Tee-ani's Pirates (12 page)

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Authors: Rachel Clark

BOOK: Tee-ani's Pirates
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Her ass pulsed where Ben had slapped her, the heat traveling straight to her clit, her pussy creaming around his cock. Ben’s hand snaked under her body, his clever fingers finding her clitoris and circling the swollen flesh. She swallowed around Trey’s cock again as she felt him swell in her mouth. She could feel he was on the verge of coming, but he pulled out at the last moment. He unthreaded his hand from her hair and she let her head flop forward so that she could hide the pleasure that was likely written all over her face.

Ben still pounded into her from behind and it took her a moment to realize that Trey’s hands had joined his as they roamed over the heated flesh of her ass. Another loud slap against her soft skin filled the room and she would’ve launched off the table if she hadn’t been strapped in so tightly. For a moment, Tee-ani marveled at how, even though she was tied down and completely helpless, she’d never felt safer or more cared for in her life. Ben and Trey would protect her always, of that she had no doubt.

She felt Ben pull out of her pussy and a moment later Trey pressed into her. He grabbed her hips, slamming into her over and over. A thumb toyed with the sensitive puckered flesh of her anus before easing past the tight ring of muscle and setting up a fast in and out rhythm. No longer able to control her reactions, Tee-ani gasped

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and moaned as her orgasm shook her. A hand grabbed one of her nipples, squeezing and twisting so that she had no choice but to scream through her release. Incredible sensations twisted her insides, yet she felt helpless against the tide of emotion.

She could feel hot tears pouring down her face as Trey swelled inside her and exploded with his own orgasm. He collapsed onto her back, his weight pressing her aching breasts harder against the table.

For a moment, she struggled to breathe and nearly missed his question,

“Are you okay?” She nodded slightly, suddenly remembering the reason for the most incredible sex of her life.

Ben lifted away from her, as Trey’s voice cut through the near silence.

“You asshole. You damaged her again.”

Tee-ani knew this was part of the script, knew that they’d set it up so that she would look injured, fake blood and all, but she hadn’t been expecting the brothers to start pounding on each other. They growled and snarled as punches flew. Still strapped to the table, unable to see anything but the floor, Tee-ani had no choice but to play her part. She moaned loudly as the smell of G’trobian blood reached her nose.

“Yeah, well, at least I haven’t killed any of our slaves…lately.”

Trey’s voice sounded so egotistical, so uncaring that a shiver travelled down her spine even as she reminded herself that they were all acting.

Ben unlocked her wrists and ankles, wrapped a sheet around her before he lifted her over his shoulder, and anchored her with a strong arm around her thighs.

“I’m taking her to the medical bay. The last thing we need is to have both toys broken at the same time.”

“Fine. I’ll come with you. Maybe our new toy is fixed. She is a sweet ride. Too bad she’s so easily broken.” Trey laughed harshly as Ben stepped through the doorway.

The moment they were out of sight of the male slave, Ben lifted her off his shoulder and cradled her against his chest, hugging her
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tightly. Trey stepped through the doorway, locked the door, and turned to face them.

“Tee?” He touched her face gently with a calloused finger.

, please tell me you’re okay. Did we hurt you?”

She smiled as her heart twisted at the agony in his voice. “I’m good,” she said.

, promise us you would tell us if we’d hurt you. Please don’t keep it from us.”

She shook her head. “I’m fine, really.”

Trey looked like he wanted to argue some more when G’ntriel stepped around the corner, followed closely by G’baena.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Tee-ani asked G’baena.

“We have a problem,” G’ntriel said as she glanced at both Ben and Trey. “The male slave is suffering deep distress. He seems to be very worried for Tee-ani and G’baena’s safety and is currently searching through your ‘living quarters.’ Jordan and Judge are monitoring him on the internal sensors.”

“He’s probably trying to figure out if we are truly slave traders.”

