Terror in the Balkans (131 page)

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Authors: Ben Shepherd

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Military, #World War II, #Science & Math, #Earth Sciences, #Geography, #Regional

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Nuremberg Trials, 5

Muslim militias, 193, 195–196, 213

Mussolini, Benito, and pre-war relations

with Austria, 61, 64; and Axis invasion

OKH (Army High Command), 66, 84, 100,

of Balkans, 72; relationship with Ger-

135, 215

mans, 154, 172, 216–217.
See also

OKW (Armed Forces High Command),

Italy, Second Army

66, 69, 99–100, 122, 158–159

MVAC (Anti-Communist Volunteer Mili-

Operations, counterinsurgency: Cer

tia), 155, 219

Mountains, 128–132; Drina-Sava, 128–

134; Krupanj, 128–130; Mihailovic´, 136;

Užice, 143–144, 145–146, 238–239; Ozren,

National community, 62

163–171; Prijedor, 164–171; South-East

National Socialist leadership principle, 10,

Croatia, 164–171, 174, 239; Trio I, 173–174,

221, 271

177; Trio II/Focˇa, 175, 177, 178; Fruska

NDH (Independent State of Croatia), for-

Mountains, 180, 197; Kozara, 180–181,

mation and ethnic composition of, 77–80;

182, 185, 187, 247; Zenica-Zavidovici,


181–182; S, 183–184, 190; Jajce I, II and

Prisoners of war, treatment of, by Serbia

III, 202–214; White I, 219–224, 226–229,

1914–1918, 35–36; by Austria-Hungary

234–235, 239; White II, 219, 235; White

1914–1918, 38–39; by Bolsheviks

III (Black), 219, 240.

1917–1918, 48

Operations, general military: Barbarossa,

Propaganda (Yugoslavia, World War II),

69–70, 72, 75–76, 81, 89

Chetnik, 96, 153, 179, 192; Partisan, 96,

Order Police, 80, 251.
See also

99, 176, 179–180, 198, 212, 225; German,

Police, units

98–99, 108, 110, 118, 122, 136–137, 161, 176,

Order Police, units: Reserve Police Bat-

182, 184–185, 225

talion 64, 80, 97, 101, 104, 125, 127

Red Army, 58, 69, 92, 152, 241–242

Pan-Germanism, 18–21

Reichswehr, 3, 12, 57–63

Partisan movement (Soviet Union),

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 77, 94–95

246–248, 251–252

Roatta, Mario, 154, 172–173, 175, 178, 217.

Partisan movement (Yugoslavia), 4; forma-

Italy, Second Army

tion, composition, and organization in

Royal-Imperial Army, 9; social compo-

Serbia 1941, 88, 91–92, 96; and Serbian

sition of offi cer corps, 14–16; offi cer

national uprising, 96–98, 104–107, 110,

training, 15, 23; technical specializa-

120, 124–125; break with Chetniks and

tion, 15–16; and Pan-Germanism, 18;

defeat of uprising, 143–146; development

and anti-Semitism, 19, 50–51; and

in NDH to early 1942, 148–150; rivalry

anti-Slavism, 20–21; and anti-Serbism,

and confl ict with Bosnian Chetniks,

21–22; and Social Darwinism, 22–23;

150–154, 179–182, 191–194, 219, 235, 238;

conservatism within, 23; approach to

growing support and strength in NDH

counterinsurgency, 26, 29–31, 37, 48–49;

to mid-1943, 156, 160, 173, 192, 195, 198,

ethnic tolerance within, 15–16, 19, 21–22;

213, 216, 231, 237–240; and counterin-

and Serbian campaigns 1914–1915, 29–31,

surgency in NDH to mid-1943, 162–165,

34–36; discipline, 36, 46–47, 52–53;

169, 171–184, 191–213, 218–223, 229–231,

and occupation policy in Eastern and

235–240, 246–248; composition and

south-eastern Europe 1916–1918, 36–37,

organization in NDH to mid-1943, 172,

49; and Italian front 1915–1918, 37–39,

179–180, 197–199, 238, 240; dealings with

47; and eastern front 1914–1918, 39–45,

Axis, 195, 226; development of to 1944,

46; approach to Bolshevism, 48–49;

See also
AVNOJ; Communists,

defeat and collapse 1918, 52–53; lack of

Yugoslavia; NOOs; Tito

technocratic tradition, 60

Paul, Prince, 74–75

Royal-Imperial Army, armies: Second

Pavelic´, Ante, appointed head of NDH

(Eastern Army), 139

government, 78; and Ustasha’s ethnic

Royal-Imperial Army, brigades: 11th Field

cleansing campaign, 94–95, 156, 237;

Artillery, 42, 47, 139

relations with Axis, 78, 94–95, 150, 156,

Royal-Imperial Army, corps: III, 42, 43, 46;

172, 199–200, 217–218, 238.
See also

X, 29; XVII, 42–43, 44–45; Szurmay, 44


Royal Imperial Army, divisions: 11th Infantry,

Agricultural workers

47; 43d Rifl e, 37, 42, 43; 57th Infantry, 42


Royal-Imperial Army, regiments: 11th

Peter II, King, 74–75, 77

Field Artillery, 231; 14th Infantry, 47;

