Terr5tory (9 page)

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Authors: Susan Bliler

BOOK: Terr5tory
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Chapter 16

A few hours and a long nap later, Eleanor was back in the kitchen.  Surprisingly, the dishes had been done and the room was immaculate. 

She’d hoped to find Delano there because she hadn’t even had the chance to ask him how things had gone with the other packs when last they talked.  The room was empty and the house was surprisingly quiet.  She understood that the guys were taking rotations, so the ones who weren’t out on the perimeter were most likely sleeping, but that didn’t explain where all the females were.  They’d been directed to stick close to the house and the kitchen was usually their gathering place.  Thinking on it, she decided that May and June were probably still lying low to avoid Delano’s wrath.  Riss was in all liklihood still pouting in her room and that left Shade who, if she had to guess, was curled up in the sun room reading one of her favored romance novels.

Hobbling to the fridge, she pulled open the freezer and rummaged through, pulling out a few pounds of venison burger.  Delano hadn’t agreed to allow her to cook, but she could at least make the effort of putting together something that most of the pack would enjoy.

A couple jars of vodka sauce from the cupboard and two boxes of spaghetti noodles later and she was ready to rock.  As she limped to the cabinet that held the largest stockpot, she couldn’t help but notice the difference in not being hounded incessantly.  Typically, her day was a whirlwind of settling arguments, assigning duties, and then covering most of those assignments herself.  Smiling to herself, she had to admit that it felt a little nice to stay at the compound and do the more matronly tasks without it feeling like she was covering for someone or in a rush to get it done. 

Pouring herself a tall glass of iced tea, she took a healthy swallow as she eyed the full fridge.  Someone had done the grocery shopping and from the looks of it, they’d stuck to her list. 
That’s a first!

She pulled out two heads of romaine and two tomatoes, unable to stop the smile that split her face.  Delano had done in a few weeks what she’d been unable to do in years.  He’d whipped her pack into shape.  It was nice.  Aside from the slip in dish duty, which had been her responsibility, all the other chores were being performed on a regular basis without her having to beg for them to be done.

Hugging the heads of romaine to her chest, she balanced the two tomatoes in one hand and snagged her glass of tea before she made for the sink.  Her foot hit a few drops of water that had drained from the romaine and it slid out from beneath her, forcing her to tighten her frame and tense her muscles to catch her balance.  Her glass hit the floor as the action sent white-hot pain shooting through her.  Closing her eyes to steel herself against the pain, she hissed in a sharp breath. 


  Why did Delano seem to have the worst timing?  Sucking in a breath, she forced herself to blink up at him as she feigned nonchalance.  “S-slippery floor,” she offered through gritted teeth, but she couldn’t hide the wince when she lifted her leg to take a step.

“Didn’t I say to take it easy?  What in the hell are you doing?”  He was already to her, unloading her arms and placing the items on the kitchen island.  Her eyes rounded when he quickly spun back to her and lifted her off her feet. “Did you not hear my decree,” he growled.  “I
you’re off rotation and I meant it!”

She shook her head with a shrug, “I
to help.  I just slipped is all.”

“Is all?”  His voice was angry.  “You could’ve been seriously hurt.”

“I’m a shifter,” she challenged. 

“And shifters don’t get hurt?” he snapped, stopping to scowl down at her.  “How do you think you wound up like this in the first place?”

Alpha or not, she wasn’t about to let him throw
in her face.  “I wound up in this place by defending my territory.” She gritted the last word through clenched teeth.  “We’re shifters, Delano.  We’re going to get hurt doing what we do because of what we are.”

He was still scowling down at her.  “What in the hell kind of philosophy is that?”

“It’s not a philosophy!” she challenged, her voice unintentionally rising.  “It’s a fact.”

“Yes,” he bit out, his expression darkening.  “And apparently it’s a painful one.”  He looked pointedly at her thigh.

