- und Erfah-

rungsbericht über das Unternehmen gegen Jajce im Okt. 42.

89. MFB4/56159, 28326/18, 830. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 11/16/42. Betr.: Zuteilung von Pzkp-

fwg., Zügen; MFB4/56159, 28326/18, 832. Bf. dt. Tr. Kroatien, 11/20/42.

90. MFB4/56159, 28326/18, 963–964. GR 738. Erfahrungsbericht über das Unterne-

hmen Jajce III (no date).

91. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 622–623. IR 750, 10/10/42. Betr.: Erfahrungen beim


92. Ibid.; MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 628–629. Kampfgruppe Wüst, 10/10/42. Anlage 17, 18

zum Bericht über Unternehmen Jajce.

93. RW 40/34. KG Serbien, Kriegstagebuch, 10/4/42.

94. Ibid., 10/6/42.

95. MFB4/56159, 28326/18, 950–953. Gruppe Annacker, 11/26/42. Bericht über die

Aktion vom 11/25/-11/26/42, p. 1.

96. Steiner is a pseudonym.

97. MFB4/56159, fi le 28326/18, 950–953. Gruppe Annacker, 11/26/42. Bericht über die

Aktion vom 11/25/-11/26/42, pp. 1–2.

98. Ibid., pp. 2–3.

99. Schmider,
Partisanenkrieg in Jugoslawien 1941–1944
, 184.

100. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 585–595. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 10/12/42. Abschluß- und Erfah-

rungsbericht über das Unternehmen gegen Jajce im Okt. 42, pp. 10–11.

Notes to Pages 208–213

101. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 690–691. 718. Inf.-Div., 10/28/42. Fernschreiben. Tage-

smeldung von 10/27/-10/28/42.

102. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 700. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 10/30/42. Tagesmeldung vom 10/29/–

10/30/42. For other major casualty disparities, see MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 701. 718.

Inf.-Div. Ia, 10/31/42. Tagesmeldung von 10/30/-10/31/42; MFB4/56159, 28326/17,

713. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 11/2/42. Tagesmeldung vom 11/1/-11/2/42.

103. MFB4/56159, 28326/17, 757. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 11/19/42. Betr.: Unternehmen I u. II.

104. Methodological studies of German soldiers’ letters include Klaus Latzel, “Tourismus und Gewalt: Kriegswahrnehmungen in Feldpostbriefen,” in
Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen der Wehrmacht, 1941 bis 1944
, ed. Hannes Heer and Klaus Naumann (Ham-

burg: Hamburger Edition, 1995), 447–459; Klaus Latzel, “Vom Kriegserlebnis zur

Kriegserfahrung. Theoretische und methodische Überlegungen zur erfahrungsge-

schichtlichen Untersuchung von Feldpostbriefen,”
Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen

56 (1997), 1–30.

105. BfZ, Sammlung Sterz. Lt. Peter Geissler, 11. Kp. / IR 721, 714. Inf.-Div., 6/21/42.

106. Ibid., 7/24/42.

107. Ibid., 9/13/42.

108. Ibid., 9/10/42.

109. Ibid., 10/4/42. Emphasis in original.

110. Ibid.

111. Ibid., 11/27/42.

112. Ibid., 12/13/42.

113. Ibid., 12/15/42.

114. Ibid., 5/2/42.

115. Ibid., 9/6/42.

116. Ibid., 12/22/42.

117. See, for instance, Richard West,
Tito and the Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia
(London: Sinclair Stevenson, 1996), 146; Hermann Frank Meyer,
Blutiges Edelweiß: Die 1.

Gebirgs-Division im Zweiten Weltkrieg
(Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag, 2008), 124–125.

118. BfZ, Sammlung Sterz. Lt. Peter Geissler, 11. Kp. / IR 721, 714. Inf.-Div., 12/20/42.

119. Ibid., 8/17/42.

120. MFB4/56159, 28326/18, 897. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 11/30/42. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 49 für Unternehmen Jajce III.

