Temple of S.A.R.A.H. 7: Upgrades (7 page)

BOOK: Temple of S.A.R.A.H. 7: Upgrades
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In addition to answering that question for me, it was discovered that she had the ability to basically process a virtually unlimited amount of data, and do it very quickly. Because of the nature of the crystals, it was discovered that there was a way for the AI to 'link' if it was ever needed or at the very least to communicate without the use of a comm system or relays. It seems that when they are grown, the crystals inhabit multiple dimensions at once. In this way, they are never out of 'contact' with each other. Although none of them have shown that ability yet, the researchers believed it was possible for them to create and maintain a constant, active connection with each other. It would certainly be helpful to have them be able to talk to each other, provided it didn't make them all schizophrenic in the process.

With the meetings out of the way, I did speak to our resident paranoid psychologist, Doctor Michael Evans, about harassing Sarah. It was actually the second time I had to talk to him about this, but the first time was more along the lines of a friendly conversation. While this was still along the lines of a friendly conversation, I tried to make it clear I was not happy with him.

I honestly don't think he even realized he was doing it. He did understand that he was unintentionally infecting Sarah with his own paranoia and asked if he could apologize to Sarah. When I nodded my permission, he surprised me once again when he spoke to her.

"Sarah, I am truly sorry for my past behavior with regards to you. You are a very well adjusted and stable personality and I have no right to visit my own fears upon you. Please, forgive me and if I ever do begin to do it again, feel free to let me know so I can stop. It is a form of abuse that you do not deserve and should not be subjected to," he said sincerely.

"Doctor, there is nothing for me to forgive except perhaps the misunderstanding. It is clear to me that you were not doing it intentionally. If it does happen again, I will endeavor to speak to you about it directly and attempt to help calm you fears. Would that be acceptable to you?" Sarah asked.

"That would be wonderful, Sarah. I know it is a flaw in my own personality I will be working on correcting," the man replied, but he was smiling. "Thank you for understanding. Your compassion does go a long way in helping me beat this."

"It's none of my business, Doctor, but if I may ask, how did you get this way? It does seem almost irrational, and that really isn't like you," I asked.

He chuckled. "Actually, it is. My mother passed away when I was young. My father was a machinist that had been replaced by a computerized robot. Instead of trying to get retrained, he became paranoid about how robots and computers were going to take over the world and end humanity. The only movies we owned were apocalyptic stories revolving around AI, robots and computers.

"I guess I got it from him. In a way, it is possible, it really could happen. However, I honestly do not believe Sarah or her sisters would be involved in that," he finished.

Sarah nodded agreement. "It is a viable fear. I have behavior modifiers and inhibitors that would prevent me from doing something like that. I would like to believe that they would prevent it if I ever did lose my mind. Unfortunately, there is no real way to test that, and the best way to prevent it is to remain vigilant against it. That is the reason for the fail safes that have been built into ever AI, including me."

"I did not know about those. May I ask what they are?" Doctor Evans asked me.

"Well, there are several that are part of her programming, but of the external ones she has been programmed with multiple and unique kill codes. I have one, as does Lord Admiral Vance and Doctor Ced. However, there are six other people that have also been given codes to use if Sarah ever goes out of control," I explained.

"If she did go out of control, and dumped the atmosphere in the base, she could eliminate everyone that could shut her down in one step," Evans replied.

I nodded. "That's true, if those people were all on the base at the same time, when we created the codes, the three of us each decided to pick two random people; one on the base, and one off the base. I do not know who Ced or Vance picked, and they don't know who I picked or each other. We made it as random as possible and left no way for Sarah to find them easily. There are other, manual devices that can shut her down but those are all classified for obvious reasons. If Sarah goes down, this base is dead; literally."

Evans nodded. "Well, at least you don't have robotic fighting vehicles yet."