Eleanor jerked her head away to frown at the sink.  “I don’t know why you’re so pissed!  I was just trying to cook dinner.  I slipped.  It’s not a big deal.”

“Not a big deal?” he boomed.  “You need to learn to take better care of yourself,” he snarled, inching his face closer to hers when she whipped her head around to pin him with angry eyes.

Fury flared to life, and Eleanor couldn’t keep the challenge from her tone when she leaned her face closer to his so they were separated by a breath.  “I take care of myself just fine!”

Nose to nose, eyes narrowed, tempers flaring, was how Riss found them when she entered the kitchen and came to an abrupt halt. 


Eleanor knew it looked bad, so she was the first to jerk her head away to stare at the floor.  She was in Delano’s arms and clearly challenging him.  It was bad form and worse, it wasn’t something she wanted Riss or any of the pack to see.  It’d confuse them to see Eleanor challenging the Alpha, especially so intimately.

Some of the tension left Delano’s frame, but his words were still terse.  “What do you want, Riss?”

“Eleanor,” Riss muttered.  “I came to see if she…”

“You came to check on her.” Delano cut in, carrying Eleanor to a chair and carefully setting her down.  “She’s fine.”

Riss gave an unladylike snort.  “As if.”

Both Delano and Eleanor’s head jerked around as they looked at her darkly.

“Oh!”  Riss amended.  “Sure.  I mean, I wanted to know if she was OK, but I also wanted to know if,” she turned her attention to Eleanor.  “Sissy,” she whined in a sing-song voice.  “I’m supposed to run to town to…”

“NO!” Delano snarled, cutting off Riss’ request.  He stood and faced her with obvious fury.  “Eleanor is off rotation for two weeks!”  He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes on Riss as she quickly lowered her head.  “Were you not told?”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Yet, you thought you’d usurp my authority?  In front of me?”  He couldn’t hide his incredulity.


Eleanor let her off the hook.  “Apologize to your Alpha, then go do your chores, Riss.”

“S-Sorry, Alpha!”  Quickly nodding, Riss rushed from the room.

Delano spun on Eleanor with his anger still intact.  “
wasn’t the one who required an apology.”

Eleanor shrugged one slim shoulder.  “I didn’t either.”  She shoved up from the table.  “When you’re dealing with idiots and you’re aware of it, it makes things much simpler.”

Delano planted his hands on his hips.  “So you admit your sister is an idiot?”

She laughed.  “Of course.  And it offends me none to do so.”  She jerked her chin toward the window.  “Most of them are a little slow on the uptake where pack-life is concerned.”

“Most?” he challenged.

Eleanor inched away from the table and hobbled to her forgotten pot.  “Shade, Miston, Warren, Anders, and Parker are good pack.”

“And if you had your way?  If you were the Alpha?”

She talked as she filled the pot with water. “May and June would be farmed out.  They don’t want to be here in the first place.  Bose would be outright banished.  He’s going to create real problems.  And Riss.”  She heaved a great sigh.  “Riss would be brought to heel or asked to leave.”  Suddenly, her hands stilled in their task and her head jerked up as if she’d just realized she’d said too much.  “Delano, I…” 
She inwardly winced.  What was her fucking problem with forgetting to use his title?  “
,” she amended.

“Easy, El.”  He held up his hand, his frown lessening.  “We’re just talking.”  He walked to her, reaching an arm around her shoulders to turn off the water, his chest brushing against her.  Wordlessly, he lifted the pot and carried it to the stove.

Eleanor watched him, then snapped out of her trance and pulled a cutting board from the cupboard and a knife from the butcher’s block on the counter.  She had just set the items down when strong hands gripped her hips and whirled her around. 

Chapter 17

Eleanor yelped at being grabbed so unexpectedly and grabbed onto the hands on her hips to steady herself as she was lifted and gently seated on the counter. 

“You direct, I’ll cook.”  Delano clapped his hands once.  “What’s next?”  He turned to point at the pot.  “Water’s set to boil.”  He eyed the ingredients on the cupboard.  “You wanna cut the lettuce and I’ll start the sauce?”

