Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2) (19 page)

Read Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Deanndra Hall

Tags: #Romance, #drama, #Erotica, #erotic romance, #mystery

BOOK: Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2)
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Vic took his mouth from her nipple and kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth. She responded with a play of her tongue along his, and he squeezed both of her breasts as he deepened the kiss. She shivered when he leaned into her ear and whispered, “You’re so beautiful. I’m going to fuck you now,
Feel free to use your voice to let me know that I am satisfying you.” His cock slipped with ease into her wetness, and before she could blink he was pumping into her pussy, his hands roaming her over-sensitized body, electrified by the orgasm torture and the pressure of his hardness inside her.

“Oh, god, sir, you’re so big and hard. Fuck me, sir, please, fuck me. Use me for your pleasure,” Miranda moaned into Vic’s neck, and he dropped his full weight onto her and ground his hips against her, his cock pounding into her, never giving her a break from a stroke before the next one hit.

Vic was ecstatic. He hadn’t felt like that in over three years, that sexual abandon, that hot, tight pleasure of his raging-hard shaft enveloped in a woman’s warm, slick sheath. Stroking with purpose and overdosing on lust, his body responded to hers just as it should, and he whispered into Miranda’s ear, “Will you come for me,
? Come around my cock,
. I want to feel your tightness pulse around me.”

As soon as he nibbled on her earlobe, he felt her stiffen as much as she could in her restraints, and he pounded harder and faster until she screamed out, “Oh, god, sir! Fuck me!” Her hips churned against him, her tightness gripping him in rhythm, and Vic felt it coming, the heat wave followed by the flood as he filled the condom and throbbed inside her. His body dropped onto hers and he lay still, feeling her heartbeat against his chest. “Oh, god, sir. Thank you, sir,” she whispered against his neck.

Vic reached out and undid the snaps on the rings, releasing her hands and thighs at the same time. She straightened out her legs, then wrapped them around him, and it made him laugh.

that was very good.” He raised up on his elbows and kissed her again, and she wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and pulled his face even closer against hers. When she let go, Vic undid the cuffs from her wrists and thighs and tossed them on the desk. He stood, stripped off the condom and threw it in the trash, and zipped his leathers over his partially-hard cock. Then he grabbed Miranda’s legs and slid her down the table toward him while she giggled. Once she was at the edge of the table, he scooped her up, took her to the desk chair, and sat down with her in his lap. She cuddled against his chest and sighed.

“Thank you, sir.” Miranda looked up at him with a dreamy smile. “Are you satisfied, sir?”

“More than. You are exquisite.” His light kiss fell on her lips. “If you should ever decide that you want to be collared, some Dom is going to be very lucky to have you.”

That wasn’t how she’d hoped he’d end the sentence, but at least it was a compliment. Miranda twirled a strand of Vic’s hair around her finger. “If you’re available the next time I come back, would you play with me again?”

“Can’t imagine I’d turn you down!” Vic laughed.

All of a sudden he tried to picture her being Nikki and, to his relief, he couldn’t. This was a hot-blooded, voluptuous woman who’d given him everything she had, and best of all, he might never see her again and didn’t care. She interrupted his reverie when she said, out of the blue, “I don’t think I’ve ever been with anyone who was so in control of himself and the scene.” She gave him a wistful look and added, “And I don’t think I’ve ever felt as safe with any Dom as I did with you tonight.” Miranda leaned in and gave him a sweet, chaste kiss.

He stroked her hair and said, “You have no idea how much that means to me. Thanks. I needed to hear that.” He thought about Laura and wished he could control her situation as well as he had this one. Then he remembered the burner phone he’d bought and pulled a card out of his back pocket. “Here. If you have any problems in the next few days, feel down or out of sorts, please call me. I don’t want you to go through that alone.”

Miranda looked at the plain white business card. It had nothing but his first name and a number on it.
Better than nothing,
she told herself. “Well, I’m going to the showers. I need to get home; my dog will wonder what happened to me!” She kissed him one last time, then climbed off of him and started picking up her bra and thong, taking the blanket he’d carried her in with and wrapping it around her. “By the way, that thing’s impressive,” she said, pointing at his cock. “I think it’s the biggest I’ve ever had. And I can’t wait to find a mirror and look at my marks. Pretty?” she asked, turning her ass to him.

“Hell, your ass is pretty without them, woman, even prettier with them. Go shower,
I’ve got to get back out front. The head Dom will be wondering what happened to me. But you’re unbelievable. I won’t forget this.”

“I’ll look at my stripes every day and think of you, gorgeous. And when they’re gone,” she said and winked, “maybe I’ll come back and get some more!”

“Anytime, sweetheart,” Vic said, laughing. “Anytime at all!”

Miranda stopped in the doorway. “By the way, what does that word mean?”

“What word?
?” he asked.


“It’s Italian. It means ‘beautiful.’”

He could’ve sworn there was a tear in her eye when she smiled at him and said, “Thank you.” Then she turned and walked out.

oly shit, when you go, you go all out, don’t you?” Steve asked when Vic finished his quick shower and made it back out to the bar.

“So now my sex life is a topic of conversation?”

Steve laughed. “Remember, every door has a window!”

“Glad I could provide some entertainment.” Vic set his glass back down. “Hey, Jared, I’m done for the night. Give me some Southern Comfort straight up, wouldja?”

