Tempo (12 page)

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Authors: Kelley Maestas

BOOK: Tempo
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“Yes, we were talking about the fabrics.” Letting out a deep breath I try to gain my composure. I advance the slides forward to show the fabric samples on the screen. My voice is shaky and small. “Have you heard of Cooper Stiles?”

“No, I have not.” Gone is the playful boy who had appeared earlier and in his place is the stoic CEO. Determined to succeed in at least one of my missions I focus on landing the contract.

“You will enjoy this then. Cooper Stiles is a world renowned fabric designer. His designs are singular in theme. All of them are based on the music and sounds that a deaf person would hear in their head. As you can guess, Cooper Stiles has been deaf since birth and has never heard a single sound in his life. If you are a questioning person, you would shrug your shoulders and say “big deal, why shouldn’t a deaf man be able to design a pattern?” The amazing thing is that Cooper Stiles is also blind. He chooses his own palette and creates everything from a feeling that comes from within. I know how important it is that people get your theme, you once told me that you have to feel it to experience it. Cooper Stiles is Tempo and it reflects in the beautiful samples I have to show you. Walking the sample to Michael I am careful not to touch his hand. I just can’t handle any more right now and I don’t know what would happen if we touched. “I have stuck with a bold pattern that includes the core colors of browns, blacks, gold and beiges. What I love about this sample is the addition of the same blue that is found in the lobby sculpture. It’s a bold splash, but used sparingly it is classic and sophisticated. It will also give you the edge that you’re looking for. I want this used as accent pillows, piping around solid accent pillows, bed skirts and shower curtains. It’s too much to use as window treatments. It would be lovely to put a four-inch border of this around the solid fabric that I have chosen for the draperies. I would also recommend that we upholster the desk chair in the same fabric. The suites would be decorated in a similar fashion, but I would change the fabrics to this pattern.” Once again, I walk the fabric over and carefully hand it to Michael. “Lets move on to the art. Tempo is such a unique place. The art is going to be a key element. I have contacted some of the artists from my alma mater and they have agreed to let you exclusively print lithographs of some of their artwork. The agreement would give them a fair price for each printed piece of art and you will be given the opportunity to purchase the original. Either way, the art piece will be retired immediately. There is no risk of ever seeing the art anywhere else. As for the suites, I feel strongly that only originals should be hung. It will make the spaces exclusive while setting them apart from the rest of the hotel and each other. I don’t have samples of the art, but I can assure you that they are spectacular. If you choose Anna Sloan Design we could fly to Denver and select them together.” Looking at Michael, I can’t read his expression so I move on with my closing. “This concludes my presentation Mr. Scarpetti. All estimates are included in the paperwork I gave you earlier. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to show you what I… excuse me, I mean what Anna Sloan Design can offer you.”

“Thank you Karlie, your presentation was exceptional. You did a great job. I have Tina’s presentation next but either way, I will have an answer to you by five o’clock. Will you be in your room?”

“I have no idea where I will be, but I am sure Tony will know.” Turning I walk away and start packing my materials. Ready to leave, I look for Tony so that he can help me carry my things to the car. I find him and Tina chatting just outside the door.

“Hi Karlie, how did it go?” Ugh do I really need to deal with Tina right now.

“It went great Tina. I tried not to let my nerves get the best of me, but I was nervous.”

“Well, it will be ea
sier as you get more experience,” she says sweetly.

She actually seems pleasant today, so maybe I misjudged her. Walking away I call back.

“Good luck Tina.”

“Won’t need it Karlie, have a great flight home.”

Her last statement stops me in my tracks. I shake my head as my bitch radar begins to sound of in my head. Halfway down the hallway, I see Michael in a heated conversation with Lloyd.

“Figure it out Lloyd. Now! It’s what I pay you for!” As Michael turns, he sees me standing there. His mouth becomes a firm grim line as he walks away. I wonder what in the hell that was about? Tony and I make our way to the black sedan and head back to the Four Seasons.

