Tee-ani's Pirates (5 page)

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Authors: Rachel Clark

BOOK: Tee-ani's Pirates
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“You’re not hurting me.” She smiled as she tried to lift her hips off the bed. “Please, I need you.”

As if his control snapped, Ben groaned loudly and pushed the rest of the way into her body. His length stretched her as her body molded around him, holding him in her wet heat. He rested his head against hers for a moment and then began to move his lower body. He pulled out slowly and then slammed back in as she moaned loudly. Her hips rose to meet him each time he pulled out, and soon he was pumping into her, her body sucking against him each time he pulled away.

Barely able to breathe around the incredible sensations, Tee-ani arched her back, bent at the knees, and planted her feet on the bed so that she could have more leverage, more chance to meet each thrust.

She was about to explode, about to shatter into a million little pieces as he pulled out completely and moved away.

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She moaned her disappointment but quickly changed her tune when Trey rolled onto her and pushed his cock deep inside her swollen flesh. Quickly picking up the same rhythm, Trey pounded into her again and again until she screamed mindlessly. Her orgasm slammed into her the same time that Trey pulled away, and she moaned the loss even as her body shook in ecstatic release.

Finally, her muscles stilled and she opened her eyes to find two very aroused males watching her.

Trey leaned forward, nipped her ear, and then whispered, “We’re going to claim you now. Last chance to walk away.”

She shook her head. “I want you both. Please.”

Relief briefly crossed both brothers’ features before Trey rolled her onto her side, holding her against him spoon fashion.

“Don’t let us hurt you. If it hurts we’ll stop.”

She nodded her head, closing her eyes against the tears that again threatened to fall at their considerate words.

Trey pressed his cock back into her drenched pussy, lifting her leg with his arm as he pushed deep. She moaned as he slid in and out a few times, coating his cock with her cream. He pulled out and pressed the head of his erection against the tingling pucker of her anus. The slippery, sensitized feeling turned into a slight burn as his cock stretched her virgin hole.

. Relax the muscles and push back a little.”

She followed his instructions, trying to control her breathing as the incredible pleasure-pain rippled through her lower body. He pressed relentlessly as Ben played with her clit, stroking and teasing her body once again. When Trey was fully seated in her body, he pulled her tightly against him and rolled onto his back, taking her with him. She could hear his harsh breathing in her ear as he arranged her against him so that he held her thighs open for Ben.

Ben lowered his face to her stomach, ran his tongue over her soft belly, and then lifted himself into the space between her legs.

“I’ll go slow, baby. Tell me to stop if it hurts.”


Rachel Clark

He pressed into her pussy, the feeling of fullness increasing the farther he entered. She held her breath as her body stretched around him and sensation swamped her. Trey hadn’t moved, hadn’t done anything more than kiss her neck softly as Ben pressed into her, but she could feel her ass throbbing around his stiff cock and felt the groan that he tried to stifle.

, that is the most incredible feeling,” he whispered against her throat. “Even now your body is pulling me in deeper, tightening around me, begging for my complete possession.”

Trey pulled out slowly and Ben eased out of her pussy as Trey pushed back into her ass. They set a gentle rhythm, sliding in and out of her body as she moaned between them. Already her orgasm built quickly, threatening to explode her into a million pieces. She strained to hold it back, wanting, needing to feel every sensation these men created.

Slowly they increased the pace, both breathing heavily as they held her hips suspended between them, one pushing up into her ass, the other pushing into her pussy. The rhythm grew faster, the pressure built higher, her moaning got louder. She twisted in their grip as her breath caught and she exploded. They both leaned forward and bit her shoulders, the twin sensations both painful and erotic at the same time.

She felt two sets of sharp teeth against her skin and an incredible warmth flow through her veins. Unable to hold back the tide of emotion, she screamed their names, chanting them over and over like a mantra as they continued to pound into her quivering flesh. She thrashed against them, unable to regain control as her body raced with another more powerful orgasm. Both men bit her harder as they emptied their seed deep into her body, panting as they stilled against her.

They stayed that way, the only sound in the small room their labored breathing.

An eternity later, Trey carefully lowered her hips so that she pressed more fully onto his cock and Ben eased out of her pussy. She
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felt his lips kiss the mark he’d made on her shoulder, and then Trey rolled them both onto their sides and extricated his cock from her ass without hurting her.

Tee-ani rolled onto her stomach and closed her eyes, her body still humming from their possession.

“Wake me in a week.” She grabbed the pillow and tried to pull it over her head. A sharp smack landed on her ass, the shock lifting her off the bed.

“What the hell?”

“Shower first, sleep later.” Ben’s cheeky smile filled her vision as his hand soothed the sweet sting on her ass. She was very rapidly moving from exhausted back to needy as her bottom thrust against his hand seemingly with a will of its own.

He laughed quietly as he helped her to her feet and half carried, half lead her into the sonic shower. She stood, swaying slightly as the warm, cleansing rays washed her body thoroughly.

“I can’t wait to introduce you to the delights of G’trobian bathing.” Ben held her hips as he climbed into the small stall behind her. “G’trobia has a fluidic substance similar to water but thicker, more gelatinous, wonderful for cleansing and other interesting pastimes.” He held her close as he nibbled on her ear lobe, and her legs once again wobbled with the combination of desire and exhaustion.

He lowered his head and licked at the spot where he’d bitten her.

It still stung and she winced at the unexpected pain. She twisted, trying to see the mark that they’d left and gasped when she noticed the bleeding.

“You broke the skin?”

“Of course.”

“But you broke the skin? It’s going to scar!”

Ben pulled back to look at her face, his own expression filled with confusion.


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, what is the problem? You’re shaking and very pale.” She felt him shudder as he pulled her closer. “Tee?” He shook her slightly.

