Tell Me a Secret

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Authors: Holly Cupala

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #General, #Social Issues, #Death & Dying, #Pregnancy

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Holly Cupala
Tell Me a Secret

Ezri, my help
Lyra, my song
and Shiraz, my love



It’s tough, living in the shadow of a dead girl.


Coming home after almost three months was like walking into…


Things could have been different if Delaney had chosen Brielle…


When Delaney picked me up to go to Chop Suey,…


Two days later, summer officially ended and I started life…


My mother couldn’t control the weather in Seattle, but she…


“Miranda, what’s the holdup?”


Milo’s party got off the ground now that Delaney was…


Essence didn’t come to school today, but her legend lived…


When I came home, the house was eerily quiet. Usually…


After dinner there was nothing for me to do but…


Delaney didn’t call me back. Suddenly she had a million…


Before she spent her days and nights with Andre, Xanda…


More and more, I spent my free time either in…


After Miz Wrent’s visit, I expected my mom to champion…


After Ty Belkin’s moment of truth, questions and answers blurred…


Mom usually puttered around in the morning with Dad already…


The last weeks of October found everyone at school humming…


That’s how I ended up at Dylan’s Halloween party, sneaking…


I remember the day Dad brought him home.


Where my pregnancy made a mere ripple in the Elna…


My parents wasted no time setting me on the path…


Throughout November, I performed a bevy of soul-sucking tasks for…


“I don’t think I’ll be here for Thanksgiving,” I announced…


I climbed into Shelley’s SUV and saw a whole new…


Elna Mead scheduled the Winter Ball for the last weekend…


A few minutes later, I pulled into the church parking…


“What,” my mom hissed, “is going on here?” She looked…


Montage opening night was sure to be a packed house…


Mom drove with her eyes straight ahead, boring into the…


The Impala had cleaned up nicely since the crash that…


“It was Christmas Eve, remember?” It seemed absurd, standing by…


“You sure you don’t want me to take you home?”


The darkness gathering around me and Xanda felt close, warm,…


A pinch on my backside awakened me, pulling me out…


Once I hit SEND, it was too late to go…


“I’msorryI’msorryI’msorry,” I kept saying, as if chanting the words would…


Shelley wiped her forehead as if pressing that mountain out…


Shelley came back with DaShawn—the day after Christmas, and the…


I spent the next couple of weeks living at the…


Lexi went from the ventilator to the incubator, upgraded out…


“Hey, what are you doing here?” a voice roared in…


After Xanda stormed out on Christmas Eve with Andre in…


The bus wound through the hills of our neighborhood as…


I became an older sister the day I turned eighteen.


It’s tough, living in the shadow of a dead girl. It’s like living at the foot of a mountain blocking out the sun, and no one ever thinks to say, “Damn, that mountain is big.” Or, “Wonder what’s on the other side?” It’s just something we live with, so big we hardly notice it’s there. Not even when it’s crushing us under its terrible weight.

No one mentions my sister. If they do, it’s mentioning her by omission, relief that I am nothing like
. I am the good sister. Thank God.

To speak of my sister…there’s nothing more sacrilegious. Alexandra, Andra, Alex. Xanda—who was, and is, and is to come. To speak her name is my family’s purest form of blasphemy.

To think of Xanda is to conjure up a person out of phase
with the rest of us. Gym socks and Mary Janes. Lipstick always slightly outside the lines, as if she were just the victim of a mad, messy kiss. Laddered stockings with dresses that were decidedly un-churchy. Sloppy in a way that was somehow repulsive and delectable at the same time. Repulsive to my parents. Delectable to me.

At ten, I was practicing her pout in the mirror. By twelve, I was trying on her clothes (in secret, of course), thrilled with the way her shorts hugged my cheeks and made my underpants seem obsolete. Xanda was seventeen. She didn’t wear underpants.

One day she caught me in her boots and safety-pin dress, the one she had painstakingly assembled like rock-star chain mail. I was so scared I poked a pin through the end of my pinky. I imagined her taking off one of her stilettos and plunging it into my heart.

