Tease: A Kings of Korruption MC Novel (21 page)

Read Tease: A Kings of Korruption MC Novel Online

Authors: Geri Glenn

Tags: #Romance, #MC Romance, #Contemporary Romance

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“Oh, I’m so glad you made him bring you!” Charlotte squeals in my ear.

I hug her back.
“I didn’t give him a choice.”
Pulling back, I wink and grin.

I hear a couple of chuckles from close by and tilt my head slightly.
“So, who’s here?”

Charlotte leans in closer.
“Tease is behind you.
On your left side is Reaper, then Jase, then Mouse and Sarah, then back around to Ryker and me!”

Waving, I grin.
“Hi everyone.”

After a round of grunts, heys and hey Barbie’s, everyone goes back to their conversations.
“What are you drinkin’?” Travis asks from behind me.

I turn in my chair and smile at him.

He scoffs.
“Not here you’re not.
They serve beer and hard shit.
Take your pick.”

Not happy with that, I stick out my lower lip in a mock pout and turn toward Charlotte.
“What are you having, Charlotte?”

“It’s Charlie, and I’m drinking rye and ginger.
It takes some getting used to, but it’s good!”

Turning back to Travis, I nod.
“I’ll have what she’s having.”

“Jesus,” he mutters as he moves away.

Ignoring him and his party pooper tendencies, I turn to my left, anxious to get to know Travis’s friends.
“Reaper was it?”

His voice is full of grit and gravel.
He sounds sexy.

“I’m assuming that’s not your real name?”

“You’d be right.”

Obviously, Reaper is not the chatty type.

I turn and face in the direction I think Mouse is.
“Hi, Mouse!”

“Hey, Laynie,” he answers, voice full of affection.
“Meet my girl, Sarah.”

I smile.
“Hi, Sarah.
I hear congratulations are in order.”

Her voice is full of excitement when she answers.
We’re getting married and having a baby.”

Surprised, I hold out my hand across the table and smile again.
“I heard about the baby, but not about the wedding!
That’s wonderful.
May I feel your ring?”

After she places her hand in mine, I run my thumb across the tiny diamond.
“He says he’ll get me a bigger one when we can afford it.”
She sounds embarrassed.

Don’t do that!”
I squeeze her hand.
“It’s perfect the way it is!
It’s a symbol of the beginning for you both.
Don’t change it.”

She squeezes back, warmth in her voice.

I pull back and tilt my head again.
“Nice to see you again, Jase.”

“You too, Barbie.”

Travis returns at that moment with my drink.
I take a sip, coughing a little at the strong aftertaste, but decide instantly that Charlie’s right.
It’s delicious.
As a group, we sit at our table for hours drinking and laughing and carrying on our separate conversations.
Every once in a while, women approach our table, trying to engage Reaper or Jase in conversation.
Reaper blows them off rudely while Jase seems to revel in it, though, I notice he never leaves with any of them.

The drinks go down easily, and as the men talk, Sarah, Charlie and I form a new friendship.
Sarah is shy and sweet, and obviously in love with Mouse.
Charlie is kind and fun to hang out with.
My belly aches from the laughter we share as the night wears on.

One of the ladies from Charlie’s work shows up at our table, there for a night out with her friends.
Her name is Ellen, and though she doesn’t stick around long, she invites me and the other two ladies out for a night on the town.
Excitement overwhelms me.
I’m finally making friends, and for the first time in a long time, I feel like I fit in.

As she walks away, Jase leans in between Charlie and me.
“No matter how many times I see it, that ass never fails to get me hard.”

Ryker growls.
“You mind not talkin’ to my old lady about your fuckin’ dick, asshole?”

Jase laughs.
“I can’t help it!
That bitch is hot.”

“Jase,” Charlie says.
“Not her.
She’s my friend, and you can’t play her like that.
She’s a good person.”

“I ain’t fuckin’ playin’!
That ass drives me wild!”

Charlie laughs.
“Well, that may be, but you need to leave that ass alone.”

“Whatever,” he mutters as walks away, followed by the sounds of our laughter.

“He’s such a dog.” Charlie laughs.
“Good thing I love him.”
I hear the ice in her glass clinking against the side, and then she slams it down on the table.
“All right girl, let’s dance!”