“Coming up, Super Dom!” Jared laughed.

“Oh my god, please,” Vic moaned. José picked that moment to walk through. He looked at Vic, pointed his finger and made a trigger-pull motion, then blew across the imaginary barrel. “Please tell me he wasn’t the monitor tonight . . .”

“He loved your form!” Jared laughed again, and Steve threw back his head and roared. To their surprise, Vic didn’t blush. Matter of fact, he looked extremely proud of himself.

When Vic turned to Steve, he said, “I feel so validated, especially after what she said.”


“Yeah. She said she’d never been with anyone who exercised so much control, or anyone she’d felt safer with.” Vic drained the glass. “I think my hard work paid off.”

“Congratulations, bud. See this room?” Steve swept his arm around. “This room is now your turf. You’re the new resident service Dom. And I hope you’ve got the stamina for it, because here comes another cluster of red-hot ass.” Vic looked up and saw five women in various stages of nakedness making their way toward him.

“Shit. I think I made a mistake. I’m way too old for this,” he said, groaning.

From nowhere, José walked up and slapped Vic on the ass. “Buckle up, buttercup! You’re in for a helluva ride!”

He sat in the stolen Buick and checked his ammunition – yep, plenty. It would only take one shot to take Billings out. And it wouldn’t be that hard to get to her. All he needed was one opening, and she’d be gone.

“So how’d it go?” Tony had been too curious to wait for Vic to call.

“Last night was,” Vic stopped, trying to find words, “exciting, exhilarating, validating, encouraging . . . and that doesn’t even begin to sum it up.”

“Great! Fill me in.”

Vic did the best he could to lay out what had taken place without being too graphic, but he repeated what Miranda had said about his control. He ended by saying, “And she was well-trained too. It was such a pleasure to not have to worry about what she did and didn’t know. She knew exactly what she was doing.”

“Good for you! So is this a woman you want to start something with?”

Vic could tell Tony didn’t understand. “No. Her friends were there to find someone to collar them, but she wasn’t. She just wanted some discipline and attention.”

“I’m glad you had a positive experience the first time around. By the way, you were safe, right?”

“Oh, absolutely. Condoms – always. She told me she’d been with the same Dom for twelve years, but she could’ve been lying through her teeth. Not taking that risk,” Vic reiterated.

“But is this someone you would think about collaring if she came to you and offered herself?”

“Hell no! I’m not interested in that. At all. I’ve spent a lot of fucked-up years fucked up myself and fucking up other people, then getting myself into fucked-up relationships that just hurt me and drained me. Nope. I’m trying to have a little fun too.” Vic hesitated, then added, “I’ve been too sad for too long.”

“That’s true. I was hoping you’d just want to get some experience under your belt and not get involved with anyone. I think that’s best for now, don’t you?”

“Yes. And I’ve got my plate full right now. With all this mess going on with Laura . . . well, I don’t need to get involved with anyone right now, period.” Tony could hear the certainty in Vic’s voice. All Vic could think about was the fact that he hadn’t been able to imagine Miranda as Nikki while he fucked her. Maybe he’d gotten that out of his system – finally.

“You’re right about that. Let me know how it goes, okay? We’re both pulling for you.”

It hurt Vic a little to think that Nikki would encourage his activity at the club, but she was being realistic. After telling Tony goodbye, Vic pressed END. Then he called Steve.

“Hey,” Steve hesitated, then added, “Super Dom!”

“Aw, man, cut that shit out,” Vic groaned.

Steve started laughing. “But really, man, there’s something I want to tell you.”


“You’re a great guy, but I’ve known you for years now, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look, I don’t know, more comfortable and happy than now? You just look, I don’t know, transformed maybe.”

“I feel like I’ve been reborn.” There was reverence in Vic’s voice. “Like the sun has come up for the first time and I’ve got a life.”

“Good! At the risk of getting all mushy, I’m glad. Of all the people I know, you deserve something like this, to be happy and comfortable in your own skin. And everybody at the club is very impressed with you.”

“They are?” Vic was shocked.

“Yes! The guys all love having you around because you’re always willing to pitch in however you’re needed. And the women, well, I don’t have to tell you how they feel about you. That’s pretty obvious,” Steve guffawed.

“Speaking of women, that’s why I called. Heard from Laura?”

“Not today. I’m going to call her when we hang up; that’s what I was planning to do when you called. But I haven’t heard anything, so I have to assume that everything’s okay. Why don’t you call her and talk to her?”

“Oh, no, I don’t think . . .”

“Look, you seem to have more luck with her than anyone else. I didn’t think we’d be able to get her into that chopper until you told her to get her ass up in there, and then she just climbed right in. I think you’re a positive influence on her somehow.” The sound of chewing filled the empty space left by Steve’s voice. He was like a weevil working his way through a sack of flour. “So give her a call. You’ve got her number, right?”

“Yeah, got it so I’d know how to get in touch if there was a problem,” Vic said.

“Yeah, you just go with that answer, bud.” Steve continued to chew.

“What the hell is
supposed to mean?” Vic snarled.

“Nothing. Just call her and talk to her. Will you be at the club tonight?”

“Yeah. You can count on that.” For the first time in his life, Vic was looking forward to the dawn of every day. Each one was like an adventure.

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