Temporarily His Princess (12 page)

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Authors: Olivia Gates

Tags: #Romance, #fullybook

BOOK: Temporarily His Princess
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The moment she turned to Vincenzo, he turned to her, too, taking a leashed step closer, practically vibrating with intensity.

And she realized. That he was sending her away because he no longer wanted to coerce her. But he still wanted her. And she’d already decided that this passion was worth any risk.

Closing the gap between them, taking both his hands in hers, she took the plunge into the path to eventual heartache.

And she whispered, “I’ll marry you for the year you need, Vincenzo. My choice this time.”


hat did you say?”

As the exclamation rang in her ear, Glory sighed. “You heard right, Mom. I’m getting married. To Vincenzo.”

Silence expanded on the other end of the line.

Which was to be expected. She herself still couldn’t believe any of this was really happening.

After she’d told Vincenzo last night that she’d marry him of her own free will, she hadn’t known what to expect.

Or she had. She’d expected him to be elated, or relieved, or best scenario of all, to resume his mind-melting seduction.

He’d done none of that. He’d just taken her hands to his lips, murmured a cell-scrambling
“Grazie mille, gloriosa mia”
then he’d silently led her to her guest quarters and bid her good-night.

After a night of tossing and turning and pacing her quarters, which looked like something out of a fairy tale, he’d come knocking with a breakfast tray. He didn’t stay, said he had too many things to prepare. He asked her to invite everyone she wanted and to make lists of what she needed for the wedding. It
be in a week’s time.

The first person she’d thought of had been her mother.

And here she was, pretending this was real to the person she was closest to in the world. But there was nothing to be gained by telling her mother the truth. Her mother had suffered too much, and God only knew how long her remission would last this time—or if it would. She would do and say anything to make her mother as happy as possible for as long as she could.

Glenda Monaghan’s silence thickened until it weighed down on her. “Mom, you still there?”

A ragged exhalation. “Yes, darling. I’m just…surprised.”

Her mother had been apprehensive about her first liaison with Vincenzo. She had feared Glory would end up plummeting into the huge gap in power and status between them. But on meeting Vincenzo, Glenda had thought him magnificent and later waxed poetic about the purity and clarity of his emotions for Glory. She suspected her mother had entertained dreams that her daughter would become a princess and had looked devastated when Glory had informed her that the relationship was over.

Glenda must be stunned her dream was coming true after all these years, and so suddenly. When they’d talked four days ago, none of this had been on the horizon.

Glory gave her mother a pretty little story about how she and Vincenzo had met again, rediscovering how they’d once felt about each other and resolving the issues that had separated them. This time, he’d popped the question and wanted to get married right away so he could start his new post with them as husband and wife.

By the time she’d told all those lies, Glory was almost panting, but she forced herself to go on. “Vincenzo will send his private jet for you. If you can come right away, I’d love it! If not, come a couple of days before the wedding if possible, to help me with all the last-minute things. All you need to do is buy something pretty to wear and pack a bag for two weeks or so. You should enjoy Castaldini at least that long.”

When she finished, silence stretched again.

Then her mother whispered, “Is it only me you’re inviting?”

Glory had known that question would come yet still wasn’t ready to answer it.

From the time Glory was a little girl, her mother had tried all she could to defuse her dissatisfaction with her father and brother. Then, in the past few years, she’d fought to reinstate the relationship that Glory had escaped, always ready with an excuse for their latest damaging decisions or exasperating actions. Now the situation was reversed and it was Glory who had to hide the true extent of her father’s and brother’s transgressions from her mother. And she wasn’t sure she could do that if she saw them again now.

But her established disapproval wasn’t grave enough to warrant not inviting them to her wedding. If she didn’t invite them, she’d have to give her mother an explanation why. She couldn’t tell the truth. And she’d already told her enough lies.

But then, why not just have them here? She doubted she’d have enough mental or emotional energy to register their presence. And Vincenzo had stressed she could invite anyone. By “anyone” she believed he sanctioned her father’s and brother’s presence. And she did want to please her mom.

She forced lightness in her voice. “You’re the one I can’t wait to have here, but of course Dad and Daniel are invited.” That didn’t sound as welcoming as she’d tried to make it. Well, her father and brother would just have to make do with that level of enthusiasm.