She nodded and set to cutting lettuce with suddenly shaky hands.  Why did Delano’s proximity affect her so?  It wasn’t like she was an inexperienced girl, but for some reason that’s how she felt around him.

They worked in an uncomfortable silence until Eleanor was finally able to settle her nerves and strike up a conversation when Delano put her jarred sauce back in the cupboard. 

“So, how did it go with the packs?  I was really worried.”

“It was as I expected.  No one knew anything about intruders, but they got the message loud and clear that any other attempts at breaching our border will be considered an outright challenge.  Most weren’t aware there was a new Alpha here, and it was nice to show them in person that I’m a man of my word.  I issued challenges to any who doubted my claim.  There were no takers.”

She watched out of the corner of her eye as he pulled fresh tomatoes and green peppers out of the fridge, grabbed an onion from where it hung in a basket near the sink, and rifled through the cupboard before pulling sugar, spices, and pepper mixes from the cupboard.

“Well, that’s good.  I guess.”

“Not really.  I wanted to find the fuckers that cornered you.  No luck, though.”

When he pulled out a large sauce pan she had to ask.  “Let me guess.  Your mom taught you how to make a great homemade sauce?”

He smiled as he set the pan on the stove then minced a garlic clove and the onion before dropping them in the pot.  As he added the washed tomatoes, some salt, sugar, spices, and pepper, he answered..  “My dad actually.”

She couldn’t hide her surprise.  “Your dad?” 

“Yeah,” he chuckled.  “Mom wasn’t much of a cook, not that she ever tried.  She hated it.  Dad had to learn and once he did, he realized he actually enjoyed it.  He was an excellent chef.”

“I’m impressed.”

“You think you’re impressed now.” He stopped working to wink up at her.  “Wait ‘til you try my sauce.”

Heat flared in her cheeks.  Why did the innocent statement evoke dirty thoughts?

An hour and half later she was seated at the table watching Delano master the kitchen.  After she’d prepared the salad, he’d insisted she sit and let him finish.  It had been inspiring watching him work. 

When his sauce was finally ready, he dipped a long wooden spoon into the pot before lifting it to his lips and tasting it.  A smile cracked his features, and he dipped the spoon back in and again lifted it to his lips where he blew on it as he walked to Eleanor.  “You ready?”  He held the spoon to her lips.

Petal pink lips parted and her mouth opened slightly to allow him to press the sauce-filled spoon inside.  Closing her lips, she smiled when vibrant flavor exploded on her tongue. 

“Mmmmm,” she moaned as her eyes closed at the burst of flavors over her tongue.  Pulling back, she swallowed before licking her lips and slowly opened her eyes.  When she did, Delano was still hovering over her, his eyes locked on her mouth and she licked her lips again wondering if she’d left sauce.  Finding none, she offered, “It’s marvelous.”

“Yes,” he growled, but didn’t take his eyes from her lips, his smile suddenly gone.

Eleanor tensed, her eyes locked on his as sudden awareness shot through her.  Tilting her head slightly up, her heart stuttered when Delano slowly began to lean down. 
Holy shit!
He’s going to kiss me!
  Eleanor craned her neck slightly, as Delano’s head slowly inched closer.

“THANK GOD!” Miston bellowed as he entered the kitchen followed by most of the pack.  “We’re starving.”

“Good!” Eleanor exclaimed, jerking back.  She glanced up at Delano who was still towering over her staring at her as if transfixed.

May’s query finally pulled him from his reverie.  “What’s for dinner, Alpha?”

“Spaghetti,” he grumbled, pulling his attention from Eleanor and turning back to the stove.  “Sit!” he commanded and most of the pack followed his command, filling their typical places at the table and leaving the head seat open for him.

Eleanor eyed the table, noting Warren’s absence, which she knew meant he was on perimeter duty.

“Want me to get drinks?” June offered and Delano nodded once.

