Tease: A Kings of Korruption MC Novel

Read Tease: A Kings of Korruption MC Novel Online

Authors: Geri Glenn

Tags: #Romance, #MC Romance, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Tease: A Kings of Korruption MC Novel
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Title Page




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty


Watch Out For


About The Author


Geri Glenn


©Geri Glenn, 2015

Tease is a work of fiction.
All characters, organizations and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.

This ebook is licensed for the personal enjoyment of the reader.
It is the copyrighted property of the author and may not be reproduced, copied or distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes.


I dedicate this book to my mom, a woman who has shown me what it takes to be a strong, independent woman and has never given up on me.
We’ve had our share of trials and every time, you’ve been there with unconditional love and support.
I am who I am because of you.
Thank you for making me the type of person who has the courage to reach for the stars.
I love you Mom.

I PULL the little terrier closer, trying to calm and quiet him.
If Rick hears him barking again, he’ll kill him.
He’d said so himself.
Rick is my new stepfather, and he is mean.
He smells bad too.
I’ll never understand why my mother had to go and marry that big jerk in the first place.

I miss my real dad.
He was the best dad ever – but then, last year when I was only eight years old, he died.
My mom blames me; I know she does, even though she says that’s not true.
The fire chief said it was an electrical fire.
I’d been sound asleep when the smoke detectors went off.
The air in my room had been thick with black smoke, choking me and making it hard to breathe.
I tried so hard to get out of my room, but the door handle was just too hot.
I tried to open the window too, but I just wasn’t strong enough to lift it.
I was trapped.

I was so scared.
Buddy was scared too.
He crawled right under my bed and curled up into a little ball, shaking with fear.
I was screaming and crying, trying with all my might to yank open the window.
I even tried to break it, but I just wasn’t strong enough.
After giving up on the window, I crawled under that bed with Buddy and hugged him close.
Squeezing my eyes closed, I prayed for someone to rescue me.

That’s when I heard a loud crash as my Dad broke the window from the outside.
He was standing on a ladder, like my very own superhero, hollering for me to come on.
I couldn’t get Buddy, though.
He had pushed back even farther under the bed, too terrified to come out.
I crawled farther under, ignoring my father’s panicked order to hurry.
Flames were now coming through the walls, and I was choking on the filthy air, coughing and gagging.

Just as I got my hand on Buddy’s collar, someone grabbed my ankle, hauling me out from under the bed.
My dad had come into the room.
I cradled Buddy to my chest as he turned me, hurrying toward the window.
He tucked Buddy into my shirt and lifted me up and over the window ledge.
After waiting for me to get my feet situated, he’d looked me right in the eye and told me not to look down.

I’d made it down about six rungs when the ceiling fell in.
My Dad never made it out of that room.

Now Mom was married to Rick; she met him at some bar a few months ago, and within just a couple of weeks, we’d moved into his house far away from any of my friends.
Dad would have hated him.
He drinks too much, and now so does my Mom.
She barely talks to me at all anymore.
She says I look too much like my dad, and it hurts to even look at me.
Buddy and I keep to ourselves most of the time, but when they start fighting — which they do a lot — Buddy barks.

They’re fighting right now which is why Buddy won’t shut up.
He doesn’t like it when Rick calls my mom nasty names any more than I do – I hate that he talks to her like that – I hate
Wrapping my hand around Buddy’s snout, I shush him once more.
His small body trembles with anxiety.

Just then, the door slams open, bouncing off the wall.
“Give me that fuckin’ dog!” he roars.
Rick stands in the doorway, a large butcher knife clutched in his fist.
Jumping to my feet, I block Buddy’s body with my own.

“I told ya what would happen if you didn’t keep that fuckin’ thing quiet.
Give him to me!”

“No!” I scream.
“You can’t have him!
He’s mine.”

Rick surges into the room just as Mom comes around the corner, tears gleaming on her cheeks.
I pick Buddy up, turning him away from Rick and look frantically for a way to get out of the room.
I’m not fast enough.
Rick swings out, his fist connecting with my cheek and knocking me back onto the floor.

Buddy leaps from my arms, teeth bared as he growls and snaps at Rick.
Mom is screaming something, but my head is still ringing from the punch he’d just given me.
Just as I am able to stand, Rick gets his hand around Buddy’s neck and lifts him high in the air.

Buddy’s feet scramble to push against his forearm, eyes bugging out of his head.
Rick raises the knife to Buddy’s throat, ready to slash across it, stealing the only family I have left since my dad died.

“Let him go!”
I run, slamming into him from the side, knocking him off balance and causing him to drop the tiny dog.
Rick’s long arm darts out, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt before he yanks me back.
He throws me to the floor and climbs on top of me, pinning me down with his large body.

The air is filled with my screams, my mom’s cries, and the constant barking of my best friend.
Rick’s hand flies out, slapping me across the side of my head with all his might.
I stop screaming, my head swimming.
I can see Mom pulling at his arm, trying to lift him off of me.
He swings back that arm, knocking her to the floor as well.
She doesn’t move when she lands.

Turning back to me, Rick lifts his knife to my face.
“You little shit!
I should fuckin’ kill you for that.”
He doesn’t even see Buddy coming.
Buddy rushes him from the side, latching onto his arm, biting and shaking like a full-grown Rottweiler.

With his free hand, Rick reaches around and grabs the little dog by the head once more.
Lifting him by the throat, he whips his arm viciously back and forth.
I hear a small yelp before Buddy drops to the floor, his tongue hanging limply from his mouth.

An anguished cry escapes my throat as I stare at my beloved Buddy.
He’s dead – I know it.
His lifeless eyes are staring at me as Rick turns back to me, sneering in my face as he raises his knife.
He places the tip of it right under my eye, the cold steel pressing deep enough to draw blood.

“I’m gonna teach you not to fuck with me.
Pressing his blade in farther, he draws it from my eye, down my cheek, and stopping at my chin.
The pain is excruciating as he slices my skin.
I scream in pain and humiliation.
“Next time, I’ll fuckin’ kill you!”

He grabs my shoulders and lifts me slightly off the floor before slamming me back down again, my head cracking off the hardwood.

Standing, he curls his lip at me.
“Piece of shit.”
He walks out of the room then, leaving me with my dead dog, my unconscious mother, and my mangled face.

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