Tempo (13 page)

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Authors: Kelley Maestas

BOOK: Tempo
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“I met this beautiful girl in seat 3B and she had lots of questions. I think if you’re planning to rock someone’s world with incredible sex for hours, you better know something about him or her. In exactly thirty minutes I am going to take you upstairs Karlie. Until then we are going to get to know one another by asking questions. You go first?

My mind can’t get past the incredible sex part
, but I manage to find my voice. “Can I ask you anything?”

“Yes and you just wasted your first question. My turn.”

My reaction had to be one of incredulousness, what a dirty underhanded way to start. His first question holds nothing back.

“Are you on birth control?”

“No” Michael picks up his phone and texts a message. It’s probably a text to Lloyd asking him to get some condoms. How embarrassing.

“Do you have a girlfriend or significant other?”

“Another wasted question Karlie. If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn’t be here with you. I am not currently involved with anyone, besides I don’t really do the girlfriend thing.”

Seeing my face fall slightly he asks, “Does that bother you?”

Dropping my gaze, I bite on my lower lip in contemplation. “Yes, sort of, I don’t know.  I have never done the casual sex thing, however, I am trying to move forward with my life and I am ready to try new things, so we’ll see how it goes.” He watches me intently and smiles at my answer.

“Why were you angry at Lloyd today?”

“Another picture of us showed up on The Dish today. It was taken when I was carrying you to the pool. There is someone in the hotel and Lloyd needs to figure it out.” My face must have shown the shock that I felt at having another picture taken and published without my knowledge because he moved quickly to his next question.

“When was the last time you had sex Karlie?”

Taken aback by his bold question I pull up my shoulders and respond.

“It’s been a little over five years.” I say this like it’s a normal amount of time to wait between lovers.

“Five Years! What the hell? I don’t believe you.” I know he is teasing me, but he still looks stunned.

“When is the last time you saw your dad?” A dark look crosses his face.

“I was eight.”

“Why don’t you visit him?”

“That’s two questions and it’s because he doesn’t deserve to see me and I don’t have time for him in my life.”

“That’s the funny thing about life, there is never enough time and you never know how much life each of us will get. If I could see my dad one more time, it would make me so happy.  It wouldn’t matter what he did, he’s still my dad.”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Actually Michael, I do. Remember I’m the orphan in this room.”

“Karlie, that subject is off limits from now on. Move on.”

I can see the hurt that lingers in his eyes.

“Why haven’t you had sex in more than five years?”

“It’s a long story and I don’t really want to get into it.”

“Fair enough for now, but eventually you will tell me.”

It’s interesting to me that he gets to put things off limits and I only get to delay them.

“How tall are you?”

“You can ask me anything and you want to know my height? I am 6’ 3” tall. Ten minutes left, what’s your favorite flower?”


“What’s your favorite color?”

“Turquoise blue.”

“Do you find me attractive?”

This question throws me off a bit; can’t he see that I find him incredibly attractive? The man oozes sex appeal from every one of his pores. “You have no idea. Yes, I think you’re probably the hottest man I know.”

“That pleases me Karlie. I find you to be incredibly sexy as well.” He disarms me with a sexy, sultry, smile.

“What if I don’t please you tonight?” I can’t help but feel inadequate in some way, he is a man with a lot of sexual experience and I have virtually none.

“I can’t see that as a factor Karlie, you already please me.” His eyes darken, I can’t see what’s behind them
, but it makes my body quake.

“Do you want to come to my room Karlie?” The way he says my name sends heat spreading through my body and pooling in my core.

“Yes.” And with that he tugs my hand and we race through the kitchen to the staff elevator. Once in the elevator he is on me. His hands are everywhere. Caressing my backside he asks, “What’s under your dress?”

“Nothing.” His groan sounds like a man undone. His passion creates so much moisture between my legs that I fear it may be running down my thighs. We stop on the thirty-ninth floor.

“I thought we were going to your room, this is my floor.” I feel somewhat disappointed at our arrival to my floor. Afraid that he may kiss me at my door and leave me again, I dig in my heels and refuse to exit the elevator.

“This is my floor too, I am just a few doors down from you.”

“This whole time?” I can’t believe he was so close the entire time.

He reaches down, picks me up and runs the rest of the way. At the door he fumbles while trying to hold me and reach for his key at the same time. I stretch down and reach into his pocket. I feel the key as well as his arousal.

“Hurry Karlie, open the damn door, or I may explode right here in the hallway.” My shaking hands manage to get the keycard in the door. Stumbling into the room I remain in his arms as he kicks the door shut behind us. He tosses me gently on the bed and removes his jacket. He takes off my shoes and removes his tie. He removes my dress and then he takes off his shirt. I run out of clothes before he does. I am lying naked on his bed and he is still clothed from his waist down. Taking a deep breath he slows the pace as his eyes consume me. He looks like a kid who just got the new toy he’s been begging for. My body begins to tingle under his gaze. My nipples harden, gaining his attention. He lowers his head and suckles at my breast. The receptors of my body are on overload. I can’t stop the moans that escape my mouth. The things that I am feeling are all new to me. I feel the bed sink as his body lies next to mine. His head never leaves my breast; he continues to pull at my nipple. His hand glides down my stomach and stalls at the juncture of my thighs. He cups me as he spreads me with his fingers. I am slick and wet.

“You are so wet. I am pleased that you are as aroused as I am.” His voice pushes me higher.