“Don’t you want your father to give you away, darling? I know it’s been a long while since you thought he was the best dad in the world, but he does try.”

Yeah, he tried so hard his efforts could send him to prison for life. “I’m almost thirty, Mom. I’m perfectly capable of walking down that aisle on my own.”

“I know you can do anything on your own, darling, but your father has dreamed of this day for so long, and—” her mother broke off, as if swallowing tears “—it’ll break his heart.”

Glory gritted her teeth on the surge of familiar guilt she suffered every time she felt she’d been too hard on her father. But once the sentimental reaction subsided she always realized that she hadn’t been. If only she’d been harder, had known the truth earlier, she could have stopped him and Daniel from spiraling that far that they risked their freedom. There was one way out of this for now.

“Listen, Mom, I’m marrying a prince from a kingdom steeped in history and tradition and giving me away might not be part of the ritual here. If it is, I’ll let Dad give me away.”

Another fraught silence greeted her prevaricating promise. For an otherwise shrewd woman, her mother had a rationalizing disease where her husband and son were concerned. Glory barely suppressed her need to tell her mother to open her eyes and see her husband and son for the lost causes they were.

The one thing that had always held her back was knowing how much they loved her mother. Glory had no doubt they’d die for her mother in a heartbeat.

What an inextricable mess everyone was tangled up in.

Sighing, she soothed her mother. “Just pack your men up and bring them here, Mom. It’ll all work out.”

After that, she diverted her mom into talking about the guest list and wedding plans.

By the time Glory ended the call, she felt she’d run a mile.

Now on to the marathon of the next week.


After sunset, just as she was getting restless having nothing to do, Vincenzo came into her suite. He introduced the tall, graceful and extremely chic man with him as his valet and right-hand man, Alonzo Barbieri. After greeting her in utmost delight and kissing her hand as if she was his long-lost princess, Alonzo ushered in four other people, two men and two women, each carrying a heavy, ornate antique chest. They opened them on the coffee table then promptly left, leaving her gaping at the contents.

The freaking royal jewels of Castaldini.

She’d thought they would be— No, she couldn’t have thought anything that could come close to—to…

Each piece on its own would have been jaw-dropping, but having them piled together—from hefty necklaces, bracelets and tiaras to intricate earrings, brooches and rings—the treasure was literally dazzling. There were even some scepters and goblets and ornamental pieces not for wearing. And were those…those…

“The royal crowns! What are those doing here?”

As she turned stunned eyes between the two men, it was Alonzo who supplied an explanation. “I applaud your knowledge of our history,
” Before she could wince at the title, he went on, “Those are indeed the crowns that had been worn by kings and queens of Castaldini until King Benedetto and his wife—Queen Clarissa’s father and mother. But since their lives were marked by tragedy, King Ferruccio had new crowns made, with personalized changes, so the past wouldn’t throw the least shadow on his and Queen Clarissa’s lives.”

More proof of how total Ferruccio’s love for Clarissa was.

With that strange reticence that had come over him still subduing his eyes, Vincenzo said, “As my princess you’re entitled to any piece you’d like. After last night, Ferruccio and Clarissa insist you should have as
as you’d like.”

Alonzo chuckled. “They’re ready to offer the whole treasure to you as the one who’ll save
Vincenzo from unremitting bachelorhood. I am also offering whatever your heart desires for that Herculean achievement.”

So Vincenzo hadn’t even taken his closest person into his confidence. Alonzo clearly believed this was a grand love story with a happily ever after.

“Ferruccio is also putting the royal palace and everyone inside it at your service,” Vincenzo said.

“He wants us to have the wedding there?”

Vincenzo nodded. “Being the control freak that he is, he insists I take my vows under his supervision.”

“Can’t we…” She stopped, swallowed. “Can’t we have the wedding here?”

A flare of surprise then intentness incinerated the deadness in Vincenzo’s eyes. “Is this what you want?”

Feeling suddenly shy and awkward, wanting to smack herself for behaving as if she was a real bride, she murmured, “It’s just this place is magnificent, and it’s your family home…”

Vincenzo spoke over her, his tone urgent. “If it’s what you want, then we certainly will have the wedding here.”