“How did it go Ms. McKenna? Deep in thought I am brought back to the present by Tony’s question.

“I have no idea Tony, but I know I left it all there. I could be on my way home tomorrow. We’ll see.”

“I hope you stay Ms. McKenna, it’s been my pleasure serving you and I would like to continue to do so.”

“Thanks Tony.” Thinking to myself I realize that if I do stay I will continue to have a twenty-four hour guard. It’s been okay so far
, but it’s only been a day and a half. I am not certain I am on board with the bodyguard thing. I can see where it would start to feel too confining. Before I know it, I am back in the hotel and safely in my room. Tony has done his job well.

I need to call Anna and let her know about my day. Picking up the phone I dial her direct line.

“Oh my goodness Karlie I have been on pins and needles all day. Tell me everything!”

“Anna, I am so exhausted. I feel like I’m one of those reality series contestants and I may get voted off the island tonight.” I spend over an hour on the phone explaining almost everything to her. I left out the dress, the suggestive language and the kiss. We hang up with the promise that I will let her know immediately one way or the other. It’s one-thirty and I could use a nap. The ups and downs of the presentation have zapped all of my strength. I still can’t wrap my head around what happened. One minute he was kissing me and the next I was back on my feet and talking about art and fabric. What did he mean when he said that this thing between him and I was not over? Too exhausted to think, I change into my sweatpants and t-shirt and head to bed.

Chapter Nine


The knocking at my door drags me from a deep sleep. Reaching for my phone I see the time and realize that I have overslept.
Karlie what an idiot, you didn’t set your alarm. 
Admonishing myself I leap up and walk to the door. I feel tired and weary. It’s been a long week. Knowing my hair is a tangled mess, I hide behind the door. I open it just a few inches just in case it’s Michael. I don’t want him to see me looking this way.

“Ms. McKenna, I have been asked to deliver this to you in person.” Looking down, I take the cream colored envelope from her hand. My stomach sinks.

“Thank you Eve.”

“Always my pleasure Ms. McKenna.” Behind her, I see Tony looking uninterested
, but I know he hasn’t missed a thing. He disappears behind the closing door.

Looking at the envelope, I am almost certain of what I will find inside. If I had the job, wouldn’t he have come to deliver the news himself? So, this is how it’s going to be. I formulate the message in my mind. Ms. McKenna I am sorry to inform you blah, blah, blah. First and foremost in my mind is that I won’t get to see him again to say goodbye. The feeling you get when you’re profoundly sad and your chest hurts is how I feel at this moment. My heart is being squeezed like it’s in a vise. I head back to bed, hold the envelope to my nose and begin to cry. I can smell him, his scent lingers where he has touched the paper.
Lets get this over with! Just open the damn thing!
She’s right, always the smart girl. I will need to call Anna and then pack. The sooner I get this over with the better. Turning over the envelope, I run my index finger under the seal and open the flap. Inside is a hand written note. I recognize the script.



Meet me for dinner at seven. Tony will bring you. Wear the black dress! M

Meet him for dinner? Wear the dress? My soul jumps for joy. Tears continue to spring from my eyes, but they suddenly have new meaning. I realize now that I don’t care if I get the job or not, all that matters is that I get to see him one more time. I need to get ready, but first I need to call Anna. Dialing her number I feel happy and full of joy. It’s funny how you can go from a place of deep sorrow to elation in the blink of an eye. The phone rings several times and then goes to voicemail. I decide to leave a message. “Hi Anna, it’s Karlie. I don’t know anything yet. I am supposed to meet Mr. Scarpetti at seven for dinner. The suspense is killing me. Talk to you soon.”

I turn on some music and dance around the room. Tonight is going to be some night; it will either go down as the best night of my life or the second worst.