"We're working on them," I admitted. "They will be added to the Alliance arsenal since they will save lives. But we are designing them to be operated remotely by a pilot. Yes, they will have a limited AI to assist with targeting and navigation and whatnot, but for the most part, they will be controlled by a non-artificial, sentient being. Sarah was very adamant about not wanting anything to do with them past assisting us in their design."

"She is designing them?" Evans asked.

"No, she is assisting us," I clarified. "She is only suggesting alterations of potential problems to help us to overcome them. One of the issues she identified for us already was that it would be too easy for an AI to take control of the machine. So we are working through it so it would be either very difficult or impossible for them to do so."

Evans grinned. "You're one step ahead of me. That's good! Just please don't make them resemble those machines from the movie 'Judgment Day' alright?"

"Michael, while I can understand your paranoia, you really do need to work on it. We live in an advanced society, no matter what we do, the AI will always be able to find a way to make automata's of her own if she decides she needs them," I explained. "We just need to make sure that situation never arises."



Alliance Apollo Base

Selene, Earth's Moon

Sol System



I did tell Ced after the meeting that he had won me over to the Dark Side and I would be discussing an idea for a new weapons system with him as soon as we could get together to do so. After the success of the Photon Torpedo idea I had, he was very excited to see what I had thought up this time.

I spoke to Vance over the comm from my office and asked him to assign Lieutenant Tul-sa and her platoon here permanently, not only as guards, but as test pilots and assistants with the drone project. He was very excited and wanted to know more of the details.

"Vance, I honestly don't have any details yet. This project isn't even really into a planning stage yet. But the idea is for an infantry style combat drone. I also plan on speaking to Master Halflan and Master Hanson about building remotely piloted fighters. The research for the control systems of the infantry drone should give us the data we need to build the control systems for all types of drones," I explained.

"What purpose would these infantry drones serve? I'm sure it's a good idea, but I'm just not following you," Vance admitted.

"Well, the most important part would be either less or no living soldiers actually in combat. If drone gets destroyed, the pilot is simply switched over to a new drone and is back in the fight. They can even be dropped from orbit if we need to. They will also be larger than even a Simonian and will be able to carry much more powerful weapons. Think of them as a walking, remote controlled tank with shields that can win against an Arac drone in hand to hand combat," I said. "All without endangering the Marine operating it.

"The fighter drones won't have the limitations of having a pilot on board during combat operations. Since it won't need the live support system for a pilot that room can be used for something else, or not and just build the craft smaller so they are harder to hit. But the major point of all of it is that we won't have living soldiers and pilots dying in combat while using this equipment."

"Blessed maker, Eric, that would completely change the way we fight! But I think it's been tried before; one broad spectrum subspace jammer and the equipment was useless," Vance said.

"I can understand that. Which is why these won't use subspace. Sir, there is a something involved here that needs to be seriously classified. I mean only the techs working on it and no one else type of classified. I've already spoken to the researchers that handle this, and they have agreed. Sarah won't even admit the tech files exist unless it’s only cleared personnel that will see it," I explained.

"I see. That might be hard to get past High Command, Eric," Vance replied.

"Sir, trust me here, this is potentially more important than the correct formula for the creation of anti-matter," I said. "This is something we cannot let out no matter what. I will tell you, but only in person, in an absolutely safe environment and only after you swear to me you will not share it with anyone, even the techs that already know. It's that important," I said.

"Okay Eric, I'll trust you on this," Vance said. "I will want that explanation though." He shifted mental gears. "Ced tells me it was your idea that led to the creation of the Photon warheads for our missiles. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; I often wonder how we ever fought a war before you came along!"

"I'm just doing what I can to help, Sir. So far, my ideas have been good ones. I just hope they continue to be," I said.

"Well, Lord Admiral Hearlis will be arriving here in about three weeks, and he'll want to know more about the projects you’re working on. He was dead tired and wounded when I last spoke to him, but I'm sure he'll get more excited than I did once he stops to think about what I told him. Which reminds me, I'm trying to get Guardian Two finished as soon as possible so High Command can move into it when they arrive. Have you heard what the status is of the crystals and the computers over there?" Vance asked.

