Taste of Torment (21 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Wright

BOOK: Taste of Torment
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His face flushed with outrage. I half-expected him to stomp his foot. “You invited me to participate!”

“But you’re here in a professional capacity, Mr Collins. You should have declined. As you have repeatedly stated, protocol says that you stay here as an
. There’s also the fact that you persistently ask my PA to do things for you. That interrupts his work and, therefore, interferes with the quality of it. You’re also very rude to the Heir – again, many witnesses can attest to this. As if all that isn’t bad enough” – she took a step closer to him – “you’re sleeping with an old consort of Jared’s.”

The others all gasped in shock. I’d been a little surprised myself when Sam told me a week ago.

Sam grinned. “Yes, Daniela told me all about this very unprofessional behaviour. Unlike Joy, she’s not jealous of my relationship with Jared, and she’s loyal to the people in The Hollow. You ask her a lot of questions about Jared, don’t you? Personal questions related to his past, his behaviour throughout the years, his relationship with me, and even his strengths and weaknesses. You’ve been using her to get information. No woman likes to be used, Mr Collins. So you can bet your arse that any answer she gave you was a load of shite.”

Purple – that was the only word to describe how he looked right then. “I have no interest in Commander Michaels.”

“No, you have interest in the position of Heir. And he has that. And you just hate him for it, don’t you? You want to find something that you can use to make some kind of case against him to the Prelature, perhaps something that could cause him to lose his position.” She shook her head very slowly, her gaze drilling into him. “It’s not going to happen.”

He took a long, steadying breath. “What is it you want?”

Sam arched a brow. “Say again?”

“What is it you want from me? You want me to write a report in your favour?”

“Are you trying to bribe me, Mr Collins?” She gave him a mockingly reprimanding look. “Tut, tut, tut. This just keeps getting worse, doesn’t it? No, I’m afraid you don’t get to wangle your way out of this. My complaints will lead to you being shadowed on your next case, right? Then you’ll know exactly how it’s felt for me.” When he just gaped at her, she cocked her head. “Didn’t anyone ever mention my vengeful streak to you? I’m a believer in tit for tat.”

Proud of her, I came up behind Sam and curled an arm around her shoulder to run my finger along her collarbone. “In other words, Collins…you’re fucked.” The Prelature took complaints against its representatives very seriously. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sam’s complaints had him fired. One thing was for sure: his report wouldn’t be recognised as well-founded. In fact, particularly given the testimonies of the squad, the complaints against Sam would be branded as groundless and then instantly dismissed.

Collins tilted his head as he regarded Sam. “I underestimated you.” She just smiled.

“It happens a lot,” I told him. “People see her temper and overlook her intelligence. They’re always sorry for it.”

“Jared’s good at sussing out a person’s weaknesses,” said Sam, talking to both Collins and Eloise now, “and he quite rightly pointed out yours. You both thought you were immune to authority, untouchable. And you went on a power trip. Wrong move. You basically set your own trap.” And rather than constantly rise to their taunting behaviour over the past few weeks, she sat back and allowed them to unknowingly spring that trap.

I shrugged at them. “At least she didn’t whip the shit out of you – be grateful, because it hurts like a son of a bitch.”

“Collins, I think it would be a good idea for you and Eloise to leave tomorrow.” When they went to object, Antonio added, “You have caused quite enough damage – to the people here, and to yourselves.” Guided by Luther, a glum Collins and a cursing Eloise left the room. Antonio gave Sam an approving nod, smiling in amusement. “I hope I never end up on the wrong side of you. Do not forget that the announcement about the Coronation will be made on Friday evening.”

Like we could forget something like that. It only gave Sam and me tonight and tomorrow evening before everything changed. Once it was officially declared that Antonio’s rule was reaching an end, he would then begin relinquishing his authority little by little, deferring matters to us.

Seemingly satisfied by my nod, he followed after the others with the guards trailing behind him.