His fingers manipulate my flesh. I can’t control my hips. They undulate as he inserts first one then two fingers inside of me. His fingers advance and retreat in a rhythm that drives me higher and higher. The tension is building. My muscles are tightening. I am heading somewhere that I have little experience travelling to.  His thumb glides over my clitoris. My body is soaring. “Come on baby.” The sound of his voice pushes me over the edge. My body reaches the precipice and jumps off.  I am free falling. Michael holds me as I come down to earth. I reach for him and he cradles my head against his chest. I inhale his scent. The course hairs on his chest tickle my nose. This is where I want to stay forever.  Relaxed on his chest I can see the nightstand a few feet away. A large box of condoms is waiting.  He follows my gaze and we both begin to laugh. I reach for the closure of his pants. Smiling up at him I joke, “If we are going to get through those tonight, we better get started now.”

His eyes crinkle as he begins to laugh and he says, “We are going to have so much fun together.”

Michael lifts his hips so I can easily pull his clothes off. His erection springs to life. I place my hand over him, but I cannot close my fingers around him. From my limited experience I would say that Michael has quite a nice instrument. It’s slightly longer than average, but so much thicker than I would have imagined. I can barely get my fingers to touch when I wrap my hand around him. My touch pleases him. He moans as I gently squeeze him. Moving my hand up and down his length I explore the beauty of him. He feels like velvet over steel. My thumb rubs over the tip taking with it a bead of slick moisture. His breath halts at my touch.

“Is this supposed to fit in me?” My eyes are wide.

“Don’t be nervous. You will stretch to accommodate me. Don’t worry we’ll go slowly.” He sees the fear in my eyes, and kisses me to ease the tension. Oh, his kisses are amazing. When his lips touch mine, I lose all of my ability to think clearly or rationally. Reaching over he gets the box of condoms and places one in my palm. I look at him with a questioning look. “What am I supposed to do with this?” I have never touched a condom in my life.

“Will you put it on me?”

“I can try, but I have no experience in doing this, tell me what to do.” I look to him for direction. He looks at me in shock.

“Place the condom over the tip of my penis and roll it down slightly. Pinch the tip of the condom to get rid of the air and then roll it down to the base of my penis.” I do as I am instructed and beam when I get it on correctly.

“Karlie, I think it would be better if I gave you control the first time.”
I told you he was a good guy! “
Since it’s been so long for you, I want you in charge of the pace and depth. Come here baby.” Michael grabs me and lifts me like a rag doll. I am 5’ 9” tall, so that isn’t an easy task. He makes it look easy, like my weight is negligible. He positions me to straddle him and places me directly over his erection. I am now on my knees and can feel him at my entrance. My muscles are pulsing and just the thought of this man being inside of me makes me want to explode inside. Placing my hands on his chest for balance, I lower myself onto him. Watching his face I can see the pleasure in his expression. It excites me to give him pleasure. I lower myself slowly inch by inch. I continue to do this until I am completely impaled. He fills me entirely. I am stretched tight and it feels amazing. Every cell I have down there is on full alert. His hands are on my hips urging me to pick up the pace. I slide up and down the length of him and with each stroke I hear him moan. Leaning over, I close my mouth over his. A muffled groan escapes. In a frantic move he grabs me and turns me over. I am now under this man and he is pumping himself into me. “Are you okay? Is this okay?” He asks in his breathless voice. “Yes, don’t stop Michael, I am so close to the edge again. Please don’t stop.” His hips pound out a rhythm that makes my body sing. I begin to shudder, sounds come from my mouth that are primal and my body convulses around him. In seconds I feel him still, his head is thrown back and the powerful pulsing of him inside me is all that remains.

Lowering his body to lay beside me, Michael pulls me into his arms. He is the big spoon and I am the little spoon. We lay like this for what seems like hours, although I know only minutes have passed.

“Do you want me to leave now?” I ask.

startled, Michael raises up on his elbow and looks intently at my face.

“Do you want to leave?”

“No, I just don’t really know how this works. I am way out of my element here.”

“What do you mean you don’t know how this works? You’re twenty-four.”

Lowering my head in embarrassment I look at my hands as I twiddle my thumbs.

“I have never actually spent the night with a man. I don’t know if I should stay or I should go.”

“I want you to stay, but I also want you to be comfortable so the choice is yours.”

“I would rather stay.” I am hoping that he feels the same way. I crave the presence of this man and I want to lie beside him throughout the night.

“I am happy to hear it Ms. McKenna.” Rolling over he is now straddling me. “Are you ready for round two?”

He makes me giggle and
then leans down and silences me with a kiss. We continue our pattern of sex and rest until a third of the condoms are gone. Curling up next to his body, I am home.



“Hey sleepy head, I hired you to design, not to sleep all day.” 

Rolling over I pull the covers over my head. I just want to stay in bed. My body aches everywhere. The bed dips as Michaels weight shifts toward me and he unwraps my cocoon.  “Ouch
,” I moan as the light hits my eyes, momentarily blinding me. “What time is it?”

“It’s time to get up.” He smiles down at me and my heart begins to flutter.

“What time is that?”

“It’s well past eight. I ordered you coffee and requested that room service bring up what you normally have for breakfast. They brought you dry toast and a half of a grapefruit. Is that really what you eat each morning?”

“Room service knows I spent the night with you?” Covering my face in my hands I yell into my palms. “I am so embarrassed!”

“There are no secrets in a hotel Karlie, the staff knows everything. Especially if they are well trained. They see everything and say nothing. I
will expect no less from my staff. Now get up and have coffee with me.”

Moving to the edge of the bed I can feel the soreness in my thigh muscles. Michael sees my grimace.

“Are you okay? He asks with sincerity.

Smiling shyly I answer his question. “Yes, I feel absolutely great, just a little sore.”

Grinning, Michael comes to me and wraps me in his arms.

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