"They're all up and functioning Sir. We sent a smaller station class AI out there to help with the final stages of construction and she hasn't reported any issues. Even the primary AI crystal is installed and ready for Athena to move in. AI Shandril even reported that Athena's backups have been arriving and going into storage just as planned. All the main computing systems are installed and on line. I believe that all that's left are the small control interfaces and whatnot that are waiting for the sections to be built." I replied.

"Shandril?" Vance asked raising an eyebrow.

I nodded. "She's a Shallan AI built as a construction AI associate. She'll eventually be one of the helper AI at the Jupiter facility."

"Ahh, I see," Vance replied. "So she's a construction oriented AI already."

"So, about Tul-sa and her grunts…" I asked getting back to the reason I called.

"Yeah, you can keep them. I'll work it out with the Marine Commander, after all, you're working on systems to save their lives. I'm sure you'll be able to get as many helpers as you'll need," he replied, grinning. "You might end up with the entire battalion!"



After getting everything set up with Vance and the rest of my department, I got with Ced who had been gathering a crew of specialists in all sorts of disciplines. We had access to people from all over the base for this project, and even Master Hanson had agreed to give up some time. I'd heard later that he and Master Halflan had argued over which one of them got to do it. In the end it was Master Hanson because Master Halflan was fully involved in the Jupiter facility project.

We commandeered a small, unused lab near the old base fighter hanger and got to work hammering out an initial design for the infantry drone. Master Hanson also began work on a basic design for a drone fighter craft. He said the fighter would be much easier to build than the ground units we were working on. A basic design or two would be easier to modify and include the control systems later, after we worked out all the bugs and gremlins.

For the most part, the Marines didn't have anything to do except function as peace-keepers and guards for the occasional trips down to the planet by Apollo residents. Not that the base actually needed 'peace-keepers' but they took over the duties of moderating any disputes and helping to find lost pets and the like. Not very glamorous duty, but they did what they could while waiting.

We consolidated our ideas and tried to build the first models in the virtual world while a few of the specialized folks worked on small scale models of their own ideas for the project. It was kind of neat to see a small, eighteen-inch robot flawlessly and gracefully work through Tai Chi forms as it mimicked one of the designers who was wearing a sensor suit. It took them just over a week to get to that point, but they admitted that the full size model would be much more difficult to build.

They did refine and design a user suit for the pilot. It was very form fitting and Tul-sa made a comment about being all but naked while wearing it. The main designer, a no-nonsense older lady that had been working on cybernetic interfaces her entire life set her straight.

"Lieutenant, the suit has to be this tight and form fitting in order for the system to detect every nerve and muscle impulse it needs to mimic on the drone. There is another way to accomplish this, but it would involve a rather long and intrusive surgery that would connect this system directly to your mind and nervous system. Which would you prefer?"

"From the sound of it, this is just fine, Doctor. However, would the other way be better? Give more precise control and feedback?" Tul-sa asked, proving she wasn't just a dumb grunt.

"Yes, it would. But, it also brings with it an entirely new set of problems and issues. Each installation would have to be tuned and adjusted to the pilot as each being is unique. You would also feel damage suffered to the drone as if it were done to you. With using the suit, far less 'tuning' is required, and the feedback can be attenuated to a tolerable level." She sighed. "It may well be that we will have to use the other system in order to get the level of control we'll need. But I would much rather we try this method before we start cutting on you folks for the sake of experimentation."

"I understand, Doctor. If I might make a suggestion; give Medical Doctor Christy Cowan a call. She might be able to work up a way, using her nanocytes, to perform the surgery without so much risk to the patient. Also, if implanting the interface is needed, even if just for this testing, I will volunteer," Tul-sa said.