Sam released a cleansing sigh. “I’ve been waiting to say that shit for a
time.” She held her arm out to Dexter, who began to curl himself around it. “It was worth biding my time just to see the looks on their faces just then.”

have been if it wasn’t for the emotional toll it took on you and your gift.”

She waved her hand dismissively. “Watching a whirlwind sling her around was fun.” Now that Dexter’s entire body was twined around her arm, she said, “Novo.” He returned to his tattoo form, which began a slow slither upwards. She smiled at me. “Let’s go home. Apparently I need to give all my bottled up emotions an outlet; killing Magda all over again on the PlayStation will make me feel better.”

I smiled back, in the best mood after just watching her slap-down Collins and Eloise. “Sure thing, my homicidal psycho.”



Chapter Fourteen





Standing in front of the mirror, I tugged on the sleeves of my white shirt and scowled at my reflection. Many people looked good in suits – smart, sophisticated, and elegant. I was not one of those people. Instead, I looked like a kid playing ‘dress up’. Jeans, combat pants, tank tops, t-shirts – that was more my style…which was exactly why Fletcher had turned up at my apartment with this stuff. When I tugged at the sleeves again, he gently slapped at my hand.

“Stop fussing. You look fabulous.”

I snorted. “I don’t mind occasionally wearing a dress, but a suit? This just isn’t me.”

“Luv, I know you feel uncomfortable, but you can’t wear casual clothes tomorrow night while Antonio announces to the High Masters that you and Jared will soon be replacing him.”

I’d told Fletcher about the upcoming announcement yesterday evening, making him swear to keep it to himself until after it had been officially made by Antonio.

“You like the black high heels though, don’t you? Admit it.”

In truth, I quite liked them, but I was feeling too put-out to admit it. Going for aloof, I sniffed. “They’re all right.”

His smug expression said that he was seeing right through my act. “Shame Collins left last night.”

Surprised by his words, I pulled a face. “Is it?”

“I was planning to put hair remover in his NST.”

I laughed. “I don’t think he would have drunk it anyway. Not after you put laxatives in the last one you gave him.”

Fletcher smiled impishly. “The poor sod had about ten seconds between when a cramp struck him and when a shit actually popped out. Who would have thought he could run so fast? But when you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go.”

“I think I preferred it when you put a blob of hair in Eloise’s sandwich.”

His smile widened. “Took her at least fifteen minutes to realise it was a chunk of her own precious hair.”

Watching her balk and choke had been fun for everyone. “Right, I better get changed. Jared will be here any minute now to take me to the arena.” No doubt the squad would be just as joyous to not have ‘observers’ anymore while they trained.

Fletcher rooted through my wardrobe and pulled out a t-shirt and combat pants. “Where is that hunk of yours?”

When he plonked the clothes in my arms, I huffed indignantly. “I do know how to pick out clothes.”

He waved his hand dismissively. “Oh chillax and get ready.”

Rolling my eyes, I began to dress. “Bossy little sod, aren’t you?”

“Bossy? Not at all. I just know what you should be doing, wearing, and thinking.” Taking my new – and very boring – clothes, Fletcher hung them up in my wardrobe. “So, how do you feel about being made co-leader of our kind?”

I shrugged nonchalantly. “I knew the day would come eventually.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

I shot him an impatient look. “You’re an Empath; you know exactly how I’m feeling.”

“I can sense that you’re nervous. But you’re also worried. Something’s bugging you.”

Finally dressed, I sighed. “Jared’s keeping something from me.”

Fletcher perched himself on the edge of my bed. “What kind of ‘something’?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think it’s anything
bad, but whatever it is, it’s eating at him.”

“Have you asked him about it?”

“Yeah. He did a typical Jared thing and shut down.” But I wasn’t pissed off with him. Just disappointed and concerned.

“Luv, you know how guarded he can be,” Fletcher gently reminded me.

“But we’ve been working on that. Both of us have, because we’re both as bad as each other in that sense. Sometimes he buries his emotions so deep that I don’t have a prayer of understanding what’s going on in that head of his. This time, though, it’s different.”