“I don’t think so.” G’ntriel stood serenely, but Tee-ani knew her well enough to sense her distress. G’ntriel wasn’t any happier about what they needed to do than she and Ben and Trey were. “The man seems to be looking for a way to escape with the women. If he is a spy, he has no intentions of following through on his mission. I think he’s already convinced that you two are dangerous and he’s taking it on himself to save G’baena and Tee-ani.”

“You’re sure of this?” Judging by the stern look and the roll of her eyes, Tee-ani figured G’ntriel didn’t really appreciate Trey questioning her empathic skills. “Okay, so what do we do now?”

“Send me in. I can talk to him. If he really wants to rescue me and Tee-ani, we need to give him a chance to talk to one of us alone.”

G’baena’s determined smile spread across her face, and after a moment of shock, Tee-ani couldn’t help but admire her. After everything the younger woman had been through, after everything

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she’d seen, her first instinct was to help someone else. Tee-ani could feel Ben’s reaction simply by the way his arms tightened around her.

“I think it’s a good idea.” Judging by the way Ben’s arms tightened even further, Tee-ani guessed that he didn’t quite agree with her, but Trey surprised them both.

“I think it’s a good idea, too. G’baena, we weren’t planning on involving you in this mess. Do you really think he’ll talk to you?”

G’baena looked him straight in the eye and answered in a clear voice, “Yes.”

Pride swelled in Tee-ani’s chest. G’baena had come such a long way in a very short time. No longer the timid woman that her upbringing and then slavery had forced her to be, here she was standing up to the two men whom she’d been raised to obey, and all because she wanted to help alleviate the suffering of another. Tears prickled the back of Tee-ani’s eyes as she watched and listened to G’baena put forward her argument to convince Ben and Trey that her plan would work.

After several attempts to talk her out of it, Ben finally agreed.

“All right, I’ll take G’baena in, set up her cover identity, make it look like she still needs to recover and make it obvious that that’s the only reason we’re leaving her alone. Hopefully things will work the way we hope.” Trey turned to Ben. “You take Tee to the medical bay and I’ll meet you there.”

“No.” Tee-ani wiggled in Ben’s arms, trying to get him to put her down so that she could reassure them both that she felt fine, but he held her tighter against him.

“We’re going to take you to the medical bay. Sarah can check you over…make sure we didn’t hurt you.”

Tee-ani couldn’t help it—she laughed.

“Ben. Trey. I have just had the most incredible sexual experience of my life and you want me to have a medical exam? I’m a doctor. I would know if I’m injured and I’m telling you right now that I’m fine.

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Better than fine. I’m great and would rather go back to your cabin and do it all again, this time without the audience.”

are you really sure?” Ben asked.

She rolled her eyes. It was wonderful to know how much they cared that she was undamaged, but what would it take to convince them that she’d actually enjoyed their domination?

Oh hell, did she really just think that?

Their domination? She actually enjoyed being dominated by them? Hell yeah, but it came from her trust in them, her love for them, and the solid knowledge that they would never hurt her.

“Please take me back to your cabin. I want you to make love to me without the audience. I want to feel you both inside me. I want to show you just how undamaged I really am.”

Ben chuckled, the movement of his chest rumbling against her side. “Yes, g
. Did anyone ever tell you you’re very bossy?”

“Yes. Now take me home.”

* * * *

Ben couldn’t let her go. He didn’t want to put her down. He didn’t ever want to lose her. Even as he stepped into the sonic shower, he couldn’t seem to unlock his arms from the tight hold he had on her.

He turned the shower on and held her for as long as he could before it became necessary to put her down so that they could clean away the fake blood. Again, he wished for the G’trobian cleansing fluids of his home planet and silently promised himself that when they returned to G’trobia, he’d introduce Tee-ani to the delights of sensual bathing.

“Ben, truly, I’m okay.”

“I just hate that it was necessary.”

Trey nodded in agreement, having followed them into the sonic shower just a moment ago.


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“Look at me. You’re both empathic. Did you sense any fear or pain from me at all? Did you sense any moment that I didn’t trust both of you to protect me?” Ben glanced at his brother and then both of them shook their heads. She smiled and then purred, “Did either of you notice how much I enjoyed it?”