Biting the inside of my lip, I freeze.
“Um … I think I’ll pass.”

“What?” she cries.

“I don’t want to step on anyone.”

“Oh, please!
You weigh like a hundred pounds.
Besides, the place has died down a lot.
Hardly anyone is out there now.”
She tugs on my arm.
“Come on!
It’ll be fun!”

Unable to resist her enthusiasm, I stand on wobbly legs.
I’m drunk

Travis grabs my hand as Charlie grabs my other and starts to pull me toward the dance floor.
“You sure?”

I wink at him.
“I’ll be OK.”

Charlie leads me onto the floor where the heat of the lights makes a sweat break out across my brow.
Holding onto both of my hands, I feel the sway of her arms and know she’s dancing.
“Just move, Laynie.”

Nodding, I close my eyes and let my body sway to the music.
After a minute, I let go of Charlie’s hands, raising my arms high in the air as I swirl my hips in slow sensual circles.
I love to dance; I’ve just never done it in front of anyone in a very long time.

With each song, the sweat grows heavier at the nape of my neck as we bounce and sway and gyrate to the music.
I feel sexy and invincible on that dance floor.
The whole world fades, except for me and the music.

Strong arms wrap around my waist from behind, the smell of leather surrounding me.
“Time to go, babe.”

I grind my ass back into him as I dance.
“I don’t want to go yet.”

His arms tighten, his fingertips going inside my shirt to stroke the skin on my belly.
“Been watching you dance like this for an hour, Laynie.
Can’t take it anymore.”
He grinds his hips into mine, letting me feel his hard length against my ass.

My clit pulses as I grin.
“Bye, Charlie!”

I hear her giggle as he pulls me out of the bar.

IT’S LATE THE NEXT night when I get to Laynie’s apartment.
I’ve had a shit day and crawling into bed beside her while she sleeps makes all that shit just drift away – well, most of it, anyways.
I need to find a way to tell Laynie more about what’s going on with the club and explain to her why she’s going to have Mouse following her ass around for the next little while.
It’s not a conversation I look forward to.

Pushing all that shit to the side, I curl into her back and drag her body tightly into mine, spooning her.
My cock wakes right up, hardening when he finds himself nestled right into the crack of her perfectly-formed ass.
Fuck me
She’s fucking naked – always full of surprises.
I don’t know if I’ll ever get enough of them.

Waking slowly, she inhales and snuggles her body back into me and whispers.


“I missed you today.”

I say nothing as I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tight, kissing her lightly on the shoulder.

Rolling her hips, she grinds her ass slowly against my cock.
“I really missed you.”

Need washes over me.
Sliding my palm up her belly, I cup her breast, pinching her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.
She gasps and groans softly. Reaching behind me to grip my ass, she pulls me into her as she continues to grind against me slowly.

My palm glides down her belly, feeling her silky smooth skin against the rough callouses on my hand.
Reaching her center, I slide my finger down and press against the tiny bud of nerves.
She whimpers softly, pressing herself into me as tight as she can while her body trembles with excitement.
“Please,” she whispers.

I slide my finger down farther — collecting her juices – and slide it back up to her clit, circling it slowly.
She moans, reaching up and pinching her own nipples tightly.
“Please, Travis.”
Her head tilts back, her teeth clamped down tightly on her bottom lip.
I can’t take my fucking eyes off her.
She looks so fucking sexy like that, riding my hand, touching her own breasts and begging for me.

I work my finger faster, needing to get her there because I need to be inside of her more than I need to breathe.
When her finger slides down over my own, I almost lose it.
Her other hand comes up and reaches back, sliding up the back of my head, pulling my face down to hers.

Our mouths mash together in a frenzy, tongues tangling together while we writhe on the bed.
She continues to rub her clit while I thrust first one, then a second finger deep inside of her.
She cries out, teeth clamping onto my lower lip while her orgasm consumes her.

Reaching down, I position my throbbing cock at her entrance and drive up inside of her.
She cries out again, her muscles clamping down on my dick with her orgasm.
“You fuckin’ feel that, Laynie?”

I pound into her, the pleasure taking over my own body.
Laynie pants and screams with each of my thrusts, reaching back and digging her fingernails into my ass.
“Yes!” she cries.

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