“Different how?”

“He’s not hiding his emotions or being cagey. He just won’t tell me what the problem is. It’s like he’s torn about it – he wants me to know, yet he doesn’t.” I retrieved a hair-tie from my bedside cabinet and scooped my hair up into a ponytail. “I haven’t poked him about it because so much has been going on – his twin brother was dying, Collins and Eloise showed up and insisted on making our lives hell, I was bitten, and he’s also got the pressure of knowing that Antonio will have us replace him soon. I didn’t want to add to any of that pressure, so I kept quiet. But now that everything’s mostly okay, I’m tempted to ask him about it. He probably won’t tell me without a little pressure anyway.”

Fletcher was quiet for a minute, and I could tell his little mind was working away. “Maybe you should at least wait until after the announcement has been made. There’s a possibility that it’s something that could cause a little dispute between you, and you don’t want to be at odds with him at a time like this.”

That was a good point. “I just don’t like that something’s playing on his mind. And, yeah, it’s irritating me that I don’t know what it is. But mostly, I’m worried about him. He’s been through enough these past few weeks.” How he hadn’t snapped, considering his total lack of patience, I wasn’t sure.

“Then be here for him now. Don’t push him at a time when he needs you. You know you’re the only person he lets himself need; the only person who he wholeheartedly trusts. This is a time when you should be at each other’s side, presenting a united front and facing all these changes together and all that stuff.”

Why did he have to be right?

“You can spare the poor sod a little more time, can’t you?”

“Fine,” I grumbled.

Fletcher smiled, reaching over to pat my hand. “That’s my girl.”

At that moment, Jared appeared beside me.
Speak of the randy devil…

As usual, Fletcher melted at the sight of him. With a dreamy sigh, he got to his feet. “Don’t mind me. I’ll let myself out.” He gave me a look that said
Remember what I told you
. “See you later.” In vampire speed, he was gone from the apartment.

Jared held out his hand. “Ready?”

Smiling, I took his hand. “Yep.” In a blink, we were at the arena. The squad was filing inside, talking loudly and laughing.

When Max glanced around the spectator area and found it empty, he turned to me. “They’ve seriously gone?”

“They left last night,” I confirmed. The entire squad whooped at that. I felt like whooping along with them. I’d missed being able to work without having someone hovering over me, noting every itty bitty thing that I did and criticising my every move. Knowing that my shadow was gone and that the bitch of the century was no longer around to flirt with Jared, I couldn’t help smiling. Life was good.

“I heard that they’d left,” began Denny, “but I didn’t believe it. I couldn’t think of anything that would make them up and go like that.”

When Jared and I exchanged a smile, Reuben narrowed his eyes. “What did you do, Coach?”

“Are they still alive?” asked David.

Affronted, I huffed. It would take more than annoying behaviour to make me lose my cool enough to kill someone. “Yes, they’re still alive.”

“Damn,” muttered Damien. The others looked equally disappointed.

“Tell me you at least maimed them or something,” pleaded Stuart. Beside him, Harvey seemed hopeful.

Jared chuckled. “It was tempting, but no, they’re both still in one piece.”

Chico stroked his goatee. “Then how did you get them to leave?”

I joined my hands behind my back. “Let’s just say that since the case will undoubtedly be dropped, there was no reason for them to stick around and observe us any longer.”

“Which means we can work you as hard as we need to,” said Jared, grinning impishly. “So let’s move on quickly from the subject of those assholes because they’ve wasted enough of our time as it is.” The squad nodded, their expressions now determined. “Sam and I expect you to give your all tonight. Anything less is unacceptable, because there is absolutely no excuse in the world why you can’t give it to us after how average your recent training sessions have been.”

To their credit, they appeared to welcome the challenge as opposed to feel disheartened by it. But then, no doubt holding back for so long had been frustrating – a little like driving a Porsche but only being able to travel at thirty miles per hour.