121. MFB4/56159, 28326/18, 968. Verluste “Jajce III” (no date).

122. MFB4/56159, 28326/18, 917. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia, 12/5/42. Divisionsbefehl Nr. 51.

123. RH 24–15/2. Bf. dt. Tr. Kroatien. Beurteilung der Lage, 11/26–12/6/42, p. 2;

Partisanenkrieg in Jugoslawien 1941–1944
, 184.

124. RH 24–15/2. Bf. dt. Tr. Kroatien. Beurteilung der Lage, 12/7–12/16/42, p. 3.

125. MFB4/56160, 34404/1, 165–169. 718. Inf.-Div. Ic, 12/26/42. Lagebericht, 12/17–

12/25/1942, p. 1.

126. RH 24–15/2. Bf. dt. Tr. Kroatien. Beurteilung der Lage, 11/15–11/25/42, p. 1.

127. Ibid.

128. RH 24–15/2. Bf. dt. Tr. Kroatien. Beurteilung der Lage, 11/26–12/6/42, p. 2; KG Serbien, Beurteilung der Lage, 12/7–12/16/42, p. 1.

Notes to Pages 215–219

10. the dev il’s di v ision

1. See Appendix A.

2. Jozo Tomasevich,
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and

(Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2001), 267.

3. Ibid.

4. MFB4/72341, 30581/3, 558. Order of battle for 369th Infantry Division, 1/14/43.

5. Tomasevich,
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and Col-

, 267–268. See also Franz Schraml,
Kriegsschauplatz Kroatien: Die
deutsch-kroatischen Legionsdivisionen—369., 373., 392. Inf.-Div. (kroat.)—Ihre Ausbildungs- und Ersatzformationen
(Neckargemünd: Vowinckel, 1962).

6. Marko Attila Hoare,
Genocide and Resistance in Hitler’s Bosnia: The Partisans and
the Chetniks 1941–1943
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 320, 330; Geoffrey Swain,
Tito: A Biography
(London: I. B. Tauris, 2011), 49.

7. Tomasevich,
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and Col-

, 658–659, 711; Hoare,
Genocide and Resistance in Hitler’s Bosnia: The
Partisans and the Chetniks 1941–1943
, 317–325.

8. Klaus Schmider,
Partisanenkrieg in Jugoslawien 1941–1944
(Hamburg: Verlag E. S.

Mittler, 2002), 179–180.

9. Ibid., 201–202.

10. Ibid., 50–51.

11. Ibid., 51.

12. MFB4/56160, 34404/3, 743. 718. Inf.-Div. Ia/Org, 2/13/43. Betr.: Umgliederung der

Div. in Jägerdivision.

13. In April 1943, for instance, 53 percent of the 718th Infantry Division’s troops were aged thirty or over. MFB5/42177, 37733/2, 402. Anlage I zu 118. Jäg.-Div. Ia Nr. 43,

4/17/43. On their upgrading to light division status, all four divisions received redes-

ignated numbers as the 104th, 114th, 117th, and 118th Light Divisions. To avoid con-

fusion, all such divisions are referred to in the text by their original numbers.

14. Tomasevich,
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and Collabo-

, 321–322, 746; Schmider,
Partisanenkrieg in Jugoslawien 1941–1944
, 257. See also Thomas Casagrande,
Die volksdeutsche SS-Division “Prinz Eugen”

am Main: Campus Verlag, 2006).

15. Tomasevich,
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: Occupation and Collabo-

, 291.

16. Jozo Tomasevich,
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: The Chetniks
(Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1975), 252; Richard West,
Tito and the Rise and
Fall of Yugoslavia
(London: Sinclair Stevenson, 1996), 142–143; Stevan K. Pavlowitch,
Hitler’s New Disorder: The Second World War in Yugoslavia
(London: Hurst,

2008), 151–152.

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