But Xanda didn’t skewer me. Instead, she threw back her head and laughed a dazzling, tonsil-baring laugh, then smothered me in a hug. She had that sour, sharp smell, and I knew she had been with Andre—Andre, of the sultry voice and skin the shade of coffee with milk.
Café con leche
, as he put it. Sweet and dangerous. A bit of a con, said Andre. A bit of a letch, said my sister.

After she bandaged my finger, Xanda insisted I try on the matching safety-pin leg warmers. They hung like chains around my ankles.
Clump, clump, drag.
With a heavy grasp, she steered us both toward the full-length mirror on
the back of her bedroom door. The metal of the safety pins shimmered down my straight, twelve-year-old hips. Xanda stood behind me, the glow of the bedroom window lighting up the pale chaos of her hair in a halo. She shimmered, too, but in a different kind of way. Her sheer white dress fluttered around her, a ghost trapped behind my chain-link figure. When she smiled, she looked like an unholy angel.

She studied my face with one eye closed, like an artist sizing up a canvas. “You know what?” she said. “I don’t think you should be Mandy anymore.”

“Should I be Miranda now?” I asked.

“No, I was thinking more like…Rand. Rand is so much cooler than Mandy. Kind of edgy. Don’t you think?”

I tested the name in my mouth. Rand. Rand would wear a safety-pin dress. Rand could probably go without underpants now and then. Rand sounded almost like Xanda. I liked it.

“Do you want to know a secret?” I whispered to the sister in the mirror.

“Tell me,” she whispered back. “Tell me, and I’ll tell you one.”

I cupped my hands around her ear. You never knew when our mother would turn a corner, shattering the most perfect moment with a well-placed shard of disapproval. Andre’s scent lingered in Xanda’s hair, filling my head and fueling my passionate announcement: “I want to be like you!”

Xanda staggered backward, the smile on her face slipping first into a grimace and then into a beaming hiccup. She threw her arms around me and rocked back and forth. Her body heaved with silent giggles until I nearly suffocated in her clutch. I laughed, too, at my own ridiculousness. It wasn’t until she pulled away that I realized she was crying.

“You don’t want to be like me.” She swiped at the tears, smearing her left eye just enough to match her right. A bitter laugh gurgled up. “You’d be better off being like Mom than me.”

The front door slammed—Mom returning from the church drama committee, or praying for Xanda’s soul. The safety pins closed in on me like a thorny noose. My eyes met Xanda’s in the mirror: panic in mine, resolve in hers. She pushed past me and out the door, where Mom saw her see-through dress and immediately began the usual tirade.
Dressed like a streetwalker…playing with fire…don’t you see what you’re doing to your life?

I winced, knowing I could never stand up to the words my mother threw so easily at my sister. “That’s just it, Mom,” she countered. “It’s my life, not yours.”

Then it dawned on me: Xanda was buying me time. After wrestling with the pins, I escaped with only a few scratches through the secret passageway Dad had built between our bedrooms, her words burning in my heart.
Tell me, and I’ll tell you one.

Xanda never did tell me her secret, though I thought I
could guess. I could see it in her eyes the last time she left. I knew, from the suitcase bursting with her clothes found in Andre’s car when they tried to escape Seattle forever.

“It was that boy,” my mother told me the night she died. “It was that Andre’s fault, for his drinking.” And Dad’s, for bringing him into our lives.

In the five years after Xanda died, each of my parents disappeared behind a locked door,
—Mom into drama and the prayer chain, Dad into his construction business. I was left to wonder, what role did Xanda fill that I could not? What secret did she keep? And what path could I take to find it?

Any choice could lead to something irrevocable, as my boyfriend, Kamran, would say. I had to tread carefully.

I first saw Kamran checking out my labyrinth drawings in the Elna Mead Junior Class Art Exhibition last February. A guy I’d never seen before hovered right next to the display glass, drinking in the lines of my mazes as though he were trying to navigate them.

He wasn’t much taller than me, with metal-rimmed glasses, combat boots, casually holding a motorcycle helmet. He stood there at some point nearly every day, absorbing the images and making notes in a small notebook. I would find it odd if he wasn’t so hot.