From the very first minute of the training session, Jared and I worked the squad hard. We
to. It was imperative that they were at their best, because the worry that lay in the back of my mind was that if something happened to me, Jared would instantly die too, and then the squad would be alone. As such, smack bam in the middle of a particular training exercise, I interrupted with, “Did you hear that outside?” The false panic that I’d injected into my voice had them all tensing, instantly alert. “It sounded like…an explosion.” Wide-eyed, they listened intently.

Jared frowned.
Baby, what are you doing?

Trust me
. When the squad heard nothing and their unease melted into confusion, they glanced at each other questioningly.

“Coach, I didn’t hear anything,” said Butch.

“That’s because there was no explosion. But imagine if there was. Imagine if, while you lot are training or lounging around or playing basketball, you suddenly hear that The Hollow’s defences have been breached. Worse, a battle is now ensuing. Furthermore, Jared and I have been captured and quite possibly killed. What do you do?”

Shocked by my abrupt change in exercise, they didn’t move or speak. Interrupting their exercises for any reason wasn’t something that I usually did. But I was doing it to make a point.

“The last time the walls were attacked, we knew in advance thanks to a vision from Luther, and we were well prepared. But Luther doesn’t foresee everything. And if you think that the next vampires who attack – and vampires
eventually attack this place again one day – will do so while you’re alert and ready, you’ve got another thing coming. They’ll want to use the element of surprise and catch you off-guard. They’ll try to remove Antonio, Jared, and me from the equation first – not only because we’re powerful, but because it would affect everyone’s morale in a huge way and instil utter fear in you all. So, I’ll say it again: let’s imagine this place has been infiltrated, that you don’t have commanders now, that you need to rely on each other…what do you do?”

As I’d expected, they each cast glances at Chico, naturally looking to him for leadership. Noticing that, he straightened to his full height, accepting the responsibility. “That’s where I come in.”

Jared folded his arms across his chest. “And what is it that you’ll do, Chico?” Understanding how my mind worked, Jared now knew exactly what the purpose of all this was. “You’re now responsible for your squad’s safety and you have to lead them into battle, it’s now down to you to guide them.”

“I’d pair us up, just like how Coach told us to pair up during the last battle. Salem with Reuben, me with Damien, Stuart with Denny, David with Butch, and Max with Harvey
. That way, everyone has someone looking out for them whose gift complements theirs in some way.” The rest of the squad nodded, seemingly pleased with the plan.

“You wouldn’t decide to simply charge into the battle as a whole to compensate for not having us with you?” I asked, pursing my lips.

“No, because we’ll already be shaken by you guys not being there. The worst thing to do would be to deviate from what we’ve been trained to do. We’d stick to what we know.”

I smiled. “Excellent answer.” I spoke to them all then. “We’re your commanders and we’re powerful, but we’re not invincible. If something were to happen to us, you will still be expected to fight alongside the other squads. You cannot afford to dwell or to have a moment of doubt. You need to turn any emotions you feel into fuel, and you need to protect this place and the people within it.”

“I know what it’s like to suddenly find yourself without a commander,” said Jared, beginning to slowly pace. “It happened to the squad I joined when I was first accepted into the legion. It’s scary. It’s a shock to your system. It can shake your confidence. And that’s exactly what your enemy would be counting on in that situation. No other commander would try to lead you because they wouldn’t know enough about you and your capabilities. It would mean that you guys were on your own.”

Unease snaked around the entire squad as they cast each other nervous glances.

“But that doesn’t have to be a bad thing,” continued Jared. “You know each other inside out. You know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. You know who the best strategist is, who is the fastest, who is the stealthiest, and who is physically the strongest – you know all of this information, and you can take advantage of it.”

“We’re going to try something a little different now.” Tapping into the energy of the earth, I built a large wall near the far end of the arena. Following that, I added a few ledges to the rear of it before springing to the top and perching myself on the edge. Jared joined me. “I want you to imagine that this wall is the entrance of a building. Commander Michaels and I have been captured and you suspect that we are being kept behind it. For all you lot know, we could in fact be dea

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