Ben slowly smiled as Trey pulled her into his embrace. “Yes, we noticed.”

“Well good. Because I’d…uhm…like to do it all again.”

“Seriously?” Trey asked the exact question Ben had been thinking.

“Yes, seriously. I’ve discovered that knowing that you love me and would never hurt me is rather appealing, especially when you spank my ass.”

Ben looked at Trey, Trey looked at Ben, and then they both turned their gazes on her.

," Trey said quietly. "We have the rest of our lives to explore each other’s fantasies, but right now we both need to make love to you. Slowly. Very, very slowly.”

Ben lifted a hand to her face and smiled. “Tomorrow we’ll both spank your ass until you come, but today we need to claim you again, reassure us all that what happened in the cargo bay, and what may happen in the next few days, is just an act. That our love for each other is solid and true.”

He needed her to understand him. He needed her to realize how painful it had been to push her away when all he’d wanted to do was pull her close. And he needed to know that she was his. His and Ben’s chosen mate, forever.

, please let us love you.”

* * * *

Tee-ani’s heart stuttered almost to a stop when she realized how much their performance in the cargo bay had affected her guys. Two
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handsome faces watched her closely, the looks pleading and hopeful and sexy, all at the same time.

She stepped forward, placed one hand over Trey’s heart, and the other over Ben’s.

“I love you both. I will always love you. Please make love to me.”

She smiled as she felt them both expel the breaths they’d been holding.

Trey placed his hand over hers and used the other arm to pull her tightly against him. Ben moved behind her and she found herself surrounded by hard male muscle and comforted by their solid presence. Gentle hands lifted her hair away from her neck, smoothing it down her back as Trey pressed soft kisses to her eyes, her cheeks, her lips.

Ben slowly licked the sensitive cords of her neck, his clever tongue swirling up to her ear and tracing the delicate shell. She moaned quietly, the gentle touches and caresses inciting her libido and melting her heart. She understood their need to love her reverently, so she tried not to whimper in frustration when both men caressed her slowly with their hands, neither moving to the places that she most wanted their touch.

Trey lifted her in his arms, wrapping her legs around him so that her weeping pussy pressed against his warm, thick cock. He kissed her carefully, his tongue seeking entrance, but never quite dominating her the way he’d done so often before. Ben’s warm hands traveled up and down her spine, massaging the globes of her ass, but never quite reaching the puckered hole that quivered for his touch.

She wrapped her hand around the back of Trey’s head, trying to pull his mouth closer, trying to practically inhale the man, at the same time that she pressed backward against Ben’s questing hands.

“Please,” she whimpered, forgetting for a moment her promise to honor their need to love her slowly. “Please. I need you both inside me.”


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A strangled groan met her ears as Trey gave into his own need and held her hips harder so he could slide her labia up and down his deliciously hard cock. Ben lifted her higher so that she could slide down onto Trey’s erection. Trey held her still, pressing her face against his chest so that she could hear the erratic beats of his heart.

Ben moved away for a moment, but when he returned, the cold touch of lubricant had her ass trembling, begging for his possession. He prepared her carefully, working a finger in and out of her anus as Trey held her tight.

A second finger joined and then a third and she was on the verge of melting in ecstasy by the time he fit his hard cock to her tight hole.

Carefully he pushed into her back passage as Trey held still in her pussy. Finally, they both filled her, the ecstasy and agony of being held between them making her shake with barely repressed need.

, we want to go slow, but it feels so good. Too good.” She heard Ben swallow as he lowered his head to her shoulder and sucked the tender skin into his mouth. She wanted him to do it—to bite her in the tradition of G’trobian mating—but he held back and she cursed her initial reaction to their claiming.

“Do it,” she whispered. “Make me yours forever.”

Ben released the suction with an audible pop and kissed her neck softly. “Tee, you already belong with us. We don’t need to mark you to know that, same as you don’t need to mark us. It’s the commitment that we’ve made to each other that’s important, not some barbaric symbol of ownership.”

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