“Tee, tell me what’s wrong.”

Trey must’ve sensed his brother’s concern because he came running into the bathroom as if there was some sort of emergency. His eyes darted between them both and then zeroed in on her.

, talk to me, talk to us. What’s wrong?” The pleading sound in his voice was almost her undoing. They didn’t understand.

How could they not understand? She’d just escaped a slave ship.

She’d spent the last two months helping to heal the physical scars on the women who had stayed aboard. The slavers had marked them, tattooed them, and scarred them all in the name of possession.

She was no one’s possession.

Not even theirs.

Struggling away from them both, Tee-ani glared angrily at the two men standing in front of her, their confusion clearly written on their faces.

“What the hell do you mean?” She was yelling now, her voice hoarse and thick with emotion, but loud nonetheless. “You had no right. No right to mark me like that.”

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Chapter Five

They both rocked back on their heels, clearly stunned by her verbal attack, but she lost track of them when her eyes filled with tears and her vision blurred.

“I’m not a possession. I’m my own person. Nobody owns me.”

Her words mumbled, tumbling over one another, her heart pounding in remembered fear of the darkest days of her life. She barely registered them both embracing her tightly, the warmth and solid muscle that seemed so comforting and safe before, now feeling restrictive and suffocating. She pushed away from them again, breathing heavily, grateful that they at least stepped back to give her some much needed space.

. Tee, please calm down.”

Why the fuck did men always say that? As if women went ridiculously hysterical over the smallest little things—they’d marked her as their possession and now they thought they could tell her what to do.

“Get out!” she screamed. Okay, so
she was hysterical, but she didn’t give a shit. “Get the fuck out of my cabin and don’t bother coming back.” She cringed away from the arm that tried to wrap around her, slapping it with her hands, tears blurring her vision as she tried to rein in her rampaging emotions.

, please forgive us.” Strong arms wrapped around her, pressing her against a solid chest, refusing to let go when she tried to wriggle away. “We didn’t think. We should’ve talked more about our heritage. Explained exactly what happens when G’trobians claim their mate.”


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She was shaking so hard it took her a moment to realize that the arms that held her so tightly were also shaking. She sucked in an unsteady breath, trying to find her usual rock solid self-control.

It was almost as if she was watching someone else fall apart. So many of the women they’d rescued from the slave ship had come to her needing medical intervention and counseling from the ordeal, but somehow Tee-ani had felt confident that she could cope alone. A tiny laugh escaped her.

Well—considering that she was still crying, even though intellectually she knew she shouldn’t be, and the fact that she was now clinging to the two men that she’d ordered to leave moments ago—it was a pretty safe bet that she wasn’t doing so well in the coping alone thing.

She forced herself to relax against the solid chest, unsure for the moment whose heartbeat she was listening to, but more than happy to concentrate on the steady
sound rather than what started this whole mess.

“Tee, where is your medical bag?”

Surprised by the question, Tee-ani lifted her head away from Ben and looked straight into Trey’s eyes.

“Baby, let us fix this. You’ve got medical equipment that can heal these without leaving a scar. It’ll be like it never happened.”

She nodded slowly, her terror of a few moments ago morphing into fear that they regretted the whole encounter. Ben must’ve felt her tense up again because he pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.

“It’s okay. I’ll never regret claiming you, but you don’t need scars to remind me. I’m so sorry,
. Neither of us meant to frighten you.”

She sucked in a shaky breath. “I’m sorry, too. I didn’t mean to freak out like that.” She said it quietly, breathlessly, and Ben pulled her closer as Trey re-entered the room with her medical bag.

“Tee, show me which instrument. Help me make this right.”

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His voice wobbled and she suddenly realized just how much she’d hurt them both by her reaction. She pulled away from Ben and crouched down in front of Trey so that she could see his eyes. The fear and remorse that showed on his face rocked her self control and she fell into his arms, all of the emotions of the last few moments robbing her of the ability to explain. She managed to force only a single coherent word past the lump in her throat—sorry.

“No, baby, I’m sorry.” Trey’s arms wrapped around her with such force that she thought she might never breathe again and right at this moment, she really didn’t care. She felt closer to these two men than she’d felt to anyone else in her entire life, regardless of the meltdown she seemed to be having.

She felt Ben’s hand on her shoulder as Trey finally released her enough that she could take a full breath.

, we need to heal these wounds, and then we need to talk.”

She nodded, relieved that they were staying, that she hadn’t scared them away, and realized for the first time how empty her life would be without them in it.

* * * *

Ben held her close. They’d healed the wounds on her shoulders, and then she’d spent the last hour talking about her experiences on the slave ship. She’d described how helpless she’d felt, how angry, how saddened she’d been by the entire experience, and she’d described some of the injuries she’d dealt with, all the while protecting her patients’ identities.

He’d physically shuddered when she described in detail some of the malicious acts that the women suffered at the hands of the slave traders, and Ben started to wonder if they’d made a mistake leaving the ship intact when they rescued the human women just over two months ago.


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They’d responded to a distress call and found a ship full of women, mostly human, being abducted. The ship’s captain had claimed they were criminals, but thanks to G’ntriel’s extraordinary empathic skills, they’d been able to uncover the truth. They’d freed the women and left the damaged ship floating in space with the slave traders still on board.

Now Ben wondered if they should go back and finish the job. If any of those creatures still lived, he’d like nothing better than to tear their limbs off—very slowly. A quick death would be far too kind for mongrels such as those.

Trey moved slightly, and Ben could sense that he was processing many of the same emotions. His love for the woman in their arms grew more each moment she’d spoken of her experiences. To have lived through so much, yet still retain her compassion and sense of humor, really was an extraordinary achievement.

He hugged her closer, wondering if she’d finally fallen asleep.

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