Short minutes later, a huge pot of spaghetti, Eleanor’s large salad, and four baskets of garlic bread were nestled in the center of the table.  June filled everyone’s glass with iced tea before taking a seat.  Bose, May, June, and Riss took up their forks, but Delano pulled back his lip and snarled.

“Bow your heads,” he commanded, and everyone did as directed. 

“Grandfathers,” he began.  “We are humbled by your gifts of sustenance, of pack, and of life.  Help us to honor our ancestors by living in their image, with their intentions, and proudly as the kind.  We pray you continue to bless us with courage, selflessness, strength, and the wisdom to use all your gifts to live in the light. 

Looking up, Delano was surprised to find the pack looking from one to another in uncertainty until Eleanor lifted her head with a beautiful smile gracing her lips. 

“Amen,” she offered, and the rest of the pack followed suit with a cacophony of ‘Amens’.

Delano’s eyes stayed riveted on Eleanor as he commanded with a grin of his own, “Eat.”

The pack began shuffling baskets of bread and the large bowl of salad clockwise around the table.  He watched them silently and approvingly as Eleanor rose from her seat to begin serving each pack member from the large pot of spaghetti in the center of the table.

Could it be this easy?
he wondered.  Should
it be this easy?
  Still, it was nice.  The pack had absorbed him rather seamlessly and now, settled at the head of the table with Eleanor seated at the opposite end, he couldn’t keep his eyes from straying back to her.  Strangely, this all felt so damn comfortable and normal that he couldn’t help but wonder why he’d run from it for so long. 

Eleanor flicked her gaze to his plate then lifted her soft eyes to him expectantly.  Standing to make it easier for her, he took up his plate and crossed to her so she could dish him up a mound of spaghetti.  When she finished, he had the urge the place a hand on her lower back and brush a grateful kiss across her cheek.  He didn’t.  Instead, he smiled his thanks and waited for her to serve herself, then held her chair before he reclaimed his own. 

As he ate, he listened absently to their pack chatter.  Riss regaled Eleanor with some nonsense about a new clothing store in the local mall, while Eleanor remarked she was glad to see Riss eating. 
Had Riss not been eating?
May and June spoke quietly about some guys they’d met recently at the town’s lone Irish pub.  Shade and Miston chattered about the food, and Delano couldn’t help but notice how Miston was overly attentive to Shade.  He smiled knowingly, but the smile faltered when Bose bellowed, “Bullshit!”  Delano’s attention turned to Bose, Anders, and Parker and their heated debate about the best professional basketball team. 

Sitting back, Delano let the feel of the pack seep into him.  The ties that held this pack together were nearly tangible to his Alpha senses.  He could practically scent where the bonds were the strongest.  Closing his eyes, he envisioned those strings and plucked at them with his mind like a musician testing a newly acquired instrument.  These strings had sound too, but only for his ears.  The stronger the tie, the stronger the sound and he could tell which wolves were truly committed to the pack. 

Pulling in a deep breath he tested the bonds he felt emanating from each individual.  The bonds were strong with all the members, except for Bose, May, and June.  Surprisingly, those three had practically non-existent threads.  The knowledge was disheartening, but only because he knew Eleanor had worked extremely hard to create what she had here.  This was her family, and regardless of how they felt about her, she cared for each and every one of these people.  She’d created this.  This was her pack.  It wouldn’t last though.  A weakness in the chain that formed pack meant they could easily be broken.  No good Alpha could allow such weakness, and when he was better assimilated into the pack, he intended to address the issues.  For now, he opened his eyes and they locked on Eleanor.  She had the strongest heart, and all other bonds were tethered to her.  That would change.  With time, the pack would turn to him for guidance, support, and strength.  They’d tether their loyalty to him.  For now, he’d let her have the reins, but soon…

Tilting his head to study her, he couldn’t help but wonder if she’d be upset by his acquisition of the Alpha role.  A twinge of guilt bit at him.  Time would tell.

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