Essence was my spy and confidante, back when we were still friends. Before Delaney Pratt changed everything.

“Yup, he’s still there,” Essence said, plopping her books
down next to me in chem class. “Do you think he’s a freak or something?”

“No,” I said. “I think he’s cute. I haven’t seen him before. Do you think he’s a transfer student? Ooh, maybe he’s from Germany or Israel or something. He looks kind of Euro, you know?” And a little bit of
con leche
, I hoped.

“No idea. Maybe Eli knows.”

Eli was Essence’s new squeeze—actually, her first-ever squeeze. She had been spending an inordinate amount of time getting to know him and his tonsils, so I didn’t see her much anymore outside of chem lab. They met in Drama, where Essence was honing her stage skills while I drifted deeper into preparing for art school—and checked out art-appreciating hotties.

Eli was not impressed with our sleuthing. “Are you blind? That’s Kamran Ziyal. He’s been around since second grade.” Eli was haughty in that “I’m infinitely smarter than you” kind of way, which Essence thought was adorable. “Too cool to come down and mingle with the rest of us,” he declared. “He’s busy trying to get into aeronautics and astronautics at MIT.” Perfect—a stone’s throw away from my choice, Baird School of Fine Arts, in Boston.

I was too shy to say anything to this mysterious Kamran until the day I caught him holding a pencil and sheet of paper up to the glass—copying my work.

“Hey,” I said, my outrage overcoming the tongue that had been tied up for weeks. “You can’t copy that! It’s mine!”
I sounded like a twelve-year-old, but I didn’t care. If Mr. MIT Astronaut Man was going to copy my art, I wasn’t above making a twelve-year-old stink.

He shifted his weight toward me, turning the full power of those olive eyes onto my face. I opened my mouth to shout something—anything—and he smiled a kind of cocky half-smile, knocking the rules of communication right out of my head.

White teeth…nice lips…eyelashes…I could no longer make sense of any of them. Except that they were talking to me. Well, the lips were talking to me. The eyes were looking at me in the same way they’d been looking at my art for the last month—searching for something beyond this dimension.

“I wasn’t copying, I was making a sketch of it for the poem I’ve been writing about your art. I wanted to remember it.”

The boy wrote poetry. About my art. I thought I was going to pass out.

“I’m studying hyperspace—you know, wormholes, which are kind of like labyrinths, only instead of traversing a landscape, they can traverse space and time, and possibly even an infinite number of galaxies. So I wanted to write about them. Your art inspired me.”

Okay, make that hyperventilate, here in hyperspace, with the cute boy who writes poetry.

“Oh…oh,” I stuttered. “So you write about wormholes.
. I mean…labyrinths are my passion.” They had
been, ever since Xanda died.

He smiled even wider. “I can see that. I like labyrinths, too.”

I was hooked, enough to keep checking for mystery-man Kamran lurking around my art and hopefully thinking about me as much as I was thinking about him.

When the display came down, I was afraid he would disappear.


Everything about last year seemed irrevocable now—the intersection of Kamran and me. Meeting Delaney. Losing Essence. The choices we made, the last time I saw them all.

I would not have chosen to spend the summer before my senior year working at Evergreen New Creation Camp teaching art. “After all,” said my mother, “you can’t be a teacher if you don’t start acquiring some experience.”
Make art, Mom, not teach art
. But it was pointless to remind her when she had already made up her mind.
Money in the bank,
Dad would say. You never knew when you’d need it.

It was as if they already knew what I’d done and had devised the perfect purgatory. They couldn’t have chosen much worse than nine weeks at the church kiddie camp, eighty miles outside of Seattle. Nine weeks. Nine hundred kids. At least nine different behavioral disorders. And while I was painting crosses and rainbows and getting sick from the heat and collective prepubescent body odor, Kamran took classes and worked two jobs, Delaney jetted off to Amsterdam, and Essence would probably go to theater camp like she had every
summer since fourth grade.

I returned home the week before school to life as usual in the Mathison house: Mom the drama queen, Dad the absentee, and me…a seventeen-year-old with too many secrets—and a mountain of my own, threatening to blow.

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