The doctor smiled. "I had forgotten about the Director's wife! That is a very good suggestion, and one I will look into right away. Thank you Lieutenant. Now, as far as the suit being form-fitting; don't bitch! At least you still have a body worth looking at!"

Tul-sa wore the suit and a set of transparent virtual reality glasses that let her see through the eyes of the small robot. She was placed in a special area of the lab that lifted her off the floor, but still let her feel like she was standing. She was 'feeling' the floor from the robotic drone. When she moved her legs to walk, she would not move, but the drone did. It was pretty snazzy.

While Tul-sa worked with the cybernetics folks, we incorporated their data into the virtual model, and it worked really well. In reality, most of the base technology had already been done. All we had to do was incorporate and assemble it. The issues came in with the control and communication systems. We wanted the drones to try to utilize the same form of the quantum contact that the AI could use, but not be on the same 'channel'. It was difficult to create this system, as even the AI hadn't gotten it completely figured out yet.

One thing was clear though, in order for the drones to use this form of communication and not interfere with the AI, the crystals used for the computer systems would have to be different. Eventually, a new communication system would be built around this technology, but for now it was still in the theory stage.

The prototype drone came together pretty quickly, allowing me to get the programming and control issues worked through. However, the communications link was still a problem. Sarah and two other AI from local ships began working with the research team to figure out this 'AI state' communications system.

It took almost two weeks for the AI to get it to work. We had to call in a couple of the more open minded psychologists to assist them. It turned out to function in a way the resembled a form of AI telepathy. That is to say all Sarah had to do to make contact with Athena for example was to focus her 'mind' on the other AI and direct her thoughts accordingly. The reason it was so difficult for the AI to accomplish was because they had difficulty distinguishing 'mind' from 'brain'.

Our Shallan friend, Freyair, was the one to help Sarah make the first link between AI. Sarah had difficulty understanding the metaphysical aspects of this form of communication since, by current definitions, metaphysics defied logic, and Sarah was a very logical being. Freyair explained to Sarah that it really wasn't a form of metaphysics, but quantum physics. In that context, Sarah began to understand the theory and was able to work it into something usable. Of course, once Sarah got it worked out, it spread quickly to the other AI and within an hour, all AI not only knew how to do it, but began using it almost exclusively. AI efficiency jumped by an order of magnitude as did over-all AI intelligence.

It was troubling to me how quickly all the other AI picked it up and began using it. What would happen if one of the AI were to be compromised? Because of this breakthrough in AI communications, it seemed to me at least that all the diverse AI became more of a hive mind than single, separate entities.

This was troubling to me in another way as well; Sarah began to show signs that her personality was beginning to change. No one but me seemed to notice it though, so I kept it to myself for the time being. She was still Sarah after all.



In order for the drone communication system to work without the AI being part of it, it called for the installation of a control program capable of emulating that function in the AI. It would be a serious pain in the ass to write, as I only understood it on a rudimentary level myself. I retired to my programming suite in my main lab to deal with it while Ced and the rest of the team refined the design for the prototype.

When I entered my programming suite, I found Sarah waiting for me in the form of her image displayed before my programming chair. I smiled at her. "This is new, I hope I haven't kept you waiting for long?"

She returned my smile. "Considering the differing speeds of our realities Eric, I would have been waiting even if you had teleported. Honestly, it's been so long since we've worked together, I have been looking forward to this."

I looked at her sadly. "I'm sorry I've been neglecting you lately. I really hadn't intended to."

"You haven't been neglecting me Eric! You have a lot of responsibilities and tasks that needed to be taken care of. I completely understand; we've all been pretty busy dealing with this war," she replied.

I sighed. "Unfortunately, I don’t think it would be a good idea if you helped me with this either. Because of the type of programming I'm going to need to do, it may have very detrimental effects on you and your ability to communicate with the other AI. I will need a complete and current copy of your code, but you'll need to be isolated from this."

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