Tony guides me to a staff elevator where we enter through the kitchen. I ask no questions, I just follow. My heart is beating fast. My palms are sweating. I am wearing the Versace dress, my new shoes and nothing else but a smile. After an interminable amount of time, I am finally delivered to what appears to be a private dining room. Michael jumps up and is immediately by my side. Tony steps back and the door is closed. It’s just us, and a beautifully set table with candles and flowers. Michael lifts my chin and looks into my eyes. He softly tells me, “You are so beautiful Karlie.” I feel his lips gently touch mine. I move closer to him, trying to meld our bodies together as one. The only time I feel alive is when he is touching me. I crave his presence. The kiss lingers on as he thoroughly explores every crevice in my mouth. He slowly devours me. I savor the taste of him. He tastes of honey and vanilla.  Neither one of us wants to break the connection. As our lips pull apart I gaze into his eyes. I wonder what he sees in mine? Do they give me away? I am falling hard for this man. He walks me to the table and helps me into my seat. His warm hand lingers on my back, sending a chill all the way up my spine. A sound escapes my chest. It sounds something like a soft murmur of satisfaction.

“I have ordered dinner
for us,” he says smiling.

“Of course you have,
” I say in a clipped tone but then smile, letting him know that I am teasing him.

“I have ordered your favorite champagne.”

My eyes dart up.

“I have a favorite?”

“Yes, you do, it will always be the one I order. Today it’s Armand De Brignac.” He sounds so confident and sexy.

“Well in that case, thanks for remembering my favorite. Are we celebrating something?” There is a playful nature to our conversation. It’s so light and airy.

“Yes we are,” he declares. “Welcome to my team! You have won the bid.”

“Really? I am so excited. You won’t be disappointed I promise you. I have to call Anna. Will you excuse me for a minute?” My voice continues to get faster and higher pitched as the excitement blooms.

“Anna knows, I called her first. That’s what has taken me so long. The contracts had to be reviewed and signed. Everything is in order. She said to have a nice dinner and she will talk to you tomorrow. Would you like to share the news with your parents?” He holds out his phone for me to use. I place my hand over his and push the phone down to his lap.

“Yes, I wish I could. My mom would be so excited for me and my dad would be so proud
, but both of my parents died in a car accident six years ago.” His face falls completely.

“I am
so sorry Karlie, I didn’t know,” he pauses thoughtfully. “Let’s propose a toast then.” Raising our glasses, he says, “To Karlie’s parents who raised an amazingly talented and beautiful daughter and to Tempo may she beat a lively path to the top.” We clang our glasses together and sip our champagne.

“I hope you like caprese salad, it’s our first course.” As soon as he mentions the salad, a side door opens and the server delivers our appetizer. Deep in thought about the days to come, I gaze at the bubbles in my glass.

“A penny for your thoughts, you look a million miles away.”

Wondering what the contract will do to our budding relationship, I blurt out, “Will you stop kissing me?”

“Do you want me to?”

“No!” I say a bit too quickly and Michael begins to laugh. “Don’t laugh at me, it’s just that I like your kisses.”

“I like your kisses too Karlie, way too much.”

“What happens now?” Waiting for him to answer, I roll my lip between my teeth.

“What do you want to happen?” He looks at me quizzically.

“If you could read my mind, you would be shocked. I’m shocked and it’s my mind.”

“Let just do what feels right okay?” he suggests.

Under my breath, I mumble.

“What are you mumbling about?”

“Nothing, I just I said I’m in big trouble.”

“Eat your tomatoes and cheese.” Pointing to my plate he gives me his best do as I say look.

“Are you always so bossy?” I quip.

“Yes, get used to it.”

I eat my tomatoes with mozzarella, rack of lamb, risotto and grilled zucchini. We share a chocolate soufflé that he insists on spoon-feeding me bite by bite. The champagne flows freely. With dinner completed we sit in companionable silence until Michael speaks up.

“I believe we have some unfinished business Ms. McKenna.”

“Really, what would that be Mr. Scarpetti?” My tone is playful and my hopes are rising. I am hoping he is referring to where we left off in the hallway two nights ago.

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