Pfl ugbeil, Johann, 251

16th Field Artillery, 231; 24th Infantry,

Phleps, Artur, 328

44; 87th Infantry, 37, 40–41.
See also

Poland, 20, 45–46, 54, 66–68

Honvéd, regiments


Russia (pre-1918), treatment of Jews in,

retreat from Serbia, 143, 146; movements

19, 32; and pre-1914 anti-Slavism, 20,

in NDH 1942, 149, 171, 177, 191, 197–198;

22; and Serbia, 21, 29; and eastern front

and sectarianism, 149, 152; and AVNOJ,

1914–1918, 39–45, 52.
See also

199; dealings with Germans, 226; and


White operations, 228, 235.
See also

Russian Revolution, 10, 48–49, 54, 57, 233

Communists (Yugoslavia); Partisan

movement (Yugoslavia)

Tripartite Pact, 75

SA, 62, 63

Turner, Harald, 80, 95, 99

Schlieffen Plan, 29, 31

Schröder, Ludwig von, 80

Schuschnigg, Kurt, 64–65

Ukraine, German counter-insurgency in,

Secret Field Police, 80, 101

32, 48–49, 68, 107, 245, Austro-Hungar-

Serbia, pre-1914, 21–22; in Great War,

ian counterinsurgency in, 119, 139;

29–31, 34–37; puppet government of, 77,

United States, 24, 51

79–80, 98, 106, 145; popular mood in,

Ustasha, pre-1941, 74; programme, 78;

83–84, 99; progress of national uprising

support levels of, 78–79; relations with

in, 93–100, 110, 115–116, 120; pacifi cation

Axis, 78, 94–95, 150, 156, 160, 172, 180,

of late 1941, 142–147

185, 217–218, 234; purging of NDH’s


state sector by, 79; anti-Serb campaign

Simovic´, Dusan, 75–76, 144

of, 79–80, 92–94, 156, 180, 193, 200,

Sinti and Roma, German treatment of, 2,

237–238, 241; measures against Jews,

5, 32, 86, 101, 122–123; Ustasha treatment

79–80, 92; measures against Sinti and

of, 78, 79, 92; Serbian treatment of, 293

Roma, 79–80, 92; destabilizing effect

Slovenia, 76, 93–94;

of, 151–152, 155, 157, 160, 176–180, 187,

Social Darwinism, 18; link with Pan-Ger-

191–192, 195, 198–200, 202, 204, 213, 225,

manism, 18, 22–24, 27, 33, 243

237–238; relations with Croatian Army,

Soviet Union, and Nazi-Soviet pact 1939,

157; contribution of military units to

66, 69; German invasion of, 69–70,

counterinsurgency, 163, 173–175, 183, 191,

90–91; German counterinsurgency

203–205; relations with Chetniks, 182,

campaign in, 239, 246–249, 251, 254

196; relations with Muslims, 193.

SS, 2, 5; and Night of the Long Knives, 62;

Pavelic´, Ante

in Poland, 67–68; in Serbia, 80, 100–104,

123; in NDH, 202, 240.
See also

satzgruppen; Himmler, Heinrich; Order

Versailles, Treaty of, 12, 58, 59, 63–64

Police; Turner, Harald; Waffen-SS

Volkswehr, 53

Stahl, Friedrich, biographical details, 117,

137–138, 196, 286; ruthlessness in counter-

insurgency, 141–142, 180; attitude towards

Waffen-SS, divisions: 2d Panzer “Das

Chetniks, 196.
See also
German army

Reich,” 87; 7th Mountain “Prinz Eugen,”

(1939–1945), infantry divisions, 714th

158, 160, 218, 219–220, 227, 241, 328; 13th

Stalin, Josef, 91

Mountain “Handschar,” 193, 241

Stojadinovic´, Milan, 74

German army (1939–1945),


Wehrmacht Command South-East, 80,

“Time of Struggle,” 54–55

100, 159, 175, 201.
See also
Kuntze, Wal-

Tito (Josep Broz), 1941 strategy of, 91–92;

ter; List, Wilhelm; Löhr, Alexander

relations with Mihailovic´, 110, 145;

Weichs, Maximilian von, 88, 118


Weimar Republic, 57–59, 196

72–73, 75; foundation, 53, 72–73; ethnic

Wilhelm II, Emperor, 13–14, 17

composition, 72–73; political polarization,

Windisch, Alois, 232

73–74; growing dependence on Germany,

Working classes, German, 13, 32, 62;

74; conquest, occupation and division of,

Yugoslav, 96, 148–149, 179

75–78; topography, 76, 82; discrimination

Wüst, Joachim, 232.
See also

against Croats in, 78, 92–93

army (1939–1945), battle groups: Wüst

Yugoslavism, 73–74, 145, 151

Wutte, Rudolf, 167, 232.
See also

army (1939–1945), battle groups: Wutte

Zbor Movement, 74, 121

Zellner, Emil, 230–232, 234, 250–251, 254,

Yugoslavia (1918–1941), Axis invasion

See also
German army (1939–1945),

and conquest of, 1; March 1941 coup,

infantry divisions, 373d (Croatian)

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