Alonzo looked scandalized. “But what about King Ferruccio’s decree? And all this talk about being a knight in his round table and doing anything he commands?”

Vincenzo had said that about Ferruccio? Watching those two together, you’d never have guessed he felt that way about him.

Vincenzo twisted his lips at Alonzo. “That’s until my bride says different. Then it’s her desires that I follow, nobody else’s, no matter who they are.”

Alonzo whooped. “
what I waited two decades to hear.
you’re a miracle worker. A miracle, period.”

Feeling tears too near the surface, she wanted to get this over with. “Will you please do the honors, Vincenzo? I’m almost afraid to look at those pieces, I’m not about to go rummaging through them and chip or crack something.”

Vincenzo’s expression hovered on the smile she’d been missing, had even gotten dependent on basking in it. “Rummage away. Those pieces have weathered the test of hundreds of years. Choose whatever you want.”

“I want you—” her voice trembled, holding back
only you
“—to choose the ring for me.”

A moment of probing stillness. “Are you sure?” A tinge of teasing said
after all the fuss?
Then his lips spread. “I do have one ring, one collection in mind. I always felt it was made as a tribute to the beauty of your eyes.”

He gave Alonzo a nod, and as if Alonzo knew exactly which pieces Vincenzo was talking about, Alonzo started sorting through the treasure. In minutes, without letting her see what he’d selected, Alonzo placed the pieces in a rectangular box he’d had under his armpit all along then handed it to Vincenzo.

Coming to stand above where she sat feeling as though she’d fall apart any moment, Vincenzo suddenly dropped down on one knee in front of her.

Holding her stunned gaze with eyes roiling like thunderclouds, he opened the navy blue velvet box. She relinquished his gaze to its contents…and the gasp that had caught in her chest when he’d knelt before her escaped.

A seven-piece set—necklace, bracelet, ring, earrings, tiara, armlet and anklet—lay on the dark velvet like a brilliant constellation of stars set against a night sky. They were all made from the most delicate filigree yellow gold she’d ever seen, and studded with magnificent white and blue diamonds in ingenious patterns. But it was the ring that her eyes couldn’t leave. A flawless, vivid blue diamond of at least ten carats, the color of her eyes at night, with emerald-cut white diamonds on both the sides.

Vincenzo singled it out, turned his hand up, asking for hers. She placed it there without volition or hesitation.

The moment he slipped the ring on her finger, she knew what a huge mistake she was committing. She wouldn’t survive losing him this time.

His watchfulness intensified as he singed her hand in a kiss, then with a long groan, he stabbed his other hand into the depths of her hair and hauled her against him, kissing her so deeply, so hungrily, she felt he might finish her.

Surrendering to his passion, her need, her panic subsided as she accepted that if she wasn’t careful, he
finish her.


“We have only one hour left to go.”

Glory turned her head at Alonzo’s declaration. The man was the most outstanding organizer she’d ever seen. He’d marshaled everyone’s efforts to get the most efficient operation going. And in just one week, he’d managed to plan a wedding more incredible than any in storybooks.

Alonzo took exception to her saying that. The wedding hadn’t happened yet, and would she stop jinxing it?

If only he knew a jinx wasn’t needed to spoil anything. Everything would self-destruct in a year.

But a year was a long time.

The week had passed faster than she could catch her breath. Now the wedding was an hour away.

Her mother had arrived only yesterday with her father and brother, and Alonzo had promptly swept them off their feet and into the rush of preparations, for which Glory was grateful. No one had time to think of any relationship issues. Amelia, who’d arrived the day after Glory had invited her, had been running interference for her whenever any awkward moment arose.

Clarissa and Gabrielle—Clarissa’s sister-in-law—were now flitting about doing Alonzo’s last-minute bidding. He’d already sent Phoebe and Jade, the other two in the Fabulous Five brigade, on errands. Though they were his queen and princesses, in those wedding preparations, he ruled supreme.

Everything around the castle and the town below now echoed the themes of Glory’s dress and accessories. Everything was swathed in glorious white, gold and a whole range of vivid blues. Vincenzo had already told her that
was made of Castaldini’s hues, her hair of its soil, her skin of its sunlight, and her eyes of its skies.

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